#i forgot to put the NOT RPF disclaimer on this one sorry
melon-official · 16 days
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the clock's out of sync but we can fix it up, no problem
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momokiiicos · 6 years
Writing Process tag game
Tagged by @gold-from-straw ! Thank you ^_^
1. What are your favourite genres and/or styles to write in?
when i was a little kid i’ve always loved sci-fi/fantasy most. but seeing that i am currently exclusively writing in the wizarding world universe i cannot really say which genre i like best (let’s forget all the RPF i did in the past that was horrible i hate myself for writing in that)
my favourite genre to write in has to be gothic literature
but let’s talk about tropes !! my favourite is slow burn and hurt/comfort (yeah ik i like to torture my readers (jkjk) ). i suppose i also write decently in fluff but surprisingly, i don’t particularly like writing fluff
still developing my style ><
2. What was the last writing project you finished and felt successful with?
the last piece of writing i did which i felt successful with can hardly be called a “project”...? but almost every drabble i posted on this acc i feel satisfied with (#SlytherinValuesWrites)
the last writing project i finished should be quite successful (at least judging from the amount of kudos on AO3) but i hated it. it was the RPF i mentioned and i hated myself for writing it. i only finished it because i am not one to abandon a fic
3. If you have a WiP how do you feel it’s going? What stage are you in?
ummm the status/content of my WIPs are my biggest secret >< sorry no telling
(it is a kind of weird jinx thing for me. i’ve not shared what i am currently working on for maybe 10 years. you’ll know it when i publish it)
4. What are your favourite places to write?
it’s not really about the place for me. it’s more of the moment. if in that moment i feel like writing i’d write, but if i don’t feel like it, no matter what place i’m in i cannot write, so it’s really not about the place
5. Do you prefer to write with long hand or type? Or some other method?
type all the way !!
when i was 12 and did not have access to a computer or smartphone, i used to write in a notebook. but typing is much, much better for me. it feels right. 
i also like typing everything up into a computer because it allows me to view the whole piece of writing as a big picture and i rely a lot on the vibe of the piece to decide on how to continue writing
6. Do you remember your first character? If so can we meet them?
ok so my first original novel idea was from when i was 12 or 13. i got inspired by a trip to disneyland on halloween. i think the main character is called Thalia or something...? anyways so thalia is a witch but all throughout childhood she is told to keep this secret hush hush so as to keep herself safe because everyone else is afraid of magic (because they think it’s satanic). but thalia is not attending a magic school so she doesn’t have to hide it anymore. one prominent thing i remember about the school is that the room numbers are always changing inconsistently so the students are always late to class because they can’t find the goddamn classroom. the form is magic is that they have to perform a sort of ritual (kinda like contacting the “spirits/gods” but not really)
so thalia is kind of like a sidekick but at the end she accidentally save everyone’s arses. but she’s NOT the “chosen one” bc i hate this shit. but the story is not about her being a sidekick, it actually revolves around thalia and her childhood friend (who is not magical)
so thalia and her friend ( i forgot her name) knew each other when they were kids and they are ~really~ good friends. for some reason i do not remember they have not seen each other for years, until now. i don’t remember if her friend knew of thalia’s magical ancestry or not. but then of course shit happens and someone evil is stirring up trouble. so thalia helps fight on the SIDELINE because she got dragged into the battlefield while all she wanna do is chill and be with her friend (whom she is in love with btw)
but then of course, her friend got dragged into shit too, because of thalia may i add. so thalia has to protect her friend, because she’s in love with her, and sort of because of this, they become girlfriends
at the end thalia accidentally became an important factor in defeating the ~evil~ and afterwards, of course the whole point of this story is SLOWBURN HURT/COMFORT GAAAAAY WITCHES
(disclaimer : i plotted all these way before i even read/watched jk rowls’ hp series. all these just because of a haunted house in disneyland on halloween )
7. Where do you get your inspiration?
literally everywhere. my brain is in a constant 24/7 chatter. i cannot get it to shut up.
