#i feel like v.olo wouldn't be too different
alexcutecolly · 6 months
ok i have more time now and youre 100% right hes so kind at heart and hed be really kind to us when were safe inside him and he likes to let us know were safe too!! and if he gets happy enough he could see later the world didnt have to get remade!! being his friend and talking to him all the time and we can help him feel better from the inside out!! i rly want our teams to be friends too that would be so fun!!
m.erman!v.olo would be rly excited to be with us and have the company to talk to on his trups and adventures!! and uuuuu his happy NOMF would be so cute i think I like him alot x333 I wanna be with him alot hed be fun!!
v.olo uwu
Warning: P.okemon Legends: A.rceus spoilers below!
Yes! He'd try his best to make us feel safe! x3 also I love vore being a solution that prevents him from trying to remake the world xD because it's like you said, he'd realize he needs companionship and someone that understands him, and a friend in him would really help with that x3 ❤️
We could talk for hours about anything, and just the fact that we're listening to him would make him feel much more relieved x3 ❤️ I have a soft spot for damaged people feeling better after healthy, heart-warming moments, and even being able to smile would be so so important for him ;-; gosh I'm almost tearing up, V.olo deserved so much better in his own story 😭 ;-; ;-;
Also, after his battle he claims he was alone while we were fighting alongside our p.okemon. I don't think this is true, in his team he has not 1, not 2, but 3 mons that evolve from high friendship, and I seriously do not believe that he doesn't love and cherish them like friends ;-; plus he's very much like a dog person because of his personality, so having a H.isuian A.rcanine makes sense as well xD
Yessssss, he'd always be so excited to discuss what he discovered by recovering artefacts and exploring the ruins underwater! And an alternative for us to be with him as he swims in the depths would be a kind of deep sea diver suit, so we too can fully participate in adventuring very in deep in the ocean! x3 some scuba diver equipment would work too if we're staying closer to the surface, and a funny thought that I had would be about V.olo playfully getting us in his mouth after sucking in some water, as he stands behind us xD
He'd also eat us for protection, for example if a big predator p.okemon is approaching and we can't get away fast enough ;-; he'd feel terribly guilty if we got injured somehow, or even worse! So yeah, he'd go full on "Woe, NOMF be upon ye" mode xD
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alexcutecolly · 7 months
thanx for the concern! I’ve been rly exhausted recently but mayb resting in v.olo’s stomach or intestines while he rubs his belly would fix me >w< and he would enjoy that alot too I hope!! I love him a bunch
omg yes! V.olo falling asleep laying on us while we’re in there is so good!! uuu hearing his heart slow down all around us and knowing hes comfy and full!! ❤️
the first time would b a little scary for us and him too but it would be so relaxing after a bit and uuu can you imagine him feeling us slip behind his collarbone the first time ? and then he learns it really helped us relax and not work too much abd hed have more fun with it!! and making friends with his team is rly cute too a cuddle pile would be great and soft! and if he eats us or doesnt hed be so fun to hear talk about his favorite things like ruins n myths!!
omg you drew him as a merman that’s great!! What if he said we got the artefacts together cuz we were with him the whole time? and you’re right he’d be so warm and swaying back n forth when he’s swimming would be nice too!!
uuuuuu yes!! ❤️ and halfsize means he can savor us more and maybe lick his lips and sigh after he gets us all the way down in his human half but we still have a long way to go to get into a comfy spot in his coils where he could lay on us! uuuu omg omg a kiss where were resting in him is making me blush uwu hes so cute!
- v.olo uwu
ps. omg this ended up rly long sry
I'm finally here, I'm so sorry for the wait dear anon! 😓 I hope you're feeling better now! 😟 And oh don't worry about long asks! Write as much as you like! 💕
Mmmmm, V.olo's belly and intestines would definitely be of great help! 🥺 Imagine if they had healing abilities tbh! Like, no matter how exhausted or sick we are, some hours of rest inside of him and we're feeling like brand new! x3 and of course he'd love that! He could let himself relax for a bit and rub our spot, or even fall asleep as he does! 💕 Either option would be so cute hehe, and it'd feel so peaceful to be on the inside while he's slumbering ❤️
Oh yeah the first time ever would definitely be so so terrifying for us!! We wouldn't know if it'd be safe or not to stay inside his stomach, or if we could even be able to breathe at all! I feel like V.olo would feel a little calmer than us though, since he's the one that proposed the idea after all, and maybe he even practiced with some food before! x3
It'd be a whole different experience with a tiny wriggling person though, so he'd be surprised at first to feel us slide down and past his collarbone after swallowing us ❤️ and then we realize no harm is done in his belly and it's actually a soothing event for the both of us, and it turns into a pleasant habit from that moment forward x3
His team would really adore us imo! Like, we could sit down with his T.ogekiss and H.isuian A.rcanine by a bonfire and discuss various topics, like myths and the inscriptions/pictograms found in some ruins as we pet our mons 😭❤️ it'd just be a good time between close friends!
