#i finally started introducing more pink into my wardrobe and i refuse to let go
ringosnoop · 1 year
fuck it i'm gonna start calling myself a butch just to make the exclus mad (and bc i'm hot and sexy and deserve to identify however i want lol)
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
Alex Fierro's Introduction Full Breakdown
Okokok so. This is going to go full English-professor mode, where I'm drawing conclusions that are gonna seem a little far-fetched. That's what's fun about media analysis! I can say something is a symbol, and even if I don't have enough faith in RR's competency to know if he meant for it to be a symbol, it's still true! That being said, a lot of these choices I'm sure are intentional, either at a literal or subliminal level. Page numbers are going to be used not to assert a kind of authority or whatever— this is a Tumblr post, not an essay— but to help readers find the pages I'm referencing in case they'd like to do some digging of their own. Also, this is going to be really long. Really sorry to anyone with ADHD; I might make an audiofile of this so you can get the information without having to read the whole thing. With all that, let's get into it!
To kick off, let's talk about Alex being in the form of a cheetah when she first meets Magnus. Of course, there's the obvious impact of him seeing her but only so breifly, as well as introducing the conflict between her and the rest of Hall 19. But that could have easily been accomplished by almost any animal. The choice of a cheetah being implicated implies two qualities of Alex that will be recurrent throughout the two books she's in: 1. She has a tendency to run away, as we'll later learn when she describes how she became homeless, and 2. To Magnus, she's elusive. She can't be caught or held down. The event that shows this so transparently is how Alex refuses to define their relationship at the end of the series, despite it clearly surpassing the normal bounds of friendship.
But the cheetah isn't the animal Alex is in the form of when Magnus first gets a good look at her; she's a weasel. Weasel's bring up all kinds of connotations: ferocity, slickness, a lack of charm. When we want to describe someone as an untrustworthy person, we call them a weasel. RR had Alex take this form to play up her comrades' feeling of distrust towards her. She could be a double-crosser. But paradoxically, the up-front and vicious mannerisms of a weasel also have a transperency. She does not try appealing to her Hallmate's sense of goodwill because she doesn't have anything to gain from it. So even though there is the implication that she might be an antagonist, there's also evidence from her actions and mannerisms that she isn't. The weasel's long and skinny frame also allow for a smooth transition into Alex's actual body, which is convenient.
As Alex transforms into her usual human form, Magnus describes her as "a regular human teen, long and lanky, with a swirl of dyed green hair, black at the roots, like a plug of weeds pulled out of a lawn" (pg. 50). That simile at the end is of particular interest. Let's compare it to another time Magnus describes Alex's hair, in Ship of the Dead: "Her hair had started to grow out, the black roots making her look even more imposing, like a lion with a healthy mane" (pg. 136). By contrasting these two different examples, we can see the development of Magnus and Alex's relationship. The first time he sees her, he thinks of her hair as something nasty— note the word choice "weeds." Later on, though, he becomes more affectionate towards her, more complentary. The immedient negative reaction is less his actual impression, though, and more the reaction he expected to have based on everyone else's reaction to Alex.
Her clothes are equally as interesting; as Magnus describes it, Alex wears "battered rose high-tops, skinny lime green corduroy pants, a pink-and-green argyle sweater-vest over a white tee, and another pink cashmere sweather wrapped around the waist like a kilt" (pg. 50). Aside from the obvious fact that this outfit is a) bizzare, b) fire, and c) Alex's signature colors, which add a layer of style to what can otherwise be a somewhat boring series fashion-wise (excuse me, Blitz), the outfit reveals a crucial facet of Alex's backstory in a kind of subtle way. These are expensive clothes, like the Stella McCartney dress in Alex's room. Note the mention of fabrics (corduroy, cashmere) and patterns (argyle). These indicate wealth and status. Even the high-tops; shoes like that don't come cheap. But I'd like to return to the very first word of the section: "battered." Alex's wardrobe show-cases a proximity to wealth, but also shows that that proximity has been strained and lengthened, maybe for an extended period of time. Alex dresses like a rich person, but she isn't one. Least, not anymore.
