#hello hello! wonderful to meet you!!!
edenpoise · 6 months
why are you doing all of this ? - also from lilith, for the revengeful wrath verse. c: hello!
⁽ @gctchell ⁾ ― : meme. from here .
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E . ― IT WAS ALMOST LAUGHABLE HOW A SIMPLE QUESTION COULD INVOKE SUCH FESTERING EMBERS. as if she didn't know, as if she wasn't a direct cause towards her own undoing. eve could barely settle her expression from morphing to portray those inner feelings. no. she was better than that. BLACKENED eyes stared down at the once proud figure- the ( first woman ) hellish queen that stepped the line of being pitiful &. pathetic. " you're ignorance knows no bounds, lilith. "
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her voice betrays her expression. a disgust leaking from the tone as chains rattled and looped- tendrils of blacken threads tightened their VICIOUS hold. it kept the powerful monarch from resistance. it kept eve in control. just they way she liked it. the way it should ALWAYS be, of all people within this wretched world ... she deserved it the most. had she not suffered for CENTURIES- ? watching the consequences that clung to her sins. the constant belittle within the time of history. everything heaving on her shoulders- had she not earned this right alone to finally get what she d e s e r v e s? it was long overdue ... and simply enough ... lilith was simply a key in this all. eve would bend- fingers hooking underneath the sharp chin of the elder woman, eyes blazing as they locked together, " but that's not you're fault ... my true HATRED doesn't lie with you ... but unfortunately for you- you married a man that ruined me. " a otherworldly being who's words brought temptation into a peaceful garden where it was never meant to be. for consequences to weigh so heavily. for years she had blamed herself, but why continue such actions when truly- how could she N O T blame the one responsible for introducing her to such possibilities? he had to know the consequences, what would happen to her- to her f a m i l y.
did lilith have to suffer the sight of her children fighting?? did lilith have to witness the fruits of her labour fall to ruin and rot?? DID LILITH HAVE TO WATCH HER ELDEST CHILD MURDER THEIR SIBLING- eve takes a breath, eyes closed for a moment before she straightened herself. she managed to bring the looming smile back to her lips, her eyes flickering with satisfaction. she was close to her goal now, lilith was with her- lucifer was suffering. soon heaven shall follow with that ruin- the path of right and wrong would become so blurred one could barely tell what the line was. and eve shall once again obtain that peaceful place in the light. " i'm doing what i need to. simple as that. "
it was a swift turn on her heel- the once dim gem upon her neck gleamed a faint g l o w. her skin turning a pale purple- her hair curling and draping further to her feet. a blonde hue taking over the colors of auburn. eve turns towards lilith, the woman's own visage staring back at her with her eased smile,
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" it's my turn to find my happiness. "
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beargyufairy · 9 months
We were both young when I first saw you
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I close my eyes and the flashback starts
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I'm standin' there on a balcony in summer air
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See the lights
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see the party
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the ball gowns
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See you make your way through the crowd
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And say, "Hello"
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wiseabsol · 1 month
(Gets to the end of the most recent Worlds Beyond Number episode. Yells out loud.) FUCK!
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gunkbaby · 4 months
the creature is autistic
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rouge-fauna · 8 days
I'm a c!Tommy fan and didn't mind your aspd c!Tommy post. I don't think it was ableist. I don't exactly agree with it either though but you have a right to say it and not get talked about behind your back. I'm sorry that happened. I would probably send an ask about my interpretation in the distant future once all this has calmed down and the abundance of c!Tommy asks have stopped 😅 ❤️
I really appreciate you saying that. :) I’m glad I haven’t pissed everyone off lol, whether you agree or don’t, or like c!Tommy or don't. I mean I personally don't think it's really right to talk badly about people behind their back anyways, but it certainly does feel a little unreasonable to call me dumb, crazy and delusional without even trying to have a conversation with me. What's sad is that there are points to be made and would have been interesting to discuss like an alternative diagnosis or looking more at the diagnosing criteria. Like this is not a hill I would die on, it's not my favorite analysis or take, it's just an opinion and viewpoint I shared with reasons why, the context of which was actually countering the argument of people calling c!Dream a psychopath.
