#i fucking love amelia prescott
so-caffeinated · 1 year
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Arrow (TV 2012), Ficon Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Will Queen/Amelia Prescott, Jules Queen/Alex Castillo, Ellie Queen/Sara Diggle, Nate Queen/Penny Bookwalter, Ameliam - Relationship, Julex - Relationship, Elara - Relationship, BookQueen Characters: Will Queen, Amelia Prescott, Jules Queen, Alex Castillo, Ellie Queen, Sara Diggle, Nate Queen, Penny Bookwalter, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak Additional Tags: AU, Tropes, trope bingo, Playing with words, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Drama, FiCoN - Freeform, Canon What Canon, this verse may never end and i'm cool with that, Roommates, Amnesia, Sex Pollen, Royalty, Rock Star, only! one! bed!, Fake Prostitute, geographic isolation, professors au, Reincarnation, the smart one tutors the popular one, old west au, both of us are kidnapped, oops this is your phone, Coffee Shop, noir, Secret Baby, Fake Dating, soulmate, time travel (which feels redundant given... ficon), Rivals to Lovers, spy vs spy - Freeform, you're sick or hurt and i gotta take care of you, Apocalypse, stranded by the weather Series: Part 7 of Forever Is Composed of Nows Summary:
There are so many ways the next generation of Queen kids might've fallen for someone. Here are a few of them.
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With this posting, the Ameliam amnesia story is complete! To start it from the beginning, click here. 
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softgothsweetheart · 5 years
Colors {Chaos Theory}
The texts she received on her second burner were all from Nathan—all of them begging her not to go through with it.
Paisley < Text my normal phone. Tell me where to meet you. Make it inconspicuous.
He did not long after, telling her they’d meet at Two Whales diner at 12pm sharp. Paisley agreed quickly after sending a text that she’d have to ask her uncle. Next morning her uncle was sitting at the table, caring for his daughter Amelia. Apparently, her aunt Prudence had a work emergency and she wouldn’t be home until after dinner—it was uncharacteristic considering how she had her assistant Annie cover anything she couldn’t do. 
“I need you to be home at three. Amelia needs to be picked up. I’ve got somewhere to be.”
“Like photography class? That means—”
“You’ll get the homework.” He snapped, giving her a harsh glare. It shut her up easily enough, she needed to be nice to him if she wanted to get her way. So, she swallowed hard and nodded.
“I’ll be here two forty-five, I can pick her up.” He seemed pleased by her answer, knowing damn well she had more fight in her than that. Mark set the cereal bowl in front of Amelia and she began eating happily on her own. Lee didn’t know what she would do if Amelia were ever hurt, it’d probably kill her knowing how innocent and oblivious she was to everything evil and wrong with the world.
“Good, as you should be. Where do you think you’re going?” Uncle Mark stood to his full height and he gave her a dark look.
“I came to ask if I could go to lunch at the diner—it’s with Nate. I won’t be back too late.”
“I’ll count on it. You know what happens when you disobey, Paisley. How are you going to get there?” “I’m just taking my bike. I figured it would do me good to get some fresh air.” He didn’t seem to truly care but his façade always made it seem he did.
“Did you clean everything like you were told to?” He seemed to look around, trying to look for a mistake in it. When he didn’t find one, he seemed a little ticked off, but Mark gave her permission.
“What time did you clean?”
“Aunt Prudence woke me up at 5am, I cleaned really early.”
“I guess you can go. Don’t forget to be back—”
“By 2:45, uncle Mark. I won’t forget.” He walked over, kissing her forehead. His body covered how he reached his hand behind her, grabbing her behind and smacking it. She didn’t look him in the eye when he chuckled.
“Thanks for permission.” She murmured loud enough, he always got angry when she murmured under her breath. Just like aunt Prudence. Paisley hugged his back as he did the dishes and hugged Amelia, grabbing her bag on the way out, all three phones in different compartments inside. She opened the garage door and took out her bike, closing the door behind her as she took off. Paisley needed to release some stress and took her time to get to the diner, he’d done it again. Prudence never cared, a few times she’d watched him grab at her niece but didn’t lift a finger, only reminding him that if Paisley was dumb enough to tell the cops that they’d have to leave his plaything behind.
It was so horribly stupid how she treated her sometimes. Paisley knew better than to tell or give any lip. Any backtalk got her smacked, but she was thankful he hadn’t tried to screw her yet. Touches she could handle, she might crack under pressure if he were worse or rough with her. Lee remembered Nathan all of the sudden, looking at his truck as she pulled up to the diner. He was a safe driver, especially with her in the car. And if he weren’t a safe driver it wouldn’t matter, the cops wouldn’t pull over Sean Prescott’s little boy for anything. He was apart of the most influential family of Arcadia; you make it or break it and it all determined whether or not Sean liked you.