8. Do you outline a story before writing it, or does it all live in your head until the first draft gets put down?
hmm depends. 
as i’ve said above i rely a lot on gut feelings. if i feel like writing down the outline is a good thing to do (in a specific way that is too vague to explain) that will result in a good outcome of the fic, i’d do the outline. if i feel like it’s not the thing to do, i’d never do it because outlining would sometimes jinx everything
9. Where do you go/ What do you do when you’re feeling stuck?
i rarely get stuck but if i do, i’d do nothing about it. i’d just wait until the right feelings hits again so that i’d continue writing, or else i don’t think my writing would be successful
10. What got you started writing/doing Art? (Because I always love origin stories)
i’ve always known that i’d be some sort of artist, growing up. whether it is writing, illustration, graphic design i know that i’d be doing something creative. so i’ve always been into writing
despite being a writer being my dream for as long as i can remember, i only started writing and creating fiction when i was 13 (the thalia one). afterwards i (very unfortunately) got into RPF fanfiction. although that was a horrible mistake i’ve never stopped writing ever since !! i’m always regularly writing now :)
this tag is most enjoyable to answer !! my favourite one yet ^^
let’s see if i have any writer friends : @asafeplanet @the-cellar-spiral @restlessandordinary @rose-grangerweasleyisbae @aibidil @decanthrope
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sunlightdances · 7 years
come alive with every touch
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female Reader Rating: T - no real warnings. Summary: You and Sebastian met a few months ago while he had a break between movies. Since then, you've grown close, and you decide to surprise him on location in Atlanta. Author's Note: Hi, hello. I’ve never posted RPF on this blog, but I had a request to write something for Sebastian Stan. General disclaimer: I don't know Sebastian, or any of the people in his life. Any similarities are coincidental, and there's no disrespect intended to anyone involved.
You’re nervous, to say the least. It’s a little crazy, what you’re doing, but you didn’t let yourself start second guessing.
The last time you Skyped with Sebastian, he looked and sounded so tired. Not just physically, but you could see it written all over his face. He’s running on fumes.
He loves his job. He’s told you as much, but you can tell it gets to him sometimes - the long hours and days that seem to bleed together. Your heart goes out to him, because if he’s feeling half as anxious as you are about your job, he’s probably teetering on the edge.
You’re in the back of a cab on the way to the location for his latest film, though he doesn’t know that. You were only able to get the info from his manager, whose details you had to hunt down online. You felt like a stalker, but it was all finally worked out. Turns out Sebastian had mentioned you enough that his manager knew who you were, and she helped you plan the whole thing.
Smiling to yourself, you hope he’s happy to see you. You haven’t seen each other in person in six months.
Six months ago
“Shit, shit shit...” you mutter to yourself as you hurry down a busy downtown street, hoping you make it to your meeting in time. Trying to dodge a bunch of other busy people on the street, you try to pull back your shoulder, but you’re jostled by someone on your other side, and you slam right into someone on your left. “Shit. I’m so sorry.” You say as he drops what he was carrying. Blushing, you crouch down to help him.
“It’s okay.” The man says, and when you look up, your eyes widen, although you try desperately to act nonchalant. “It’s crowded today.” He says, smiling softly at you. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” You say quietly, unsure if you should say anything, because you definitely recognize that this is Sebastian Stan right in front of you. You hand him back what he dropped, what you recognize is a script. “Have an audition?”
He smiles. “Yeah, on my way there now.” If he recognizes that obviously you know who he is, he doesn’t draw attention to it.
“Well, I won’t keep you. I’m late for work, anyway. It was nice to meet you.” 
“You too.” He says. 
“Good luck at the audition!” You tell him, and then force yourself to walk away, before you can make a bigger idiot out of yourself. “Smooth.” You chastise yourself. 