The last word of that outfit-introduction is also of interest: "kilt." At the current moment, Magnus thinks that Alex is male. No one has indicated otherwise to him. Everyone has been referring to Alex with he/him pronouns. Samirah called Alex her "brother" (pg. 29). His first thought in seeing what he at first perceives as a guy with a jacket wrapped around the waist is That looks like a kilt. This thought tells us about Magnus: despite being open and accepting, he still has some lingering notions of gender conformity from his years in wider American society.
Magnus also indicates that the outfit "reminded me of a jester's motley, or the coloration of a venomous animal warning the whole world" (pg. 50). This is rather self-explanatory, but it's still worth noting that Magnus sees the outfit as something bizzare, strange, and even perhaps comical. This places Alex at odds with the other people Magnus has met. It also reveals that Magnus has zero fashion sense. But we already knew that.
After finishing up staring at the ensemble, Magnus finally gets around to actually looking Alex in the face. First Magnus says that he "forgot how to breathe" (pg. 50), which, yeah, relatable. This is justifed by saying that Alex has the same face as Loki, but the very same sentence that asserts that that's the case also suggests an alternative reason: Alex has "the same unearthly beauty" as her father. Here we can see the beginnings of Magnus's attraction to Alex, though at this point, he still has a lot of internalized homophobia. Though there's certainly some truth in that Magnus was unnerved by Alex's resemblance to Loki, the idea that Magnus pointed out that Alex was pretty without elaborating on that thought until about a chapter later— after he was informed that Alex was presently a girl— can tell us a lot about how Magnus perceives sex and beauty.
Of course, Alex's eyes are given special attention. She has cool eyes; what can I say? But I'd like to focus in on how Magnus here depicts Alex's heterochromia as "completely unnerving" (pg. 50). Again, let's contrast this with how he describes them after getting to know Alex a little better in Ship of the Dead. In Chapter 3, Magnus describes "[Alex's] dark brown eye and his amber eye like mismatched moons cresting the horizon" (pg. 25). Once again, this shows the development of their relationship— but this time, it's in a much more personal way. Eyes are the windows to the soul; they are culturally important and biologically important in inter-personal connections. In you look into someone's eyes, you're giving them your full attention, and you're implying a kind of closeness. The way that Magnus describes Alex's eyes in the second passage is downright intimate. At this point, he is in love with Alex, and it is clear when contrasting the two descriptions.
As my last point, I'd like to discuss Alex's first words on page: "'Point that rifle somewhere else, or I will wrap it around your neck like a bow tie'" (pg. 51). First of all, Alex saying this with a "perfect white smile" (pg. 51) on his face implies that she is used to being threatened. She is not afraid of being shot; she counters the promise of an attack with a promise of her own. This pleads the question: why is Alex accustomed to violence? What events of her past or qualities of her life have brought her to this point? The threat itself reveals Alex's trauma from being genderfluid in a society with rigid gender norms, as well as her antagonistic relationship with her father. Magnus makes a comment that Alex "might actually know how to tie a bow tie, which was kind scary arcane knowledge" (pg. 51). Like Alex's wardrobe, the idea that she may have experience in high-class fashion also implies her former status as a rich kid.
I could go on. I could break apart Alex saying "'Pleased to meet you all, I guess'" (pg. 51). There is a wealth of information in this short page span that tells us things about Alex Fierro in the present moment, quietly demonstrates things about her past, and characterizes the narrator Magnus Chase. This passage is also effective in hindsight in marking the progress of Magnus and Alex's relationship.
But I'd like to take a step back and look at not the pieces, but the whole picture. Alex Fierro gets a full page of pure description— her outfit, her face— and about a chapter of introduction. This comes after several chapters of build-up. Alex Fierro is an important character you need to keep your eyes on. Alex Fierro is emotionally significant to the main character, Magnus Chase. Alex Fierro is one of the most developed and well-rounded characters that Rick Riordan has ever written— heck, she's one of the best characters in middle-grade books period. The extended emphasis on her and her alone tells us exactly what role she's going to play in this story: she's the star.
