#i focus so much on him being a sly mf i forget hes just a funny guy
duskdragonxiii · 2 years
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drop into the flow
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keerishima · 3 years
The class 1a boys with a reader that quirk leaves them nude and the reader don’t really care about it
cw: suggestive content, horny boys
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midoriya...the way this boy screamed, people thought he’d been attacked. he literally hit the floor and scooted away in a panic, just stuttering over his words ‘I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to see anything! I mean I DIDN’T see anything!’. When you shrug, not caring he would still refuse to look, but most definitely would not forget how soft your skin looked, and how much he wanted to touch it. what can I say he’s a closet perv.
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todoroki would freeze slightly, like he did in that one scene with bakugo in the training camp arc, but immediately turn around. literally almost cracked his neck with how fast he turned, he would also probably be blushing because wow you’re hot. ‘Please warn me next time Y/N.’ he says simply, not catching your confused face. You’d reply that it’s okay, you don’t mind, but todoroki would shake his head, bunching his shoulders up to his ears.
‘I’m glad to hear that but I don’t feel comfortable disrespecting you and looking at your naked body...no matter how nice it is.’ He mumbled that last but you definitely still caught it ;)
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bakugo would scream. literally just ‘OI WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES GOI-WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!’ His voice would literally crack as he said naked because of how shocked he is, the panic evident on his face. he’d push past you so you’re behind him, making sure he wouldn’t accidentally see you. but god this boy is BLUSHING, he doesn’t really join in on denki’s flirting or...online searching so he’s not used to seeing naked bodies. please don’t call out the fact that he’s blushing otherwise he’ll blow you into the next universe, doesn’t even matter if he has a crush on you. he’s probably pictured you naked before anyway- he’s a teenage boy- but he really wasn’t expecting to see it in real life any time soon
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kirishima: the manliest man 🥴. now he would panic and rip off the thing around his waist and throw it over your body, all while casting his eyes upwards. he had good intentions of course, but his actions were so rough as he tied it around your neck and brought the sides together over your chest, that you ended up knocking into his chest. you’re naked, he’s shirtless, therefore there was skin to skin contact. it took kirishima a second to register the feeling whilst you stared on amused, but when he DID, my god. he literally jumped back like he’d been burnt, chest heaving and face redder than his hair. he would be another one to apologise profusely and stutter over his words, but unlike midoriya he can’t get a full sentence out because his brain is just ‘don’t look down don’t look down don’t look downDONTLOOKDOWN don’t think dirty don’t think dirty don’t think dirty’. he did the thing where he wanted to say ‘are you okay’ or ‘I’m sorry’ but it came out as ‘ARE YOU SORRY?’ 🥲you had to tell him double, triple, quadruple times you were okay with it, and that he’s okay because judging by the colour his cheeks were he was NOT
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Iida was so shocked he karate chopped your shoulder, making you crumple under the wait of his dummy thicc biceps and Ingenium suit and now he had to catch you because he’d just pushed you down but YOURE NAKED OH GOSH OH NO YOURE NAKED?? AND NOW HES TOUCHING YOU HOW DARE HE. it was an absolute mess, you probably should of warned him before hand but it was too late for that so you just grabbed his face in your hands- making sure his gaze wouldn’t land on your body because he was obviously shell shocked- and told him point blank ‘It’s okay that I’m naked. If you look it’s fine too, I’m not worried Iida. My quirk makes me need to be naked so there’s no point worrying, okay?’
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denki- with denki you most definitely told him before you actually got naked. he’s a PERV, not Mineta level but still a pervy guy. in the midst of the battle you spun on your heel, jabbing a finger into his chest. denki was understandably confused until you calmly said: ‘I’m about to get naked Denki.’
WOOH boy, his cheeks flared up so fast, but he recovered quickly, tucking his chin into the gap between his thumb and forefinger, ‘By all means go ahead ;)’ he smirked. despite being a horny boy, he’d still look away from your body and keep his eyes trained on your face with much difficulty but deep down he was really happy to know you felt comfortable enough around him, not realising you didn’t give a damn about getting naked anyway. but damn did his thoughts run WILD about lots and lots of...not so safe for work things. some he’d love to show you, if you’d only let him ;)
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tokoyami is a great guy, respectful, calm and sweet. you respected him a great deal and went out of your way to tell him before hand as you didn’t want to surprise him on the battlefield (in this case you’re partnered up). despite this forewarning, the boy was so so not ready, spoiler alert: he has a crush on you. the moment your clothes dropped tokoyami let out an uncharacteristic squawk and just. closed his eyes. literally just went 👁.👁 -> ➖.➖ and you had to stand there and wait for him to finally open his eyes 😭.
