#i fell like i kind of fcked up
solradguy · 1 year
Wait I’m super curious since If I’m correct you do like vocaloid, but what kind of vocaloid music/producers do you listen to? And if my memory is fcked and you don’t actually listen to vocaloid I can recommend you some heavy metal or rock vocaloid stuff if you’d like
I had a Vocaloid phase back around 2015 when I found out that Kentarou Miura designed Gackpo but it was too much effort digging through YT to find tracks that I liked so I kinda fell off it... But Miku is my friend and I love the creative community that's formed around her. The Vocaloid software itself is also really interesting/fascinating.
There isn't really a specific producer or artist I kept up with back when I was into it though; I just kinda skipped around fan lists of good tracks and Youtube recommendations haha. Though, I did dig around on my HDD and found some of the Vocaloid tracks I liked enough to save:
God Slaying Machine - Rega-P / レガP [Miku]
Last Night, Good Night - Save Up for a Rainy Day (I think?) [Miku]
In The Name of God - ROY [Gackpo]
Destination Of The Wind - ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」[Miku]
Sleeping Beauty - 164 [Miku] (I still really like this one and someone made a cool video for it)
Hades ~Denshou to Kisou~ - Naoki [Gackpo]
【初音ミクAppend DARK】Give me Pain - ブルベリ (mylist/20981884) [Miku]
I have a few more saved but my buddies wanna play GG so these are just the ones I remember liking after skimming through the list. Listening to these makes me want to sift through more Vocaloid songs again lol Please send some recommendations if you'd like/have time to, I'd love to listen to them.
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enchantedvistas · 8 months
we dont know each other but ive noticed your text posts for a while now, you dont have to listen to me or anything but it looks like you have to start healing yourself first. seems you are influenced by this woman so much that you cant control your emotions and that is a very toxic thing. it puts a lot of pressure on them and on you. and it cannot lead to anything healthy.it might even push them away .im a nobody but i have gone through something similar and just felt like pointing it out. you can ignore this if you wish to do so.
Thank you for this dear anon.(sorry for shitty english) Are you willing to tell me if am being delusional here? I started healing myself this year, when i met her. For so many years i was big shit to myself. She thought me how to be better to myself. And am doing A LOT better. Yes im influenced by her a lot. I hate myself bcs I fell in love w her, bcs i didnt want that in first place. I just wanted to be there for her in her hard times bcs she is so freaking kind and good person, but ppl fcked her up. Am not even sure if I love her in that way. I dont know what is love, I have never experienced love before(that kind of love).
She probably dont even kno i like/love her(i never told her). Any advice? only thing appearing in my mind is disappearing. and i dont like that idea. hit me up in dm's if you want. i would rlly like to talk to someone for a little bit. am so scared of talking. one more thing. only shitty thing happening in my life currently is my job bcs am working with my family and i hate them all.
i dont even kno if any of this make any fucking sense.
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narika-a · 7 years
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wonder-boy · 3 years
So the last time I watched prodigal son was the episode he fell down the elevator and I missed the rest of the seasons, could you sum it up for me?
If you’re up for spoilers, no problem! Just a quick recap:
Episode 6 - He hits his head! Sam and Chris decided to give us an AU where brightwell fans win and Mal grew up with a happy family - the big take away besides Martin out of jail and cooking? Malcolm realizes his life would be better off like this than the gitb never being found and this father not being arrested. Plot twist, Mal never goes to the hospital to fix his head and Ainsley shows up at his loft covered in blood!
Episode 7 - Mal tries to keep Ainsley confined to his loft because she says she blacked out and doesn't remember killing this person. He stresses the entire episode when she leaves the loft, Jessica's little sister shows up but she basically uses her for a memoir exposing the Whitly's for money bc she's broke, Jess leaves her in the dust. Plot twist! Ainsley's been lying this whole time and remembered what she did, plays a cruel prank on Mal and accuses him of gaslighting her (and then proceeds to gaslight him) and Mal kind of breaks down ):
Episode 8 - Big plot point, established profiler Simon Hoxley jets down to NY from Europe after Nicolas Endicott’s head is found in Estonia. Bright does not-so-good things to get ahead of him while Simon sabotages the Whitly’s to get one of them to slip up and confess to killing Endicott; family panic, Simon runs back to Europe after Bright basically calls him broke and washed up and manages to start a book. At the end of the episode, a new trauma arises: the killer in this week’s case is also the anonymous currier that worked for Endicott who he met when he handed off the body parts! The killer dies after Malcolm fails to save them, no choice but to watch them die.
Episode 9 - An Edrisa-centric episode! Her web sleuthing friends help the NYPD try to uncover a murder. In the meantime, Mal refuses to acknowledge his trauma from losing someone in the field, Dani shares a really vulnerable part about her past, Edrisa gets a new love interest, he gets hit with a car (no hospital!), Gil and Jess rekindle old feelings, Mal slips up big time and pushes Dani away when she tries to get him to open up. Fun fact Mal is hallucinating bad and he's most definitely on the fast track to hopefully a mental breakdown.
I suck at keeping things short so here you go!! In summary Mal is fcked and his life is falling apart because he is scared that his team will leave him if they find out the truth!
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jadedadultritsu · 4 years
Everyone's so fixated (me included) abt how Byul and Hye-sung made up on the latest ch. But what abt that one panel when Hye-sung was being praised by his newfound college friends for being a responsible parent while his mind was only filled with memories/moments of him not being a good parent and there's always the fear of being judged by others?