Sean Prescott seemed wary of Paisley but fine with her uncle, she’d met him once. That’s the reason why they had a nice house not far from town, Sean Prescott paid for it to be customized and built. Luckily, she was told she could have a bigger room. Lee stopped in front of the diner, picking her bike up and hauling it into Nate’s truck bed before jumping down and sprinting to the door. Paisley stepped in and smelled the food. The diner was decorated in blue everywhere, she looked to the right and saw the jukebox in the corner. She found Nate rather quickly, he had a soda next to him and was tapping his hands on the table anxiously.
Poor boy, he probably is super anxious. I would be too.
She walked over and sat down in front of him in the booth and he had a little grin on his face.
“Did you think of anything?”
“Nate, please hold on. I just wanna say that I didn’t want her to become his target.” His happy grin faded quickly.
“Hold on—you’re not fucking with me when you said you didn’t suggest her?”
“No. I’m not.”
“Then why? Did you ask him why Victoria?”
“Nate, you know I can’t.”
“Control your fucking uncle!”
“Nathan, trust me. If I could I would control him! She’s opportunity, Nate. She’s made herself known and attractive.”
He leaned in closer, sneering, “then make her unattractive.”
“How come you don’t understand that I can’t. She’ll think he chooses favorites.” Nathan rolled his eyes.
“Then I suggest you find someone else.”
“This conversation is over.” She stood up and he looked up at her, panicked.
“Wait—where are you going?” Paisley leaned in, getting in his face but he could see her green eyes tearing up.
“I’m leaving. I can’t deal with bullshit today, if you can’t tell that I’m trying to find a way then we obviously don’t have an understanding.”
“What—stay for breakfast—”
“Nathan—I don’t wanna get in trouble. Not today.” She shook her head, but he took her bag from her shoulder and placed it next to him by the window. She let up and reached over but he refused to hand it over.
“What happened today? This morning, you’re off. You didn’t want me to pick you up.” Paisley knew they were drawing some attention, Nathan didn’t seem to care.
“I needed fresh air.”
“That is a fucking lie. You know it and I know it.” She glared at him, his cerulean blue eyes darkening as she sat down in front of him again, leaning back as much as she could.
“I… I don’t wanna talk about it, Nate. Could we please drop it?”
“Was it him, did he do something?”
“No, Nathan, I love you, but I don’t want to say anything.” She refused, beginning to cry. Paisley couldn’t hold back her tears anymore and resorted to crying into her hands.
“You should fucking tell me. I’ll put a fucking bullet in his skull—”
“Nathan, we’re here over Victoria, not me. We should find someone and make her to his liking.”
“Two days, that’s not happening in two days.”
“It can. We just have to find someone.” A deafening silence blanketed them, nothing but the hum of conversations and the jukebox. When the waitress came over he ordered food for them and grabbed her hand, holding it in his hand, rubbing her knuckles over the table.
“Just tell me. You never do and…. And I’d be lying if I said that seeing you like this didn’t hurt me too.”
“It wasn’t anything, really. I can handle it, he just groped me this morning.” She admitted, focusing on their hands.
“I should fucking kill him, I should, shouldn’t I—”
“Nathan, that’s not what concerns me. I can handle his touches, first it was my aunt who didn’t say a damn thing but he’s doing it in front of Amelia. I can’t stand it. My—my heart raced when he touched me, Nate.”
“Just because your heart raced doesn’t mean that he didn’t do wrong!” He said, leaning close to be discreet. Nathan knew she would hate him if he told the whole world.
“I—I know that. I’m just scared that one day he’s gonna want to do more than touch.”
“He’d better fucking not. That would be the day I put a bullet between his eyes.” Nathan promised but Paisley shook her head, knowing it wasn’t the solution, it would never be as easy as that. It was so much more difficult.
“You’re like a little sister to me—you were there when Rachel…” he didn’t have to say a thing; it was a reoccurring nightmare that she had since her friend had died. The glassy look of her hazel eyes would never be forgotten, the look of hate when she saw Mark Jefferson behind the camera, and the look of sadness and realization when she saw Paisley and Nathan watching on the couch, both crying and trying to conceal themselves from the world.
It was like their feelings had been splayed out for the world to see. The pictures of her realization would forever be kept in a red binder in a bunker under a barn where nobody would think to search and that hurt them. They were bound by Rachel. When Nathan hated paisley would forever be stained in her mind, he didn’t like her presence, saying he didn’t need a babysitter. Paisley wasn’t that, he quickly learned. The night of the dark room, and Rachel, they took care of and were there for each other. He held her in a tight embrace for them both after the junkyard when she couldn’t go home.
Paisley had downright refused to go, saying she couldn’t look at Mark. So, she stayed in his dorm in his bed as he slept on the couch, letting her watch a movie on the projector to keep their minds busy. It hadn’t worked but the thought was what counted.