You head to work, resisting the urge to turn back around. If you did, you would have seen Sebastian standing there, watching you go with a smile and a bit of a dazed look on his face.
Two weeks later, you’re out making the office coffee run when you hear a familiar voice behind you. 
“Late again?”
You turn around and see him grinning at you, his blue eyes shining. You swallow nervously, but force a smile. “Actually, not this time. Just drew the short straw today,” you say, holding up a piece of paper with everyone’s coffee order on it.
“Ah, I see.” You move out of the way as he orders, and watch, amused, as the barista barely contains herself as she takes his order. 
“It’s not that funny.” He grumbles, after, when he joins you down the counter waiting for the last few drinks in your order. 
You bite back a smile. “It’s a little funny. She looked like she was ready to propose.” 
He blushes, and you struggle to not find that incredibly endearing. Your last drink comes out, and you put in the cardboard carrier, grabbing a few straws and napkins. You don’t want to go back to work. It’s stupid, but something keeps telling you that it means something that you’re bumping into him again and that he remembers you from before.
He scratches the back of his neck and looks away from you for a second, looking like he’s thinking about something. “Um, feel free to, you know, totally run in the other direction, but... would it be forward of me if I asked for your number?”
Your heart stops. This can’t be happening. 
You must have been quiet for too long, because he laughs uncomfortably. “I guess it was. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”
“No!” You blurt, trying not to be too loud. “No, it’s not. I-- yes. You can have my number.” 
For the last six months after that day at Starbucks, he’s been away from his apartment a lot, and when he is in town, the two of you are usually too busy to meet up even for a cup of coffee. 
He texts you a lot, and you manage to have a few phone calls and Facetime sessions a few times a week. You’re not really sure what it is the two of you are doing, but he’s not shy about flirting with you, and you’ve learned to not be so shy about flirting right back.
You fidget in your seat as the cab pulls up to a sleek building that you assume must be the offices for the film lot. His manager told you to come through the front door and someone from the crew would meet you and take you to the set. 
You’re nervous, but you keep telling yourself that if he didn’t want to talk to you, he wouldn’t have bothered keeping touch for all these months. It would have been so easy for him to just ghost you after awhile, especially considering he was so far away most of the time, but he never did. In fact, if he forgot to text you back or call you back after a few hours, he would apologize until you told him not to worry. It’s that reassurance that keeps you walking towards the front door even though you want to run away.
 You walk in and give the receptionist your name, and then it all sort of blurs together until you’re standing in a dark room, watching as the lights get adjusted on a soundstage and Sebastian and his castmates finish filming a few scenes. 
You can’t help but smile as you watch him, and when the lights come back on, you resist the urge to hide behind someone as the director walks over to give the cast a few notes. The cast start to disperse, and you watch Sebastian sling on a jacket before he starts walking in your direction, seemingly immersed in the notes he was given.
“Nice jacket.” You say, just loud enough for him to hear, and you watch as he freezes, looking up with wide eyes.
His face completely lights up with a smile when he sees you. “Oh my god,” he says, and then he’s striding towards you. His arms are around you before you can say anything, and he’s lifting you off your feet in a hug, his laugh sounding breathless in your ears. “Sweetheart.” He says, his voice raw, and you almost feel tears pricking in your eyes.
He pulls back slightly, still grinning, and then seems to realize that there are still people around, so he takes your hand and tugs you out of the room and down the hall. “Please don’t tell me we made plans and I forgot.” He says, and you laugh.
You shake your head no. “I wanted to surprise you.” 
He’s leaning against the wall, your hand still loosely held in his, and you step a little bit closer when he smiles, shaking his head. “My god, you’re incredible.” He says quietly, and you feel your heart start racing. “I-- I guess I didn’t know how much I missed you until just now.”
“I missed you too. Work has been terrible lately. I needed to get away, and it sounded like you could use a distraction.”
His smile is shaky. “You picked that up, huh?”
“A little bit.” You tilt your head, watching him as he keeps his eyes on the ground. “Are you okay? You don’t have to hide it.” 
