#i finally now how to draw shadowman now
brevmoment · 7 months
here's some fucking robot masters
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i had fun with these
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writer-of-various · 2 years
**Few spoilers if you're new to the Fandom, as well as a spoiler/teaser/idk what else I can call it to my Zombie AU
"I'll always follow you and be your shadow"
This can refer to the fact that Lilja will always follow Richtofen, whether she realizes it or not, and whether she wants to or not. Ultimis Lilja is stuck following Richtofen and keeping him alive because she wants to be the one to end him. As the chosen one, she's right behind him when it comes to succession.
"They'll hear my name just like a shockwave"
This can refer to the fact that Lilja has a lot of control over the boys, and that she scares them. They all respect her, and even admire her, but they know that one wrong word or gesture would be the end. Samantha even knows not to overwhelm the Latvian.
"I'll be the tragedy I stage your life on,"
This can refer to the fact that Lilja can be the most evil one out of the group, she can be the plague, the sin, death itself if she lets herself be. She has no problem manipulating the others for her own good, and she would make herself the damsel in distress to see Richtofen fall.
"You're turning pages that you're meant to wait on,"
This is Lilja talking about Primis Richtofen, all memories Ultimis and Primis Lilja make can be shared between them, although it rarely happens as they don't know they are capable of doing so. Lilja can tell the Kronorium is important, is their fate written down like some movie script, but Primis Richtofen insists on turning the pages and thus missing the important parts.
"I'm floating up into the moonlight"
This refers to the Zombie AU where Lilja touches the MPD and becomes the controller of the undead against her will, she finally knows how Samantha and Richtofen feel.
"I feel the pain just like a shockwave"
This refers to the pain Lilja has gone through, from witnessing the death of her family, to being shot and beaten at, and killing her Ultimis self. Lilja knows pain.
"An evil twin, like noon and midnight"
This refers to many things, and many refer this line to the Shadowman and Dr. Monty, Ultimis and Primis Richtofen, and the USA and USSR. Lilja refers this line to those three pairs, as well as herself (Ultimis/Primis Lilja).
"Why do we run in place"
Lilja questions why even bother continuing on, if every new location is going to be the same fate and the cycle they are in isn't going to be healed anytime soon.
"Now we don't know what we don't know and we won't know what we don't and won't see"
This refers to Primis Lilja knowing about Samantha and Ultimis Richtofen, and finally solving the puzzle as she learns of everyone's fate. No one can see Samantha, the other three don't know Ultimis Richtofen's plan, and they for sure don't know Primis Richtofen's. It's one mess on top of another.
"Our blind eyes"
Lilja admits to being blind to the obviousness, to the secret messages and weird dreams she shrugs off. She also knows the other three are blind, and probably want to refuse the truth as it's too much of a burden to hold.
"Now see me smile an evil grin, and fall again, because of him"
This is Ultimis Lilja moments before drawing her gun to kill Ultimis Richtofen on the Moon. She's become unhinged and the truth of Richtofen's plan has made her mad and she believes she will get her revenge for the pain and horror he's put her through.
"I'm always here, I bring the storm"
Lilja is there, no matter what. She would see everything, take note of everything, she would be the shoulder the boys need to cry on. She'll be the listening ear, the calm yet stern tone of voice that guides them out of running thoughts– but she is the storm. She will bring destruction and chaos, she can but she doesn't know it just yet.
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megs-writing · 5 years
Summary: Virgil takes the light sides to a haunted house to prove Halloween can be fun, but they find the horror ride was a bit scarier than they thought. The ride is enchanted by one of the dark sides to force each side to face their personal fears and try to escape with everyone unharmed.  Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, Warnings: Hallucinations Word count: 1541 *This is based off a dream I had a few nights ago so some of this is dream logic just roll with it.*
The four friends have been waiting in line for almost an hour, watching the haunted house get closer and closer to them every minute. All of this was Virgil’s idea- a sort of way to say I’m sorry for trying to scare you out of your pants but I still wanna show you how cool Halloween can be when the scaring is done right. Out of everyone, Patton was the one that was the most scared about coming. He still agreed to it since everyone else was, and spending time with friends was just as special as anything else. Logan worked as a distraction for him as they got closer to the building and more spiderwebs could be seen in the bushes. The two had eventually run out of games to play to pass time and turned to letting Patton ramble about something that happened in a dream. From what Virgil picked up from their conversation there was a dog, and Patton took him from the owner and kept picking up random people’s dogs until he had like ten. 
Most of Virgil’s attention had been on Roman, who had been trying his hardest not to complain about how long the line was and talked to Virgil about the endless cool decorations that filled the line (the same spooky decorations Logan and Patton were trying not to talk about). Many of them were motion detectors that made the machine jump out and light up at whoever was walking by, and Roman got a good laugh when the first one went off and made Virgil jump a mile almost into his arms. He saw them coming after that and tried his hardest not to flinch whenever one suddenly screamed at him. A few of the decorations held baskets of candy meant for the guests to take but both Logan and Virgil mentioned it wouldn’t be a good idea to take them. Most of them were empty from the line in front of them, and you don’t know if people had messed with the open candy in the baskets. It wasn’t worth the risk. 
As the line ahead of them started to go down Patton had snapped out of his own world and began to notice the decorations surrounding them, but he was quiet unlike what Logan expected. He got closer to him and eventually decided to rest is hand on Logan’s arm to help calm down. There wasn’t anything to be scared of, yet at least. Maybe that’s what he was telling himself. It was hard to tell from standing behind the two. 
After a moment they could see the inside of the building, which sort of looked like a haunted mansion in a vampire world, but better lit. The walls were lined with gold diamond-patterned wallpaper with lanterns hooked to the walls and fake candles flickering inside of them. The people in front of them were being lowered into moving carts below the ground that traveled into the house on their own, two at a time. It was obvious Logan and Patton didn’t want to be separated at the time so the last two mentally agreed they would go together. Getting closer you could see the carts sort of looked like a Halloween pumpkin carriage that had giant windows with no glass and brown stains on the walls making the pumpkin look like it was rotting. When the two were lowered in they could see only a few feet of space between them, and no seats or handles inside of the plastic carriage. 
Three giant windows let them see the dirt walls of the tunnel and the back of the pumpkin Logan and Patton were in front of them. Speakers were set up in each corner of their space, drowning out all of the talking with loud sounds of rustling trees and howls. Virgil reached out and brushed his hand against the dirt. No glass. Meaning anything can and will get inside to attack. Roman must have been paying attention to his reaction. 
“You know anything that gets in here I can protect you from. I’m not going to let anything hurt you.” Roman hovered his hand over his sword, showing he was ready to draw it any second if he had to. 
“You know it’s all fake right? It’s all lights and paid workers. You can’t use that here.” Roman’s first instinct was to flinch when Virgil moved his hand away from the handle. After taking a breath he started to fidget with the ends of his sash not knowing what else to do with his hands. 
“No, it’s… Something’s not right. It feels like I’m in your room again.” Virgil was quiet waiting for him to continue. “You don’t feel it? The moment we stepped in here it was like- Like a mountain of bricks dropped in your head. No that’s not right- I don’t know.” He looked at the moving walls outside the window, pushing forward. “Yeah. It’s all pretend. I’ll protect you from whatever it is though. I promise.” 
Just when it was almost pitch black the dirt wall turned into an open room, with glowing projections of ghosts and flashing lights and echoes of screams in the speakers. Virgil instantly moved to the window to see. On the opposite side was the same mess, but Roman wasn’t as excited to see the monsters floating dangerously close to their cart. He gripped his hand on the handle of his sword, ready to pull it out in case any of them actually started to attack. The thing Virgil couldn’t see while focused on taking in the rest of the haunted house made it way through the window and into their cart. It’s pretend. It’s pretend, right? It’s now inside the car. 
Roman could never describe what it was. It was a sort of, thing. A slimy creature with thin arms and large sharp claws on each hand, glowing dark green to be seen in the darkness. The darkness only Roman could see and he assumed everyone else could too. He slowly brought his sword out of his sash, pointing it at the creature slowly getting closer to him. He wouldn’t use it unless it jumped, he promised. Maybe it was only meant to scare him and it would go away in a moment. But he didn’t dare move until then. 
“See Ro? It’s just… lights…” When Virgil turned he saw Roman with his sword drawn, pointed at the faint outline of a ghoul. A projection, Virgil had assumed, but it was hard to tell where it was coming from. It looked real to him. Slowly Virgil moved towards him and brushed his hand through the lights to help Roman relax a little. “It’s a projection, I think. It’s all lights.” 
Virgil still had to project his voice to be heard over the speakers, and even then it was hard to tell if the prince actually heard what he said. It was hard to hear anything instead of ghostly screams and howling. Roman backs up until he hits the wall, thinking nothing could sneak up behind him if he did. 
“I-it’s fake.” 
“It’s-” Roman suddenly screams, dropping the weapon falling to his knees with his hands shielding his head. Dark shadows swirled above him, with glowing eyes and sharp looking claws, reminding him of the Shadowman’s friends. What had to be at least 20 of them were surrounding him, moving too fast to look at one before it gets lost with the rest of it’s friends. After a second the shadows completely block his view of the prince and stop him from being able to help. 
Roman felt like he was trapped in a storm. He managed to sit up again after being pushed down the second time, by what was probably the same ghoul that struck him first. Pain still stung in his shoulders and back from the attacks. He reached his sword again, which this time made a loud screeching sound when it brushed against the concrete floor. The weapon wouldn’t be useful against imaginary ghosts, but the false security helped him. One thing for sure, the creatures didn’t look or sound imaginary. His emo friend was nowhere to be seen now, not that he would be much help in fighting if he wasn’t. He may have been trying, but it wouldn’t matter unless he was successful. 