“I know, Nate and you’re the best to me. You’re like my brother. If you got hurt—I don’t know what I would do.” Lee squeezed his hand, and he returned the gesture. No matter how much he complained he was annoyed by her—it wasn’t true for a second. Maybe in one of his moods but when he could help it, he was so sweet to her.
Paisley didn’t think about telling Nathan about the impending storm. If he knew he’d panic. Sometimes she felt alone in this world. Nothing but hate and rage left in it for her.
Sometimes it felt like he cared more for Victoria, she knew it wasn’t true. They were in this together and they knew it. And for Victoria’s sake they couldn’t screw their plan up, that’s if they figured one out that they could pull off seamlessly. Their food was delivered, and Paisley let Nathan pull his hand away, eating in silence.
Someone walked into the diner, but Paisley and Nathan were too busy eating to notice. She began thinking about the bunker.
Who the fuck would pay 2 million dollars for a bunker and photography equipment? Fucking Sean Prescott, that’s who.
She’d seen the receipt for it when she was down there, it’d been built in January by contractors.
“Nate, something has been happening lately… with me, I mean…” She started saying, he was all ears and focused on her. No help from his meds, he was off of them.
“Like what?”
“I see things. I can… do things…?”
“Tell me specifically. You’re not helping me here.”
“I saw a storm—”
“Coming to wipe out Arcadia Bay?” He finished, glancing up.
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“I see it too.”
“Can you rewind too?” At that he did a double take, dropping his fork. He seemed so bewildered at the thought of it, like she had been at first. Paisley knew it sounded crazy, maybe it was. Maybe this was an illusion.
Suddenly familiar red flannel stopped next to them and Nathan looked up and found Max instead of Rachel. Nathan glared at the girl, sneering at her, “Oh look, it’s Max Amber. Is that your ‘punk rock girl’ outfit now that you’ve been suspended?” He taunted; Max wasn’t impressed to see Paisley with a Prescott—Nathan no less. After all he had fought with them yesterday.
“You’re already in enough trouble with David Madsen.” It seemed Max wasn’t taking taunts or indifference for an answer, she pried answers from Nathan, rewinding enough times to give them both a headache. When she considered it had been enough, she began walking away but Lee accidentally froze time and ran to Max, stopping her and pulling her into the bathroom.
“Max, what are you doing?”
“What exactly do you mean? You’re hanging with Nathan Prescott. Not exactly what I thought you’d be doing. He hit you.”
“It was an accident, forgive and forget. You’re asking questions about Rachel Amber, we’ve got issues.”
“Why does it concern you?”
“Are you investigating?”
“What’s it matter to you?”
“I want in on the investigation. I wanna help expose what happened to her.”
“That’s cryptic but fine. I’ll ask Chloe and I’ll let you know.” Paisley spotted a pen in Max’s purse and snatched it, scrawling her number on the older girl’s hand.
“Text me at this number when you wanna get ahold of me. Text at any time and whenever you have info. Rachel was my friend; I might know bits and pieces that are helpful.”
“Alright, thanks. Just don’t tell him.”
“I wouldn’t.” Max left the bathroom first and headed out of the diner, Paisley exited next and slid back into the booth in front of Nathan who was surprised.
“I seriously thought you’d left. How the hell did you stand up?”
“I told you, I have freaky powers. I actually froze time.” She grinned.
“No fucking way, I mean that’s absolutely crazy.”
“Well, believe me, don’t believe me. It’s all the same to me.”
“Where’s Max Crackfield.”
“I got rid of her.”
“The hell was she doing here?” He looked out the window, leaning to see if he could see his enemy.
“Probably playing cops and robbers with her punk bitch friend.”
“Wanna chill in my room at Blackhell?”
“I can’t, have to go home soon.” Lee checked her watch, it was only 1:15 in the afternoon, enough time to go somewhere else for an hour but Paisley wasn’t taking chances.
“What for?”
“I have to pick up Amelia from the bus at 3 on the dot. I’m gonna get grounded if I don’t.”
“Then lets just go back to your house.”
“Sounds good. You sure he won’t be mad?”
“He has us hanging out because we’re his proteges or some shit. I’m sure he won’t have a coronary, we’re ‘learning’ from each other. We gotta stop at my room real quick.”
“You’re right.” Paisley took her bag and stood up as Nathan followed, he threw a fifty at the cashier, a simple keep the change was murmured before they walked out the diner.
“That was a whole fifty.”
“I know.” He shrugged, taking a smoke out and lighting it up.
“Dude the bill was only thirty!”
“Eh.” Nathan threw his money around, always. It wasn’t something new, but it always seemed to amaze her how he just kept doing it. Paisley didn’t have money to throw around the money she had was to get the hell out of town and she had accumulated thousands by now. She’d been dying to leave since she was ten years old.