“I’m--” He takes a deep breath, and then exhales. “I’m fine, mostly. I’m just tired. I want to do this role right, and it’s taking a lot out of me.” 
“Any chance you can sneak away for lunch?” 
He smiles at that. “I can definitely do that. Just let me go to wardrobe and change, or they’ll never let me off the lot.”
A half hour later, Sebastian is typing away at his phone as he comes outside to meet you, and you smile softly watching him, the way his brow is furrowed as he concentrates. When he looks up and meets your eyes, his face changes entirely. This thing is still so new... even though you feel like you know him now, you haven’t spent a lot of time together in person. You still feel a little bit nervous, but the way he looks at you makes you feel amazing.
“Hey. Sorry, just ordering some catering for the crew.” He says, and when you don’t reply right away, he looks up, frowning. “What?”
“Nothing! That’s just-- that’s really sweet, Seb.” You say, the nickname slipping out before you can stop it.
A completely devastating grin crosses his face. “I like that.” 
You blush. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He says, and the two of you have a hard time looking away from each other. He clears his throat, the ghost of that smile still on his face. “Um, I have an idea of where we can go, if that’s okay?”
“Sure. You’re the one who’s been living here.” 
You decide to walk, and he slides a pair of sunglasses on over his face, paired with a hat as he tries to go unnoticed. It seems like second nature now, and the thought makes you a little sad.
“You said work’s been awful lately.” He says, glancing at you, leaving the question unasked. 
You sigh. “Just... my boss has been really riding me lately. I feel like nothing I do, no matter how above and beyond I go, is good enough.”
He frowns. “You’ve been working a lot of long hours.” 
You nod. “I’ve been working sixty hour weeks for the last two months. I’m tired, and stressed, and--” You stop yourself, feeling like you actually might cry. “-- I don’t know. I just needed to get out of there for a few days.”
His hand brushes yours as you walk. “It’s fine to be overwhelmed, you know.” He tells you gently, guiding you into a cafe with outdoor seating on your left. You get seated by a hostess outside, and settle into your chair, thanking the hostess for the water she pours before you turn back to Sebastian. 
“I just feel like-- I don’t know. I feel like I can’t do my job.”
“I’m sure it’s just a rough patch. Hopefully a break will be good for you.” He says, reassuring you. “Have I mentioned I’m really glad you’re here?”
“A time or two.” You smile.
The two of you order, and you catch up on what’s been going on over the last few weeks. You’re so happy that you don’t feel awkward or nervous anymore. The two of you seem to pick up right where you left off the last time you talked on the phone, even if you do spend too much time admiring the color of his eyes and the way he runs his hand through his hair every so often.
If he notices, he doesn’t say anything, but he shifts a little closer every few minutes, always finding an excuse to casually touch you - a hand on your arm as he tells you something funny that happened with the cast, brushing a strand of hair out of your face when the breeze picks up. It makes your heart race.
He has to go back to work, but he walks you to your hotel first, chiding you for taking a cab to the set in the first place. 
“I didn’t know where I was going!” You protest, and he laughs, a sound that you want to hear a hundred more times.
You part ways by the elevator, but not before he asks if you’ll come by his apartment that he’s renting for dinner. 
“Of course I will.” You say, and he smiles in relief, as if he thought you’d really turn him down. 
A few hours later, you’re knocking on his door. You found the place pretty easily, and texted him to let him know you were on your way. When he opens the door, he looks exhausted. He smiles at you though, and gestures for you to come in. 
“No offense, but you look terrible.”
He snorts. “You really know how to charm a guy.” He motions for you to go into the kitchen, where you sit at the breakfast bar. “The afternoon was long. They owed us a night off, though.”
“Have you been sleeping at all?” 
He sighs, turning to the stove, his back to you slightly. “Here and there.” 