A painful shock struck Virgil’s hand when he reached into the storm to help. For just a second, one of the shadows held onto his hand and dug what felt like real claws into his skin, leaving a scratch behind once it finally let go. That was real. A fake projection couldn’t leave a real wound, even if it was really light. He couldn’t imagine how much of it Roman felt. 
In a wave of panic he pushed himself into the storm and the same shock pierced through his arm, and left his hoodie torn when he managed to get out of it. The force made his stumble to the ground after letting go, and slowly getting up again he watched them. Despite the pain, it was really impressive for a haunted house. Or it was real, which wasn’t possible. 
Taglist: @winterrs-child @remusthedukeofdeodorant @thecatchat @stop-it-anxiety @znikitrash @awkwardandanxiousfander @nowletmeseeyourkezzhands @prox-xima @hela-daughter-of-loki @arcticfrostdoesthings @yalltookmyurlideas @id-rather-go-live-in-a-trash-can @soupgromlin
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I Don’t Know What To Name This Yet Part 1/? Summary: Virgil takes the light sides to a haunted house to prove Halloween can be fun, but they find the horror ride was a bit scarier than they thought. The ride is enchanted by one of the dark sides to force each side to face their personal fears and try to escape with everyone unharmed.  Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, Warnings: (it’s a spooky writing but not super violent. Just spooky)  Whole fic- Unsympathetic Remus (Virgil’s fear), Horror illusions/hallucinations, mind-reading, sort of Unsympathetic Deceit?  This part- Hallucinations,  Word count: 1541 *This is based off a dream I had a few nights ago so some of this is dream logic just roll with it.*
The four friends have been waiting in line for almost an hour, watching the haunted house get closer and closer to them every minute. All of this was Virgil’s idea- a sort of way to say I’m sorry for trying to scare you out of your pants but I still wanna show you how cool Halloween can be when the scaring is done right. Out of everyone, Patton was the one that was the most scared about coming. He still agreed to it since everyone else was, and spending time with friends was just as special as anything else. Logan worked as a distraction for him as they got closer to the building and more spiderwebs could be seen in the bushes. The two had eventually run out of games to play to pass time and turned to letting Patton ramble about something that happened in a dream. From what Virgil picked up from their conversation there was a dog, and Patton took him from the owner and kept picking up random people’s dogs until he had like ten. 
Most of Virgil’s attention had been on Roman, who had been trying his hardest not to complain about how long the line was and talked to Virgil about the endless cool decorations that filled the line (the same spooky decorations Logan and Patton were trying not to talk about). Many of them were motion detectors that made the machine jump out and light up at whoever was walking by, and Roman got a good laugh when the first one went off and made Virgil jump a mile almost into his arms. He saw them coming after that and tried his hardest not to flinch whenever one suddenly screamed at him. A few of the decorations held baskets of candy meant for the guests to take but both Logan and Virgil mentioned it wouldn’t be a good idea to take them. Most of them were empty from the line in front of them, and you don’t know if people had messed with the open candy in the baskets. It wasn’t worth the risk. 
As the line ahead of them started to go down Patton had snapped out of his own world and began to notice the decorations surrounding them, but he was quiet unlike what Logan expected. He got closer to him and eventually decided to rest is hand on Logan’s arm to help calm down. There wasn’t anything to be scared of, yet at least. Maybe that’s what he was telling himself. It was hard to tell from standing behind the two. 
After a moment they could see the inside of the building, which sort of looked like a haunted mansion in a vampire world, but better lit. The walls were lined with gold diamond-patterned wallpaper with lanterns hooked to the walls and fake candles flickering inside of them. The people in front of them were being lowered into moving carts below the ground that traveled into the house on their own, two at a time. It was obvious Logan and Patton didn’t want to be separated at the time so the last two mentally agreed they would go together. Getting closer you could see the carts sort of looked like a Halloween pumpkin carriage that had giant windows with no glass and brown stains on the walls making the pumpkin look like it was rotting. When the two were lowered in they could see only a few feet of space between them, and no seats or handles inside of the plastic carriage. 
Three giant windows let them see the dirt walls of the tunnel and the back of the pumpkin Logan and Patton were in front of them. Speakers were set up in each corner of their space, drowning out all of the talking with loud sounds of rustling trees and howls. Virgil reached out and brushed his hand against the dirt. No glass. Meaning anything can and will get inside to attack. Roman must have been paying attention to his reaction. 
“You know anything that gets in here I can protect you from. I’m not going to let anything hurt you.” Roman hovered his hand over his sword, showing he was ready to draw it any second if he had to. 
“You know it’s all fake right? It’s all lights and paid workers. You can��t use that here.” Roman’s first instinct was to flinch when Virgil moved his hand away from the handle. After taking a breath he started to fidget with the ends of his sash not knowing what else to do with his hands. 
“No, it’s… Something’s not right. It feels like I’m in your room again.” Virgil was quiet waiting for him to continue. “You don’t feel it? The moment we stepped in here it was like- Like a mountain of bricks dropped in your head. No that’s not right- I don’t know.” He looked at the moving walls outside the window, pushing forward. “Yeah. It’s all pretend. I’ll protect you from whatever it is though. I promise.” 
Just when it was almost pitch black the dirt wall turned into an open room, with glowing projections of ghosts and flashing lights and echoes of screams in the speakers. Virgil instantly moved to the window to see. On the opposite side was the same mess, but Roman wasn’t as excited to see the monsters floating dangerously close to their cart. He gripped his hand on the handle of his sword, ready to pull it out in case any of them actually started to attack. The thing Virgil couldn’t see while focused on taking in the rest of the haunted house made it way through the window and into their cart. It’s pretend. It’s pretend, right? It’s now inside the car. 
Roman could never describe what it was. It was a sort of, thing. A slimy creature with thin arms and large sharp claws on each hand, glowing dark green to be seen in the darkness. The darkness only Roman could see and he assumed everyone else could too. He slowly brought his sword out of his sash, pointing it at the creature slowly getting closer to him. He wouldn’t use it unless it jumped, he promised. Maybe it was only meant to scare him and it would go away in a moment. But he didn’t dare move until then. 
“See Ro? It’s just… lights…” When Virgil turned he saw Roman with his sword drawn, pointed at the faint outline of a ghoul. A projection, Virgil had assumed, but it was hard to tell where it was coming from. It looked real to him. Slowly Virgil moved towards him and brushed his hand through the lights to help Roman relax a little. “It’s a projection, I think. It’s all lights.” 
Virgil still had to project his voice to be heard over the speakers, and even then it was hard to tell if the prince actually heard what he said. It was hard to hear anything instead of ghostly screams and howling. Roman backs up until he hits the wall, thinking nothing could sneak up behind him if he did. 
“I-it’s fake.” 
“It’s-” Roman suddenly screams, dropping the weapon falling to his knees with his hands shielding his head. Dark shadows swirled above him, with glowing eyes and sharp looking claws, reminding him of the Shadowman’s friends. What had to be at least 20 of them were surrounding him, moving too fast to look at one before it gets lost with the rest of it’s friends. After a second the shadows completely block his view of the prince and stop him from being able to help. 
Roman felt like he was trapped in a storm. He managed to sit up again after being pushed down the second time, by what was probably the same ghoul that struck him first. Pain still stung in his shoulders and back from the attacks. He reached his sword again, which this time made a loud screeching sound when it brushed against the concrete floor. The weapon wouldn’t be useful against imaginary ghosts, but the false security helped him. One thing for sure, the creatures didn’t look or sound imaginary. His emo friend was nowhere to be seen now, not that he would be much help in fighting if he wasn’t. He may have been trying, but it wouldn’t matter unless he was successful. 
A painful shock struck Virgil’s hand when he reached into the storm to help. For just a second, one of the shadows held onto his hand and dug what felt like real claws into his skin, leaving a scratch behind once it finally let go. That was real. A fake projection couldn’t leave a real wound, even if it was really light. He couldn’t imagine how much of it Roman felt. 
In a wave of panic he pushed himself into the storm and the same shock pierced through his arm, and left his hoodie torn when he managed to get out of it. The force made his stumble to the ground after letting go, and slowly getting up again he watched them. Despite the pain, it was really impressive for a haunted house. Or it was real, which wasn’t possible. 
Taglist: @winterrs-child @remusthedukeofdeodorant @thecatchat @stop-it-anxiety @znikitrash @awkwardandanxiousfander @nowletmeseeyourkezzhands 
*this is sort of an awkward ending but there’s another part coming soon/eventually* 
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gryfstmne · 6 years
the story just for hypnoslaves2
he had grown tired ;
 so damn tired of the life 
tired of the endless rounds of bar hopping and quickie one  nighters  and awkward social functions with the other gay clubs.
 he wanted something different ,
something to relieve the tedium 
something to really invigorate him
 from the long bouts of loneliness
 that drove him back to take what he could get  at 2am closing time. 
and searching the net for pictures of men he could never have.  
 going through the more kinky and bizarre websites and groups was a habit seeing what men would do to themselves was a source of fascination and revulsion 
but it did keep his interest from dying to the lowest embers. 
then he saw a message in one of the groups . 
"at the lowest part of my life ,he found me 
.i always felt lonely ,lost ,last in a fixed race .
 now , finally this   hypnoslave one."
 "hypnoslave one?", he said to himself ." shouldn't that be won? 
and how could a slave be under hypnosis if they are asleep?
 wouldn't moving wake him up?" 
he looked up the profile and saw that the guy lived in a small suburb right outside of town. about 40 minutes away . the photo was of a 40 year old man ,wearing a leather vest ,a collar ,a skull cap like a biker would wear tied at the back of his neck  and chaps.
 he was well muscled and wore that leather like a second skin. 
he had a closely shaven beard  and a diamond studded earing. 
but the most fascinating thing about him 
was that he had such a gentle accepting look about his face 
that you could tell he was happy .
full of that something ,
few people ever find for more than a few minutes at a time..
 from the picture you could tell he was looking up 
at some shadow  of a man 
 that smile and absently thoughtful look ,
you could tell ,was for the man who was just out of camera range. 