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dakotacrisis · 6 years
A Peachy Premiere
Marinette not getting involved in Chloe’s drama and having a cute little time with Adrien and Co. Another if the akuma never happened scenario because fluff potential is infinite.
(also don’t have better title rn but alliteration is awesome)
“Marinette, what are you all dressed up for?” Tikki asked as Marinette changed into her waitress clothes.
“I’m helping my parents serve food at the premiere of the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie.” she shrugged as she grabbed her apron. “It’s a lot o catering and I work for free so it only makes sense I’d get roped in. Not that I mind. I’m always happy to help my parents.”
“Oh, so is that why you turned down the invitation to the premiere as Ladybug?”
“Partially. But more importantly I’m a hero, not a celebrity. I’m meant to be saving the city, not walking the red carpet.” She opened her purse, “Come on, Tikki, we gotta get going.”
Tikki zipped into her bag and Marinette rushed downstairs to meet her parents. They all piled into the delivery truck and headed to the theatre. Since they were catering they had to get there early and set up. Marinette went about arranging the macarons as precisely as she could so they could be stacked without worry of falling.
Soon the premiere began and paparazzi started to buzz outside as the celebrities arrived. Marinette was serving Clara Nightingale some juice when she noticed a familiar mop of blonde hair enter the theatre.
“Oh no, she’s seen him.” Her mom sighed with a teasing lilt.
“What is Adrien doing here?” Marinette said outloud.
“Adrien Agreste?” Clara pointed to him, “He voiced Chat Noir in the movie.”
“Adrien voiced…” oh no. She was not prepared for this! It was bad enough trying to keep her balance on a normal day but with Adrien around? Impossible! These macarons are young. So full of promise. They don’t deserve to be tossed to the floor because of her two left feet.
Calm down, Marinette. We got this! Sure Adrien gives you thousands of tiny little butterflies in your stomach and you can barely spit out a coherent sentence half the time but that’s fine! Calmly, and slowly pick up the tray of macarons and offer one to Adrien. You are here to serve. It is only normal--nay--expected!
She took a deep breath and started to head towards him minding each step she took carefully. Then she stopped. Kagami and her mother walked in. Oh perfect…
No! Focus! We are here to do a job! No getting jealous because Kagami is here and hanging off of Adrien’s arm and this is really not fair. Deep breath. Smile and walk.
“Hey Adrien, Kagami.” Marinette approached them with the tray, “Macaron?”
“Hey Marinette,” Adrien smiled at her. The butterflies in her stomach started to flutter again. “What are you doing here?”
“My parents catered. I’m just helping.” she shrugged.
“Cool. It’s good to see you. Kagami, you remember Marinette.”
“Sure. We went ice skating together.” Kagami was pleasant enough but her tone was cool. Something about the fencer unnerved Marinette. It wasn’t the fact that she liked Adrien (although that was part of it) but more that she was so sure of herself. Always so confident that it seemed to waft off her in waves. It was like she had no troubles or burdens because who or what would dare to defy someone that emitted such...self-conviction.
“Yep,” Marinette nodded. The tray in her hands shook slightly as she tried to keep her nerve. “We should do it again sometime.”
“That’d be nice.” Kagami took a macaron off the tray. “I’ve been meaning to try one of these. Adrien tells me your parents are the best bakers in Paris.”
“They are. At least I think so.” Some of the tension released from her shoulders. She spotted Jagged Stone across the way and smiled wider. “Sorry, I gotta make the rounds. You two have fun.”
“It was nice seeing you again, Marinette.” Kagami took a bite of the macaron, “And Adrien was right. Best macaron I’ve ever had.”
“Thanks.” she blushed slightly. She waved to the two of them before continuing on her way. Okay. That went well! Had a nice, normal conversation. No stammering at all! Woo!
“Marinette!” Jagged Stone gave her a tight hug around her shoulders when he saw her, “I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“You were at my house a couple months ago, Jagged.” she laughed.
“Come here, there’s a few people I want to introduce the talented girl behind my Rock Giant album cover to.” Marinette was dragged off with Jagged as she brushed elbows with some of the industry’s finest. Some of the animators of the movie asked if she was willing to put her talents towards becoming an animator but she had to disappoint them as her passion lay in fashion.