He pulls a pan off the stove and dishes up two plates, handing one to you with a fork. “I’m just tired. I’d really like to live in the apartment that I pay for, in New York. I love my job, but sometimes... I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “I sound like an asshole.”
“No you don’t. You sound like you’ve filmed almost three movies in six months.”
He looks up at you, the corner of his mouth tilted up. “See? This is why I like you.” He points at you with his fork. “I never have to-- I don’t have to pretend.”
You look down, blushing. “I like that too.”
He looks at you for a minute, clearly thinking about something, and then he gets up from his stool, crowding you against the counter. “Don’t freak out.” He whispers, and then he kisses you, simple as that.
It’s a hard kiss, like he’s been thinking about doing it forever and can’t take it anymore. You inhale sharply as you kiss him back, and he slows down, his hands framing your face as the kiss turns more gentle, but no less passionate. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for six months.” He says, breathless. 
“Really?” You blurt, still a little shocked. 
He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corner. “Yes, really. I-- I don’t know. You’re a breath of fresh air, truly.” He tugs at the ends of your hair gently. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”
“I can’t either, to be honest.” 
“I can’t tell you how much that means to me. That you would come here to see me, when you could have gone anywhere else.”
“There’s nowhere else I wanted to be.” You tell him, feeling bold, and his eyes snap up to yours, searching for something. He must find it, because he pulls you to your feet, his mouth finding yours again. 
He’s quite a bit taller than you, so he tilts your head upwards, your mouth falling open beneath his, pulling a deep groan from him. He pulls away, panting. “I’m--” he runs a hand through his hair, again, “Sorry. I just... I’m so tired. Can we put this on hold, maybe?”
You grin. “I’m here for a week, Seb.”
His face lights up. “That is... excellent information.” 
The two of you finish dinner, and then he tugs you over towards the couch with him, stretching out so your head is resting on his chest as he flips through the channels. Neither of you are awake enough to pay attention to anything, so he puts on a baseball game.
The crowd noise and quiet voice of the commentators is the perfect white noise, and soon you’re both asleep.
A few hours later, you wake up, blinking as you try to regain your bearings. 
“Hey.” His voice, scratchy from sleep, greets you, and you crane your neck up to look at him. You realize he’s been awake for awhile, his fingers carding through your hair, and you let yourself think for a second how you wouldn’t mind spending every single evening like this. 
“Sleep well?” He asks, smiling softly at you. 
“Yeah.” You yawn. You turn onto your side, pressing your face against his neck, feeling a little cuddly. “You?”
His hand runs down your back, pulling you a little tighter against him. “Best sleep I’ve had in ages.” 
You hum, reaching for his free hand. 
He laughs. “You’re cute when you’ve just gotten up from a nap.” 
“Don’t embarrass me when I’m not awake enough for a good comeback.” You tell him, and he makes a pleased noise in the back of his throat. 
“Funny, too. I knew there was a reason I liked you so much.” 
“So you’re not going to tell me to get back on a plane?” You ask, your inner anxiety coming out. You know he wants you here, but you can’t help that voice in the back of your head that’s telling you this is all too much, too fast.
“Not a chance.” He says, firm, and you grin.
“Cool,” he repeats, ducking his head to kiss you.
Very cool indeed, you think, grinning against his mouth.
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takarazuka-rpf · 7 years
Disclaimer: This is an RPF (Real Person Fiction) meaning anything written here does not reflect the events in real life.
At some point during their meal and talking about their past days in Takarazuka, Mattsu received a call from her iPad which was on the living room coffee table. She got up to the living room and saw the caller displayed on the screen.
‘Oh it’s Shou! I think she wants to FaceTime! Is that ok?’ Mattsu shouted from her living room.
‘Great bring it over and put her on! Let’s show her the delicious array of food we’re eating.’ Chigi shouted back. Mattsu re-entered the kitchen and sat down next to Chigi with the iPad in her hands. Mattsu pressed the answer button and immediately Shou’s face appeared on screen. In Takarazuka makeup?
