#i forgot that most of my animatics are EITHER just lines
soren1830 · 3 years
First glance analysis of Quackities 4/12 stream
Disclaimer: I have only very recently started following quackity's POV
This gets better as it goes on... I have more to say regarding the latter chapters of the stream...
First off, we must acknowledge just how insane that opening was. I immediately showed it to my roommate who isn't into DSMP and it drew even her in.
Sam & Quackity.... It is really interesting to see Quacikty manipulating his way into the prison even before the events of the last lore stream. It really lays the groundwork for him talking his way in to torcher the heck out of Dream. It really makes you wonder if Quackity ever realized that he almost prevented Tommy from coming back to life. Quackity was one of the most purely overjoyed to see Tommy alive once more, and he was the almost the reason he couldn't come back. It also makes his desperation for the revival book even more interesting because I don't think Quackity believes the book works at this point. One thing indisputable is that this was Quackity grieving, with a shade of him acting on Wilbur's words to him in the past. Also, the foreshadowing regarding 'teaching Dream a lesson' along with the line 'We can't kill him' is just... beautiful.
The Egg.... anyone else want to know what exactly happened?! Was this before or after the invitations to the Red Banquet?! I have more questions than answers regarding this.... What is the brick room? I don't think I have seen it before? It didn't seem like Quackity knew either? I really need to look back on Quacky's relationship to BadBoyHalo. This was repeatedly what Quacikty claimed to be the reason for his lovely TNT plan. It is not clear whether the egg is at all damaged by the explosion. I find it really worrying that we only hear the Egg talk after the explosion's. Did the Egg... did the Egg want it to happen?! Why did Ponk and Bad only talk to Quackity? Why did they not hurriedly take down the TNT?! I am very worried that this may have helped the Egg somehow. Again... more questions than answers with part. What is the problem he will cause? What exactly is being threatened? Bad is 'annoying?' interesting word for Bad's behavior.... The eggpire said Tommy was 'annoying' for getting in his way..... Purposeful parallels? Also... isn't Skeppy in the egg? Why is he not mentioned at all?
Talking with George... Who forgot in this situation? Quackity or Karl? Most likely Karl due to previously known memory issues... The major effect I see from this conversation is Quackity's mental state. Was this possibly even the reason Quackity visits Glatt (Shlatt or Glatt?) in the gym? He was clearly not very comfortable, but was he feeling just that lonely that he went to Glatt for any companionship, even negative? This is clearly the main reason for Quackity defacing the sign in the last lore stream. This has scary implications for Quackity's mental state, and the future of the trouple. Quick question.... if this is pre torture visits... why was Quackity and George going to the prison?
Wilbur.... where to even start.... lets leave the analysis on Wilbur himself for another post, and just look at quackity. I am new to the fandom, so I really have only seen this arc through stream omilations and anamatics, which tend to minimize Quackity's POV, so I found this to be very interesting. Quackity starts out an optimist! This shocks me! I am familiar with him going after Techno, siding with the obviously evil shlatt, and litereally tortureing a guy. "Everyone has a good side" "Yess but to only he;p themselves..." This is amazing. Particularly with the flsh forward scenes playing with Wilbur's words. Wilbur has been proved right. To a terrifying degree. Quackity.... Quackity took Wilbur's words to heart. Almost immediatly.... All the animatics and lore streams pictured fear about Tommy becoming the next Wilbur... but it is Quackity.... Quackity is the next Wilbur. They both start out with ideals.... That are shoved aside for the betterment of themselves, and their people.... The note Quackity leaves for Wilbur says it all.... 'You were right...."
Where do we go from here? We know that Quackity want the revive book, but we do not know why. Previously, many of us assumed he lost the bet with Glatt and has to bring him back.... but they never show the bet or it's outcome, and that is significant. Shlatt is only seen once this scene, and it is not positive.... I am very much doubting that Shlatt is the reason for Quackity wanting the book. This stream ended with Wilbur and Quackity's relationship.... Wilbur's revival is already been hinted at several times.... I think Quackity is going to bring back Wilbur. I am not sure about the outcome yet, or about Quackity's full reasoning, but I think it is looking very likely.
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dagmartoons · 3 years
A Detailed Discussion on Lupin's R.
So I put way more thought into my most recent animatic than I have for really any other video I’ve done so far and so I decided to make a post discussing all the visual and storytelling choices I made for it. Spoilers if you haven’t seen the video yet and also there will be mentions of suicide and death and things like that under the cut so you have been warned.
First a note about the song itself; I boarded this video specifically with Rachie’s lyrics in mind because they’re the ones I’m most familiar with with this song. As I was working on it I found a really pretty French cover which I debated also using (because, y’know, Lupin’s French) but decided not to because, again, the video was based around Rachie’s version.
Since I’ve wanted to make an animatic set to My R for ages now I thought a lot about how I wanted it to look, specifically in terms of composition and symbolism. There are a lot of rhyming shots, specifically during the choruses, the scenes where characters are being introduced and the scenes where they all walk away from Lupin. For these shots I used the same layout and basic template for all of them (unfortunately this resulted in me accidentally saving over the CSP file for Jigen’s chorus oh well). The three “girls” in the video (these being Jigen, Goemon and Zenigata) are introduced with their backs facing the audience, and at the end when Lupin is about to jump his back faces the audience too.
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In fact, the final scene is meant to mirror the other verses as well, not just with the aforementioned Lupin’s back shot. Lupin holding the rail is a reference to Goemon holding the rail in his verse. Lupin holds a cigarette during the “watching my braids all come undone” shot, similar to Jigen as he’s “the girl with braided hair.” Lupin’s jacket is meant to mirror Zenigata’s “yellow cardigan.”
Originally the instrumental bit before Zenigata’s scene was just going to be pure white, but then I thought that would be too boring so I stuck in a shot of the rail instead.
Alright so let’s talk about the characters and why they’re all up on the roof! Each character represents a different struggle that Lupin has, and I’ll be going through each of them one by one.
First off, Jigen! Originally the person in his flashback was just going to be some random ex of his but then I decided to up the feels by making it Lupin. Jigen represents Lupin’s struggle with being abandoned; Jigen felt Lupin abandoned him for Fujiko, just as Lupin felt abandoned by his family. Lupin was “robbed” of his grandfather, mother and father/innocence (that shot of the rail is meant to represent the train bombing from the manga; it can be interpreted as either him losing his dad or him losing his innocence by forcing him to hide his real face to cover the scars. Or both, if you’re so inclined). The shots of the characters walking away all sort of mirror each other; when Jigen walks away, Lupin is upset at how much was stolen from him in his childhood.