on the other hand, dark shadow when your clothes dropped:
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shoji would be the most...okay? as in he wouldn’t scream or jump, his shock would be more hidden and he’d simply turn around as you did your thing. I headcanon that he’s quite close with Momo, because he’s so gentlemanly and indifferent that she feels comfortable around him, so he’s used to the sudden body flashing due to a quirk. out of everyone he’s the least reactive.
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sero the flirty shit. literally I can’t not see him as a flirty, all smiles, smooth talking mister. your clothes would drop and he’d immediately be all ‘Well okay then mamas, we getting down and dirty?’ yes I know he’s embarrassing.
you’d probably look at him dead straight and use your quirk- and he’d realise that wait lmao you’re actually fully naked?? for reasons other than sexy times?? this is your quirk?? like your clothes aren’t coming back?? y/n 😟?? I mean he loves it since he literally stole a glance downwards right in front of your face- shameless mf- but he still wasn’t expecting it in general. safe to say he loved it.
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shinsou is sly, he’s slick and smart. yes he’d blush but it wouldn’t be a face-turned-beet-red blush it would be a gentle blush- and he’d be SMIRKING non-stop. Hed also drop the most comments out of everyone, and even if you didn’t care about being naked, his sharp gaze, deep voice and annoying lines that made you think dirty definitely made you regret choosing shinsou as a partner. you were comfortable yes but god shinsou was so hot, how were you going to focus now?? so you marched up to him, the droopy-eyed mf as he leant against a wall and played with his capture tool, and jabbed his forehead. ‘Stop being all hot and sexy and shit shinsou you’re distracting me-,’ ‘You think I’m hot? And sexy?’ Cue the Aizawa grin, I mean damn friend I don’t know why you’d actually tell him :,). you’re gonna be there for a long time because now that he knows you think he’s hot, he’s not letting you go...ever.
also I’m aware cannon shinsou isn’t in 1-A,,,but let me be, okay, 😩 he deserves to be in 1-A
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Moving Forward - P26
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Previous (Part 25) <------> Next (Coming Soon) // MF Masterlist
The morning sun gave the room a soft glow and you felt a deep contentment. You peered next to you and let your eyes focus on the back of Bucky’s head. He was laying on his side, still asleep and snoring softly. You hadn’t been able to go back to sleep since he had come in the room, so you’d spent the early morning memorizing his smallest details; his scruffy beard that almost looked dirty on his pale face, how his hair didn’t seem to tangle no matter how often he rolled around in his sleep, faint scars that littered his bare upper body, the natural slight curve of his lips.
Before the sun had risen, you’d debated waking Bucky to send him back to his room before your father woke up. You didn’t imagine that he would come in your room and see the big guy there in your bed, but you weren’t sure since he had expressed so much worry for you in the past weeks. Eventually, you decided to let Bucky sleep and send him out after your father had left the house to do morning chores.
The many hours before and after the sun rose were spent  considering what had happened. You knew what you said, and you’d meant it. Bucky had reacted well, pulling you into a long embrace and covering you with kisses before you both laid down together and he eventually fell asleep with you in his arms. He’d repeatedly whispered that he loved you too, until his words slurred together and he was snoring. It was as if the feeling of home had rushed into your body and filled you with a warm gratitude.
You were uncertain of how much time had passed, but you finally heard the front door open and then close before the engine in your father’s car started up and slowly faded. You rolled over to check the time on your alarm clock but before you could get your eyes focused on it, Bucky’s hand gently caressed your side and you heard him yawn behind you. You rolled back over to see his sleep filled eyes and a small smile at seeing your face.
“Good morning, doll,” he said sleepily, taking his hand away to rub his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, you don’t like ‘doll,’” he chuckled. You could tell he had no intention of avoiding the name in the future. “Did you sleep well?”
You shrugged slightly and moved more toward him, letting your head fall near his chest. “I didn’t sleep much,” you admitted.
“Why not? Something wrong?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his concern. “No, nothing is wrong. I was just too...” you let the sentence fall off, not having the right words to finish it.