.only the shadow left to see as a clue. 
it looked like he had found a glimpse 
into what he was missing and couldn't put a finger on ,
 and this sexy leatherman had it.
it was written on his face :fulfillment . 
on an impulse, he hit the instant messenger button and wrote hi 
he got a hello back and he asked the leatherman about the message .
 the leatherman told him about his past and how his life changed 
once he met and moved in with his H.M. 
I truly envy you " , he wrote back to the leatherman ."
 it sounds like you found yourself a perfect partner.
 i could use something more permanent like that myself ,
but it never seems to work out for me."
 "I can sympathize. i've been there.
 if you truly think you need more than a one night stand in your life ,
then come on out to the house.
 H.M. and i can give you a few pointers on changing your life for the better .
you can see what H.M did for me
 that made me so much better than i was then."
 "bye the way , call me H.S.  it's my initials."
 H.S gave him directions 
 to their house and said they would be waiting for him . 
he thought it through, after signing off his computer. 
he knew there was always the risk ,
that they were psychos or cultists or some weird thing.
 but the idea of being with a sexy leatherman like that and seeing 
what it was ,that gave him that spark in his eyes 
was something he couldn't let go. 
besides he thought , his life was stagnating as it was .
maybe there is something there ,that could help bring back the passion 
to his life .
 curiosity was eating at him too ,
about what that shadowman,  H.S. really looked like
 that made leatherman H.S so fucking happy 
the traffic was murder ,almost literally , 
as road raged little old ladies cut him off and truckers  almost rolled over him 
but he finally made it.
 at the end of a culdesac ,
 taking up the whole circle was a huge brick and wood mansion ., 
it dominated the area .
 the next houses down were about 10 car lengths down the street .
almost is if the mansion bullied them or scared them into retreating.
 he rang the doorbell and heard windchimes from the  button. 
the leatherman , H.S , answered the door and invited him inside. 
H.S took him on a short tour of the house 
and then led him
 down into a back hallway. 
He was impressed 
by the grandeur of the place 
and asked when he would meet H.M
 "not for another few minutes " H.S replied ." 
he has to finish up a few more things before he can join us .
 but it won't be long ." 
"What do you two do for a living to be able to afford all this ?" he asked H.S
 I generally keep house, and do the maintenance , and work around the house but ,let me show you 
what really pays for it all. 
H.M specializes in making things
 to fascinate people. 
making someone pay attention 
to his works is his joy 
and it pays very well, indeed!" 
with that, he opened a door
 and waved me in to a large study. 
what an amazing place! 
there was a chandelier ,sparkling from the ceiling  
and it was reflecting the light 
to crystal pieces 
 like prisms in all different shapes,
 hanging in various places on the walls and the tables. 
there was a comfortable sofa in one spot
 and 2 comfortable overstuffed chairs 
around a glass and oak wood coffee table 
with another of those prism sculptures in the center. 
there was a crystal decanter  
and clear glasses off to one side table 
and an intercom,
 and a set of black polished marbles,
 suspended by  chains   through them  on the other table.
 H.S had me sit down
 in one of the chairs and he took the other, 
as we talked ,he told me that H.M could hear what we said 
through the intercom
 so ,he wouldn't have to miss the conversation
 while he finished up his work, in another room .
 H.S  led the conversation back onto my life and experiences 
in the home (apartment) 
family(mostly moved away or gone)
 and job(too many and too varied to go into detail here)
 and my poor excuse for a love life. 
while i was talking ,i couldn't stop looking around the room. 
there were little reflections of me 
 and this sexy leather stud,
 mixed with the lights 
reflecting in every  crystal in the room .
 it was like,
 i was surrounded
 with little leathermen ,
everywhere i looked. 
H.S. gave me a glass of water
 and we relaxed and talked .
 it was so comfortable 
just being there with him ; 
like i'd known him for years.
 just looking into that handsome face  
who was really interested in me  
and seeing it reflected everywhere  
was a huge ego boost for me.
 i didn't notice the time was passing
 (it was so good being there with him) 
but it must have been hours .
 i noticed a light come on
 on the intercom 
 and H.S,  got a pleased look on his face .
 he told me that H.M only had one more thing
 he had to do 
then he would join us .
 H.S gave me a wink and said 
 you want to see H.M at work ?
 i said sure , and set the glass down
 in preparing to get up.
 H.S. waved me back in my chair and said 
relax. you can see it all happen from here.
 i settled back while H.S lifted one of the black marbles 
and let it go in a pendulum swing .
 it knocked into the other marbles 
and set up a rhythem . 
click ,click, click, click 
as they swung back and forth..
 H.S said "watch this "
 and he flicked a hidden switch. 
the lights dimmed out 
and in the chandelier  ,
what looked like hundreds of little multicolored flames 
flashed on and off in a random pattern . 
it looked like christmas tree lights of living colored flame
 reflected everywhere there was the crystals.
 it was like you were surrounded 
by fairie will o' the wisps . 
it was incredibly beautiful .
 you could imagine
 the click ,click  ,click 
of the marbles 
was the flames whispering to each other. 
H.S waited
 for the full effect to reach me 
and then told me
 we could hear  the master  dictating 
through the intercom
 and it was a special treat 
to listen in . 
H.S. touched a button 
and this rich textured voice ,
the kind that gives you  shivers of pleasure  
all the way through, 
came from the intercom. 
i was too fascinated by the lights 
to notice H.S had said "the master" 
and i heard that voice 
 timed perfectly  
to the clicks ,
 " the flame that burns so brightly
 and moves so light and quick 
 that entrance you with their movement
 as they sway and flick 
 that make you long to relax
 and watch them dance  
without a thought 
as to where next to catch a glance 
 as you hear them 
click ,click ,click,
 and listen to them sound  
as you follow along 
as they slowly draw you down 
 into this enchantment 
as you take your rest 
 and listen with wonder
 and you feel you have been blessed  
to belong to this fairie heaven ,
 the dancing of the spheres  
what you have always longed for , 
has been found only here  
and you give yourself over 
to become more 
than a poor soul  dwindled 
 and you are now ready
 to be reborn 
,a flame rekindled 
 chosen to follow the lights
 given to the path
 for only a precious few 
 forever bonded with me 
as my hypnoslaves , number 2"  
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 36 Review.
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This new comercial bumper is the cutest I’ve seen!
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Isn’t Japan like in the north?
We open the episode with Netto dying from the heat in the middle of a hot day when a robotic penguin walks in to cool him down.
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It was just Meiru trying to brag about her newest toy, an “Adelin-kun” penguin, named after the Adélie species of penguins.
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Not a 100% identical, but pretty close.
Apparently, having these penguins is the newest trend in Densan city, especially during the summer. After getting a few shots of people walking around the city with their own penguin coolers, we go to something that looks like a freezer somewhere in Internet city where we see today’s navified robot master, Freezeman.EXE.
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I honestly don’t know why he is like that, I inicially thought he was hibernating or something.
We cut to Midorikawa talking about the newest trend of having a robot penguin slave following you around 24/7.
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There is no way that this thing is gonna end up gathering dust in a closet during the winter.
We then cut to the Ex-World Three that finally decided to open a curry restaurant named Number One Curry aka Maha Ichiban, where Madoi and Count Elec are complaining about the heat. Luckily for them, they still get a customer who seems to be more interested in the fact that they don’t own one of those penguins.
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I wonder if this guy will have an important role in the future.
Netto and friends are heading over to Yaito’s mansion who decided to build a pool because of the heat, figures. We see Yaito waiting for them in her bathing suit as she decides to go for a swim with her personal army of Penguins behind her.
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As always, nothing is too excesive for the rich.
Meanwhile, at the Net agents HQ, Saloma and Miyuki are inspecting an Adelin-kun where they discover a strange chip with Gospel’s logo on it.
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Why would they start doing this now when the penguins have already been release to the public? There are like hundreds all over the city!
Of course this is the perfect time for Gospel to put their plan in motion. For some reason there is a display of giant penguins in Internet City that Freezeman turn into a super ice tower that begins to emit electronic waves.
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Seriously, why is there a display of giant penguins?
This somehow affects the weather in the real world making it suddenly snow in Densan. The robot penguins are shown to be feezing the entire city, Netto and the others try to escape the cold with Meiru forgetting her penguin, but Dekao and Tohru are mysteriously frozen.
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Hmm... Iceman’s operator has been frozen... Isn’t that ironic in some way?
Looks like Meiru’s penguin doesn’t like being left behind a second time and ends up freezing her. The penguin plans to do the same with Netto but he gives it the slip on his ice skates, yes, ice skates.
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Why is Netto packing ice skates in the middle of summer? Plot convinience!
At the Net Agents HQ, Commander Beef tries to warn Saloma and Miyuki but they are all surprised by a penguin that came in after the Commander.
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See? This is what happens when you inspect it late.
The whole city is covered in snow and the tempetures are decreasing fast, as told by Midorikawa who ends up frozen by some penguins that snuck up behind her.
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As Netto is skating trying to figure out what is going on, unaware that Meiru’s penguin is following him, Rockman tells him that the network is cold too and that maybe it has something to do with what’s going on in the real world.
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Funny, when Iceman froze the Water Works computer back in episode 6 you didn’t mention anything about it being cold. Can Navis even feel cold?
Netto decides to go to Yaito’s mansion to plug-in, but we interrupt this Rockman.EXE episode to bring you an evil robot penguin drama that was cutted from the dub.
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RIP, Penshirou.
Yeah, for some reason Maha Ichiban is the only place in the entire city that isn’t frozen because something is keeping the penguins from getting closer. I don’t know why they cut this from the dub, maybe it was to avoid making kids feel bad for the evil penguins?
