#i firmly believe a hug from this man would fix everything tbh
dindjarindiaries · 2 months
How about
“Honey, have you been crying? What is it? What’s wrong?”
with everyone’s favorite Mandalorian, Din Djarin.
I dropped my phone before I could finish my message! I’m sorry it came across as short and rude. I just wanted to thank you for even considering my request and I appreciate all your work. Thank you so much again!❤️ (A/N: Not rude at all, dear - but thank you so much for adding such a sweet note!)
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character: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
prompt: “Honey, have you been crying? What is it? What’s wrong?”
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You peered through the visors that concealed the viewport once again, only to be met with the darkness of the Nevarro night. Another breath tightened your chest as the familiar needles pricked at your throat. You considered the emergency comm that you were kneading in your hand, but refused to use it.
There was no emergency, and thus no need to worry him. There was just an unprecedented loneliness.
Din and Grogu's most recent venture had run two days longer than expected, though Din had communicated that to you via holo. He had promised they would be back in two days' time, and that time had arrived. If another delay came their way, you didn't know what you would do, because you were certain you couldn't wait another minute.
The worst part was that you didn't understand why. For years, when your home was a ship and not a cabin, you were able to go even longer without seeing Din as he ventured on job after job. Now, long after the Crest's devastating fate and years spent close together...
It was just lonely.
You glanced over your shoulder at the empty cabin. Only a single light was on, casting much of the comforting space in an ominous shadow. It felt so empty without all three of you there, and it was getting unbearable. You had tried to keep yourself busy with errand-running and other tasks, but there were only so many mundane tasks you could do.
You exhaled and squeezed your eyes shut, holding the comm even tighter in your fist. It was time to come to terms with the reality that Din had faced another delay, and that you would have to sleep in an empty bed for one more night.
The prickling sensation around your throat didn't cease as you resigned yourself to your fate and prepared for bed. After all you had been through with Din, you refused to cry over something as pitiful as loneliness. Your emotions, however, didn't agree with your sentiment, and the prickling only got worse as you settled into bed.
Your cheek rested upon your pillow as you looked over at the empty half of the bed. The tightening of your throat only got worse until you had to obey its demands, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut once again as the tears fell. With the comm still nearby on your bedside table, you tried your best to sleep, and somewhere amidst your crying your body finally gave out.
It wasn't much longer until the sound of your bedroom door opening woke you up.
At first, you were alert, sitting up straightaway and nearly reaching for your blaster in the process. When you caught Din's silhouette, however, all that panic faded and was exchanged for the sweetest wave of relief.
"Din," your utterance of his name was breathless as you rose from the bed and approached him. He met you in the middle, leaving his travel pack on the floor in favor of returning your embrace. A gloved hand firmly held your back before it ran along your spine in a gesture so overwhelmingly comforting that it almost made you sob with relief into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry we were late." Din's voice was hushed, causing it to crackle through his modulator as he continued to hold on to you. He waited until you were ready to pull away.
"It's okay." You smiled as you braced your hands upon his beskar, studying every inch of his visor and taking it all in. "I'm just glad you're safe."
Din gave his helmet a fond tilt. "We were..." Din paused as he studied you in return, and his helmet straightened in severity. His chest stalled as he lifted a gloved hand to the side of your face. His thumb ran over your cheek in a slow, steady motion. "Cyar'ika, have you been crying?"
You blinked a few times at him in disbelief. Your lips parted as you sought a way to dodge his question, but if the evidence was there for him to see, then there would be no way of lying to him.
"What is it?" Din's free hand removed his helmet from his head in one swift motion before it rested on the other side of your face. His brown eyes were widened in concern as his gaze searched yours. "What's wrong?"
You exhaled, your throat tightening again—but that time, it was in embarrassment. "It was nothing serious, I promise."
Din circled his jaw as he gave you a once-over. "Anything that bothers you is serious to me." His brow wrinkled together more as his gaze found yours. "Please, let me help."