“Too awake?” Bucky tried to finish for you. You giggled at his attempt but shook your head, giving another small shrug. “Were you thinking too much?” he asked, a hint of concern returning in his voice.
“You know,” you started in agreement, “I think I was thinking too much. But about good things.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was trying to put words to how I feel now. How I’ve felt since I kissed you.”
“Did you come up with anything?” Bucky asked, now pulling himself up to lean back against the headboard. He pulled you along into his arms and let your head fall on his chest. He was incredibly warm, his presence welcoming.
“Well, I thought of a few things, but they still don’t sum up all of how I feel.” He stroked your hair as he listened to your thoughts. “I thought that maybe the feeling I felt first was like honey. Sweet, but not too sweet. But like warm honey. Very beautiful, like shining amber or something, you know? But at the same time it felt less like a gorgeous fantasy and more like a heavy beat. Rhythmic, everything has a purpose, the power beneath a song. I don’t know.”
Bucky pulled you into a tight embrace. He kissed your forehead and let his lips rest there. You closed your eyes, a feeling of peace washing over you. You no longer felt the ansty and stirring emotions that had haunted you for so long and made you feel less than normal. Bucky brought harmony to your whirring mind and somehow stopped the madness. You wrapped your arms around him and willed the world to just freeze you into this perfect moment.
It was late afternoon before you finally showed your face to anyone else in the house. Bucky had left you to get ready for the day sometime in mid morning, but you’d just lazed around in your room after he’d gone. You didn’t know how you would approach anyone. After having been in such a funk for so long, you weren’t even sure of what to say. You wanted to apologize but you weren’t sure how. You wanted to just forget it had happened, but that was too simple. And you’d also expected a house-full to deal with.
To your surprise, when you came down the stairs there wasn’t anyone in the living room. There was no one in the dining room or kitchen either. Where is everyone, you wondered suspiciously. And where did Bucky go?
You wandered into the back yard and listened for any sign of anyone around. Morning and afternoon chores should have been done by now, supposing everyone had done them on time. You squinted your eyes and peered into the surrounding pastures for any hints or clues. Maybe they went to the store? You looped around the house and checked the front. Your father’s truck was still gone and so was one of the Avengers’ trucks. I guess they did all leave, you thought. As you turned back around to enter the house, you were met with a brick wall of a man behind you. You screamed and almost fell back off the porch, but Steve’s strong grip caught your arm and pulled you back upright.
“Steve!” you screamed, slapping his chest with your free hand. He was already laughing before you could have reacted and was now pulling you into a hug.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N], you just aren’t observant enough,” he laughed.
You tried to push out of the hug in protest but he was too strong. Eventually you gave up and let out a little laugh at yourself for being frightened by him once again. “I am seriously going to put a cat bell on you or something,” you threatened.
Steve released you and stepped back. “It’s nice to see your bright and shining face again,” he smiled, gesturing for you to enter the house.
“Yeah, well, can’t be gloom and doom forever I suppose,” you responded, stepping through the front door and into the living room. You turned to watch Steve enter behind you, pulling the door closed. “Where is everyone?”
“Most of them went out with Kyle,” Steve explained briefly. “He wanted to show them a creek nearby or something.”
“Oh, Orion’s Fountain?”
“I’m guessing it’s a popular place, then?”
You smiled slightly as you responded, “not really. My dad named it that when I was younger. We used to go out there all the time and he let me name it. Of course I named it after a constellation.”
“Kyle seemed excited to show everyone,” Steve smiled back, relaxing with your lightened mood. “Buck is out in the stables but otherwise everyone else went with Kyle. I wanted to stay to make sure you were okay, and I see that it wasn’t a misguided choice.”
“Have you talked to Bucky at all?” You gave Steve a quizzical look, trying to see if he knew anything.
He laughed gently and patted your shoulder. “He didn’t tell me much, but he’s never been one for keeping secrets. And he’s been talking about you all day, so the truth would have come out eventually.” You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Bucky being excited over you.
You were about to ask Steve what Bucky was doing at the stables, but he beat you to the punch. “Why don’t you go check on him out there? He’ll be happy to see you up and about.” With that, Steve winked to you and moved up the stairs as if he had a secret he was keeping from you. You squinted your eyes slightly and gave him a sly smile as he disappeared upstairs. You weren’t sure if he was just enjoying this new information he had or if there was actually something going on out in the stables, but you didn’t intend to waste time in finding out; you were out the back door in no time.
Surprise! ~
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