All the while she kept stealing little glances at Adrien and sighing. She wished she wasn’t working so she could go talk to him. Maybe get him away from Kagami for five minutes so she could have some alone time with him. That’d be nice.
She was watching him from across the room as he laughed over something Kagami had said. Suddenly he looked at where Marinette was and she froze having been caught.
Stop staring! You’re making this weird! She shrieked in her mind but her body refused to obey.
Oh crap, he’s coming over! He thinks you’re a creep. He’s coming over to tell you to stop staring. He thinks you’re a psycho stalker and is going to warn you that he is already drawing up the restraining order! Next thing you know he’s moving to Japan with Kagami to get away from you and they get married and have three kids and a hamster and--
“Marinette,” Adrien was finally upon her now, “Are you having fun?”
“Fun? Oh yeah, sure! Tons of fun! Oodles of fun!” she put on a smile big enough to mask overthinking going on in her head.
“Good to know. I meant to tell you earlier but didn’t get the chance.”
“Tell me what?” she was almost scared of what the answer would be.
“You look really cute in your waitress outfit. The little cap and apron are creations of yours I assume.”
Marinette breathed out in relief before blushing like a madwoman. “Oh really? Thank you.” she tugged on the ends of her apron, “I did make them. How could you tell?”
“The flower pattern. It’s the same on your bookbag, purse, favorite t-shirt, pajamas--”
“You noticed that?” She couldn’t help but be impressed. She didn’t think Adrien paid that much attention to her. Not enough to notice the flower design she used in her wardrobe at least.
“Oh uh…” he scratched the back of his head nervously, “I didn’t mean to sound weird. I just thought it was neat and it is a pretty design. Anytime I see a pink flower my mind automatically jumps to you because I know you use it a lot in your work.”
“That’s so sweet.” Marinette sighed dreamily. It took her a second to remember where she was and straightened up. “What uh...where’s Kagami?”
“She’s over there talking to father and Nathalie.” He pointed to where Gabriel’s assistant stood holding a tablet with Gabriel on video call. Guess that leaving the house streak ended.
“There was something else I came over to ask you.”
“What is it?”
“Did you want to meet any of the cast or crew for the movie? I saw Clara Nightingale earlier, or the voice actress for Ladybug is somewhere around here, Mr. Astruc I think is raiding the catering table.”
“Astruc? The animation director Astruc?” Marinette gaped.
“Yeah. You wanna meet him?”
“I’d love to!” Marinette’s heart gave a skip as Adrien offered her his arm. She bit down a happy squeal as she took the proffered arm and let him lead her to where the bearded director stood munching on some macarons.
“Mr. Astruc,” Adrien shook his hand, “This is my good friend, Marinette. Her parents catered the event.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Astruc. I’m a big fan of your movies.”
“You are?” he seemed surprised by the attention.
“Of course! I especially loved your retelling of The Peony Lantern.” Marinette couldn’t help but gush. Thomas Astruc was a bit of an underdog in the animation directing community but she had always loved his work. It was personal and tackled sources and stories others hadn’t before. It didn’t lead to a lot of box office praise but almost always found a cult following in the online community.
“Yes, that was one of my earlier projects. We were going to mix around the source material to make it more kid friendly but ultimately decided to stick to the original folklore.” he smiled. They ended up talking animatedly (pun not intended) about his past works and what he was hoping to portray in this latest movie.
All too soon the movie was about to begin and everyone started to filter into the screening room. Marinette sighed as she said goodbye to Adrien and started to help her parents clean up.
“Wait a moment,” Mr. Astruc stopped her, “Here, take my pass. I’ve already seen the movie more times than I can count.”
“Oh I couldn’t.” Marinette said.
“Please. I insist.” he pressed the pass into her hands.
“You can go, Marinette,” her mom shooed her away, “Your father and I got the clean up handled. You go enjoy the movie.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much!” she gave Mr. Astruc a brief hug and blew a kiss to her parents before dashing into the screening room. The lights started to dim as she found her seat. It was right next to Adrien!