‘Mattsu-san!! I heard you got back from the UK? Wait? Is that Chigi-san next to you? Hello Chigi-san!’ Said Shou. She must have been backstage because there were a lot of background noise and it was difficult to make out what she was saying. Suddenly, a hand pushed Shou’s face away.
‘Wait did I hear Chigi-san? Is she there?’ Came the unmistakeable voice of Saki who was also in make-up.
‘CHIGI-SAN! I see you! We miss you sooo much!’ Saki was now covering the screen with kisses and Chigi couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time.
‘Yes, yes it’s me. You guys up to no good again?’
‘Actually,’ Shou was now back in view trying to push Saki out of the way, ‘we’re having a dress rehearsal. It’s nice to see you Chigi-san, how have you been?’
‘I’ve been doing great, just catching up with our pal Mattsu here.’ Chigi said putting her arms around Mattsu’s shoulder.
‘I’m doing great too if you wondering.’ Saki butted in again and Shou rolled her eyes. Both Chigi and Mattsu laughed. Looks like they haven’t changed at all.
‘Mattsu you catch up with these kids, I’ll go and get the champagne I got for you.’
‘Ok see you Chigi-san!’ ‘Yeah see you Chigi-san,’ said Saki and Shou almost in unison.
As Chigi left the kitchen she can hear Saki and Shou fighting over who gets talk to Mattsu first. Chigi shook her head and chuckled. Maybe she should invite them to her house soon? It’ll be nice to see all of them again.
By the time Chigi got back, it had looked like Mattsu had stopping talking to them. ‘Eh? Finished so soon? Did something happen?’
‘No it’s fine, they had to go because they were called back to rehearsals.’
Chigi sighed and said softly, ‘those kids work very hard, I can see it with own eyes yet they still have a long way ahead of them. But having watched them grow up, I know they’re strong and resilient enough to hold until the very end. They were my proudest treasures when I was the Top Star of our troupe.’
‘Don't forget Chigi, we were all like that once too. All fighting our way to the top even though we all knew only a few will succeed. One of them was you remember.’ As Mattsu said this, Chigi had laid out two glasses and popped open one of the bottles of wine. She filled both of them up and offered one to Mattsu.
‘Anyway, enough talking about the past. Here’s to the future.’ Chigi raised her glass.
‘To the future.’ Mattsu raised her glass and both downed the alcohol in one go.
After that, they decided to migrate to the living room where they continued to chat and gossip away. What they didn’t realise was how the bottles of champagne were steadily getting emptier and emptier until Mrs Mattsu came home just to find them both collapsed and sleeping on the sofa with the whole room smelling of alcohol.
‘In my next life, I’m definitely not marrying a Takarazuka Otokoyaku again.’ Mumbled Mrs Mattsu as she draped blankets over the pair of them.
It is late afternoon and Miyu had just finished shooting another scene. She is now back in her trailer getting changed and removing her makeup. Miyu sat down in front of the mirror and rubbed her eyes with her fingers trying her hardest not to fall sleep on her dressing table.
She was absolutely exhausted. They had started filming ever since 4 a.m. this morning. The director had said this was one of the most crucial turning points in the plot so it was important for them to get it perfect. Ever since Miyu had started in the TV business, she had realised how different performing is in front of the camera to how it is in front of an audience on stage.
She was scared to admit it but she much preferred the stage. She missed the exhilarating feeling she gets when she sings with the orchestra or the freedom she felt when she expressed her emotions through dance. However, she missed the rehearsals the most. Because it was then when true emotions were expressed and it was then when they were able to dance like no one’s watching.
It was also then, when interesting stories would arise or funny stories depending on who you ask.