Netto arrives at Yaito’s mansion where he finds everything frozen, including Yaito. He also discovers that the penguins are the ones freezing the city.
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I’m glad Yaito got what she deserved for being super materialistic and excesive, but as we’ve seen before, she is probably not gonna learn anything from this.
After the new cute comercial break animation, we see that Netto managed to escape from Yaito’s army of penguins and is now walking through the blizzard finding somewhere else to plug in. Unfortunately, Netto discovers that he dropped his PET somewhere and goes back to try and find it.
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“I was wondering why you were suddenly so quiet”
After this, we cut to another report from Midorikawa, wait, what?
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Weren’t you frozen by the penguins earlier?! How many times do you have to perish in this episode?
We then cut to Maha Ichiban where they all seem to be talking about something that will help stop Gospel’s plan, so Mahajarama, Madoi, Count Elec and the customer from earlier run out of the shop, but they all slip on the ice causing the man to drop a strange PET that is melting the snow around it.
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They are suddenly surrounded by the penguins who freeze them all together.
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It’s nice to know that Penshirou was avenged.
Netto keeps looking for his PET in the snow, luckily, Rockman calls out to him and is found.
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Netto! Do you kiss you’re useless mother with that mouth?!
Netto digs Rockman out of the snow, but is too tire to stay awake, he falls on the snow with the blizzard starting to bury him alive. Rockman tries to wake him up with no avail, Meiru’s penguin appears and tries to freeze him before he is buried until Rockman yells his cyber lungs out to finally wake him up causing the penguin to fall off.
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In the dub, Megaman notices the penguin, but I think the original gag was that the penguin was trying to freeze Netto the whole episode, but was never noticed until the end.
After successfully waking him up, Rockman reminds Netto that they have to find somewhere to plug-in. Coincidentally, Netto discovers the unfrozen Maha Ichiban and goes inside where he finds a connection behind the counter. Netto plugs-in Rockman and he finds this.
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I think that is suppoused to be the gate to Internet city, but wouldn’t that mean that the whole Net is frozen? Or is it just that part?
Anyway, Rockman blasts it with his buster and enters Internet City where all the Navis are frozen too. He sees the giant Ice tower and figures that it is emitting strange waves, Rockman is suddenly surrounded by viruses, but its nothing a few cutted buster shots can’t handle. Oh hey, a Ice Bear virus, long time no see.
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Rockman races to the ice tower where he comes across a blue dragon virus, he manages to the avoid its blizzard attacks, but his buster shots are inefficient. Thankfully, the battle chip rule doesn’t include instant win programs, so Rockman activates the Style change and uses the Wood Shield style to defeat the blue dragon.
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Now Rockman faces the ice tower, but Freezeman finally makes himself known.
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Butt shot! XD
Freezeman introduces himself as a commander for Gospel, he says he wants to test Rockman’s power and creates an ice stage that allows them to use Battle chips in Internet City.
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Well, about that, Rockman defeated Shadowman quickly because Yaito passed Netto a bunch of rare chips, and with Cutman they used the Elec Brother Style combined with Woodman’s power, so I doubt you’re gonna get any of that in this battle.
The battle begins and Rockman is having trouble to get near Freezeman, the animation for this battle is pretty good. Something I want to point out is that the art style for this episode is knowen for showing shots where you can appreciate Rockman’s muscular body (and some butt shots), thats why I call this style “bulky Rockman”.
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It is no surprise that I learned to draw bodies from watching Rockman. Also, guys have anime girls with mini skirts and jiggly boobs, we girls have moderately muscular anime boys in spandex.
Freezeman immobilizes Rockman with some ice spears and begins to freeze him slowly, while Netto is just watching from the real world waiting for Meiru’s penguin to freeze him.
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Seriously, Netto, what are you waiting for? Did you ran out of chips?
However, Freezeman is interrupted by a new fire Navi named Heatman.EXE.
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Heatman attacks Freezeman causing him to drop Rockman, and the penguin to break down somehow. The fire left by Heatman’s attack melts the ice covering Rockman allowing him to regain conscieness while the two Navis battle.
As a final attack, Heatman summons an insanely giant flame tower that melts all the ice in both Internet city and in the real world. Netto protects Rockman from the giant flame tower by sending him a Barrier chip.
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New butt shot! This art style does not dissapoint in the butt shot deliveries.
After everything goes back to normal, Freezeman has escaped and Heatman tells Rockman that they will be enemies the next time they see eachother.
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“No, I’m Rockman”
Netto remembers that the Navi’s name is Heatman and leaves the curry shop after noticing Meiru’s dead penguin behind him.
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Finally, now Meiru’s penguin can join Penshirou in evil penguin heaven.
And the episode ends with the revelation of Heatman being Hinouken’s new Navi as he delivers Curry to some random house.
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My thoughts?
Before you say anything about the title joke, the title actually alludes to the fact that penguins only live in the southern hemisphere of the planet. 
We spend the mayority of the episode following Netto around the frozen city, along with shots of the penguins and the World Three’s restaurant with their mysterious customer, but the animation for Rockman’s battles against Freezeman and the viruses was the best part.
The scene where Penshirou breakes down when getting glose to the curry restaurant was skipped in the dub, along with the shot of the girl penguin avenging him after freezing the World Three. I’m still not sure why, the scene contributed to the plot because it let us know that the curry shop was unfrozen because the penguins where afraid of getting near, it wasn’t explained why, but at least we knew there was reason why it was the only place not covered in ice.
The Curry Restaurant is called Maha Ichiban and it translates to Maha Number one, in the dub, it is changed to Number One Curry since Mahajarama’s name was changed to Yahoot. 
This episode introduces Freezeman, a Gospel comander who, just like in the game, covers the net with ice. The mysterious customer is also an important character, but I will talk about him later.
Heatman is Hinouken’s Navi in the second game, we never learned what happend to Fireman during that time, but something tells me that we are finally gonna get the answer to that and many other questions in the next episode.
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 20 August 2018
Quick Bits:
Aphrodite V #2 is pretty damn great. Jeff Spokes’ artwork is instantly compelling, drawing in the reader with darkness and interesting angles into this increasingly enthralling story of a machine cult from the future by him and Bryan Hill.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Avengers #6 concludes the first arc in widescreen fashion. Lots of action and big ideas from Jason Aaron with gorgeous art from Ed McGuinness, Paco Medina, Mark Morales, Juan Velasco, and David Curiel. Again I’m reminded of those early issue of JLA from Grant Morrison and Howard Porter. This has been fun so far and I’m intrigued by what else they have in store.
| Published by Marvel
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Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs & Eldritch Men #1 is a very welcome return, even without Jill Thompson for this go around. The artwork from Benjamin Dewey is beautiful as he reminds us that he’s one of the best nature artists in comics, and possible beyond. His animals are just stunning. The story from him and Evan Dorkin is also interesting, suggesting some arcane traps luring in the paranormal. Great stuff for all ages.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack #12 concludes the series with an epic battle between the forces of heaven and hell as it teaches us the true meaning of friendship. It’s funnier when you actually read it. This has been an entertaining series from John Carpenter, Anthony Burch, Jorge Corona, Gabriel Cassata, and Ed Dukeshire, with this final chapter also delivering a nice farewell to the movie as well.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #4 has some very interesting revelations that ultimately only lead to more questions than answers. What’s going on isn’t nearly as cut and dried as we were led to believe last issue and the mystery has just deepened. Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart, and Todd Klein have managed to elevate this story higher again.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Black Panther #3 finally parcels out a tidbit of what might actually be going on with the series and the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, just in time for a surprise attack and more action. Thankfully, the art from Daniel Acuña is still overwhelmingly gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #2 is even better than the first issue. The mystery deepens as Antonius and Achillia reach Egypt and find incongruities they don’t expect within this province of the Roman Empire. The artwork from Robert Gill (with colours from José Villarrubia) is probably among the best I’ve seen from him, really bringing some very strong work here with backgrounds, vehicles, and character designs that are particularly impressive.
| Published by Valiant
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Cold Spots #1 is the start to another horror series from Cullen Bunn, this time accompanied by Mark Torres with the artwork, and as per many of Bunn’s previous tales, this is a great start. There’s a genuinely creepy atmosphere from Torres’ art and the plot of a missing daughter and her child, amidst the spooky maybe-ghosts, is a good one.
| Published by Image
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Daredevil #607 gets into how there can possibly be a Mike Murdock running around New York and it’s an interesting and possibly hazardous diversion. Gorgeous art from Phil Noto.
| Published by Marvel
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Die!Die!Die! #2 is more entertaining over-the-top humorous action that feels like it’s channelling Garth Ennis. Great art from Chris Burnham and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #4 is probably the most succinct in sticking to its plot without real deviation of all of these minis. Basically sticking to the thread of these X-women tackling the Femme Fatales. It’s been a relatively decent story from Jim Zub, Thony Silas, and Felipe Sobreiro, even if the art’s been a little uneven. There’s a really nice sequence of Psylocke finding herself again in this issue, though, from Leonard Kirk and Andrew Crossley that has interesting implications going forward.
| Published by Marvel
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Jughead: The Hunger #8 is a great jumping-on point for new readers, offering a bit of a history lesson and summary reinterpretation of the events of the overarching plot of the series to date. Great work from Frank Tieri, Pat & Tim Kennedy, Joe Eisma, Bob Smith, Ryan Jampole, Matt Herms, Andre Szymanowicz, and Jack Morelli.
| Published by Archie Comics / Archie’s Madhouse Presents
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The Life of Captain Marvel #2 continues what is shaping up to be possibly one of the defining and quintessential Carol Danvers stories. I love what Margaret Stohl is doing in bringing out the backstory and interpersonal dynamics of Carol’s family. The art from Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Fonteriz, and Marcio Menyz in the present day and Marguerite Sauvage’s flashbacks is wonderful.