Goemon’s bit gave me PROBLEMS because I didn’t really know what to do with him. I knew I wanted his struggle to be how he feels he’s disappointed his masters/ancestors, but I wasn’t sure what to do with the “everyone steals” line. But then I thought... GOEMON’S GRANDMA!! OF COURSE! His grandma could be the thing that was “stolen” from him! Goemon represents Lupin’s fear of failing to uphold his family’s legacy and disappointing his ancestors. Lupin’s flashback here details his father’s abuse of him as well as his struggle to live up to his and the rest of his family’s expectations of him. When Goemon looks back, it’s sort of meant to imply that he understands Lupin’s situation; here, Lupin laments how much he’s been ignored and treated as a disappointment by his family.
The three characters in the breakdown are Rebecca, Yata and Ami because I didn’t know who else to put. I had the thought to include Clarisse instead of Ami but decided against it for some reason. Also originally these shots were gonna be black with the characters’ outlines but then I thought that wouldn’t be in line with the rest of the video’s visuals so I decided against it.
And now we come to Zenigata. Oh, Zenigata...
(Side note: I completely forgot today is apparently his Miyazaki birthday.)
Zenigata’s bit was the first one I fully completed because it was the one I had thought the most about. His struggle is that of failing to protect those he cares about; those being Oscar and Toshiko. He couldn’t save Oscar and he failed Toshiko by not being a good enough dad. These two instances left “scars” on him that he can never truly be rid of.
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And that’s what messes Lupin up so much; both he and Zenigata have had people in their lives that they couldn’t save, they couldn’t protect (Lupin more so than Zeni probably), and so he can’t do anything to stop Zenigata from wanting those “scars” to go away because he wants them to as well. He tries to stop him anyway even though he knows he can’t, and that’s what causes him to break down.
(Another side note: originally the “hey don’t do it please” part here was gonna show Lupin actually saying it, but then I thought that looked too close to a different animatic I saw and also the frames looked off to me so I replaced it with just text.)
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Going back to the mirror shots I discussed earlier, the camera moving from Zeni to Lupin is meant to represent Zeni helping Lupin, not the other way round like it was with Jigen and Goemon. Zenigata smiling at Lupin during the “I guess today is just not my day” part is sorta meant to represent him trying to comfort Lupin by letting him know that he’s gonna press on, because he knows Lupin deals with the same insecurity he does. Lupin looks confused as Zenigata walks away because he thought that he wouldn’t be able to stop him but was.
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Like I said earlier, the final shots are meant to parallel prior shots of the other characters. Originally Lupin was going to still have his jacket on, but I decided against that. There wasn’t really much behind Fujiko being the one to stop him; she was the only gang member who hadn’t already been in the video at that point and in my eyes she and Lupin have one of the more complex relationships in the series, so it made sense. (IIRC Fujiko was originally gonna be in Zenigata’s place before I thought Zenigata would be sadder.)
That’s basically everything I can think of! I put a lot of effort into making this and all day I’ve been getting really lovely comments from people about it so thank you all for that! Thank you for watching! Peace!
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she-toadmask · 3 years
I’m in a mood tonight so have me rambling about my music tastes below the cut
Eclectic is a good word for my music tastes like
In theory I like musical theater, in practice I have a few shows I know and like, a few songs that came on a tv radio thing from a musical I have heard nothing else from, and little to no opinion on anything else. Chicago? Great. Sweeney Todd? Haven’t listened in a while, has a couple of no-no songs, pretty good. Little Shop of Horrors? Haven’t found a recording I like for Dentist but the music is great. CATS? 2019 fucked up the music, London cast recording is where it’s at, shame that Growltiger is so racist because the parts that aren’t being racist are great fun (London not Broadway). There are definitely others (Mean Girls is fun, Be More Chill is pretty fun too, I really like the junior version of Seussical’s music, Something Rotten has a lot of fun songs), and while I’m not a Disney stan or anything I do like the style of a lot of the music, especially villain songs, sometimes I want songs that are like Disney villain songs in style but aren’t those songs specifically and it is so hard to figure out how to look that up and it is frustrating. Most things not on that list...I probably haven’t listened to and therefore have no opinion. (Phantom of the Opera is not my vibe though I’m sorry it is important because it’s been running for so long but that is just not my type of music)
I like late 2000s to mid 2010s pop music, that was when my dad got some CDs for a birthday or something and then I ended up listening to them a lot for some reason, also when I liked Just Dance a lot and listened to the radio in the car going places. There are definitely older songs I like and probably a few more recent ones but really that’s the time frame where I liked the most mainstream music. Not that that’s a good or bad thing, it’s just a thing.
Specific artists, when it comes to music that isn’t fan music, Voltaire and Creature Feature are my favorites. Most songs of theirs I’ve listened to, I like.
There are also probably some other artists that I like a lot of their songs but don’t pay enough attention to recognize they’re the same group in those songs, mostly thanks to this one Creepypasta-themed playlist that obviously had a lot of edgy music. Lots of MCR, Set it Off is a group that I’ve heard a number of good songs from, Hollywood Undead (apparently maybe there was some member drama, idk I just like what I’ve heard both pre- and post-whatever happened), probably some other groups with multiple songs.