You held his wrists and offered a reassuring smile. "You already have." You gave his wrists a squeeze as he lifted an eyebrow at you. "By coming back."
Din's brow relaxed in understanding, but you still offered the confirmation he was seeking.
"I just missed you. That's all." Your voice was pitifully quiet.
Din immediately took you back into his arms. "Oh, cyar'ika, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." He rested his chin upon your head. "You can always comm me. You know that, right?"
You closed your eyes and shrugged. "I didn't want to worry you." You swallowed hard and added one more thing. "Or make you feel bad."
Din took a deep breath, and the movement took you with him. "I appreciate you thinking of me like that, but you don't have to. Especially when it comes at the sake of your own wellbeing."
You nodded and kept yourself nestled in his warmth. "Okay." You let out a sweet exhale. "But you're back now. That's all that matters."
"I am." Din kissed your head before he urged you away, gesturing with his head to the bed. "But rest also matters, too."
You huffed and shook your head at him. "Whatever you say."
Din kept you closer than usual as the two of you rested that night, bringing a relief that went beyond any words—and soothed the ache in a way only he was capable of doing.
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 3]
Summary: There's a chance for the Resistance to finish the war once and for all. Will they take it?. Part 1. Part 2.
Words: 1,603 (not as long as I expected tbh)
A/N: I suck at making summaries but anyways, here it is. Hope you're enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it!
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Also gif's not mine, credits to the owner.
"If we do it right their defences will fall, they’ll be vulnerable and all this war will be over soon” Poe spoke confidently, his voice rumbling over the main bridge, carefully watching the attendees for their approval.
“I’m sorry” said a young man “This is never gonna work, they have better ships, stronger weapons but most important they have a whole lot of people, let me remind you we are increasingly few”
“He’s right” yelled another man.
“Yeah, they are so many” shouted, then another voices joined and another, soon there was a mess of people arguing.
“Enough” The General stoop up, the crowd went quiet. “Commander Poe may have a point. Keep going.”
Poe took a deep breath before continuing.
“As I was saying” he turned on a hologram that blinked showing a First Order’s fleet of ships. “We caught a message in the last mission” he stopped “The First Order lost many allies with the fall of the Supreme leader Snoke, and then they disagree with Kylo Ren”
Sitting next to him, you stared at the ships but quivered when you hear that name as you remembered your recent fight, you could still feel Rey’s hand wrapping around your neck, her strong arm rising you from the ground.
“As far as we know, they have at least three Destructors already in their way, and also these are the last ones they have” explained Poe
“So if we take them down, they’re done” you exclaimed “Where are they going then?” you asked
“They have fixed course… to Jakku” Finn told you.
The people started to murmur to each others, confused you looked at the General and she only looked at the ground.
“General Organa” Said a woman dressed in a pilot suit. “We are concerned” Leia looked at her in response. “I heard some soldiers talking, about what happened in the mission. They say it was not Ren beneath the helmet but Rey.” A collective gasp filled the room, she kept talking. “Is it true?”
“It is, unfortunately truth” Leia confirmed. “She is now part of the First Order, she’s the new Supreme Leader” every word she said hitted you deep, you were still processing much of the information and still couldn’t believe it, nor how nor why.
“There’s no time for this.” you raised your voices, annoyed by the thing they were saying, you knew Rey and you believed she wouldn’t wanted to stop the Resistance to take a chance just for her. “Yes, she used to be our friend, maybe she still somehow herself behind the woman I saw in the forest, but this is beyond her. We gotta do this now, now that we have the opportunity to end this. Perhaps we could find a way to get her back, she’s just” you though your words. “She’s blind, someone made her blind but she can come back, it’s not late.”
“Y/N is right” Finn agreed. “It’s now or never. We have to do it, this is not gonna stop us” Finn alway knew how to make the people like him without much effort and you thank him for it. The whole room cheered.
“So, what’s the plan Poe?” Finn asked smiling.
You waited in the dark, the engines silenced. The Resistance’s ships already in position, the pilots ready in their own ships, the atmosphere was silence and tense, everyone was just waiting for the signal. You could clearly hear your beating heart in your chest but that was all. Waiting was the plan, yet waiting was killing you.