| Published by Marvel
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Mr. & Mrs. X #2 continues this fun ride, tossing in Deadpool and more of the lesser used intergalactic X-characters. The dialogue from Kelly Thompson is hilarious and the art from Oscar Bazaldua and Frank D’Armata is great.
| Published by Marvel
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Old Man Logan #46 begins another arc tying up loose ends before the endgame of Dead Man Logan kicks off. Wrapping reconnecting with Alpha Flight around a horror story evoking shades of The Thing and Slither results in a wonderful story perfectly fitting Damian Couciero’s artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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The Punisher #1 is both a continuation of Matthew Rosenberg’s stories and ideas from the last volume of the series and a kind of back-to-basics approach to Frank Castle. Basically, he’s lost the War Machine suit, but he’s still taking on the world-spanning super-villains. It’s pretty epic and this is great jumping-on point. The dark humour is perfect, reminding me of Garth Ennis’ work with Castle, and seriously this is probably the best art that Szymon Kudranski has ever done. Along with Antonio Fabela’s colours, it’s like he was born to draw The Punisher.
| Published by Marvel
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Royal City #14 is an introspective end of saying farewell to the past and accepting change to move forward. This has been an interesting series from Jeff Lemire, focusing on his most often used theme of family, and it’s been a good exploration of their different dynamics.
| Published by Image
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The Sentry #3 is pretty dark, telling the flipside of the first two issues from Billy Turner’s perspective as he goes about stealing Sentry’s identity. This is almost at Kid Miracleman levels of demented. Jeff Lemire is playing with some interesting ideas here, beautifully brought to life by Kim Jacinto, Joshua Cassara, and Rain Beredo.
| Published by Marvel
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Shadowman #6 has some truly beautiful artwork from Renato Guedes, as this arc of Jack falling through time visiting the different holders of the shadow loa takes an interesting turn in ancient history.
| Published by Valiant
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Shanghai Red #3 is probably the best issue to date, as Molly reunites with Katie, recriminations are hashed out, and we get a bit of a tour of Portland. Christopher Sebela, Joshua Hixson, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou have tapped into something unique here, and this tale of revenge and some of the lesser told side of American history is incredibly compelling.
| Published by Image
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TMNT #85 brings Leatherhead back into the fold, with very interesting and potentially dangerous ramifications following the war between the Utroms and Triceratons. Brahm Revel’s clothes-peg take on the Turtles is an interesting visual choice.
| Published by IDW
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The Thrilling Adventure Hour #2 I find better than the first issue. The humour hits home a bit more for me and the leads of Sadie and Frank don’t seem nearly as insufferable as the first issue. The art, though, from MJ Erickson and Brittany Peer is just as good as the first. Entertaining stuff.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Venom #5 is another great issue. The mythology-building in this series is just incredible, growing Venom and his world into so much more. Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles are creating magic.
| Published by Marvel
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West Coast Avengers #1 is a great debut, filled with action and humour, as this highly dysfunctional team comes together. It’s nice to see Kelly Thompson doing more Hawkeye and Hawkguy, and the collection of characters coming together to make up the team are bizarre and fitting, carrying on a few of the themes and plot developments of the previous Hawkeye and America series. Though you needn’t have read any of that before you pick this up. Making it nigh unmissable is the gorgeous art from Stefano Caselli and Triona Farrell. This is fun.
| Published by Marvel
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Witchblade #7 returns for its second arc, continuing the extremely high level of quality that Caitlin Kittredge, Roberta Ingranata, Bryan Valenza, and Troy Peteri set for themselves.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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X-Men Red #7 advances us a bit further as the X-Men attempt to uncover evidence of Cassandra Nova’s influence on the world and thwart her attack on Atlantis. Tom Taylor has definitely been taking a slow approach to unfurling this story, but it has allowed for the beautiful art from originally Mahmud Asrar and now Carmen Carnero & Rain Beredo time to breathe.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Amazing Spider-Man #4, Avengers: Wakanda Forever #1, Barbarella #9, Bedtime Games #3, Betty & Veronica: Vixens #9, Curse Words Summer Swimsuit Special #1, Days of Hate #7, DuckTales #11, Gasolina #11, Hack/Slash: Resurrection #10, Hit-Girl #7, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Coronation #6, Lumberjanes #53, Mammon, Mickey Spillane’s Mike #3, Night’s Dominion - Season Three #2, Old Man Hawkeye #8, Quantum & Woody! #9, Red Sonja/Tarzan #4, Redneck #14, Stairway - Volume 1, Star Wars: Darth Vader #20, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #23, Sullivan’s Sluggers, TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #4, Wasted Space #4
Recommended Collections: Avengers: Back to Basics, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Cloak & Dagger: Predator & Pray, Deadly Class - Volume 7: Love Like Blood, Giant Days - Volume 8, Jimmy’s Bastards - Volume 2, Li’l Donnie - Volume 1: Executive Privilege, Lockjaw: Who’s a Good Boy, Postal - Volume 7, Sex Criminals - Volume 5: Five-fingered Discount
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d. emerson eddy too wonders where all the cowboys have gone. Is it a nefarious plot from some shadowy organization? Or are they all just at the Calgary Stampede?
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comicstache · 7 years
Shadowman Vol 1: Birth Rites
Hello again. This is the next post in my catching up to the Valiant Universe Timeline, a little project I’m doing of trying to read all Valiant universe trades in order of their release. I came up with this idea after hearing that they would be the next comic book publisher to try to bring their superhero universe into film. While Marvel and DC have gigantic libraries that it would be almost impossible to catch up on, Valiant, though it has been going on since 2012, is still comparably smaller and so I decided I’d give it a whirl. This review is on the last of the Origin story trades in the original Intro to Valiant Universe heros: the New Orleans-based SHADOW MAN!
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The original Shadowman we are introduced to is not the one we will be getting to know, but his father. He is fighting a villain we learn is named Darque and that villain pushes him through what at this time we know is some dimensional rift. Current day Shadowman’s mother, pregnant with him and wearing a very noticeable talisman, is leaving New Orleans to get away from it all. And that gets us to the current one.
He is named Jack Boniface. I was extremely happy to see that he was drawn as a mixed race character. He travels all over learning the secrets of his past, as he grew up in foster care and knew nothing of his parents. His search brings him to New Orleans where a police investigator helping him uncovers his parents dossiers. They are criminals.
On the other side of town a pair of officers meet our main villain. As they walk into a broken down bar, they find bodies strewn about and suddenly the bodies begin to come together to create a being that calls itself Mr Twist and then fires small flesh worms at them that take control of their bodies. Yes. That’s what hes up against.
Upon finding out that his parents were criminals, Jack takes the talisman his mother gave him and exasperatedly throws it into the ocean. We are then introduced to his allies, “the good guys”, Dox and Alyssa, who know that if they can now feel him (the talisman was masking his magical signature), so can the bad guys.
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And they do find him, in the guise of the cops Mr Twist took control of. They quickly reveal themselves, grabbing him and when he tries to escape, they shoot him. This is when he goes to another dimension and meets what we later learn is called the loa or spirit that makes him Shadowman. The issue ends with him in his new appearance facing down the flesh cops.
The beginning of the second issue brings all the characters together as Dox and Alyssa, together called the Abettors, coming barrelling through in a car firing bullets with etched in magic. As the three fight off the two flesh monsters, both are eventually vanquished by removing the little flesh worms. One wriggles back to its master while the other is captured by Dox for study.
As it slithers back to Mr Twist, he is getting the finishing touches of a suit done before revealing that his goal is to consume souls until he reaches a certain amount that allow him to do a certain something. We learn this because he is talking to a member of the Brethren, named Lionel and reminding him that though they asked for him to be brought to life, they are not in charge of him, which bothers Lionel both for the obvious of now having the control, and the other hand of realizing just what the Brethren have unleashed.
Our hero, meanwhile, is waking up to discover that he is back in his normal body, and his body is whole and unbroken, though his clothes show bullet wounds. He is confused as to what happened and goes back to work at the voodoo museum, only to be confronted there by Alyssa who shows him that there is magic and what he thought happened last night was not a dream. Personally, I thought they cold fire hand thing was very Moses and Egypt, but that’s just me. The two then go to where Dox, a brilliant small person, is working on dissecting the little flesh worm and there they start to explain to Jack some of the workings of magic, though it’s clear he is not getting it.
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On the other side of the dimensional veil, we discover that the original villain, Darque is in a netherworldy university and has been learning some very dangerous magic from a “professor” who he then kills so that they can be the only keeper of the knowledge. HE then telepathically communicates with Mr Twist as they reveal that they are trying to shatter the barrier between the real world and this nether world Darque is in, and that now that Shadowman has been revealed, Mr Twist much personally dispatch him. Being a villain, he is happy to oblige, and the issue ends with him appearing in Dox’s home due to the flesh worm giving away the position and having been easily let inside.
Issue three starts with a 1 on 3 battle of Mr Twist fighting Jack, Dox, and Alyssa, who don’t seem to be able to make much of a dent. Dox continues to fight and shooes away Jack and Alyssa so that he can learn to bring out his Shadowman. As they run out they discover the front door is blocked by the Brethren who begin to fire at them. Seeing no other option, Alyssa stabs Jack with a broken piece of glass hoping to jolt the Shadowman to life. Instead, they are both taken to a new dimension we learn is called “The Deadside”.
They are separated upon their arrival. Alyssa awakens to find herself surrounded by soulless ghosts, while Jack is awakened by a voodoo faced monkey who tells him more about the Deadside and also that there is someone there he needs to meet.