“You rode your damn bike? Could’ve asked me for a ride, idiot.”
“I should’ve.” Lee admitted, climbing into his truck. He followed and leaned back, sitting there for a minute before starting up his truck.
“At least you’re not wearing a dress.” He grinned, pulling out of his spot and getting onto the road. On the way back to his dorm really quick, there was a buzz, Paisley quickly opened the message on her private burner.
It’s Max. :)
She saved the number and when he finally pulled up to the school, he parked in the parking lot. He ran inside, leaving her in the car. When he returned, he showed her the weed and his pipe that he’d retrieved.
“Now we’d better get high before Amelia gets home. Then we can put on Shrek or something cartoonish.” Nathan had a mischievous grin on his face as he pulled out and drove towards her house.
“Today you’re gonna learn to roll a blunt, sound good?” He asked not long after, pulling into her driveway.
“It does.” Paisley nodded. They entered her house not long after and he handed her something.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a bracelet, thought it’d bring good luck. You know with all that superstitious bullshit you believe.”
“What does it do?”
“Brings fortune and stuff.” He shrugged, snubbing out his second cigarette since they exited the vehicle.
“Thanks Nate.” They shared a grin. Paisley went up to her room and brought out two speakers that connected to make the music louder. She set one on the curtain rod end and the other on the hook on the opposite wall. She glanced at the clock but felt a sharp pain. A blinding white light flashed and when she blinked and opened her eyes she was in a different house.
The more her eyes looked around and took it in, it seemed to be her parents’ home in Seattle, she looked out the window and found two kids playing outside.
Paisley thought it was a hallucination, she slid off the couch and onto her feet, instantly noticing she was a whole foot shorter, she looked at her small hands in horror.
“Paisley, I need you to sit if you’re going to hold my cameras.” Mark warned from the kitchen, stepping into the living room.
“O-okay uncle Mark.” Instead of sitting back down as she was instructed, she wandered and found that if she tried pushing against the boundaries that she got a horrific headache.
“Uncle Mark,” she called, turning to face him, “what’s today?” She asked him in such a sweet voice, trying not to let her teenage attitude slip into her eight-year-old body.
“August 8th, Paisley.” He walked over and ruffled her hair, picking her up and setting her down on the couch. Mark set the camera in her lap it was one she recognized too well. It was the one he had used to take pictures. Paisley picked it up and threw it at the wall as it shatters to pieces. He gave her a furious look as her mother came down the stairs, her aunt and dad following closely.
“He takes mean pictures of girls, mommy!” She whined, pushing herself away as her mom came in the boundaries. Her father dove for the camera, picking it up as Mark’s eyes glared at her. The scene faded away and this time she was hesitant to open her eyes. Simply that she couldn’t recognize the voices speaking in front of her.
“Lyla—that’s not how that works!” The boy shouted, Lee curiously opened her green eyes and looked around. This time she seemed to be 14 but this boy and girl—she didn’t recognize them from anywhere.
“Lee—tell Sean that I’m right.” The girl gave a hopeful grin but it faded as she noticed Lee’s expression. Paisley stood up and they followed suit, leaning in, obviously concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“I—nothing... what are we doing?”
“Talking about—”
“Lee—you’re acting a little weird. More than normal.” He laughed, the sound of it was enchanting a little. He had such brown eyes; it was definitely a cute quality.
“Sean, she’s playing a joke on us for last time—” Paisley darted out of the room and bumped into an older man, presumably Sean’s dad. When she tried to retrieve memories from this timeline it caused a dull ache in her head, warning her.
“Whoa, slow down Paisley. It’s not a race.” He chuckled, walking into the wide area that housed a desk and a dining room table. As she looked further, she saw a woman curled up on the couch, a child curled up in her safe embrace. Her head had been turned in Lee’s direction since she came out.
“Paisley! Staying for dinner?”
“C-can I ask my aunt?” The woman seemed confused.
“You mean your mother? Just ask them if they’d like to have dinner.” Paisley eagerly nodded, thanking her. She ran outside and onto the sidewalk, she walked to her parents’ house only 10 blocks from there. When she arrived on the front lawn, she saw the windows opened and soft dance music playing along with laughing coming from inside. Her parents were laughing.
They’re dead. How? Why?
Paisley entered and her mom was first to spot her, waving her over.
“Honey I thought you were going to stay at Sean’s for another hour?”
“I came home, needed to get something. His mom wants to know if you wanna have dinner there.”
“Real question is do you want to have dinner there. They invite you because they know Sean likes you.”  Paisley’s eyebrows furrowed and Ambrosia, her mother gave her a look of realization.
“Why don’t we get started on dinner? How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good, mom.” Her mother stood up from the sofa and guided her daughter into the kitchen where she pulled out thing wheat noodles, a pan, and butter.
“We could make a pie or some other desert to take to them.” Her mother offered, putting water into the pan and the pan on the stove as she put the heat on.
