#i forgot how much i love ur hyth ;w;
kintsugiscars · 5 months
[ @amaurotine continued from here ]
As the wound stitched itself back together, Lex once again had to marvel at how easily the Ancients wove magic. They didn't need a conduit - no need for staves or tomes or astrolabes or anything. They simply willed the aether to do as they pleased. How the spellcasters in his little family would kill for an opportunity to witness this.
He gently tapped the now perfectly-healed skin and made a small noise at how smooth the skin was. It still felt a tad like stone (it always did) but it held no evidence of marring. It was as if the injury never happened.
"I am, thank you." Lex smiled at Hythlodaeus, feeling more energetic than before. "I promise I'm not usually this careless. Some of these creatures react in ways I didn't expect." They were just shy of familiar. So many of these concepts were clearly the basis for the monsters he knew from his home, but their attack patterns fell shy of exact matches. Thus, he kept being ever so slightly incorrect.
And that led to injury after injury. He really must get used to fighting in this place.
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