And then there’s fan content. Random Encounters is my long-term favorite, the tone of the music is generally pretty light, idk they do a slight musical theater style (they call their songs ‘musicals’ so yeah that’s a vibe), and while their members have changed, the music is still really fun. The Stupendium! I found him pretty recently and boy I’m glad I did, he does more rap-style content, like a number of his songs are raps, but don’t let that turn you off before giving it a listen. Even outside of being about the game itself, a few of his songs just slap really hard, a few being very very anti-capitalist or just social commentary because of the source game, and just very very good. The Fine Print is a really really really good one that is also ‘capitalism sucks’, It’s A Joy isn’t really capitalism-related but someone could probably write a thinkpiece about societal stuff with it, I haven’t listened to it as much but A Matter of Factories (not to be confused with the similarly named A Matter of Facts, a rap that is just a bunch of trivia, sparked by a challenge by another channel) is also pretty anti-capitalist and anti-imperialism, another that isn’t exactly anti-capitalist but more an examination of society and stuff is Vault Number 76. I don’t even know much about any of the source games (aside from 76 being a glitchy nightmare lmao) but the songs all still slap. I almost forgot about Nook Line and Sinker, another wonderful anti-capitalism song. (Adding in A Purpose for New London. More social examination. I like the other guy’s ending better on a vocal level, but both are very very good.) (somehow I forgot Doctor! Doctor! which has its humor from the game it’s about but also has bits about how private healthcare is fucked up. The Stupendium is British BTW) If you just want some fun shit, he’s got that too. The Most Fashionable Faction is just a fun TF2 rap, An Impostor Calls is one of the collab songs he did with another guy and it’s pretty fun, I only have heard one ending of the Lego vs Minecraft rap battle but it seems pretty fun, These Hallowed Wings is a lighthearted one, Why Did I Say Okie Doki? is DDLC vibes of course so creepy but also with some upbeat to it (does that even make sense), Losing My Patients is kinda fucked up because Surgeon Simulator but it’s also really fun, What A Fowl Day is a very very good one, Way Deeper Down is good if you like Undertale (it’s also just genuinely good and fun). Honestly the only two I would rather skip when listening to him on shuffle are the two that have him partnering with SquigglyDigg, neither of the songs have anything wrong with them particularly I just. remember Squiggly’s awful takes on Lilo and Stitch and how she is the kind of person that’s like ‘you can call yourself whatever you want but there are only two genders’ and is miffed when people don’t recognize she’s a girl from her (drawn) profile pic like she gets upset about people trying to be polite because she disagrees with them being respectful to nb people or some shit
Also I like lyrics a lot and sometimes I can just go off vibes (like I don’t really like the really really heavy metal stuff like it’s really annoying when I’m like ‘I want a song about a deal with another power’ and all that comes up is either really heavy metal that is just loud and I don’t know what they’re saying (I’M NOT DISSING IT IT JUST ISN’T MY TYPE OF MUSIC) or a type of blues or something that also isn’t usually what I’m after at that time) but I also have a lot of appreciation for good lyrics and lyrics about stuff I like (which led to my friend being weirded out because she doesn’t listen as closely to lyrics as I do so when I tried to share some Stupendium songs she was just listening to the vibes and was like ‘you listen to weird music’) so like what it’s about matters
Also Biggering slaps. That is very tangential but it just slaps, go listen to it. How Bad Can I Be is fine I guess, like it’s catchy and all, but Biggering is just so much better. (The fact that multiple people have written video essays about Biggering and that movie should speak to how good it is. At least go listen once you can look it up on YouTube it’s just really good)
Also mental animatics are a thing. They just are. So that also can affect how I feel about a song.
Oh and The Cog Is Dead has a lot of good songs, how did I forget them
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(story under the cut, based on a dream I had)
(don’t worry, it’s not a screamer, i’d never do that.)
No matter how many years passed and will pass, I liked and will still like Lalaloopsy. All the characters and concepts were and still are very interesting (though Jewel was always my least favorite) and the couple episodes I saw of both the original show and the reboot of Netflix were cute and in the case of the reboot actually very emotional. I also watched all the movies and while a majority of them were slightly flawed one way or another, that didn’t stop them from being good. Hearing the toys being discontinued and the Netflix show canceled indeed made my heart sink.
But that’s not all what I wanted to talk about. Onto Lala-Oopsies.
If you don’t recall, Lala-Oopsies was a spinoff line. As the name suggested, the characters were in mixed rainbow colors and body proportions that deviated from the usual Lalaloopsy dolls, looking like, in my own words, mutants. They came as princess/ballerina hybrids and mermaids, with the ‘Littles’ (which in the original Lalaloopsy line, were the younger sisters) as fairies. They had one movie, “Lala-Oopsies: A Sew Magical Tale”. It was like all the others, cute, a bit funny, and a simple Lalaloopsy adventure with the Lala-Oopsies.
What I never knew was that they were apparently planning on a sequel.
I was at a garage sale of sorts (i know, very cliche) when I found a blank DVD case. Here’s what it read:
“Is this a joke?”
“Oh, that!” The owner of the sale noticed me and casually went on “I worked at MGA Entertainment… they were making a sequel to the Lala-Oopsies movie… some guy decided to make that, apparently as a joke, and he was fired as it had quite a bit of… crazy stuff. We decided to cancel it altogether as we didn’t have any other ideas... We were handed copies of it from the guy who made it before he was fired. The footage is all there. There’s a lot more stuff that happened after that, but I don’t really wanna go into full detail. If you wanna know completely, it’s worth only a dollar. Not somethin’ I’d wanna watch again.”
Out of morbid curiosity, I agreed to buy the thing.
So I went home, made sure to get my DVD player on, and opened the case. There were two discs. One that read “MOVIE” and another that just had random scribbles on it. I tried to make out if the second one actually said anything, but I couldn’t read it for shit. I got out the one that read “MOVIE”, making sure it was the film itself, and placed it in.
Hoo boy, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
There was no menu or trailers, though that was kinda expected considering it was unfinished. It just went straight to the movie.
It all looked official one way or another. Some scenes were fully animated, others were simple animatics, others were in between. But I’ll just say before we get on that it was not at all the usual Lalaloopsy fare. There was no sign of anyone’s pets at all throughout the whole movie.  There wasn’t any music, like, at all, and that just made it a bit more unsettling.
Well, most of it wasn’t. It started off like your usual Lalaloopsy movie. Bea was walking down a path and singing a song about math to herself. A rather bad one, if you ask me. So bad, I have easily forgot about it. While walking, she finds the door that leads to Lala-Oopsies Land.
As the first movie took place in mostly a story that Bea was reading, she is surprised that apparently Lala-Oopsies are true. She leaves to find her friends, the rest of the Original 8 to be exact, and tell her all about it. This exchange from the conversation is what mainly caught me off guard.
Jewel: “So you just managed to find something from a story you read once in reality? I don’t believe it one bit.”
Spot: “Jewel. This is felting BEA SPELLS-A-LOT we’re talking about. The brains? The genius? The nerd? The know-it-all? She doesn’t seem to be making it up.”
Was felt their way of saying fuck? That was not in the other Lalaloopsy stuff I knew, as it was aimed at young children. I figured that was at least one of the reasons it was never finished. I decided to keep watching to find more reasons.
The Lalaloopsies were at the door to Lala-Oopsies Land, and as she didn’t believe it before as shown by the previous exchange I wrote about, Jewel was understandably dumbfounded. “Felt me, there really is a Lala-Oopsies Land…”
So of course they all opened the door and entered. Only as it turned out Lala-Oopsies land… wasn’t exactly as the story told.
The skies were orange like the original, but were more of a sickly shade of it. The ground was grey, rotted, and corpse-like. The mushroom ‘trees’ looked much more like actual fungi, and the strawberry-milk rivers and seas looked spoiled and curdled, and I could even make out a skeleton (presumably of a drowned Oopsie) in them. Bea probably put it best.
“Well… it seems the book apparently romanticized a couple details…”
The group decided to venture in and explore anyway. I couldn’t help but bring up the fact that a couple of them coughed quite a bit when they went in. Okay, scratch that, they were coughing violently, like they just inhaled smoke.