“Can we make dirt pudding? Or brownies?”
“Mmm... We can make brownies and cookies. We’ll give some to Lyla to take home to her parents.”
“Thanks mom.” They cooked and ate dinner, plain but buttered noodles and even made desert. Once the dishes from dinner were cleaned up, Ambrosia led Paisley outside and they sat on the step outside their home.
“I can’t believe it.” She murmured and gazed at her mom in amazement.
“You’re being strange, Pais, what are you thinking?” Her mother’s hazel eyes landed on her, questioning her. It was her mother that she’d gotten the light brown hair from, as well as her lips, nose, and eyes. Her tan skin had come from her father. It’d been so long since she’d seen her parents’ faces, six years since their untimely death.
Since then she was with her aunt and uncle. Then Amelia was born, and Paisley had a long list of chores to do and if she didn’t complete them, she was punished. Her parents didn’t believe in corporeal punishment, they always talked it through since she was old enough to talk. It was a drastic change from what her aunt and uncle did.
“Where’s aunt Prudence and uncle Mark?”
“Prison, Paisley. It’s where they belong.” Her mother stroked her hair, pushing her bangs back and away from her face. A buzz could be felt, and Paisley took out her phone, allowing her mother to see the message.
Unknown > Meet me at the beach.
It was an unknown number, so she knew it had to be Max.
Paisley < I can’t.
Max didn’t ask why but even if she were in Arcadia, she wouldn’t dare change timelines again. What ever the hell she’d done it changed the course of everything.
“I’m surprised, I thought for sure it’d be Sean.” A peaceful silence fell over them and her mother was the first to break it.
“Paisley Marie, I want you to know that whatever happens, I’m always here.” Her mother tapped her chest where her heart was. Paisley nodded; she knew it.
“I know mom.”
“I love you so much. I knew that clueless face. You can do it, can’t you?”
“Do what?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she asked the question.
“Time travel.”
“How’d you know?”
“Because I could too. If you’re here, this must be an alternate timeline? I must be dead.”
“You are. In the original timeline. I live with aunt Prudence and uncle Mark.”
“How do they treat you?”
“Mommy, I… I do horrible things. I have binders with photos of my friend—Rachel Amber.”
“The missing girl from Oregon? You moved to Oregon?”
“Mark had a photography job waiting for him there. I was 11.”
“I understand. Be careful he doesn’t drug you; it affects it your powers.”
“Mom, I’m not the only time traveler.”
“That’s okay, don’t be afraid.”
“But I am—I don’t know how I got here.”
“Your powers—they’ll grow as you do, you’ll get headaches, but you’ll learn to force them to subside. You’ll be able to sense people with powers; you’ll feel and hear a little buzzing or humming.”
“Mom…I …”
“All you have to do is focus on the pull.”
“I don’t know this timeline, these people.”
“Sean, he likes you. And my version of you likes him back, Lyla is your mutual best friend. You guys met when you were nine years old. I have some photos you can keep if you’d like.”
“I’d love.”
“Good. Daniel is Sean’s little brother. I’ve known their mother since middle school and she’s never shown powers but Daniel… he has some. He’s gonna be special and crucial to your future. Protect him, he has a grand fate, like you and Sean.”
Paisley nodded. “You never told me about your powers or me.”
“Baby, you were always too young. Now you’re time traveling and old enough.”
“Does dad know about yours?”
“Oh, he does… He knew it when we met. We also met in 8th grade, he moved to Seattle and he caught me frozen in time. Since I had been touching him, he wasn’t frozen.” Ambrosia grinned, remembering the fond memory.
“He protected me against a great deal of bullies, always getting his ass kicked.”
“There’s no Sean in my timeline.”
“Not yet. Since you moved to Arcadia, there will come a chance that you’ll be able to meet him, Daniel, and Lyla. Things happen at different times in different timelines, not everything is the same or flip flopped as people think.”
“Any advice?” Paisley asked, watching her mother’s expression, committing it to memory. If she left, then she’d have trouble remembering her mother.
“Don’t travel to other timelines, it’s dangerous if your powers are still growing.”
“Mark and Prudence are still taking grotesque photos. My friend the time traveler, Max, she keeps saving her friend. Every time she does, the storm gets bigger.”
“Don’t worry. Sometimes the storm happens, sometimes it doesn’t. It depends on whether or not the person was marked for death.”
“Marked for death?”
“They’re destined to die.” Another buzz and Paisley looked at the message.
 Sean > You, me, my house at 1 next Saturday.
 Paisley < Sure thing! :)
 “That must’ve been Sean. For sure this time.”
“It was. Mind if we go searched for pictures of us and Sean and stuff?”
“We can. Don’t tell your dad about the time traveling. He still believes you’re a little girl.”