And while I'm at it, I would like to note a few things. In the essay I didn't even call c!Tommy evil or ASPD evil, and I have tried to be very clear that by no means do I believe c!Tommy deserved to be abused in Exile or any other time. And in regards to the alignment chart, I really disliked that analysis anyways. It just doesn't really work. It's a simplified tool for dnd to help people stay to character, but how do you decide what is good, lawful, and evil in a story where, as I have talked about so many times, there is no true system of laws or government, and no widely accepted bounds of morality... So just to be clear, I will reiterate - no one deserves abuse, I do not think c!Tommy is "evil" or the "Bad guy" and I do not think there is a dsmp character who is. And while it may seem like I have a vendetta or am targeting c!Tommy specifically, that's just where discussion has lead recently, mostly because of the finale, anons, and also because of noticing how often c!Tommy calls c!Dream a psychopath I thought it was interesting to look at how it might be the other way around...
Also... I guess... I don't know, aren't y'all bored of having the same old discussions and takes on c!Dream, c!Tommy, c!Wilbur, c!Punz, c!Tubbo... etc over and over? Is it not fun to look at things in a different way and say - what if this is true or - that is true and how does that change things? Is it not interesting to take the same story and lore and see if it can be seen still canonically in a different way? I mean, applying diagnosis is never going to fit perfectly, not just because I'm a 23 year old autistic engineer not a psychologist of any kind, but also mostly because we only have a set chaotic few years of them to look at with no past to base on. But beyond that, isn't it fun and interesting to see if it fits, if it provides an explanation for behavior we didn't have before? Is it so wrong of me to try and see if there are fun new ways of looking at lore instead of having detailed ships and aus?...
Anyways sorry, I may have gotten carried away there, it has been a long Monday. Regardless, it is a shame that it ruined the chance for actual exciting productive conversation and discussion to happen, because I can't say I am not curious on your interpretation. Guess we will just circle back around to it (it seems to be inevitable at his point lol) <3 <3 <3
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Hey -waves my hand in the air like I’m conjuring something- um....what if Neelix ran up to Tuvok, doing his mail rounds, and was like “Ooh here you are again Mr. Vulcan! It’s from your children!” and Tuvok was like don’t read my mail (I only read the veeery start!) and Tuvok looks at it and raises an eyebrow. He hands the PADD back to Neelix. “It’s for you.”
Neelix is confused. For him? No, this is from Tuvok’s children. He’s sure...and then he looks down and sees that after greetings, small family updates and well wishes to Tuvok, they have instructed for him to give the PADD to Neelix.  Neelix is shocked. He looks at Tuvok and asks if it’s?? Okay??? Is it okay to just read this?? (It’s addressed to you.) Should you stay here and read it with me?? (There is no need. I have work to do. -pointed look at his stack of PADDS- as do you.) So Neelix finishes delivering the rest of the PADDS then runs off to his quarters before thinking its too intimate and instead going off to read in some slow corner of the ship.  The writer of the letter appears to Tuvok’s eldest, Sek - though as Neelix reads more he is introduced to basically his entire family who all have something they have asked Sek to dictate or mention. The very first one is “My daughter T’Meni has asked me to inform you that she is three years old, can tie her own shoes and ate all of her dinner last night. Important information, no doubt. All true.”   The letter is mainly just a very typical letter, like one would send a family member. They all say they were pleased to hear that not only was Voyager still operational but that Tuvok was alive and well. They say that Neelix has been mentioned quite a bit by both Tuvok and other crew members (whose families have in turn mentioned him to each other). They say that if he’s anxious about whether or not there will be a place for him upon Voyager’s return - they hope this letter will ease that anxiety.  Elieth thanks him for his ‘resilience’ in ‘dealing with my father’s taciturn nature.’ (Neelix grins, is that a sense of humor!?) Asil details a recipe which she has found to be hearty and broadly pleasing to most aliens she has encountered. Varith says that Starfleet is very interested in Talaxians as an unencountered species.  