#i figure it'd be interesting for kris having to raise two kids who are on opposite ends of the human/alien spectrum
lunarfly-studios ยท 6 months
*rubs face*
i'm not gonna get into the enormous amount of mental gymnastics that was involved in coming to this conclusion but
long story short emmet and prim aren't cousins anymore
they're siblings
gonna have to edit a bunch of stuff now
will circle back to this
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neitherlightnordark ยท 3 years
if you're interested in some UT thoughts, Grillby? if you're more interested in DR thoughts, the Radio Head Boys?
sWEET CAP'N CAKES my for some reason dearly dearly beloved <3
realistic: this is canon actually but i enjoy it enough to put it here. i am happy to see these three young boys join the fold of "shopkeepers that have experimented with gender and found their comfortable niche and we all adore them immensely for it". they all use they/them and he/him!!
that's not realistic at all but it's still very funny: "all our songs are only 4 seconds long!!" said k_k. you know, like a liar. unless....???
auaaauaugh: i could talk about how horrible banning music would be especially to three kids who love it and have it as their lifestyle and literally have it built into their bodies but it'd get into territory where i just start yelling about how important art is to me and that'd get away from deltarune rather completely!! i could talk about how they don't seem like they have any parental figures and it looks like k_k raised the other two but i won't. i could talk about k_k wanting to be short and a car but that's not really my wheelhouse. i could talk about how lonely they must be. i could talk about them knowing spamton.
or i could talk about them dancing with noelle and kris and helping the lancer fun squad beat up queen with an enormous scrap robot they built themselves and becoming good friends with lancer afterwards and having other kids for the first times in their lives. i could talk about that
if canon tries to put a limiter on us we'll just go underground: *gestures wildly at the funny meme and also oh this is very interesting potential sweet cap'n cakes have with seam and spamton and swatch, especially the latter two* like what if spamton and sweet cap'n cakes just hung out before everything. what if that happened. what if that's how k_k realized he wanted to be a car
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