I wish I was. I’ve done horrible, inexplicable and unforgivable things. I wish I was innocent. I wish I had my innocence left.
They stood up and went into the house, upstairs and the last door on the left. Ambrosia dug through the top of the closet, finding a shoe box and dumping it on the bed. It had been labeled 2008. Scattered around were photos from July to December. Pictures of her and Sean, no Lyla until the 2009/ 2010 box. Her parents’ bedroom still looked the same, grey chevron design with navy blue accents and pictures of her and them hung on the wall above the bed.
“Here’s this one, you and Sean on the fourth of July.” For a while they sat on the bed and her mother handed her photos of her and Sean. Some with Lyla and some from when Daniel was born. Pictures of them taking turns holding them. Tons of photos went into her bag and even little flash drives with pictures, ones never printed out and videos of things they’d done.
“We should spend some time with your dad. Before you go.”
“Yeah. You don’t know how much I missed you guys.”
Ambrosia reached behind her neck and took off her necklace and placing it around Paisley. She couldn’t guess why, but it made her feel safe. Like she could conquer the world.
“Stay fearless even in the face of danger, Paisley. I wanna say that in case I wake up and you’ve left.”
“I love you mom, I’ll try.” They hugged on it; her mom pulled back and rubbed her shoulders.
“Make sure you hold onto that bag, if you don’t then the photos will come back here.”
“I will, thanks for them.”
“The storm is avoidable, Paisley but you have to decide if it’s really worth it to save one person over a town.”
“And if their death was avoidable?”
“The universe isn’t going to punish you for saving someone who didn’t have their death coming.” The mother and daughter cleaned up the bed and went downstairs where they sat in the living room and watched movies almost all night. Paisley felt safe snuggled up with her parents. It wasn’t like going to a vortex club party. It wasn’t full of unnecessary drinking or pressure to take recreational drugs. This universe was different from the depraved one Mark Jefferson had made on his lonesome.
The next morning was when they really said their goodbyes as her father slept on the sofa.
“I just want to tell you that even if your future seems dark now, it’ll get better. You’ll eventually meet Sean and Daniel in your timeline and you guys’ futures will be great.” They hugged once more, and Paisley clutched her bag as the forest green room faded out into white then to yellow. All Paisley felt was the warmth of wherever she’d time traveled into. Then she opened her eyes.
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sammysreelreviews · 6 years
Lets Talk About The Netflix Original Film “Dude”
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Pictured Above: Awkwafina, Kathryn Prescott,  Lucy Hale, and ALexandra Shipp
As most of you know there’s a movie on Netflix called Dude. It’s a teen dramedy that is genuinely funny but all over the place and had one problematic scene. I’m gonna dive in to talk about what went right and what went oh so wrong. *WARNING SPOILERS AND THE SECOND TO LAST POST HAS A TRIGGER WARNING*
First of all let’s talk about the good parts cause I’m feeling good today. The movie in my opinion is hilarious at some points. The actors had a real good back and forth banter and each character had a lot to bring to the table. My favorite had to be when they were getting ready and Amelia says “come on ladies let’s put on some slutty dresses and get fucked up.” As a person who loves a tiny dress and a wild night out every once and a great while it really resonated with me and younger me. Also the bong they all shared cracked me up cause honestly I have had experience with a bong that was named and passed around in college.
The humor wouldn’t have been good without the amazing cast that brought this movie somewhat to life. After spending 8 years of my god damn life watching Pretty Little Liars Lucy Hale still playing a high schooler is a tad frustrating but she does it so well. Her character Lily was such a blow hard but you couldn’t but help to laugh with and at her sometimes. Skins alum Kathryn Prescott played Chloe but didn’t have the chance to be funny and I was sad cause I feel like I never see her be a happy character in anything she’s in. Alexandra Shipp, who is becoming one of my favorite actresses to watch, was my favorite cause she had the best material to work with. Her character Amelia was wild and an absolute blast to watch. Lastly Awkwafina as Rebecca had me in absolute stitches. Alex Wolff who is building a very impressive resume is great in it and don’t sleep on Jerry Mackinnon who made me laugh every time he was on screen.
Okay now it’s time to talk about the bad. First of all, why even have Austin Butler in a movie if he’s gonna die within the first five minutes?!?! It’s just a little rude. That also was the first problem I noticed. It’s clear that in the beginning his character Thomas and Lily were secretly in love each other but they don’t develop it enough so when he dies we don’t care. Austin Butler is LITERALLY in two freaking scenes like yes Lily girl I feel for you he was hot but like a little build up would’ve made it better. After his funeral they did a year time jump cause you know, it’s a comedy so we don’t wanna have to deal with all those after death ~feelings~.
