#i feel like my review was like ADHD freak...repeatedly
roseband · 7 months
...@ the rose release the rest of the dates for other countries so i can determine when i need to request pto
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micerhat · 2 years
Otherwise, it’s been ‘fun times’ at work. Boss is retiring soon and is determined to give me a nervous breakdown by attacking my skills as a teacher repeatedly because I’m having difficulty with teaching with three children with extreme behavioral needs (like major room destroying/comfortable with throwing items or punches at us or other students/little to no impulse control/regulatory skills) - so trying to get the rest of the class needs met is a challenge with these three kicking off repeatedly… like every twenty minutes.
I’ve already been told ‘there’s no shame in quitting’, insinuated that I need to start doing my planning time off the clock or at home - along with a putative ‘No using your computer to work even with a coteacher in the room - you need a coteacher and a rarely available float - and if a kid doesn’t nap - whelp, guess you’re fucked’ rule, and HR has gotten involved because she got me to the point of full on crying, anxiety and feeling like an imposter going full tilt in my head. Her replacement didn’t know what the fuck was going on, asked me a question and bam I’m fucking sobbing.
She tried to corner me again after a meeting with a parent that I was not included in to confront me about an incident that didn’t even occur in my room (happened previous year) and than said I needed to lower my voice and calm down because she ‘sensed aggression’ - the fuck. She knows I have anxiety and ADHD and I swear she’s rattling my cage on purpose to fire me if I freak out.
But the kicker? We do this every year. We score low, push for screening, have the ‘talks’ with the parents to step up, get the kids into the more intensive small group program and we work our asses off to get scores up - only this year has been her telling us we automatically are shit because art bins aren’t full, we’re consistent but than can’t be because we need to be flexible and manage the classroom but be hands off and we are telling children ‘No’ and can’t do that apparently?
Up is down, and skies are blue but not on Tuesday kinda bullshit.
So yeah. She’s gone stupid in the head and I still have to do a performance review with her.
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