Pillow: “Felting seamstress, this place is polluted.”
As they were walking through, some sort of large insectoid jumped right on Peanut’s face Alien-style. Now I could really see why this movie didn’t make it. Obviously, everyone was panicking at the sight and trying to get the bug off. It wasn’t until like half a minute that Bea managed to find a stick on the ground and strongly swatted the insect away from Peanut’s face, though it seemed she also hit the face from this dialogue...
...and stabbed the insect multiple times, pink-ish blood spraying from the body, gore getting everywhere. The other seven were so disgusted that Crumbs vomited right on-screen from the sight. Organs were coming out of the creature as Bea stabbed, and as I looked close enough the organs seemed rather human-like. That was pretty weird as the insect didn’t look human at all. 
Well at least I found another reason for this movie’s rejection.
Before Bea turned the monster into an unrecognizable bloodied mush, I could make the colors of the insect to be that of the Lala-Oopsies fairy Lilac, hot pink and sky blue. Nah, I’m pretty sure it was just a coincidence. And yet…
Oh, that reminds me of another scene that happened later on.
The eight were venturing on into the islands riding on some sort of old rusted boat they found, and then suddenly some sort of sea serpent or something like that i dunno with the same color scheme as the mermaid Water Lily rose from the rotted strawberry milk oceans. Bea tried to row the boat away, but the monster attacked and even picked Jewel up and devoured her. There wasn’t any doll stuffing or anything cute like that. Jewel’s remains actually spurted crimson blood and human entrails as she was being chomped down on and eventually swallowed. Screaming as if the actress herself was getting violently disemboweled.
I can still hear her agonized screams as I write this, so that’s pretty annoying. 
Pillow’s reaction perfectly described mine.
My god... how the heck was a doll said to be sewn from a dress able to have human blood and guts?! Then again, it was a cartoon… a rather gory one if ya ask me.
In all honesty though, Jewel’s death was horrific yet satisfying for me. I never liked her the slightest.
During the attack, Mittens and Spot fell into the strawberry milk ocean as the boat was destroyed. It didn’t show the rest of what happened to them so I can safely assume they were either eaten or drowned. Or both.
So the ones left were Crumbs, Peanut, Dot, Pillow, and Bea.
They latched onto the boat’s remains as they headed to a large island.
The island’s inhabitants were all the princess ballerinas, both in the first movie and toy-exclusive, mutated to grotesque proportions, their hair all mussy and in tangles. Most of the princess’s faces were obscured by their hair, but the ones I was able to see were distorted in such a way I can’t really describe that well, though I’ll admit they looked pretty damn cool. Oh, their clothes were also a wreck too so yeah.
Crumbs became an idiot and decided to go up close to one (can’t remember which, i think it was Saffron?) to try and approach it friendly enough.
Saffron, like a wild animal, lunged at Crumbs and proceeded to violently rip her to shreds, and sure enough it was just as gruesome as Jewel’s death.
I remember just thinking to myself, “what the hell was this person on when making this?”
And yes, the remaining girls were horrified by that too and ran from the princesses as fast as they could.
Remember the scene I mentioned earlier with Peanut apparently getting attacked by that bug? Welp, they didn’t forget about that. Peanut immediately fell over, having a rather violent fit as she struggled for breath, her skin deteriorating as multi-colored insect larva ate their way out of her everywhere, some even lunging out like the chestbursters in Alien. (yes I know I already made that comparison before but still) They then proceeded to lunge at Pillow and devour her alive as she could only scream and the final two, Bea and Dot, could only watch.
As Pillow was honestly one of my most favorite Lalaloopsy, I just felt awful watching that.
Another princess, Anise, which I recognized full and clear with her pink and blue coloring, approached what remained of Pillow and grabbed some of the larvae, putting it in her mouth and devouring it, as her mouth was coated in a rainbow goo like that one My Little Pony episode with the zombies. 
I would say it was disgusting, but a mutant doll eating a worm was the least of my worries. 
She managed to speak words, which was strange because the princesses here were, again, mostly animalistic. Her voice was rather gravely, only vaguely sounding like the original.
Okay, they weren’t even trying with that line.
Anise proceeded to grab Bea and beat her, but thankfully Bea was able to kick Anise right in the face, knocking her out before the grotesquely mutated princess could finish the job. Dot swiftly took Bea’s hand. Struggling to get up at first, the badly bruised Bea managed to get on her feet and run as Anise came to.
As they ran, Bea and Dot finally found the door where they came in. It tugged my heartstrings seeing the two tearfully look back, apparently reminiscing their friends, before leaving Lala-Oopsies Land for good.
It then cut to Bea in bed, very ill. She was apparently covered in radiation tumors and her hair was almost gone. Apparently the island was highly radioactive. Dot was next to her bed in tears, as Bea weakly said her final words.
“I’m sorry, Dot… sorry… for everything...”
Violently coughing blood, Bea finally kicked the bucket as Dot sobbed hysterically. The movie cut to black and ended there with, surprise-surprise, no credits whatsoever.
All I thought of was “How the hell did Bea get sick from radiation poisoning but Dot didn’t?”
So anyway I took the movie disc out and put in the one with all the scribbles.
It was a compilation of recorded clips, all of them surprisingly in the MGA Entertainment headquarters itself I presume.
One clip I remember was a Lala-Oopsies Princess Anise doll flying, chasing a random employee as said employee was in a panic. Yea it was a weird one.
Another consisted of another employee testing out a Princess Juniper doll. As they were squishing the head, (the Lala-Oopsies dolls had squishy foam heads) the doll suddenly started to bleed violently. Not gonna lie, I laughed at what the employee said.
Last one I remember was two employees talking to each other. One of them asked the other,
“What exactly was your motivation in making this weird-ass movie?”
The other employee just responded in a weird reverse demonic gibberish I didn’t have time to translate. The first employee’s only response was a flat “what”. Exactly my reaction too. I decided that was enough and took out that disc and put it away.
Where’s the case now?
In one of my shelves. I’m keeping it. I just think it’s pretty unique in a way.
Not like it’s cursed or anything.
The End
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
The Muppet Christmas Carol
thebestdecepticonleader Hi 😃 Me Hello there! thenightetc Hello! thebestdecepticonleader Ah, the Christmascarolman Me Hello, night human! thenightetc "Santa Buddy" Me Singing about how desperately he wants Santa inside him. As one does. thenightetc Ha! thebestdecepticonleader hm thebestdecepticonleader I think someone misunderstood what this song was about when they made this version Me Yes, yes, Christmascarolman. Your "chimney" is oiled and ready to go. We get it. thenightetc Very possibly.