Sek finishes off the letter saying that his mother wishes to meet Neelix the next time Voyager is able to establish contact with Starfleet and video call. He then says, very quickly as if brushing past it, that they all understand to some extent the emptiness which can come from being without family. He hopes this letter has, perhaps, been a drop within that emptiness.  Neelix is very touched. Beyond touched actually. Then he freaks out. A video call!?? MEETING T’Pel!?? Tuvok’s treasured wife!?? He runs to Tuvok (I am eating.) and explains the situation. Tuvok appears proud of his children’s thoughtfulness and a bit dubious about Neelix meeting T’Pel. Neelix is anxious: Why, do you think she won’t like me?? (On the contrary. I believe she will ‘like’ you very much.) Then the day comes where they can talk to their family members for however many minutes they get this time and Neelix is so pleased to have someone to look forward to talking to!! Even though he’s also so nervous about it!! He goes to Tuvok, worried. I’m so nervous to meet her. This is your /wife/ we’re talking about after all!! Should I dress up?? (There is no need to ‘dress up’, this is hardly a formal occasion. -squints- ...perhaps you could comb your hair.) Then it happens and Neelix MEETS T’Pel. He’s nervous and stammering and he should have known she’d be beautiful but also she’s so important to Tuvok and she’s REAL and oh wow oh wow. T’Pel asks him to calm down. She’s certain Tuvok has exaggerated her attributes, he has a tendency to do so. “Only because he loves you Mrs. Vulcan- I mean, Mrs. Tuvok?? Mrs....oh, he never told me-!” T’Pel tilts her head as if considering something. “T’Pel will be adequate. Though...Mrs. Vulcan does have a certain ring to it.” And Idk man...just seeing Neelix so happy about passing out those letters and stuff made me go ‘ahhhhghghhhh and he doesn’t have ANYONE waiting for him!!!’ and that it’d be nice if someone sent him a lil letter....and I chose Tuvok’s family to do that because  1 Look at my blog then deep into my eyes and tell me HONESTLY that you don’t think I’d shoehorn them into whatever situation possible 2 I think it would take a certain amount of divorce from one’s own emotions to give up a very rare chance to speak with your loved one. Sometimes it takes a certain unyielding logic to be extremely kind.
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bearsbeetsbeskar · 1 year
face reveal and fics recommendations !
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Hello there!
With the lovely new followers I figured it was due time to show my face. Thank you for following and enjoying the nonsense I post on here!
Fics I have been devouring lately (all contain smut bc let's be real here):
Stay in Bed by @psychedelic-ink (joel miller x reader, one sided tommy miller x reader) because who doesn't need more preoutbreak! joel???
Learning to Live by @wheresarizona (Javier pena x f!reader - post colombia and narcos s3), soft!javi does things to me, so many things, and the smut is to die for
Palomino by @fuckyeahdindjarin (agent whiskey x f!reader), whiskey on a dude ranch + horses? nuff said, and the smut is delectable
The World is Light Embodied by @davnittbraes (Din Djarin x f!reader), the ANGST, THE FEELS, THE FLUFF ugh it's so good
Infections of a Different Kind by @psychedelic-ink (FEDRA javier p. x firefly!reader), very excited to read about Javi in a crossover AU
I need more fic recommendations, drop them below! any and all pedro characters! drabbles, oneshots, longer WIPs (smut included pls), I NEED THEM ALL
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lanternlightss · 8 months
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happy birf @gracefullilyofthevalley :]
also a silly bonus bc they do help sdbdj:
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northseas · 4 months
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void-botanist · 7 months
that last post made me realize that Keearo 100% imprinted on various potential father figures among the palace staff after arriving there when he was 10, such as:
William Honey, one of Aza and Sheri's handlers, who rebuffed him until he gave up and concluded along with Aza and Sheri that the Honeys were part of the enemy
Emmitt Caraches, one of the royal archivists and possibly the tallest person on staff, who is completely a teddy bear
Tobi Hop, head gardener, who absolutely does not consider himself a father figure but continually acted like one anyway
Hoven Lolimmo, acquisitions and cataloging librarian, who got along splendidly with this kid who liked reading books but was thoroughly useless at helping with anything not directly book-related
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allen-arthur · 2 years
Hi! Nice to meet you guys! My cat has something for you two, nai!