The strategie was not hard, wait until they arrive, then a group of X-wings would fly around them making them ignite the canyons and then they would direct them to shot each other. Finally a bigger ship would crash on the side of the last destroyer and hopefully they would collide.
Though it wasn’t a very elaborate plan it was risky, didn’t want to have the same results as some missions ago, when the rebel bombers exploited before they arrive for an accident, you feared the plan got ruined, you didn’t wanted to see more of your people dying, they were good people, they deserved to see this war over.
And then, there was Rey. You knew she was going to be there, it was her fleet after all, her plan. Jakku, her only home, the place where she grew up, she stood there for years waiting for her parents. Though she didn’t like it much she never left until BB-8. You have heard her talk about it, the sun, the sand, the long days scabbaging but she never thought of getting back. Why was she coming back now? Why with an army? what was she going to do?.
“She’s here” you suddenly murmured. You felt her, the dark force of her. She was close. Moments later the ships started to appear in the space.
"Alright everybody" said Poe through the communicator when the spaceships stopped appearing "It's time. Group blue, go"
You saw the ships left flying through the window, they approached to the destructors, the X-Wings seem so tiny compared to the black ones from the First Order. Soon the rebels made their way to the destructors and started flying around them, dodging shots from time to time.
"Group green, ready." Said Poe "Now!" He said, his ship leading as they left the bridge. When they arrived they shotted some canyons down and guided them to the opposite ship. TIE ships left the Destructors and chased the rebels.
"Last group, your turn" the engine rumbled as the pilot accelerated the ship you were in. Your body tensed as you left the bridge, your hands ready to pull the trigger. It was your job to destroy the gates so there would be no more First Order’s ships following the rebels. When the moment came you fired your weapon with ease, closing the enters to the platforms.
“Five down, Poe” you told him.
“Great job! We got this”
The crew cheered through the communicator. Everything was going so fast, the ships racing, the guns shooting and the Destructors collapsing. But then the time seem to slow down and the sound rumbling canyons fade away in the distance, the only thing you were able to hear was her voice.
“Y/N” Rey snapped. She called your name again, you heard her voice like if she were inside your mind. You looked around you but there she was nowhere to be seen.
“What..?” you gasped.
“Leave, I order you” She firmly said. “Tell the Resistance to abandon their intents and surrender to me”
“No, we’re not doing it” you declared.
“I feel the fear in you, Y/N. You don’t have to pretend with me. You are afraid the Resistance may fall, and it will.” she paused “And you’re afraid of me”
Your body tensed, you felt her inside your thoughts searching for answers, but not sure what. She scanned your brain in detail, the deeper she went the more it hurted.
“Get out of my head!” you urged. And just like that she was gone. But she stole a very important thing from you. Shivering you whispered “She knows”
“Y/N shot! Now!” Finn’s voice pulled you to reality. It was the very last gate and there were dozens of ships leaving already. You turned your sit in the small place behind the ship and fired just in time to prevent a new weave of ships from coming out.
“Group Alpha, finally” said Poe. Still unsure of the events you spoke to him.
“Poe no”
“Y/N this may be our only shot”
“Stop it” you begged “Listen, Rey spoke to me. I think she knows the plan. This won’t stop her” There was no response.
“Group Alpha, procede” he said. The big transborder flew speedy and crashed slightly on a side of a destructor but hard enough to made it turn and smash against the others at it side.
You heard happy and excited screams through the small piece on your ear, some sobs. What an emotional moment it was, and the chills it gave you. It have worked, the plan worked, nobody had died. It seem oddly easy though, but it was done.
“We won” you heard a woman yelled eliciting a collective cheer.
“Fine, well done everybody. Get back to the base, we gotta celebrate” Shouted Dameron.
Slowly the ships came back to the bigger ship, everybody happy. There where people hugging, others crying, celebrating. You were sinked in a trance not really believing it was over, you have been fighting for so long. You were excited and yet you felt something was wrong. May it was just having Rey in your mind.