Me And speaking of sexual tension! Me Stop that, youtube. thenightetc Boy oh boy. thebestdecepticonleader um thenightetc Good thing their parents walked in just then thebestdecepticonleader okay then Me "The kids are fragging again."
"Who cares? I smell coffee." Me Named Christmas. thenightetc Lots of blank pages in that book thebestdecepticonleader Why do the humans look like That thebestdecepticonleader The mayor just hands over sacks of money thenightetc Oh, that's just how humans looked back in, uh, 1991 Me It was a dark time. thebestdecepticonleader Wow, if she loses every hand she's really bad at poker thenightetc Right? thebestdecepticonleader You'd think you'd give up after, I don't know, ten hands Me I admire her persistence. thenightetc It's like she specifically likes losing money Me "Goodbye, children, or whatever." thebestdecepticonleader Like she could use the money on other wasteful things Like clothes for herself and stuff like that Me Better shades of lipstick. thebestdecepticonleader better tan she and Donald Trump must get their spray tan from the same bottle Me That's a cruel dig on Mrs. Mavelda. thenightetc Yeah, let's not go TOO far here thebestdecepticonleader It is pretty terrible though thenightetc Surround her with the corpses of her fellows thebestdecepticonleader She's wearing her friend Me Friends AND family! thenightetc That slide would be so splintery, though thebestdecepticonleader yep thenightetc You know, in a way, what with her losing all the money every time, it's like she's paying them to hang out with her thebestdecepticonleader Even I don't sink that low Me You can't pick your friends, but you can bribe them. Santa is everyone's grandpa and uncle. thebestdecepticonleader at the same time? Me Yes. thenightetc You'd think one of them would be saying, "I wish for parents" Which would be kind of awkward for her Me Her massive pillow looks comfortable. thenightetc gah thenightetc These closeups are not doing the animation any favors Me They just highlight her cataracts. Me FireWOOD. thenightetc "because you're not weakened from years of malnutrition" thenightetc This is such a great plan, really Me This won't end with two frozen child corpses. thenightetc ...So did Santa cause that crash? Me Those drivers will be eating their Christmas dinner through a straw, but THE TREE. thenightetc That tree will outlive them all thenightetc Especially Happy. Me Every single year, I forget that happens. thenightetc Well, *I* forgot that Santa is actually real here and shows up at the end, so Me I think our memories are fighting to keep this movie from sticking. thenightetc well, it IS your fault Me She doesn't seem too concerned that Lilly and Potty are missing. thenightetc Best. Christmas. Ever. Me Better get out your most festive Corpse Handling Gloves, everyone. thenightetc The ones with the fur trim. Me Naturally! thenightetc Oh wow, is the whole town here now? Me They've got nothing better to do. Me It's a nice change from small town gossip and opioids. thenightetc It's a christmas miracle! Me Never. Gets. Old. thenightetc Right? thenightetc Santa in a conspicuously different drawing style Wait. If he's real, where the fuck was he all those years before?? Did he somehow not know there were miserable children there? thenightetc "But Ray, I'm not even pregnant" Me "Come to think of it, I never was! Our children just showed up one day!" Me She had to relearn how to walk and talk and swallow. thenightetc Why do they want her around children though Me Not much success. thenightetc You know, I'm not sure I've actually seen this one. Me It's surprisingly faithful. Me Hold on, the sound's a little awkward. Let me see if I can find one where it isn't. thenightetc ...man. Me Much better. thenightetc me: "gosh, this is nice animat--wait, it's a muppet movie, those are models" Me Shhh. thenightetc "wow, it's really photorealistic!" thenightetc Wait Wait, those melon things are alive?! Are they alive and going to be eaten! Me Three and a half minutes in and the implications are already horrifying! thenightetc Pfffff. Me He knows how to make an entrance. thenightetc Yes thenightetc "there go the townfolk, singing a mean song about me again" Me No wonder he's awful to them. I would be too. thenightetc I admit, it's a bop, though Me So is Little Starbot, but we don't sing about him. Isn't it though? thenightetc "Uh nothing, we weren't singing about you again" ..... thenightetc Ha! I mean, it's awful, but thenightetc Yeesh Me Indeed. thenightetc Haha thenightetc he has no eyes! Zephra85 I'm here! Me Zephra human! Hello! thenightetc Hello! Zephra85 Hi everyone!
Ugh I'm not getting any video on my end? thenightetc It's fine over here Zephra85 Yeah I'm trying to figure it out thenightetc Why was he even carolling there, though I mean, the entire town knows what Scrooge is like Me Why is anyone bothering him? thenightetc They've all memorized a song about how terrible he is! Zephra85 BLAH I can't figure out what's wrong, I'm going to try refreshing the page Me That might help. thenightetc Uh thenightetc Oh my god Me They're chipper about this. thenightetc hahahha thenightetc Ah, so they ARE visiting from hell. Me Oh, that line was creepy. thenightetc Yesss. Me This is all gloriously creepy. thenightetc It is! thenightetc Oh my gosh Hahhaha Me Minicon privilege. thenightetc Any better, Zephra? Zephra85 Well, refreshing only got my keyboard stuck in shortcut mode the whole time so I had to restart my computer, and video STILL isn't working on my end. thenightetc Well, ouch. Me That's odd! thenightetc Have you tried a different browser? It wouldn't work for me in Firefox.... Zephra85 I'm in Chrome, but I'll give Firefox a shot thenightetc No, Firefox was the one it WOULDNT' work in I have to use Opera for it Zephra85 Yeah but I think for me it has to do with my bf's adblockers and stuff? thenightetc Ahhh Zephra85 Which are different from chrome vs firefox alright giving it a shot thenightetc Good luck! She is... eerie Me At the end of the night, she takes his eyes. thenightetc Hey hey hey
Zephra85 WHELP that didn't work. Me The Pit? thenightetc Awwwww. Zephra85 Now Rabbit won't even let me connect to the stream just the chat Me It *sounds* like an adblocker issue. Zephra85 Yeah that's what I'm thinking, my bf's adblockers are a mess and I don't know how to deal with them. (google searching is proving fruitless. ) Me If you'd like to follow along on another tab, I can pause and give you a timestamp. Zephra85 Nah it's alright, I technically didn't really have time to be here anyway? There's a bunch of chores and errands I'm trying to take care of but I decided to try popping in for a stream since I haven't been to one in forever. So I think I'm just gonna jet thenightetc Awwww! Well, good luck Me Well, it's always good to see you, muppets or no muppets! Zephra85 Thanks guys, and thanks for the offer Knock Out! Enjoy the movie, everybody! Zephra85 Say to Breakdown and Impact for me, Knock Out! Me Will do! thenightetc GAH Me Seconded! Me They cut out the song! Not on my watch, you don't! thenightetc They're going to sing? Me And how! thenightetc Man. Me Ouch. thenightetc If the food starts singing........ Me It will be worse than the haunted baby doll ghost. Me Gah! thenightetc Did he just... die? Me That's been happening a lot in this movie. Me I mean, it's not as though it said "Here lies Ebeneezer Scrooge -- He was a great big spike choke." thenightetc Shhhh. Dear Unicron, his dancing. thenightetc It's probably hard to dance in a puppet costume Me Oh, his puppet dance is fine. It's Scrooge's I was talking about. thenightetc Ohhhh thenightetc Is it Scrooge Hahhahaha thenightetc Harsh, but fair. Me This wouldn't make me want to socialize with them. thenightetc Well thenightetc Well. Me Ouch again. Me "Please don't hurt me." thenightetc Right? Me Scrooge, you know exactly where this is going. thenightetc You'd think? thenightetc Ouch. "Might be" thenightetc :< Me Spirit's not dignifying that with a response. Me "Tell me I'll never die!" thenightetc Pfffff Me I mean, it's not as though it said "Here lies Ebeneezer Scrooge -- He was a great big spike choke." thenightetc Shhhh. Me It would be funny if they couldn't do it all in one night and he wakes up on the floor of his house a week later. Covered in filth. thenightetc Haha! Me That needed to start cooking four hours ago. thenightetc Well, it might be morning. Me True. thenightetc ...it's coal thenightetc I mean, I know that's what they asked for, and yet Me He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit. thenightetc ...Really, Scrooge Me This isn't the kind of joke that makes anyone feel better, Scrooge. thenightetc Right? Me "It's funny, because I made you think you were about to be starving and unable to feed your dying son!" thenightetc The punchline is relief! Me Either none of these other people have homes and Christmas plans or they heard that Scrooge is high on the opium and feeling generous. thenightetc I can't argue with that. Me Why is there a snappy pop cover of this? thenightetc He could have just said, "Here's a turkey, and I'm giving you a raise" thenightetc Instead of making it a "prank" Me Got to squeeze in that one last little reminder that Scrooge owns his entire life. Me And that's that! thenightetc Still--overall, good movie! Me Glad you enjoyed it! Me Let me just grab our usual high note, and... thenightetc Pfffff thenightetc Ha! Me Humans are fun. thenightetc WELL but hey at least the top of the tree is reachable now thenightetc Hahahaha Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc ...... Me And that's the note we're going out on, for better or worse. thenightetc Well! I mean, vine compilations tend to be both Me You know, they really do. thenightetc Thank you for the stream, as always : ) Me Thank you for coming, as always! thenightetc And goodnight! Me Good night, night human!
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seddm · 7 years
 I summed up the most interesting things Adam said during this interview.
During his first auditions for the role Daron was impressed by how good Adam was at making “fighting sounds”. He thanked his years of martial arts for that.
- When Adam had to come up with a voice for Marco, having seen his pictures, he thought that he looked like a “kid with a sweet demeanor who sort of wants to be a bad boy”, and he essentially used what’s his normal voice, with a higher pitch.
- Adam sometimes feels like he’s reliving his teenage years by voicing Marco, and said that when he read the script for Sleepover he was shocked to see the piano scene, since he essentially did the same to impress the girls over at his house for his sister’s sleepovers. 
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- Adam had to audition to voice adult Marco in Running With Scissors, and Daron and the voice director wanted a madmax-like voice, for a Marco worn out by the land.
- Adam liked how
Running With Scissors
ending got the viewers wondering about Marco, what being mentally 30 but back in his old body and life meant to him. He says that he knows something about that
"because I recorded something..."
- Adam asked Daron, about Running With Scissors, “What the heck what is going to happen to my poor little cinnamon roll, is he 30 what is happening to this guy?!", to which she answered that “I like to think that he has like, you know, maybe he- it's almost like a dream you know, you wake up from a dream, but the further away from a dream like the harder it is to remember, but something can happen and you are like 'Oh, remember that dream I had?'”. [Along with the confirmation from the SDCC panel that Adult Marco is going to be seen again in S3, and what Adam said in the previous point, it’s possible that, at some point, something is going to trigger in Marco’s memories of what he learned during his years of questing? Or remember something that happened, flashback style? Ride Nachos again?]
- Adam is still doing ADR [re-recording lines over the final animation of the episode, either to change or fix the timing, or to improve them] for S3 episodes, but they already recorded the animatic lines for the first S4 episodes
- They usually record episodes twice, the first time with the animatic, or even just the storyboards; the second time once the animation is done, to change lines and improve others, during the ADR process. 
- He feels like the show started changing, getting deeper with a overarching plot, in S2, and it just gets “even more insane” from there.
- Adam feels like Daron is extremely good at being objective when writing the show, not giving in to “fanservice” but exploring different routes to better explore the characters, and that in the end she’s going to make everyone happy. But he’s not a writer, so he doesn’t care and he just ships Starco all he wants. “They deserve eachother”.
- Daron and the voice director encourage Adam in improvising lines, and they know that he knows Marco’s character well. But they still occasionally asks him to redo lines “sticking to the script, this time”.
- (talking about Star and Marco watching a horror movie together)
Oh my gosh, Star would be totally into it, she'd be like:
"What's the big deal, why is this guy scared, why don't they just hit him with I don't know, a cupcake blast!" 
and Marco would be like:
"Uuh Star, uuuh... I think we need to turn this off. Did you hear something in the kitchen? Oh no, what are we gonna do!"
- He has a easy time staying in character for the livechats, and being live is not difficult, as he already did that while S1 aired, when he did the Periscope commentaries to episodes.
- If Adam were a writer he’d like to see Marco and Star being put in more tight spot and difficult situations that would force them to grow, and allow the viewers to know more about them. He made the example of a situation that’d test his loyalty for Star.
- Adam feels like the hardest episodes to record were either the S2 finale, or the S3 premiere, since there were a lot of emotional moments and there was a lot of pressure to do those right.
- He loved doing the meet up with fans at the boba tea shop in San Diego, with Daron, this July, before the Comicon
- Adam would love to see a Dìa de los Muertos themed holiday episode.
- Adam started martial arts at 11, and started studying acting at 16. According to his parents he always asked them for two things: to do martial arts, and to have an agent. 
- He feels like he’s a “physical” voice actor, he finds the characters he needs to voice in “his body”.
- His favorite boba tea, and the one he almost always takes, is honey green tea.
- He can’t say anything about the character(s) he voiced in Far Cry 5, just that “the part that I play is the part in the videogame that when I play videogames I'm always not very nice to.”