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Arthur: “Oh my goodness look how adorable you are. Here take 20 dabloons, but don’t let Alfred and Alejandro know I took some from their wallets. It will be our secret.
It is wonderful to meet you as well love.”
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Hi, I’m 25 and finally learning how to do emotions. Better late than never I would say :D
It involves great realizations as ‘I’m allowed to feel what now??’ and ‘What do you mean it’s not normal to feel that heavily about this tiny little thing?’
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claudiaeparvier · 2 years
hm…the feminine urge to write an AU where Lestat doesn’t kill Lily
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hoshinomulti · 2 days
Mualani bends down in front of the Kirby before smiling “Hi I’m Mualani!”
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Kassie was taking a nap after her little snack break when she heard a voice that just completely distracted her from the dream she was having. She wakes up from her slumber and looks up at the girl. Blinking twice while half awake, she picks up her glasses and squints at her. Strange, the female pink puff has never seen her before. But she always loves to meet new friends! Although... she isn't fully awake.
❝ oh... hey... I'm Kassie... ❞
She replied in a tired voice while giving a slow wave.
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alimeq92 · 29 days
Hello everyone
I will tell you my story about the war in the Gaza Strip, and I hope you will help me get out to safety. Thank you very much.
I am Ali Miqdad, 33 years old, and my wife, Aya Hamdan, 25 years old. I have two children, my beloved, who is 5 years old and Adam, who is 2 years old
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In light of the war on us, we lost everything: home, money, business, and even clothes. I paid everything in the house and business that I had because of the bombing that we witnessed throughout the days. To this day, we have been displaced several times, and the first night was very difficult. In the morning, it was our first displacement and exit from the house, and then we lost. We all lost our beautiful memories and the wonderful things that me and the family used to live on
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We lost our beautiful memories and the wonderful things that my family and I used to live on. The hardest thing we lost was safety and peace due to the violent bombing that surrounded us at every time and moment and in all the places to which we were displaced. Also, the days that we spent in displacement several times were difficult due to the lack of work to obtain. For money, clothes, food, water, and meeting the needs of the family and the needs of the children, especially since we are in tents and there is no healthy food or medicine due to the spread of diseases.
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Through the process of repeated displacement, we lost the stable and recreational life that I used to live with my wife, my children, Habiba and Adam, who lost their beautiful childhood, the first days of their childhood, and their toys that they loved and played with all the time. My daughter, Habiba, lost her studies in kindergarten, and my wife, who suffers from fatigue and exhaustion all the time. As a result of displacement from one place to another, and from tent to tent, which completely changed the nature of our lives from a beautiful house to a tent in the middle of the street in which we sleep.
I need your cooperation and help in raising money to leave the Gaza Strip because leaving the Strip is due to the heat🙏🇵🇸
Thank you
Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #54 )
@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @amaspayrollmanager@fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq
@humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly@sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate@commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist@feluka @marnota
@toughknit @flower-tea-fairies@the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt@vivisection-gf@communistchameleon @troythecatfish@the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 3 months
Hey, I'm wondering when you took over this thing What were you doing? I guess looking for russet like it's unlikely you stumbled on this app/site by accident with Russets account. What were you even going/looking for initially? Also you said this is a waste of time somewhere, do you still think that I mean you are "socializing" more here then you are in school?
// I think I posted my last ask off anon, didn't push the button just pretend it is, on that account, maybe so you know it's me tormenting people, im the on-your-side anon or Oys for short, hi.
Anyway great work on the blog I said this before but I love this all even if I'm new, still trying to backread on stuff, I like what im reading so far.
Have a nice day/evening/night/morning
... I was coming to look for Russet. I found one of his notebooks - he really needs to stop fucking losing them - so I was going to give it back to him. I found his computer still running and decided to check it, since last I knew, he didn't use the damn thing.
... I still don't see the point to the website. I don't really get it. I don't need to socialize, I don't need people to like me. All I've done here is argue with people, which feels... Pointless. The whole thing seems like more trouble than it's worth.
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