#i follow an artist that also makes clothes. i dont want my dash bombarded with all the info about their clothes or asks about them because
datamined · 2 years
a few dream features id like from tumblr: • the ability to reblog one post onto multiple blogs. maybe toggle to automatically reblog to each one of the blogs upon approval or the option to add commentary/tags to each one at a time in case you follow different tagging conventions or want to write different commentary for each blog. I mostly want this so i can signal boost important info across various blogs or share an image that fits multiple aesthetic blogs across all of them without having to go through the process for each one individually.
the option to follow a specific tag from a creator and be counted as a follow for them
this is particularly so i can follow people like artists or writers and avoid seeing content from them that don't pertain to my interests (for example, a poet thats really involved in a hobby i dont care much about but tags all of their poetry with "my poetry". I can follow them for "my poetry" and wont have to see all of their unrelated posts about fandoms or what-have you. • In relevance to the previous bullet: the option for OPs to indicate a post should override their follower's tag-follows. Example: aforementioned poetry blogger decides they're going to shift their attention from poetry to calligraphy. Poetry OP can blast a post across all of their followers (regardless of what tags of OPs they follow) to notify them of the change in direction. This would also be useful for artists that want to notify all of their followers of commission info, developers and updates to their software, fanfic writers and a new chapter of their fic, funnymen that want to annoy their followers, etc.
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