After Thomas’ untimely demise you think it’s gonna be a regular plot with Lily and Chloe realizing they want different things, smoking lots of weed, and enjoying senior year. However that is not what happened. The plot is everywhere cause there is too much plot. I’ve never seen a movie where the characters were developed but their storylines just didn’t make sense. The main plot I guess was Chloe trying to deal with her brother’s death and the fact that she doesn’t want to go to the same school as Lily. That I understand and I also get how Lily clings on to Chloe cause she doesn’t wanna lose her too and doesn’t wanna be alone. I’m all onboard for the best friend conflict plot I am but in Dude we’re getting a hell of a lot more than that. Not only is Lily having that issue she’s like basically the smartest and most popular girl in school? She legit planned their prom and was valedictorian. I guess this helps her personality but her story just goes all over the place especially when it throws in love interests. The whole thing with Noah was so random like I guess yeah she needs a love interest but there’s already so much plot please stop! Secondly Amelia’s parents have issues and she is like obsessed with this guy and it really never gets addressed and it’s kind of just dumb. They treat her like a main character but don’t give her any closure. Same with Rebecca, she has a totally different plot line which brings me to my next reason it was bad.
They actually threw in a fucking student/teacher romance I mean hey I can’t say shit cause I was 100% #teamezaria but this one was just a tad creepy. The teacher didn’t even hide the fact he liked her and at the end of the movie she’s just like hey I graduated, I’m 18, come meet my parents? I don’t know it was just a dumb thing to put in there in the first place and the teacher was just weird.
Lastly, TRIGGER WARNING, there’s a legitimate rape scene and there’s nothing done about it at fucking all. Lily hooks up with this guy after thinking everyone’s left her and she’s like we’re not having sex and he’s like ok but he basically has sex with her and she’s telling him to stop. After she kind of glosses over it like it was no big deal and her friends even say it’s her fault for going upstairs with a strange guy. Like a TAD fucking problematic! Rape is a big deal! If someone says I don’t want sex and continue to do so IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. I really wish they said something better about that or just didn’t have that scene at all.
Dude is a coming of age story with WAY too much coming of age happening. The plot is just the most messy thing I’ve ever seen it made Infinity War look simplistic. Dude is funny but it’s just not good.
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panicked-sapphic · 5 years
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Evita Valentina González De Niro
FACECLAIM: Justina Machado from One Day At A Time, only with tanner skin(bc they’re an outdoorsy family and the entire clan is super tan) and some freckles.
FROM: Was born in Puerto Rico, moved to Mexico City as a toddler. Currently resides just outside of Phoenix, Arizona.
JOB(S): I think i said something about her mom owning a restaurant but I’m changing it. Evita is currently a doctor practicing emergency medicine(she she basically works in the emergency room aye). She worked her ass off to get through medical school in America so!!! I love Mama De Niro. Goes by Dr. González tho.
PERSONALITY: She’s really warm and gentle. But she’s tough as hell. She worked three jobs to put herself through medical school, and because shes a woman and an immigrant, nobody took her seriously so she worked even harder to be the top of her class. She’s really compassionate and very fierce about things being right and fair. She also has very strong morals. She’s incredibly honest and isn’t a fan of lying and therefore she sucks at it(like mother like daughter). She’s always had school be a #1 priority which she drilled into Dani since she was a little girl. When she gets an idea into her head she doesn’t drop it, which can be negative LMAO. Very proud of her culture and heritage and raised Dani with the same idea. Takes certain traditions very seriously(Day of the Dead, etc)
FAMILY: Camila González(Mother - 76 - alive), Miguel González (father - 66 - deceased), Matias González(brother - 47 - alive), Santiago(39 - brother - alive), Isabella&Martina(sisters - 37 - alive), Katalina(youngest sister - 16 - deceased, Danica is lowkey named after her, as her middle name is Katelynn)
SOME INFO ABOUT HER BACKGROUND: When her father died, Evitas mother, Camila, moved to the US to live with her oldest daughter, her husband, and grandchild, who was 6 at the time. She’s always been close to her mother and is glad that it carried down to Dani. They strongly live by the ‘Family is Everything’ rule, and she is in regular contact with her brothers and sisters who live in Mexico City, and usually visits during holidays, or they come and visit her. She’s been married to her husband, Gabriele, for 19 years. They waited until she became an attending to get married and have children. Evita worked herself to the bone making sure she could do her job and spend time with Danica, because she didn’t want to be an absent mother. All in all, Evita is one hell of a badass and I love her with my entire soul. After having Dani(her birth was rlly traumatic and difficult), she found out she couldn’t have any more kids.
Some short profiles for her brothers and sisters aye
Matias Gonzalez - 47, alive, married to Ramonda, father to Benedictio, Rosalyn, and Camila(20, 18, and 14). He owns a restaurant, and lives in Tepoztlan, which is like an hour or so away from Mexico City. His wife is a stay at home mom but also kind of makes cakes on the side?? For parties and stuff, shes pretty good.