Meanwhile, Dox is being questioned by Twist and Lionel who discover that he has tattoos on his body that contain gargantuan amounts of magic. Twist lets us know that this means that he does not need to continue consuming souls and can get the remaining magic he needs from drawing it out of the tattoos on Dox’s body, moving forward the urgency of the plan.
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In the Deadside, Alyssa is fighting off ghosts who, being soulless, simply hunger for a soul and Jack is taken to meet the Shadowman from the beginning, who is guarding the portal to our world from Darque or any other bad magic that wants to get through. Though it is never expressly said in the conversation, it is clear that this is Jack’s father. He tells Jack that he gave him the talisman so that he could have a choice to not be the Shadowman because his father knows what kind of sacrifices it requires. Jack nonetheless takes on the mantle listening to Alyssa’s screams and knowing he wants to save her. And, having fully joined himself to the loa, he finds Alyssa and begins defeating the ghosts.
The issue ends with Twist explaining to Darque how he is going to use Dox to open the way.
WE then see the end of the fight with the ghosts in the Deadside as Shadowman destroys them easily. However, Alyssa, having fended them off for so long, seems to have died. However, Shadowman is able to revive her and they set about trying to find a way back.
We are then finally introduced to the rest of the Brethren, a small cabal of humans in the top of large industries, who clearly believe that working with Darque holds the keys to them gaining some sort of imortality.
Twist, finally putting his plan into action, opens a portal using Dox’s tattoos and welcomes his master to come on through. Surprise! Shadowman and Alyssa walk through instead. As they fight they begin to realize that as much as Shadowman destroys Twist’s flesh, he continues to fight. He then rushes Shadowman and they both go through the portal to the Deadside.
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THis last part gets complicated. Twist, it turns out, is jsut a huge spell to be able to get into the Deadside so he can open another door for Darque to get out of the netherworld he was in, and from the Deadside, Darque would be able to more freely move through to the real world... I know.
However, the Deadside is Shadowman’s realm and knowing that Twist is all flesh and pieces of humanity, he calls the ghosts who orignally attacked Alyssa to eat him up. They do and Darque is blown back into the other netherwold and Shadowman and the Abettors rush back to the real world.
Once there, they congratulate each other on a job well done and Dox reminds them that the Brethren are still out there and have just been delayed.
All in all, this is not my favorite of the Valiant superheros. It is good. There’s some good lines, the art is great, but despite that it is clear they tried to add emotion to it, i didn’t feel invested in the Shadowman. If anything, I would say that this suffered from what we’ve come to see in a number of superhero comic books and movies: The Origin Sydrome. In other words, the hero just spent to much time trying to figure out how to be the superhero and I found myself exasperated at how long it took for him to truly become the Shadowman. However, I will be reading the next chapter and perhaps with this backstory it will more deeply resonate.
0 notes
nofomoartworld · 7 years
An Art Punk Legend Rises Again with Two Posthumous Shows
When the New York band, Suicide, arrived on the scene in the early 70s, audiences were rather confounded by their mixture of confrontational music, performance, and sound art. And while Suicide was reshaping the musical landscape, the duo's frontman, Alan Vega, was creating artwork, as he had in the 60s before the band coalesced. A selection of Vega's work is now on display at two new shows, one at Deitch Projects, and the other at Invisible-Exports. Vega, like David Bowie, was working art and music during the last year of his life, and operating beneath the cultural radar, much like pioneering New York street artist Richard Hambleton.
Photo: Alan Vega
The Deitch Projects show, Dream Baby Dream, features video projections of Suicide performances, as well select light sculptures and works on paper from the 1970s onward. Invisible-Exports' exhibition, Keep IT Alive, features seven large-scale paintings that Vega completed just before his passing. The dueling shows coincide with the release of a new posthumous album, It, out July 14th via FADER. The vinyl release—designed by Albert Porto—features a special gatefold that includes never-before-seen drawings and photos of Vega's sculptures. The single, "DTM," is vintage Vega—abrasive but catchy—and comes with a new music video directed by Brook Linder.
Photo: Alan Vega
Vega's widow, Liz Lamere, tells Creators that the new album occupied the last six years of the artist and musician's life. Its long gestation period had as much to do with Vega's frequent art exhibitions and musical performances in Europe as his penchant for creating music spontaneously without expectations.
Originally, Vega had planned on being a physicist, but a chance encounter with surrealist artist Kurt Seligmann, who saw Vega doodling in a notebook at Brooklyn College, convinced him to take up art. Vega ended up studying under both Seligmann and Ad Reinhardt at Brooklyn College, with his early work done in paint. After seeing how the colors in his paintings shifted depending on the angle of light, however, Vega decided to he wanted to make light sculptures instead.
Photo: Alan Vega
Vega made many of these light sculptures at the Project of Living Artists, an art space he opened with public funding in Lower Manhattan. It was, as Lamere explains, a place where artists could come and simply create.
"Alan was making these light sculptures and pulling materials off the streets to make them," says Lamere. "Ivan Karp, who discovered Andy Warhol and had the OK Harris gallery, stumbles into the Project of Living Artists in the early 70s, sees Alan's creations—these piles of wires and lights on the floor—and says, 'I love what you're doing and I want to give you a show.' Alan was just doing it to do it. Ivan asked if he could have it ready in three weeks, and Alan was like, 'Sure, why not?'"
It was at Project of Living Artists where Vega met and began his collaboration with Suicide bandmate Martin Rev, a jazz virtuoso who was already working with electronic equipment. Their first shows were at art galleries because music venue bookers thought the duo was crazy. As Vega and Rev were putting out Suicide records in the late 70s, art dealer Barbara Gladstone came across Vega's floor pieces, telling him that if he put them up on walls that she might be able to sell them.
"So, in the early 80s Alan started doing these crosses, and continued those until 2016," says Lamere. "The cross was very much a universal theme for him, and then very often images of cultural icons like boxers, like Mike Tyson, Clint Eastwood, Marilyn Monroe, comic book characters, stuff he found on the street, things he pulled out of magazines. He'd combine this with lights, wires, and wood."
At night, Vega drew portraits depicting intense faces that tended to be of elderly people, drawn on lottery tickets, which he was fond of buying. Vega told Lamere they were self-portraits, but she also describes them as depictions of the "everyman." These drawings inspired Vega's writing, which he also did nightly, and appear collaged on the special vinyl gatefold for It.
"Alan's very final work—the seven paintings at Invisible-Exports—are like the portrait drawings except their full body but without faces," Lamere notes. "But, they're from different periods of time: there is someone from medieval times, there is a military guy—he was obsessed with them. The exhibitions are a nice cross-section of his work."
Dream Baby Dream will run at Jeffrey Deitch until this September, while Keep IT Alive will be exhibited until July 29th at Invisible-Exports. Click here to pre-order Alan Vega's It.
David Bowie Writhes Through New "Lazarus" Music Video
John Cale and Lawrence Weiner to be Honored at The Kitchen's Spring Gala
Before Banksy and Basquiat, There Was Shadowman
from creators http://ift.tt/2uiBdOZ via IFTTT
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brevmoment · 7 months
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man of shadow
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pelaanthony-blog · 8 years
☾Extended Project: The Progress of the Project (January) ☾
10th January 2017
I create t-shirts for a site called Redbubble so I brought the idea up to the marketing team that we could design and wear some at the exhibition and maybe sell some as merchandise to raise money to fund the project. Evidence Below. Everyone approved of this idea but then I was worried about class members paying towards the t-shirts or even if they would all wear them. To overcome this, I came up idea of fundraising the money through bake sales or exhibition ticket sales or even using badges instead as they are cheaper and people are more likely to wear something smaller. Problem Solving. 
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Email sent to Lizzy about T-shirt Idea
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Reply from Lizzy about T-shirt Idea
I had also asked my art group to practice the Tim Burton art style we had decided on to help them improve their skills with that art style and help build their confidence as they were concerned on how they would be able to develop their own art styles. I set them to practice over Christmas if they have time and wanted to get a better understanding of the way Tim Burton draws. Evidence Below. Problem Solving. Lauren, the other Art Director, and I also discussed our leadership tactics and decided straight away that all the art needs to be of a constant style to keep the game flowing and looking professional. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Lauren and I Discussing Work Set Over Christmas and How Important Consistency Is
11th January 2017
Today I spent the lesson looking in-depth into audience theory. I actually found it quite hard to find relevant information as a lot of information applied to a different age bracket, gender or even country. To solve this problem, I planned to do some primary research, such as a questionnaire to find the information from my target audience. Problem Solving.
Our primary target audience is 13 to 17 so it was fairly hard to find relevant products to analyse as ‘13′ is seen as young and ‘17′ is seen as an adult. However, while doing research, I found that the BBFC, a company that regulates age ratings, knows only parents know their individual children so now there is an age rating of a 12A. This helped me as I could then find more relevant information for my target audience, although a 12A certificate is only used for films instead of games. Being 13+ is an odd age when a lot of children like to act older, wanting to play games that are for an older age range to seem ‘cooler’ and fit in. They may see pop culture references, such as YouTube videos that talk about Call of Duty for example, which is an 18. Due to older influences they therefore may want to play a game that is above their age rating so I will look at older rated games that are popular for my target audience. 
12th January 2017
I spent the lesson looking into narrative stories and ‘choices’ which was presented on a PowerPoint by Lizzy. This information gave us, as a class, the option to add ‘choices’ to our game and decide on a narrative flow. In the end, we decided that our story for the game, Eliza, should be fairly linear as to not confuse the younger audience. 
I had also collected all of the artist’s work together on their concept ides for the main character Eliza. I wrote down independently to begin with about what was good or bad about each design, notes I would later show to Lauren to come up with a final design of our protagonist. That evening, I created my own ‘final concept’ of Eliza, trying to incorporate the best ideas from each drawing as to make all the artists feel as if they have contributed and to not upset anyone. Evidence Blow. Problem Solving.