NOTE: there are tons of typos and some missing parts, and I skipped some of the least interesting (for SVTFOE fans) parts. If you want to know more about Adam and his job, watch the video!
Q - Martial arts in common with Marco, you kind of implanted in the character? A - Would be totally  awesome if I could take credit of that on the creator side, but I absolutely can't. That's how Marco was written from the very beginning. Daron Nefcy, the creator of the show, who is phenomenal, she- yeah, that was just how Marco was written. There was a moment during muy very early audtions before I officially got the part where I had to go in with Eden Sher, who voices Star, and we had to read some stuff together, and there were some fighting scenes and I just had to do what I've done my whole life, make fight sounds and stuff, and Daron was like "Wow you are like really goo at that!" and I was like "I hope so I've been doing martial arts like my whole life". I can't take any credit but it was definitely awesome.
Q - Techniques to create voices (impressions...) A - I feel like I'm a very physical voice actor, I like to find a character in my body and kind of embody them, so I think that's my go to.
Q - How did you find Marco's voice? A- I saw a picture of Marco very early on, and he just had this sort of like -- really sweet demeanor, but he sort wanted to be like a bad boy. It just felt like - it was very easy to find Marco's voice, it just felt right at home, like a little bit higher than my normal voice range, and yeah, it's- it's so weird Marco and I have so much in common. It's like I'm reliving my life as a 14 years old through the show, I'm like- I mean Star, they're like [does quote unquote sign] "best friends" when the Sleepover episode happens, when she has all her girl friends over but- I have siblings, my lil' sister would have her friends sleep over and I'd like [mimics Marco playing the piano in Sleepover] "Hey ladies" you know, trying to play it cool, and it's totally Marco, I looked at Daron and I was like "Are you kidding me?"
Q - Did you also do the voice for grown up Marco [in Running With Scissors]? A - I totally did, yeah. I walked in one day, and I already read the script at the time, so I was like "Oh my gosh we're going to see 30 years Marco" and it never occurred to me that maybe I wouldn't voice adult Marco. I got in there and we read through the script, and I recorded all of regular age Marco's stuff, and then they were like "Ok so, we wanna see if you maybe can do adult Marco also", and at that moment I was like "Oh my gosh, I have to auction to be me!" I can't let someone else voice me! [missing] so they described what they wanted adult Marco to sound like, they wanted him to sound sort of like Madmax, this madmax inspired adult Marco who has been worn out by the land, just had all this rough experience [does adult Marco voice] and it was cool from my side of the glass watching Daron and Kelly Ward, who is the voice director who is amazing, that guy speaks actor, he's so cool, watching their faces, "Who was that?!" and I'm like "I don't know where that came from, came from deep down but I had to pull it from somewhere 'cause there can only be one Marco", so yeah, that episode, Running With Scissors, it's probably one of my favorite episodes I've recorded for Star, because it's just- you know, getting to do all that in one episode, it's just like.
Q - There's a little bit of Rick & Morty nihilims thrown there at the end A - yeah what I liked about it is that it raises the stakes without being like- I don't know, you're left not knowing, "so does that mean he's back in his 14 years old body, but he's actually 30, and you've seen the bit with the password where we are just kinda "Wait he forgot his password what does that mean", like "oh my gosh!", but at the same time in episodes after that like you only see maybe little glimpses of it, so you don't really know, but I know, 'cause I've recorded something, so... [asker compares it to the ending of Jumanj i] Yeah yeah, and I think that like, actually, you know... when I record episodes I usually record each episode twice, I'll go in and I'll record to an animatic, sometimes there's not even an animatic yet, or just drawn pictures, and then I'll go a second time and I'll do ADR, but besides those two- so ADR I've seen some of the episodes, but not a lot of the script has changed, then I don't actually get to see a lot of the animated episodes until it airs, so there are times when the vision that ends up being created, like what I see on TV versus what I recorded, is so different that I'm like "Oh my- I can't believe", and with that episodes specifically I asked Daron "what the heck what is going to happen to my poor little cinnamon roll, is he 30 what is happening to this guy!" and she was like "I like to think that he has like, you know, maybe he- it's almost like a dream you know, you wake up from a dream, but the further away from a dream like the harder it is to remember, but something can happen and you are like 'Oh, remember that dream I had?'" and I was like "Yeah that is a great way to describe that, I like that."
Q - For you as a voice actor when was the point that there's something more going on in the show, that this is not all just shenanigans and like there's something deeper to the show? A - I think that when we started recording Season 2 of the show I was like oh, we're getting to see something that it's not normally done, it's not like the norm for animation - I mean we are seeing some shows now that are kinda moving toward a throughline plot and we're getting to go deeper with the characters and the story and it's not like just crazy one off episodes, but I'd say S2 is when the over series arc started forming for Star, and that's how you get all ages watching. Is you have those deep nuggets that make people wanna come back and keep watching and root for characters, "do they get together or not, get together, do this thing or that thing", you know. So yeah, S2. Definitely the turning point. And it's all getting crazier, it's just like- it's insane we- I'm still doing ADR on S3, but I've started already recording the first couple of episodes in S4, so I know all of it, all the secrets, and I'm not saying nothing!
Q - [joking, talking about spoilers] Tell me about Starco Adam! You have to tell me! A - Never! But I'd say that the question I get on social media more often than any other else is "Is Starco canon?"... and I'll never tell you, you have to wait and find out.
Q - It's kind of obligatory, I was going to ask- you've kinda said in the past that you do ship Starco. Now has that changed, because with the beginning of S3 we are in a very different place that we were in S2, and all of the character have grown and evolved and they're not the same people that they were when the show started. So do you still feel the same? A - I do. Actually I'm like die hard Starco, everyone is going to freak out. Yeah, no no, I think that these two characters just like... deserve to have eachother you know, it's so cute, I'll hold on to that until the end. I mean you know look, Daron is the best at not committing one way or the other, and for the creator of the show I think that's absolutely important 'cause she's willing to explore all avenues, and not just, you know, do a bunch of fan service, but actually service the story properly, and in the end I think that's going to make everyone happy, but I'm not doing that, I ship Starco all I want. I don't write the show!
Q - talking about the process of recording during animatics, and the ADR, for the most part people have to stick with the script, but some writers and voice directors are open to their actors contributing, do they let you improv? A - I am a rule follower, see me and Marco have a lot in common, I listen to my director and to the people I get to work with creatively, I want to help them create their vision, with this show specifically they totally encourage improv, at this point they know that I know Marco, and I throw in lines, usually- we kinda talked about it earlier with the ensamble, Star we actually record alone, so a lot of times in the early stages I'll, I'll give them three in a row of the line, but I'll usually throw in a fourth [missing part] but yeah they encourage and they totally let me play, sometimes they are like "Ok that's good but, let's do this again and this stick stick- stick with the script", you know, sometimes they're like "Oh my gosh, why didn't we write it like that!"