“Glad you could make it.” Adrien whispered to her. “Let’s just hope this time we don’t have the same incident we had the last time we tried to see a movie together.”
“Which incident? The crazed fans or the giant gorilla akuma?” She whispered back.
“Yes.” they chuckled lightly.
“I’m just glad I’m not wearing a towel in my pajamas this time.”
“And here I thought that’s what everyone wore to the movies.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and gave him a play jab with her elbow. “Then you are very out of place right now, Agreste.”
“Shall I fetch my movie watching helmet, Dupain-Cheng?” he flicked the top of her bun.
“Hey, down in front! Stop jabbering on!” someone behind them shouted.
Marinette and Adrien clammed up and sunk further down in their seats. The movie had started without them noticing. Oops.
They looked at one another one last time and suppressed a howl of laughter as they directed their attention back to the screen. This had been a good day.
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tellytantra · 4 years
JUST FOR ME It's been 2 months of Guddan and Akshat's wedding.Their equation has slightly changed but both are unaware of it still. On the Dining table- Everyone was having their breakfast Guddan as an ideal DIL served food to everyone and sit for breakfast along with them. Dadi-Lalla yaad hai na aaj tujhe Guddan ko Dutta ki party main leke jaana hai.{Sorry but Dutta will be positive as for this OS} Akshat-Offcourse Maa, Though  I don't want to but still I have to go there. Dadi-Offcourse lalla as Mr Dutta isn't just our business associates but they are also our far relatives and they are throwing party on account of your marriage so you and Guddan has to go in party. Akshat while sipping his cup of expresso,I will be back at 6 sharp so be ready as we can't be late in party. Guddan nodded in positive manner helplessly as nowadays she doesn't like parties. In the evening Guddan was getting ready for party while getting ready she was thinking ab aaj ki sham aur bore jaayegi. It would have been better if I would have stayed at home and watched that Saas bahu serial as I would have nothing to do in party than to just fake a smile. Uncle get's busy in his business circle and just talks about money which is indded boring and that aunties they either gossip about X and Ys children or brands. Meanwhile AJ arrived in room. AJ- Why aren't you still ready? Guddan- I am almost ready,just 5 mins I will be ready till you get fresh and Akshat went to get freshed. When he came in room his heart stuck at Guddan's back for few seconds.She was indeed looking hot in grey net shiffon sareee along hot pink slewless and backless blouse.Her hair tied in a bun with help of hair stick. Akshat while taking a deep breath -But you don't like all this na then Guddan- Yes I actually don't like it but that aunties they always taunts me and as the party is for us I don't want Mrs Dutta to get embarrassed because of me So Akshat-Ok let's go if you are ready. It's already time of party,she took her golden worked clutch  and they both went to party in car. As they both reached the venue Akshat asked Guddan to wait till.he parks the car. Guddan was waitingfor him in parking slot Akshat arrived in few minutes next to her and asked "Chale" Ok Guddan nodded and while walking Akshat removed her hairstick and throwed it far Guddan holding her hairs. Guddan-Yeh kya kiya Uncle aapne,AApko pata hain kitni mehnat se baandhe the humne? making a sad complaining face. Akshat-It wasn't suiting you Guddan now you look more apt for party giving a calm expression. While walking Akshat in Mind I actually don't know why I did this I just know that I won't want that anyone looks at you the way and your back... before he thinks further he was disturbed by Mr and Mrs Dutta's welcome voice they welcomed both of them with great warmth and love. They took both of them in party after introducing Akshan to guests the DJ announced as he was told to that today's chiefguest coupe will hit the dancefloor. So comeon Mr and Mrs Jindal take your positions on stage. They both refused to dance but it was of no use as Mr Dutta pushed Akshat  from one side and Mrs Dutta pushed guddan from other side.Her force applied to Guddan was littlemore as she collided with Akshat and hehold her from waist while she holded him from his shoulders. and background music starts Marhami sa chaand hai tu  Diljala sa main andhera and both starts