(Miyu POV) Miyu looked up from where she was sitting and saw the time on the clock. It was nearly 9 p.m. but Chigi-san and herself were still practising for the duet prepared for the Rurounin Kenshin after show. Chigi-san said she wasn't too happy with how they were currently cooperating so she had asked Miyu if she was willing to stay behind a couple of hours more to practice. However that was already 4 hours ago and yet they're still here. Her whole body ached but seeing Chigi-San so engrossed and so full of concentration dancing in front of the mirror, Miyu had forgotten about her pains and had been following Chigi's every move. Chigi-San was indeed wonderful, having her as Top-san had inspired many kakyusei including Miyu herself.
'Yuumi-chan could you come here a sec? I just need to double check something' Chigi-san motioned Miyu to come over and Miyu bounced to her feet and immediately scurried over to Chigi.
'Can we go from the place where the music is about to slow down and I'm spinning us around?'
Miyu knew exactly where that the place was so she positioned herself and waited for Chigi's cue. Chigi went to start the music and moments after, they started dancing.
 Chigi's hand was placed firmly on Miyu's waist and Miyu's hand was placed on Chigi's shoulder while their other hands were clasped together above them as Chigi spun them around and around. Their faces were inches away from each and their eyes keeping intense eye contact. Miyu wondered if Chigi-san can hear her heart pounding because she can definitely feel it through her own chest.
She admittedly felt a little guilty for feeling this way because it seemed like to her she was taking advantage of the situation when in fact she should be concentrating on the routine.
Just as she was thinking that, it seemed like Miyu had missed a step which resulted in Chigi-San tripping over Miyu’s leg and sending them both toppling down onto the floor.
In a state of confusion, Miyu felt a soft form underneath her own body where instead she should be finding the cold, hard floor. A noise then slowly filled the room which got louder and louder.
'Hahahahahaha... Hahahahhahah...,' the body underneath her had started to laugh hysterically. The body underneath her whose name Miyu just remembered is Sagiri Seina.
Oh gosh she had fallen on Chigi-San!
Immediately she tried to get up but her foot stepped on the slippery material of her skirt which resulted her to land forcefully on Chigi-san again but this time receiving an 'omphf' from Chigi-san.
'Sakihi Miyu... One of these days you are really going to kill me...' Groaned Chigi-San who was in slight pain but still had humour in the way she spoke. Seeing Chigi-san's scrunched up face so close up was apparently comical for Miyu because this time it was Miyu’s turn to start laughing hysterically.
Realising that she may have being disrespectful, Miyu started to die down her laughter and then only to find a slightly wide eyed Chigi-san staring up at her.
Miyu's two arms had been placed either side of Chigi-san's head on the floor therefore giving Chigi-san very little space to move. Not only that, one of her legs was between both of Chigi-san's. This realisation made a blush bloom from her neck and Chigi-san must have seen it because her eyes had followed the rising blush up to Miyu's face and then finally stopping at her eyes. Miyu thinks she must have been hypnotised as she cannot physically move, Chigi-san's stare had drawn her in like opposite poles of a magnet.
Their breathing at some point went in sync as they can feel each other's chest rising and sinking with every inhale and exhale.
Miyu’s eyes moved down to Chigi's mouth which had been slightly parted. Unconsciously, Miyu licked her own lips and this action had not gone unnoticed by Chigi-san because Chigi-san's breathing has become more erratic.
Suddenly a loud 'Yelp!' was heard from the doorway which pulled both Miyu and Chigi out of their trance.
It was Saki and Hitoko.
These two had just walked in on Miyu and Chigi in a very intimate position and looked like they were about to engage in an activity not suitable for child audiences.
'W-we were ju-just getting our s-stuff. W-we fo-forgot it here!' Said the pair while giving a right-angle bow towards the other pair who were still on the floor.
(Chigi POV) Chigi looked back and forth between themselves and Saki and Hitoko by the door and realised what was going on. Immediately she pushed Miyu off her and stood up abruptly.
'No no no this isn't what it looks like.' Chigi tried to explain while waving her arms in front of her. 'We just had a little accident that's all, I tripped ov-'
'I'm so sorry Chigi-san! We will knock next time! I-I don't think we see our stuff h-here after all, haha! We don't want to disturb you two any f-further so goodbye!'