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Initial Eliza Concept
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Final Design Concept
13th January 2017
I had a meeting this morning with Lauren, Jon and Josh to go over what limitations we had when it came to the art we were creating and what we wanted to see in the game. We also had the chance to talk about the next main character, the ShadowMan. I gave an example of using ideas of the ShadowMan from the Disney film The Princess and The Frog. I thought, from the descriptions the writers had given us, taking inspiration from that film would be a good starting place for the artists to work off of and understand the creative direction we were going in with this particular character. It will also help all the artists understand a basic idea of what they need to draw and then have freedom to evolve and develop the concept. Problem Solving. 
Throughout the meeting, I was slightly worried that Jon and Josh were taking over the art style and concepts so, after a meeting with Lizzy to check I was justified in how I felt, I messaged them later on Facebook to let them know any final decisions will be made by me and Lauren. Evidence Below.
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Message to Jon and Josh that Lauren and I are in Charge of Art
Lauren and I will be having a final meeting on Tuesday about what the main character, Eliza, will look like. I will show her the notes I made about everyone’s concepts and the final concept idea I had.
Later on during the day, we had a whole class meeting where we went over what music and animation were doing. I found it very helpful to touch base and communicate what was happening in each group. However, a lot of people didn't get involved in the discussion and seemed against or negative towards the project. To combat this, I spoke to my art group privately after the meeting to go through what all the leaders had discussed and get their opinions on the topics, letting them bring up any issues they have in a quieter and calmer environment. Problem Solving.
After speaking with Lauren, Lizzy and the writing team, we have added some extra creatures for students who aren't confident with their drawing abilities and would like to stick closer within their comfort zone. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Conversation with Lizzy and Lauren Discussing the Adding of Extra Characters
17th January 2017
Today, I was able to create the main character, Eliza, involving as many designs from the other artists that would be appropriate for this character. There were still a few aspects of the design Lauren and I were unsure about so I decided to create a survey which we will hand out to our target audience. The survey will include different hair colours, different eye shapes, etc. that the target audience must pick between as a multiple choice. Problem Solving. I looked into detail about different eye shapes as I thought they were an extremely important part of the character as they express the most emotion. I also looked and different hair colours for the protagonist, really thinking closely at what best would suit the character. Evidence Below.
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Concept for Eliza's Eyes
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Concept for Eliza's Hair
I then organised with Lauren to create a note of all the characters, locations and extra assets needed to get it clear in our minds what needed to be done and who should be doing it. In the meantime, we set all the artists to create concept art for the other main characters, a cat called Marbles and the ShadowMan, which they will present on Thursday when Lauren and I present the final design of Eliza and the delegated tasks for each artist.
18th January 2017
Today, I had drawn all my cat design concepts for Marbles after reading the character brief from the writers. I came up with a few different ideas so everyone could see Marbles being represented differently each time and then see which one represented the character the writers had created best. Evidence Below.
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Marble Concepts
Because of the unsureness of what final tweaks needed to be made to the Eliza drawing, I had created a survey for my target audience to feel involved in the final design and actually create something appropriate that they would like. The main concept of the protagonist had been decided; I just needed to locate the final details to be made to her. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Survey Given to Target Audience
Job roles have also been delegated with me, Lauren, Kelton and Ryan doing main characters; Nathan and Taylor doing locations; and Harry, Liane, Nick and Aaron doing extra characters in the game. This sectioning off of tasks means work flow is quicker because everyone is focusing on their individual aspect of the game. It also means that there will be less confusion with what artists need to do as they already have their assigned job. There are also some strong personalities in the group so it’s important that ALL the artists get heard with their opinions, by everyone having an individual part to work on, no one needs to be involved in someone else’s work and the quieter students will get heard. Problem Solving.
20th January 2017
After looking at the results of the survey, I was able to create a design of Eliza that the whole group was happy with. The bow was the most popular shape chosen by the target audience; dark violet hair was most voted; the big ‘pretty’ eyes were also most chosen however I edited the eyebrows slightly so they referenced back to the original Tim Burton art style inspiration. Even the skirt colour and pattern was chosen, with red tartan being the highest voted. All other colours I took from Lauren’s original Eliza drawing as I thought they fitted the character persona perfectly, a great blend of girly and gothic that fits with the ironic humor present throughout the game. Evidence Below. 
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Final Eliza Design
I had caught up with most of my work so I was then able to carry on with the Specialist Essay, part of unit 12. At the end of the lesson, we had another whole class meeting to discuss our target audience as it was concerning a lot of people and causing confusion as it was not truly defined. We first decided that our target audience should be boys and girls between the ages of 13 to 17, however Lizzy still felt we needed to be more specific in our target audience to help us create a game that truly aims at our demographic and makes it easier on us to do so. We therefore decided that our primary audience would be 12 year old girls and our secondary audience would be 13 to 17 year old boys and girls. This means, we are aiming the game for our primary audience, however we do still need to keep into consideration about our secondary audience. Problem Solving. After this meeting, to help us better understand our primary target audience, we must create a target audience profile where we need to research into things about the audience such as, what are their favourite books, where do they like to eat etc. 
21st January 2017
I was able to finish the target audience profile as I felt we couldn’t move forward before we truly understood who the game was aimed for. Because of this, even after the spider diagram I did of the target audience, I went into great detail about what the target audience liked, what social medias they liked and information along those lines. Evidence Below and in 'Audience’ Blog Post.
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Audience Theory Profile
I also decided that we should create an Instagram for our art group to start bringing in viewers and people interested in what we are doing. Evidence Below.
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Art Group A Instagram Page
I assigned days on when people should post relevant art work, with me doing Mondays, Ryan doing Tuesdays, Nathan doing Wednesday, Kelton is doing Thursday and Taylor doing Friday. Evidence Below.
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Delegated Instagram Uploading Days
I felt that not a lot of outsiders knew the project we had underway so creating an Instagram of our art would help bring free advertisement. Instagram was also the best social media option for us as it’s about posting pictures with a simple caption underneath. As we are showing off art, a site focusing on photos would be more effective for us to draw in the audience and also, with no age rating, 12 year olds would be on the social media platform which is our target audience. Problem Solving.
24th January 2017
After creating the final Eliza design, Jon needed an image plane for Eliza. Evidence Below. I found this task very hard to do as I had never created image planes before and I struggled turning my 2D drawings into a 3D perspective. Callum said he could use my image planes but next time I would need to take my characters out of a ‘pose’ and have their arms straight out so they are easier to model.
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Eliza Image Planes
25th January 2017
Today I had the task of creating my team schedule, proposal and individual schedule. After final discussion with Lauren to verify the job roles, we had decided that me, her, Kelton and Ryan should do main characters; Nathan and Taylor should so locations, and Aarron, Nick, Harry and Liane should do any extra background characters. I noticed very early on that both art teams were working at different speeds so I planned with Lauren that we would have separate art group schedules to enable us to work at our own speed and levels of work. This however has brought up a number of issues already. A couple of times, duplicates of work have been made due to artists in group B working on work set for artists in group A. This caused an issue as group B artists then felt let down that their work wouldn’t be included in the game. We also had the issue of not the correct work being produced, where people who don’t attend college a lot, hadn’t understood their brief so had drawn the incorrect thing. This held us back from producing artwork in time as concept art had to then be re-drawn. Finally, there was a concern that group A was doing more work than group B as the attendance is group B hasn’t been good. To counteract this and encourage people to come in, I gave the artists who came to lesson more frequently, the jobs they wanted on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Problem Solving.
To also solve the problem of duplication of work and incorrect art being drawn, me and Lauren made sure we met up regularly to check what everyone was doing and creating weekly in-depth schedules to make sure everyone knew what they needed to be working on. Problem Solving.
26th January 2017
I was able to finish my proposal, individual schedule and one sheet today which was really good as I have become ahead in my work so I feel a lot less stressed about the work load I had. In the afternoon, I created a PowerPoint to show to both classes of all the cat and ShadowMan concept art so they are up to date with what the artists are creating and are in the loop on what we are doing. Evidence Below.
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ShadowMan Concept Art
27th January 2017
Today was focusing on making sure all future proof work was finished for evaluation on Tuesday. As all my work was up-to-date and everything stated in the assignment brief was done, I set up a meeting with Lauren to go over what her, me, Ryan and Kelton should do when it came to the main characters. After great discussion we decided that I should focus on Eliza as I designed her so it would help keep continuity if I continued drawing her. We then decided that Lauren should do the ShadowMan as, even though the final design hadn’t been decided, her sketch was the most popular when we showed our concepts to the rest of the class. Ryan was then delegated to draw Marbles as he showed an array of different cat concepts so we thought he would be best suited to focus on Marbles. Finally, we had to decided on what Kelton would do. We didn’t know who he should draw as no other characters had been decided by the writers so instead, he focused on his written work. Nathan and Taylor also told me they were up-to-date on their blog work so I got them started on locations with Nathan doing the orphanage and Taylor doing the sewers as they were the first two levels of our game.
31st January 2017
First up today was setting up a meeting with my team and touching base as I was worried that they wee confuse about their goal and what they needed to do. Fortunately, everyone was positive and felt confident in what they needed to produce towards the project.
Next, I had another meeting but this time it was with Jamie and Jon as Jon wanted to change the gameplay on some levels but wanted to make sure this was paired with the story and art already created towards the game. Throughout the meeting, I became quite worried and stressed as the plans kept changing between groups. They meeting still didn’t end with a definite direction so I should have stood my ground more with what the artists were doing and could or couldn’t be changed. In the future, I have decided that I should stand up for what the artists are doing as it is mine and Lauren’s choice and we are their voice in this project as we are the Art Directors. Because of this, I have started to begin researching into a final art style we should use for the look and feel for the levels and the world in the game. My main idea was to focus towards an Art Deco and Steampunk look as the styles are glamourous but in a gothic and mechanical way so I messaged Lauren on Facebook o get her opinion on my idea. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Message to Lauren about Art Style
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brandonrucker · 7 years
Note: this is a re-posting of an interview I had published nearly five years ago on a different website (that web archive is no longer available, making this re-post necessary for posterity, if nothing else). The following Q&A session was drafted October 17, 2012.
