#i feel like this implies he's just Immortal which. yeah that checks out tbh.
labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
one of my favorite things about alice's wonderland bakery is the fact that nearly everyone is a child/descendant of the characters from the original disney movie EXCEPT for the cheshire cat. like that's just straight up the one from the movie & i love that for him.
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chironshorseass · 4 years
After seeing the ask about percy’s fight with Hyperion and the significance of his powers, I was wondering what you think about Percy becoming afraid of water/drowning in hoo
😳😳😳😳😳😳 ok this is...yeah this makes me lose it as well HELP
i think that this fear, while having a lot to do with the circumstances, is more so because of his fatal flaw. let me explain lol.
it began during som, which was a time when percy wasn’t sure on anything. he’d just gotten a prophecy about the son of neptune drowning, which i expected more than just. drowning on dirt sfkjhskfjh but that’s not what we’re here for. he gets this prophecy, right? and obviously, it freaks him out. he barely knows anything about himself, but what he does know is that he can breathe underwater. also his memory was wiped, but his powers stayed with him, which is evidence enough about what i wrote earlier, that his powers are a bigger part of him than we think.
so the few things he knows in that moment are a) annabeth, b) that his name is percy jackson, c) common knoledge, as in things he has learned. i.e about mythology and the gods, and d) that he’s a son of neptune and water protects him. logically, he can’t drown. but in his mind, he starts to believe that he can. 
this gets me going to my main point: his fear is linked to his fatal flaw. it’s canon that his fatal flaw is personal loyalty, right? 
but honestly, i don’t believe it for a second.
 taylor explained this really well in her analysis, and it makes sense! percy’s fatal flaw isn’t personal loyalty at all, it’s control. every hero, no matter how powerful, has a doomsday. they will die, one way or another. and tbh every character that we’ve read about could be considered loyal, but what differentiates them is one specific factor. and in percy’s case, that factor is control. he can’t stand others taking the lead instead of him. that’s why he volunteered to be part of the quest in som and ttc. he knows perfectly well that thalia, for example, is more than capable of rescuing annabeth, but he wanted to do it himself. 
characters like thalia, leo, piper, silena, annabeth, etc have been known to sacrifice/put themselves in danger for a friend. and it’s not something strange, it’s just their hero complex. nothing new. and besides, if percy was actually loyal to a fault, he would’ve already died. in the end, i feel like it’s his drive to be in charge that actually gets in the way, his loyalty just so happens to go hand in hand with that. and anyway, all of his displays of loyalty, are, in my opinion, completely normal for someone that is in those specific situations.
shoving that aside, what’s fatal to him is control. the entire point of the sea, the ocean, is about control. again, check out taylor’s post. no one can control the sea; the sea controls you instead. you can’t fight it. it’s impossible...except for poseidon and his children and other sea deities. what people excuse as personal loyalty, is more so, in my logic, percy wanting to be in control of the situation. it’s all he’s good at, and this is heavily influenced by his connection to the sea, by him literally being a part of the sea and the sea being a part of him. he can make it do anything he pleases. it’s something so intrinsically woven in him, that not even the gods could take it away.
and that’s another thing: gods can technically take away their children’s powers, because they are the ones who blessed them with said powers in the first place. in mythology, the gods have been known to gift demigods superhuman abilities, and it’s kind of implied in pjo as well. but for percy, that’s not the case at all. he’s a literal part of poseidon’s sphere of influence. that’s why he’s so powerful. like wtf...why would poseidon gift him with so many abilities??? no, no, no...that was not meant to happen; we see this because the gods are legitimately afraid of him. hell, the only way they could subdue him was to make him a god, that way he could at least follow the rules that immortals have to live by. they wanted to take away his freedoms as a hero. 
so...this is my point: percy becomes afraid of drowning because he believes that poseidon somehow took away his powers. but we see that that’s not the case. he can still breathe underwater, and his abilities, if anything, grow throughout the books. but again, percy doesn’t know this. he is obsessed with the idea of someone depriving him of the only surety he has, the only control he truly masters: the sea. he can’t stand the thought of this, and that’s when his control becomes fatal, because he is internalizing that his influence over water is diminishing. and when he internalizes it and realizes that, “hey, maybe i can’t breathe underwater because i'm somehow cursed,” it becomes a reality. 