“Rey” You shivered and ran to meet General Leia, she was happily chatting with a group of commanders and pilots, but her face fade when her gaze met yours.
“What is it?” she immediately snapped
“It’s Rey. I still feeling her, this isn’t over” you told her before you heard a big explosion. The rebels ran to the closest window and saw a huge ship shooting a powerful blaster directly to Jakku, destroying it in an instant. Your felt goosebumps forming all over your skin and you stood there paralysed by fear.
“The Resistance is so predictable, don’t you think?” You heard Rey’s voice again whispering in your ear. “It was fun distracting you, though”. Her voice disappeared along with her destroying of planets ship, letting you with a knot in the throat and tears already making their way down your cheek. You have failed.
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musesofthetower · 6 years
So things I realised while contemplating life in the bathtub.
Steve Rogers respects Tony’s decision making. 
He may not always agree with Tony but he respects that Tony makes decisions for a reason.
Reasons I believe this:
-Steve and Tony head butt until Tony explains why he believes in this decision. then conversations become a discussion.
-despite disagreements Steve leaves the door open for communication.
-despite bad decisions Steve doesn’t berate Tony or blame him he offers counters.
Steve disagrees with the accords but and explains why but doesn’t tell Tony he’s wrong. Instead he offers that this particular legislation isn’t perfect and they should wait. Still, he doesn’t berate Tony or offer ultimatums if Tony decides to sign he just maintains his position. Why? I think this is because Steve understands grief and guilt. Steve and Tony are both poster boys for survivors guilt. I think Steve gets that everyone handles it different. Steve tackles it by soldiering on, next mission, next assignment, next person to help. He doesn’t talk about it, it’s his emotions so it’s his burden. Tony, though, is an engineer; he fixes things. When Tony feels guilty he tries to preemptively fix the problem before it comes back. I think Steve saw that when he was reading the shield files. The Iron man suit, it’s Tony’s way to fix his weapons hurting people. Ultron, his way of fixing the alien problem before it comes back. (why because Tony has been taught to blame himself. [fuck you Howard] he wasn’t smarter than Loki, New York is his fault in his mind, his tower.) The accords, his way of stopping things like ultron before they terrorise a city. I think Steve understands that Tony feels guilt over everything, that Tony processes this by obsessing over fixing it, even if it’s misguided. I think Steve knows Tony is ruled by these emotions since he quit drinking because drinking was how he dealt with it and he needs new coping mechanisms for his emotions.
Tbh I firmly believe that Steve respects that Tony had an outburst. Steve respects the torrent of emotions that Tony felt watching Bucky kill his mother; the anger, the betrayal, the pain, disappointment. I think while he, himself got lost in the haze of battle with Tony and took it too far defending Bucky. I think he knows that Tony was overwhelmed and couldn’t cope not that he bears real animosity. That is why, I believe, he sends the phone. He knows Tony is smart enough to track it, it would be a cake walk for him. But he want’s Tony to know he doesn’t hold a grudge, it’s a sign of respect. They may disagree but Steve is still his friend. (And I swear to all that is holy, they better fucking hug in IW2 because they both fucking need it).
I don’t think it would have made any difference if Tony had made the call, or Bruce. Steve would have been there in a heartbeat to help because Steve isn’t the type to slap the hand reaching for help. He would have showed up shaken Tony’s hand and said, “what’s the plan?”
I don’t know if Tony realises it. However, I know Tony is proud, everyone he has ever looked up to has rubbed it in his face when he is wrong. He doesn’t like admitting it, because it’s hurt when he has. That’s why he hesitates to call Steve, he’s mature enough to move on to accept that they disagreed. But He looks up to Steve, always has, because Howard idolised him, so to hear from that the last person he admires; the last person who hasn’t let him down. He’s afraid of the “i told you so” so much that he doesn’t call because he can’t bear to even think about hearing it, even though Steve would never say that to Tony because he understands Tony did what he believed in. 
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