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memory1: Hye-sung didn’t mean to yell at Byul. It was out of frustration, college vs. family. Time management and sht.
memory2: Hye-sung first time holding bby Byul, still having mixed feelings at that time. Byul caught him by surprise so Hye-Sung almost let him fell, saved by Dojin. THANK GOD.
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Yes, he HAD been a real jerk to Dojin. That one ch when he threw the flowers and bby shoes when all Dojin's has been doing ever since is to become a good, responsible, and loving partner/father. Gawhd, I want a husband like Dojin so f much T.T
I knew from the very start that there'd be some fcked up Hye-sung backstory that makes him act like the stubborn, piece-of-work guy he is. His upbringing influences his actions and if you've taken up psych class, you'll know what I mean hehe. Hye-sung is being haunted with past memories when exposed to the object of his fear and anxiety leaving him vulnerable. Just imagine your own personality being partly shaped by the kind of family life you once had. And Dojin’s there ready to rewrite everything he initially believed about families.
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So I'm now officially hating his manipulative fckface of a "dad" for hurting him like this. His dad, judging by that brief encounter (at the buffet table), seemed living a pretty well life with his new fam now. And oh boy, I can’t wait for Dojin to wipe that smile off his face the second he’ll ill-mouth Hye-sung again.
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Hye-sung deserves BOTH DOJIN AND BYUL, change my mind. So before you speak negatively about my fave “blondie” omega (I got mad before too but-), please do consider his family background first and read the previous chapters. Fargo is literally feeding us with his backstory bit by bit. I’ve seen fangirls defending bad boys anime characters and here I have a cranky, quirky, mischievous, blonde omega guy that makes me feel soft UWU like Dojin all the time.
Also, I've checked randomly and stumbled upon mangaupdates genre section. Are we gonna keep ignoring the drama aspects of all my fave series huh? -.-” It’s MORE than just comedy and smut I’m not THAT pervy.. yet. Getting there, I guess.
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BUT look here, “clueless uke” - ok I’ll accept that. But “NAIVE” uke omg. I’m slightly offended by that even if it’s not intended. My man solved a fcking MATH PROBLEM which was just laying on a table, not your ordinary math, but a competition-level math everybody’s struggling with. He solved it like 1 + 1 = 2, in the blink of an eye ok I’m now exaggerating. BUT my point is, we need to give him some credits rather than just seeing him as a douche, whiny, selfish brat-guy. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg when we speak of this character, but how about the rest of it which is still hidden.
These are thoughts while washing the dishes lmao. This is supposed to be short but my hands kept typing and typing about my love for Hye-sung. I tried my hardest not to spoil everything for those who just started reading this masterpiece. Fargo will def hate me for this ;-;. I just recently installed Lezhin app solely for this manhwa (BL fan newbie, still exploring other good BL’s). Please go and support Fargo and his works! :)
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agnesxed · 6 years
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bis, hi. @kianonymouss
i’m sorry if i couldn’t be the best comforter but i’m here for you. we’re here for you.
indi ko gid ya makaya how u look so hurt that time sang nag hibi ka sa room. na overwhelm gd ko to ya like fota.
BAL AN KO NGA BAL AN MO NA NI BC U IS INTELLIGENT but i still want to remind u :
- we realized this together that u already served ur purpose in Kim’s life. but i hope you’ll have this in ur thoughts that maybe, just maybe, God has another purpose reserved for you in Kim’s life in the future. I know u really hope so ur eyes spoke a lot that time.
- if ever u don’t end up together, then fck. but u’ll meet someone better and so will he. God loves you enough to give u both the right person to love.
- and ur strong bis and with what happened ur much more stronger now.
- bis do u feel like u’ve had enough being part of someone’s life just for them to benefit in the end? i hope u don’t bc i lovee you for being that kind of person. not that i want u to be used but bc u do great in that area. that’s who Kiana is and nakakainspire like shet.
- it’s frustrating bc in this stage of life we’re so helpless and powerless but na realize ko nga there’s a reason why. we need to face life with no power to get back at it and let it defeat us. it’s not because we are weak or not valuable but bc we have to learn.
- u can cry. don’t stop those tears. it doesn’t make u weak to cry over someone who didn’t even treat u well. u fell in love with person Kia. u fell in love with Kim’s soul and not just by empty acts of affection.
- Kim can be better. you know that more than we do. he can be a man but he doesn’t know how to. he hesitates, he restrains himself and his words differ from his actions. but i saw Kim’s growth, he grew with you. thankfully, it was u Kia.
- Kim can cope up. he will and he should. our baby boy is learning a lot thanks to u bis.
- personally, i learned a lot from what happened. IT WAS LIKE IDK, I CRIED, U SAW IT. i was fcking overwhelmed. the aftermath was i felt like i broke up with someone. i found myself unconsciously crying (while watching k drama, like ikr pakshet). i worry about u both. i was in the sidelines watching and listening bis but it’s fcked up. i couldn’t even imagine how u both feel even until now.  
 - i’m sorry if i did something i shouldn’t do (i’m unsure tho) like talking to Kim about the things u told me. how u felt and ur rants. i’m sorry but i couldn’t stand the sight of Kim looking like a lost boy (well he is)
- focus on urself bb. be better for urself. you said that for Kim and same goes for u. let’s be successful in our studies and relationships for now and in our careers and more meaningful relationships in the future. let’s do this together with God Kiana. stay strong okay?
pota Kia ice cream lang na kag pungko istorya, goods ka na. 
i love you. 💙
p.s. i just thought you want to read something so yah
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