he’s insecure to begin with, what with amnesia plus everything that has happened to him in his life. and him realizing that he can’t have that control?? a recipe for disaster. this fear, could potentially be what finally kills him.
the only way to solve this is if he discovers the truth about himself. which is that he has always had a connection to the sea (that will never diminish) and that it’s physically impossible for poseidon to punish him by stealing this connection. when that happens...he’s finally going to let go for real. FOR REAL. but the gods won’t tell him and now IM JUST
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
P1. I'll admit I'm a pretty casual viewer. I checked out of the fandom mid season 2 but still watch and gloss over the eps, but anyway how is it that Betty is getting more hate about this from both B/J fans and B/A fans and Archie is getting very little??? She made a mistake. It wasn't vindictive or to punish Jughead, I don't really know why she did it but I can see it doesn't come from malicious intent. Archie was happy to fool around with Betty if she had agreed and that is so super gross.
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Hello you cinnamon bun! 
I mean, sexism. 
That’s it. Maybe people don’t like hearing it. Maybe people think they’re not acting that way. People are biased. People prefer Jughead. Sometimes I think there’s a small section of shippers who love Betty because Jughead does so she’s already fighting a losing battle of standards she’s almost always incapable of meeting because she’s got their fave’s heart in her hands. 
I have ships where I prefer one over the other, tbh. I have ships where I love them equally. I have ships where I can multi-ship one and not the other. It’s just one of those things. 
So, hey, I’m not here to police how people ship. Everyone can do what they want. But it’s pretty clear by the rewriting of history over the last few weeks that women can’t win for losing and Betty is no exception.
There’s a lot of other thoughts in there I have that I’m sure people would love to misinterpret but they’re allowed to feel how they feel, I’m not in charge of them.
I think B/A fans are always going to rationalize their ship. I’ve seen some say that Jughead is degrading to her (Feminist Icon Jughead Jones? I mean, I’m being a little facetious but let’s be real, that’s A Take™ on Jughead’s character to insinuate he’s ever been like that towards Betty) or that he’s the reason for her “darkness” among other things. 
It’s easy to rationalize your opinions when you put yourself in an echo chamber of people always telling you they agree and that you’re right. So, they’re constantly reinforcing each other (the way all shippers do tbh) how right they are and how it’s true love, etc, because Archie looked at Betty while she was speaking in a scene. The mark of true love, I hear, is to look at someone while they’re talking. 
They’re being pretty selective with the part where Betty says she thinks a part of her has been in love with Archie for the last 10 years from what I can see too. They’re definitely leaving out the part where Cheryl calls Betty out about it being untrue. Which is their right. They can ignore the context if they want, I’m not trying to insert myself in their ship. 
I do take issue with the idea that Betty seems to be Archie’s reward for being A Good Boy™. That’s...gross. Their fave doesn’t get the girl they want for him because they think he’s better than Jughead (that seems to be the consensus for some, they don’t like Jughead. Can’t relate but to each their own). There seems to be a bit of “Betty had a crush on him, she should get him” as well. Which, yeah, that sounds like a big dose of “I didn’t get what I wanted so I’m going to project” to me but whatever. 
Also, who the hell gets every crush they wanted? I sure as hell didn’t. No one I know did. My first big huge crush was my first big heartbreak so, like, sometimes shit just doesn’t go to plan. 
But yeah, Betty’s getting the worse end of the stick on this one and Archie did come off badly. It really did read like he was ready to start messing around with Betty while they’re both dating other people. Even the song sort of implied it, with the whole “give me tonight” thing. 
And I agree, I wouldn’t be interested in someone with a significant other and I wouldn’t romanticize it in one of my ships either. In the immortal words of Lizzo, let us all join hands and sing: I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever be your side chick. 
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