Patrick “Patch” Zircher [pronounced: zer-ker] is the artist and co-writer of Valiant’s all-new SHADOWMAN series, launching November 7, 2012 from the resurging publisher. Co-written with Justin Jordan (THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE), the new Shadowman series is about New Orleans’ worst nightmare coming true. As these dark forces begin to claim the Big Easy as their own, Jack Boniface must embrace the dark legacy he was born to uphold as Shadowman. He will become the only thing that stands between his city and the legions of unspeakable monstrosities. Zircher, Jordan and Shadowman are poised to not only occupy the darkest corners of the revised Valiant Universe, but perhaps shine some light and hope there as well.
Zircher, In Passing
Earlier this year I met Patch Zircher somewhat in-passing at my local comic shop. I didn’t know who he was at the time until an old former colleague at the store informed me. He was there mainly to purchase comics for his preteen daughter (trade paperbacks of Marvel’s Runaways, I recall), but was also there searching through the back issue bins for some oldies-but-goodies. He, the store staff and I geeked out in a brief conversation about when exactly the transition from the Silver Age to the Bronze Age of comics supposedly occurred. As we departed the store I was left with the impression that Zircher’s a humble, laidback and rather approachable fellow (the kind I suspect would talk with you forever should you meet him in Artists Alley at a comic con someday), and was jazzed that this awesome artist is a fellow citizen living locally in a suburb neighboring mine. A few Twitter conversations eventually led to the following interview you are about to read.
Hey Kids, Meet Patrick Zircher!
BRANDON RUCKER: Are you a native of our ‘great state’ of Indiana? If so, where did you grow up?
PATRICK ZIRCHER: I grew up in Ohio and Arizona, but moved to Indiana when my kids were born.  I actually missed fall and winter.
RUCKER: How did you get your start as an illustrator of comics? How we’re you finally discovered?
ZIRCHER: That’s hard to answer because there were a lot of stops and starts. Right out of high school I was published in paper and pencil role-playing games, then inked, wrote, and drew comics for smaller comic companies like Eclipse, Blackthorne, and Caliber. Art became a full-time job when I started drawing Green Hornet for Now Comics.  Back then, I sent art samples (photocopies) in the mail.  I would draw on the envelope to get submissions editors to notice. A few years later I was hired by DC at the San Diego Comic Con and a short time after that by Marvel for New Warriors. This is all in the ‘long ago and far away.’
RUCKER: I’ve seen your early pages for this new series, and Patrick, I have to say that I’m blown away. Admittedly I’m a latecomer to your work having discovered it at Marvel the last couple of years. You’ve recently alluded that your work from 5-6 years ago is not worthy of your name. In what ways do you feel you’ve improved? Do you feel like you turned a certain corner when you went digital?
ZIRCHER: I was joking a little, but I do try to improve each year. I’ve never been satisfied with having a ‘set way’ of drawing.  As far as improvements, I think my storytelling and panel compositions are stronger, as well as anatomy and gesture, spotting blacks and contrast.  Ha, everything I guess.  To be honest, improvement came when I began inking my own work.  It isn’t that other inkers aren’t talented, but inking is, to some extent, redrawing for me – a second chance to improve on the pencils and layout.
RUCKER: Since I’m a follower of your Twitter feed, I’ve come to realize that you are a kindred spirit when it comes to music. What positive affects does music have on your artwork?
ZIRCHER: I’m a music geek, as a listener – I can’t play at all – and tailor what I listen to with what I’m drawing.  Drawing involves long hours at the board so I’ve been putting together a ‘mix tape’ with hundreds of songs that keep me in the zone when working on Shadowman.  It’s how I justify my passion for “Daemon Lover” by Shocking Blue.
RUCKER: Do you have any favorite artists among your peers?
ZIRCHER: Many.  But listing them only makes me regret the ones I left out.  I will say the overly-flashy art, the absurdly detailed art, the no-attention span- jumbo-figures-on-every-page kind of guys usually leave me cold.  I’ll take a great storyteller who can frame and compose panels, pages, and sequences over the loud guy every time.
RUCKER: You recently said on Twitter: “Never say never, but that’s my last Marvel piece [AVX Consequences #1] for a very, very, very long time.” I assume that this, well, one: refers to your exclusive contract with Valiant, and two: you’re as happy as a fat kid in a candy store at Valiant.
ZIRCHER: I love working at Valiant.  I was unhappy at Marvel.  It happens.  As far as exclusives, as I said, I love working at Valiant, but I just don’t sign exclusives anymore.  I’m working exclusively for Valiant because I want to – not out of a contractual obligation.
RUCKER: There’s a huge boom in creator-owned comics these days, perhaps the most ever in the history of the medium. Do you have any interest in possibly doing something creator-owned in the future?
ZIRCHER: Yes, but co-writing and illustrating Shadowman is a full plate.  And the plate’s full of good food.  There are so many projects at Valiant I’d be happy to be a part of that making a creator-owned book isn’t a priority right now.
Shadowman #1, pg. 1
Shadowman #1, pg. 4
Shadowman #1, pg. 5
RUCKER: What was it about the Shadowman character that attracted you? Were you a fan of the 1990s version as well?
ZIRCHER: I was a fan.  Like a lot of fans though, sometimes you’re as much in love with a character’s potential as you are their actuality.
RUCKER: With all due respect to all the previous creators who worked on the character, what is it about this new iteration of Shadowman that you think makes it just as good as, if not better than the original?
ZIRCHER: Well, first, I admire the talents of the book’s previous creators.  Bob Hall wrote and drew quite a few issues and you can see he put a tremendous amount of energy into the work.  Comics have evolved a different style of storytelling since then and the work Justin Jordan, myself, and colorist Brian Reber are doing on the book reflects that.
RUCKER: The return of Valiant Comics is obviously great for fans of the characters and the industry overall. What was the main aspect about the all-new Valiant that attracted you to the point where you decided to stop working for Marvel?
ZIRCHER: I’m very attracted to working at a company that’s really in touch with its talent.  Everyone at Valiant is excited and enthusiastic and I wanted to work with people who felt that way.
RUCKER: The Valiant re-launch has been executed very methodically and with great care and precision. Given your relationship with Warren Simons, were you (and writer Justin Jordan) hand-picked for the Shadowman series, or did you two have to pitch against other creators in consideration/contention?
ZIRCHER: I was under contract with Marvel at the time Valiant was putting together its initial titles so we didn’t get together until later.  Fortunately several of my favorite Valiant characters were in the early (re-) developmental stage.  Warren and I wanted to work together on something with equal enthusiasm so we discussed a variety of characters.  Comics is a business, but I think it’s a key element, an often neglected one, to match talent with titles and characters they want to work on.  As far as Justin, he’s a writer both Warren and I really wanted.  We had read Luther Strode and both saw a personality in Justin’s work that would enliven Shadowman.  When Warren told me Justin had pitched for Shadowman, I couldn’t believe the serendipity of it.
RUCKER: Did you, along with Justin, have a lot of freedom to revamp and re-design the character and his world according to your shared vision?
ZIRCHER: I think so. It’s a team effort that includes editorial.  Valiant is building a cohesive universe and an editorial perspective is part of that.  Personally, it’s thrilling to be in the early stages of comics universe-building.  Co-writing is a fascinating process because, in many ways, a third writer is born, with a style that is different from the individuals and yet, not.
RUCKER: Have you had to do any specific research for this new series, perhaps research on New Orleans, or jazz culture or what have you?
ZIRCHER: A lot of comic creators research and I’ve been doing that for years.  With New Orleans, so many clichés are used in comics based in the Big Easy that we’re purposely taking it easy on the New Orleans-specific references.  They’ll come, you just won’t have Mardi Gras, the French Quarter, jazz, the bayou, voodoo queens, and above-ground vaults all thrown at you in the first issue.
Shadowman #2, pg. 2
Shadowman #2, pg. 4
RUCKER: In your own words, how would you pitch the new Shadowman series to prospective new readers – the on-the-fence fan or the naysayer?
ZIRCHER: Shadowman is about a guy named Jack who is bonded to a supernatural spirit.  After that, everything in his life changes.  I’m having a crazy, good time making the book and that DOES show in the pages.  If you’re on the fence after seeing the previews there probably isn’t a whole lot I can say.  Justin’s dialogue could charm a cat out of a tree.  Brian’s colors are gorgeous.  If you want a very good comic, you’ll find it here.
RUCKER: For those unfamiliar with your work, what of your previous work would you recommend people check out prior to Shadowman’s release –something you’re proudest of?
ZIRCHER: Captain America Vol. 3 [trade paperback of Ed Brubaker’s recent run], or Batman: The Man Who Laughs with Brubaker.  Terror Inc. with David Lapham; Mystery Men with David Liss; Hulk of Arabia with Jeff Parker. Or pick up Thor: Ages of Thunder with Matt Fraction. Warren [Simons] gave a copy of the Thor book to Valiant’s publisher, but his son took it so he had to get another one.  That’s as strong a recommendation as I can think of.
UPDATE: Currently Patrick Zircher’s work can be found on the DC Rebirth Action Comics series from DC Comics where you can find him having a ball drawing Superman and Lex Luthor-Superman, plus a dastardly host of supporting characters and villains.
Patrick Zircher: Into the Shadows, Man | Q&A Note: this is a re-posting of an interview I had published nearly five years ago on a different website (that web archive is no longer available, making this re-post necessary for posterity, if nothing else).
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