Q - Disney has been doing quite a bet with SVTFOE, they actually have to do quite a few live events in character! Is it kind of difficult to just stay in the character for an extended period of time? A - It's really not! It's something like, since the beginning of Star, even before Disney started doing livechats, I would basically go after an episode and do a Periscope where I'd watch an episode with fans, I wasn't doing it as Marco, I was just doing it as myself, but the live thing doesn't- I'm totally fine, I feel very close to the fans of the show, I love it, I have a lot of fun in livechats. The software that goes into making those livechats is incredible, I'm essentially sitting behind a computer, and the facetime camera is tracking my face, and I'm basically controlling Marco like a videogame, and every time we go in the promo department of Disney XD, who are all amazing, are like "Oh we added a new thing he has karate chop action this time!" and I'm like "Yes! I want to play the karate chop!"
Q - You've got the opportunity to talk with fans at conventions, do you have like a favorite fan interaction moment? A - Yeah, I'm super grateful any interaction I get with fans, I feel so fortunate that people gravitate so heavily toward the show and want to talk to me- yes, this past comicon I actually planned a- you need to know this about me, I love Boba Tea, I'm obsessed with boba tea, so I decided that this year at Comicon, I was getting a lot of messages about, you know, Comicon's insane, people can't get tickets, and you know, the fans of the show some of them are younger, their parents can't get them out to Comicon, I talked to Daron and I was like "How about we do an unofficial fan meet up at a boba shop in San Diego", we do like, you know, a hundred people, cap it, we'll take some RSVP, and we'll just buy everyone a boba. So we did that, in July, and it was amazing, it was super awesome. We wanted to make sure everyone was prepped, we wanted everyone to know that no pressure, we're just hanging out. I was nervous that no one was going to come, then in like 10 15 minutes all the RSVP were gone, so I was like "I guess I should call the boba shop and let them know that it's official".
Q - Best Boba they have on the menu? A - I'm a creature of habit so honeygreen tea is my favorite, I always go for honeygreen tea.
[They talk about Boba tea]
Q - Are you planning to do another meet up when next year's comicon rolls around? A - I think so, why not. I'm like such a long term planner, I think so far ahead, that I have like this vision, of doing a boba meet up tour across the United States, where boba shops have me come and we do fan meet ups in cities across the world. Like how cool would that be, let's do this, boba places!
Q - [ask about Adam voicing an evil gingerbread man in Krampus] A - That was one of those wild audition where they literally give you no direction, they are like "German jibberish in high pitched voice", I'm like "...okay". So I gave it a go, [missing part] and the boot director at my agency was like "Yeah, you did it, I don't know" and I was like "Yeah... I'll never hear anything for this" while I walk out of the room, and then like a week later it's like "oh you are booked for this movie" and I'm like all right. [they keep talking about the movie]
Q - You've got quite a few things coming up in the future, but one of the big ones is Far Cry 5, coming out in 2018. Is there anything you can tell us about your character? A - I'm so sorry, I cannot. I feel like I signed an NDA that I signed an NDA, I'm just not allowed to talk about it, literally all we're allowed to say is that I'm part of it. I can tell you that the part that I play is the part in the videogame that when I play videogames I'm always not very nice to. So I'm very excited to get Far Cry 5 and just mess with me, so that's all I'll say, no specific information has been given out, Ubisoft.
Q - with videogames they actually have the voice actors doing the motion capture for the character, were you able to do any? A - Yeah, no, not this project, it was- this project was kind a typical audition and booking process [missing part] it took about seven eight months to find out it was for Far Cry 5, I was like guessing "Oh my god this is Assassin's Creed!" but they finally announced it and I got an email "Congrats you worked on Far Cry 5" and I was like when, when was that, I did that?!
Q - Are you a big videogames fan? A - I love videogames, I'm like a big first person shooters fan
Q - [question sent via chat to the channel] Star and Marco watching a horror movie, how would that go down? A - Oh my gosh, Star would be totally into it, she'd be like "What's the big deal, why is this guy scared, why don't they just hit him with I don't know, a cupcake blast!" and Marco would be like "Uuh Star, uuuh... I think we need to turn this off. Did you hear something in the kitchen? Oh no, what are we gonna do!", you know, it's totally their dynamic.
Q - If you did get to sit down in the writers room, what would want to see for Marco's character development in S3? A - I mean, I'd love to see him. Ok I got to think about what I recorded that I can't talk about, what we actually have in the airing of the episodes. I mean, getting to see him and Star put in different situations that kinda force them to grow, and being put in though spots to see how they'd react I think it'd be really fun, uh, you, whether that means like they kind of- you know the whole first season obviously they're living at homw with mom and dad, same with the second season, now season 3 began and we are on Mewni, like we don't know where we're gonna end up and all that stuff, but I think seeing him put in some difficult situations where maybe it tests his loyalty to Star, or something like that might be really fun to explore, things where we get to know him even better.
Q - We have a lot of people in the livechat crying for Princess Marco's return A - Oh yeah princess Marco, it's so funny. Recently there was a twitter poll about what merch people would like to see, and the overwhelming answer was Princess Marco dolls, so who knows, fingers crossed.
Q - Which episode was the most challenging to record? A - I'm going to say the season 3- either the season 2 finale or the season 3 premiere. The S3 premiere was obviously a four part episodes combined into a movie, but you know we got to see really emotional moments and wanting to do those justice made it like, you know, there was just a lot of pressure.
Q - [talking about incoming projects for Adam] A - [...] we're prepping for this November launch of the rest of S3 so the ADR are coming in quick and we are kicking butt to get all these episodes ready, and I know the crew is going in hard to get all the episodes ready, so the biggest thing coming the soonest. So you know we're going to get excited about all the other stuff later, but the thing everyone should be excited about the most is the return of S3 of SVTFOE, 'cause it's going to be crazyyy. [Interviewer: I can't wait that long] No but you have to 'cause then it's Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the other Holidays and you're gonna love it 'cause then you can watch it over all of those, and then Disney will take some other random breaks and make you hate your life, and you'll get even more later, 'cause that's what they do.
Q - Any desire to see a Holiday special? A - I mean I'd love- S2 we had a Halloween episode, ike Billy West is Hungty Larry, it was so good. Yeah, I'd... I'm down, give me all the special episodes. I'd actually love to see a Dìa de los Muertos episode. [Interviewer: Yeah Disney do it, take my money] Take mine too. And then gave back to me when I record, that's how it works!
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