'Wait! Let me exp-' Before Chigi had the chance to finish Saki and Hitoko had already ran off.
With her back to Miyu, Chigi pinched the top of her nose between her eyes and let out a groan of frustration. Chigi then turned around to look at Miyu who was still sitting on the floor looking up at Chigi with eyes wondering what to do.
'I'm sor-'
'Don't apologise Yuumi-chan. It wasn't your fault. It was just a misunderstanding. I’ll explain what happened to them tomorrow,' Chigi took another breath and said, 'Come one let's pack up. I think we're both tired today and needing an early night.'
Miyu didn't say anything more and simply grabbed her stuff and followed Chigi out of the door after switching off the lights in the room. Chigi walked in front of her and Miyu walked behind with eyes trained to the floor.
As they parted at the entrance, Chigi said a quiet ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you tomorrow’ while avoiding eye contact with Miyu and went to find her car. Miyu was still waiting by the entrance for her assistant to collect her. Chigi wanted to wait with her but she also wanted to get away from the air of whatever it is that was currently between them.
Having found her car, she pressed the unlock button on her keys and slipped into the car. After she dumped her stuff on the passenger’s seat, she closed her eyes and rested her head back against the car seat. Chigi wondered if she'll get any sleep tonight.
Chigi then spent the next few days chasing after Saki and Hitoko (who were actively avoiding her because they were scared) trying to explain what actually happened that night. However, after a while it seemed like Saki and Hitoko had taken it in because they had now started to use the incident against Chigi.
Every time they wanted to tease or blackmail her, they would bring up the story which would induce a blush on both Chigi and Miyu while Saki and Hitoko giggled like crazy. Chigi would then run after those two, telling them to forget about what they saw or else!
Life was definitely hard for the Top-san.
Going through those memories every once in a while was bittersweet however it had reminded Miyu of who she was at the same time. It reminded her where she had come from and the experiences, sad and happy ones, which she had been through.
However, she was afraid that she will not be able to make memories like these again, because before it had being about working, laughing even crying as a team, but now it felt like everyone around her just cared about how themselves. Each cared about how they individually looked and how they individually are promoted. Sitting in her own trailer didn’t make her feel better as it had only made her feel more lonesome.
With tears starting to build again, she started to grab her things and stuffed them into her handbag wanting to get out and get some fresh air.
*Knock knock* Miyu wiped her eyes and cleared her throat as she went to open the trailer door, expecting to see MoMo.
It was her co-star and Japan’s heartthrob, Haruto Akio.
‘Is there anything I could help you with?’
‘Um…,’ said Haruto scratching the back of his neck while looking away to the side.
Wait, was he blushing?
‘Can I talk to you inside?’
‘Um, of course, yes, coming in. Make yourself comfortable.’ Miyu was intrigued as to whatever he wanted to tell her. She turned her body so Haruto-kun can squeeze past and enter her trailer.
‘There’s something I want to ask.’ Haruto said now facing her and looking at her intently. In fact, he had also started to fidget with his fingers in front of him.
‘Sure go ahead.’ Miyu said in a slightly worried tone.
‘Uhh, I was wondering if you would… uh, if you would…’
‘Haruto-kun, are you alright? You face seems to be getting a bit pale? Would you like a glass of water?’ Miyu said now slightly more concerned. She didn’t want Japan’s heartthrob to faint in her trailer, his fans would kill her!
‘Y-yes I’m feeling perfectly fine. Th-thank you for asking.’ Haruto managed to get out.
‘An-anyway, what I was about to say was that, was that...’
All of the sudden, the hairs on the back of Miyu’s arms stood-up.
Something bad was going to happen because whenever Miyu’s hairs stood up, something bad always follows.
Was there going to be an earthquake?
Is there a thunderstorm coming?
Is ther-
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