to dance unwillingly but after sometime they both got lost in each other and danced Ek dooje ke liye hain neend meri khwaab tera Tu ghata hain phuaar ki  Main ghadi intezaar ki  Apna mlna likha issi baras hai na Jo meri manzilon ko jaati hai Tere naam ki koi sadak hai na Jo mere dil ko dil banati hai tere naam ki koi dhadak hai na As guddan noticed she was flowing in emotions she turned the other way and started to live while Akshat holded her wrist and both waved their hands. Koi Bandhani joda odh ke Baabul ki gali aaun chhod ke  Tere h liye laaungi piya Solah saal ke saawan jod ke Pyar se thamna,dor bareek hai Saat janmon ki yeh pehli tareekh hai As they both were dancing allof the guests were praising them.Mrand Mrs Dutta looked at each other and smiled. mr Dutta- This is the beauty of true love."Na janmon ki seema na umar ka bandhan" Mrs utta- true  Dor ka ek main sira  Aur tera hai doosra Jud sake beech mein kayi tadap hai na Jo meri manzilon ko jaati hai tere naam ki koi sadak hai na  Jo mere dil ko dil banaati hai tere naam ki koi dhadak hai na Both were brought back to senses by the sound of applause. Guddan shied and Akshat too was smiling but gave expressions as like he was embaraced. After some time as Akshat and mr Dutta got busy in their investors talking about further project mrs Dutta excused Guddan and was introducing to her friends.Guddan took a glass of soft drink and was talking to mrs Dutta's friends meanwhile Akshat has ended his meeting and was free as Dutta was busy in some another guest. He looked towards Guddan she was still busy in some ladies Akshat smiled looking at her  while she was completely unaware that he was staring him. Akshat's expression changed by listening words of 2 men around age of 35 1man-Hey! just look at her  the girl in grey saree Isn't she hot? for the first time Akshat scanned her from head to toe and noticed he actually was right but he didn't like as someone else was eyeing her. Man2- Bro she seems to be married. man1- So what but look at the way she is beautiful,sexy.the way she is holding the glass I wish I would have been the glass. Akshat clutched his fist in anger. man2- you are right bro and this pink colour blouse indded makes her look more hot. Akshat was about to punch both of them Meanwhile his investors came and he got busy as they urgently wants to talk with him. When he got free he searched for both of them but couldn't find Meanwhile guddan got free and came to him and asked "Chale". As the party was at it's end they both took leave of Mr and Mrs Dutta and he drived Guddan off to home. In the room when Guddan was removing off her jwellery she said "Aaj actually party main majaa aaya hai na".While thinking about those 2 person's words Akshat nodded"Hmm". As she went to change he made a call and gave some instructions. She went to balcony and slept reminding their dance in the party.he too got asleep. The next morning when Guddan came from bathroom drying and waving her hair her eyes widened as her uncle was hugging a girl in mini skirt and he asked thank you even she thanked and went off from their. When Akshat turned he found Guddan was staring at him Akshat-Guddan Why are you staring at me? Guddan-Why?Are u scared. Akshat with irritated expression No Guddan-Ohh you want that girl to stare at you it's ok uncle it's natural to be attracted Fumbling I don't have any problem whlie saying this she felt so heavy as like she was holding tonnes of load on her chest. Akshat-Apni bakwaas bandh karo and go get ready. As she opened her wardrobe she received a shock. Guddan-What's this? Akshat- you're clothes. Guddan-it's notmine. Akshat- guddan,I don't wear all this ladies stuff so offcourse it's yours. Guddan-But this isn't mine. Akshat-Guddan I changed your entire wardrobe. guddan-Why? Akshat passing his usual careless and akdu expression to guddan didn't utter a word as he doesn't feel the need to explain her. Guddan-and where are my old clothes Akshat-I already donated it to charity. guddan-I won't wear these clothes they aren't of my choice,my pallet look how dull their colour is. Akshat-It's of no use guddan,it's my final decision and you have to follow it..saying this he left the room as he has to reach office. Guddan- No,Never tapping her foot on ground she was in full mood of protest but akshat went without even listening her. So ab tamatar chappal mar sakte ho! Gayatri9
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