Oh thank you anon! 💕 I'm pretty proud of that drawing, hehe. I think V.olo would definitely say we found the artifacts together, since he's both technically not wrong and also a very endearing guy ❤️ I feel like the inside of his belly would be a little splashy for us because of some water he ingested, but other than that it'd warm us up and we could travel safely with him ❤️ also I think his m.erman scales would be golden imo, cause they'd look really good on him!
Ikr??? Half-size vore is amazing, cause it lets the pred take more of their time with eating and savouring the prey; it's a slower process than g/t vore, but it makes it even more satisfying for the devourer! You're so right btw, I can see n.aga!V.olo sighing and licking his lips once he's finished gulping us down, humming softly as he curls up in his coils and waits until we get to his tail stomach x3 💕 And we deserve a swift kiss when we do, because we've been such a good prey! Hehe, the idea makes me blush too! >w< ❤️
Also dear v.olo uwu anon, what do you think of the new L.egends game that's just been announced? I've never played the X./Y games, but it looks like I'll have to check them out in the future xD how about you?
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alexcutecolly · 7 months
omg yes yes the teasing and rubbing at us would be so cute even if it was after the last fight! and more stories with him are always good! it makes me really happy to see someone else who sees him as more then just the villain cause he’s really lonely! I want to find him again too and you’re right if he has us deep in him he wont be alone anymore!
ps. I was looking at your first answer again and I lost to gi.ratina the first time i battled him so I guess i know where I’m going! ❤️
v.olo uwu
V.olo uwu anon! Hi again! 💕
It's super duper cute, yeah! 😭❤️ He'd poke and massage his belly with care still, regardless of context 🥺❤️
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Though for our character such a change in story events would be actually quite frightening and stressful, since we'd be used to V.olo nomming us in a very endearing and protective way up until that moment, but now him devouring us after our defeat absolutely carries a more sinister and less willing meaning to it 🥺 I admit I wouldn't dislike it, but it'd definitely feel very different 😭
I imagine that he would eat us after the fight if we refuse to hand over the plates, or we turn down his offer to take A.rceus down together 🤔 and I mean, it's not like we could resist or something, being shrunken as we are in the scenario xD
I'll do my best to keep writing those wips tbh! I just tend to get stuck with making certain mechanics work in a believable way, like the whole shrinking-and-vore thing xD
Omg I know what you mean, it's always amazing to find other empathetic V.olo fans! Thankfully the majority of the people I know in the community feel the same way, and it's a relief ❤️
Personally I enjoy both sides of his personality tbh, but I despise those who ignore how he must have been feeling to come to the conclusion that the world he lives in is unsalvageable, and thus must be remade anew ;-; plus realizing that your own god decided you're not worthy enough of consideration must hurt a lot... ;-; ;-; ;-;
I think we might see him again in M.asters Ex since he's been teased a bit there, but I'm not downloading a gacha game to find out tbf x3 the V.olo community will definitely explode when it happens tho, so I'm just going to giggle, kick my legs in the air and see what it's all about ❤️ what do you think of all these teasers, dear anon?
And omg xD you might have lost on that first try, but you earned a swift trip to his tummy in exchange! He'd save you from world destruction, and in the meantime you fill his belly and keep him company! It's a fair deal to me xDD plus he could eat us again after resetting the world and creating another from scratch, depending on how we feel about the whole ordeal 🥺
Imo though V.olo wouldn't actually wish to erase from existence all those who live in H.isui (I'd be very fine with K.amado being gone tho. Asshole); I feel like he'd bring them back into the new world or something, only with their memories altered into believing he's their real god and not A.rceus or Almighty S.innoh 🤔 oh well, he wouldn't feel neither lonely nor alone anymore! x3
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