#i feel so bad for tre hes just trying to have fun n ppl always gotta bring him down!
jrueships · 2 years
I feel protective of Trevon bc of all the hate he gets so when Josh chirped in I actually got feral for a second and wanted to strangle him lmaoooo
but it’s all jokes and they’ll laugh abt it at the next diggs family get together 😌
FANS ARE SO MEAN TO TRE!!! they will always hate on his happiness! His confidence!! Won't even let him celebrate a deflection without bringing up his faults. It's so annoying!! And then they take the diggs' sibling rivalry so serious!!! IT'S NOT INCLUDIN YALL!!!! learn how to take the backburners! DAMMN! Josh can chime in every now and then cus of boyfriend privileges so they know he's just all jokes too! BUT EVERYONE ELSE? CALM DOOWNN
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