Santiago Gonzalez - 39, alive. Travels the world as a famous photographer. Has a few places in various cities all over(he’s pretty wealthy). Kind of like the cool rich uncles who give you cool gifts and spills ALL the family drama when you’re old enough. Pretty rad. Super gay honestly.
Isabella Garcia - 37, alive, married to Elian Garcia, mother to Aloise and Alford(both 11) and Valentina(6) and Luz(3). She plans weddings(is known for her work too) and her husband is a professor. Lives in her childhood home, which is where the family gathers for holidays.
Martina Aguado - 37, married to Felipe Aguado, mother to Sophia(15), Dario(8), and Diego(2). She’s a teacher, and her husband is a lawyer. She lives not far from her identical twin sister.
Katalina Gonzalez - 16 - deceased. Katalina died in a car accident while out with friends. She was the youngest of the family, and her loss changed everyone. She was closest with Evita, which was why Danis middle name is Katelynn. It’s a nod to her little sister, who is a lot like Dani, and like Dani, wanted to be a journalist.
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Gabriele ‘Gabe’ Lorenzo De Niro
FACECLAIM: Stefano Accorsi bc he was the closest thing I saw in my head for Dani’s dad, and this guy has blue eyes instead of brown, which is where dani gets her blue eyes.
PERSONALITY: Kind of comes off as super tough and intense but he’s literally a  big softy who cried when Dani left for college. Loves his wife so much omg,, like its disgustingly cute how in love they are. He’s so proud of his strong wife honestly HAHA,, tries a little too hard to be a cool dad. Real dweeb. He’s really honest like his wife, and like Evita, strongly lives by the rules of ‘School First’ and ‘Family is Everything’, mostly because he grew up in a pretty broken home(his father was an abusive alcoholic) and he never had that family structure until he was older.
JOB(S): He’s going to be a PEDS doctor? I’d like for Evita and Gabriele to have met in med school or something and were friends/dating for years before getting married when she graduated(he was a year or so ahead of her schooling wise). Helps out his brothers restaurant on the side when he has the time/they need help.
PERSONALITY: While he was born and lived in Italy until he was 14, he doesn’t have strong ties to the language or culture, so he mainly kind of adopted the one his wife introduced him to, as it was important to her that Dani grew up surrounded by the same culture she was raised in. Still knows Italian, but doesn’t speak it very often anymore? He’s really caring. Kind of adopts every kid he meets kind of thing. He’s really good with people and kids, which is a big reason why he went into PEDS. I love this man with my entire heart, he’s so wholesome and pure. Goes by his mothers maiden name bc he hates his dad.
FAMILY: Enric Betto (father - 74 - alive?), Giulia De Niro(67- mother - alive, i originally was going to have her deceased but i love her sm, my strong grandmom deserves MORE than that), Enzio De Niro(40 - brother- alive), Fabian De Niro(37 - brother- alive)
BACKGROUND INFO: Was born and raised in Naples, Italy. He grew up fairly poor, with his father draining the money with his drinking and gambling habit. He was abusive, and after nearly killing his youngest brother, his mom left him, and a year later, at 14, his mom moved him and his brothers to Arizona to live with some family friends. They stayed there, and he worked hard in school to get a scholarship for medical school. I’m thinking him and his wife both attended Colombia or Johns Hopkins or something?? Both on scholarship. Another ‘school comes first’ enforcer haha!!
Those family profiles bc i love my homies!!
Giulia De Niro - 67 - lives just a few miles away from her son and daughter in law and granddaughter, is a frequent visitor. Like, every day lmao. I’m thinking she works at a bakery/co-owns one with the same family friends that took them in when they moved to America? Always making something yummy, anyways.
Enric Betto - 74 - alive, lives in Italy ALTHOUGH if I want some side drama for Dani i’ll have him come in later to fuck things UP. He’s a dick honestly lmao
Enzio De Niro - brother, 40, alive - married to Kelly Prescott. Father to Amelia(13), Brandon(9), and Olivia(6). He’s an electrician, and his wife works as a 911 operator
Fabian De Niro - brother, 37, alive - engaged to Brady Pullman. They have 3 dogs, all pitbull mixes(Buttons, Charlie, and Dobby). Fabian is a contractor(he builds and designs houses and buildings?? I think thats what its called lmao) and Brady owns a cafe in Phoenix!! They eventually marry and adopt some kids
Yeah i put WAY too much thought and effort into this LMAO i’m,, so lame,,,
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so-caffeinated · 1 year
I’m really looking forward to talking more about this Ameliam amnesia fic, because there’s a definite point to it. Like, sure it started out as tropey fun. It still is! But also there are some themes I really wanted to hit on and lessons I wanted them to learn. Hell there are conversations I wanted them to have that they never had in Providence. Anyhow, I’m just really enjoying playing in their sandbox again. I love these two soooooooo much. One chapter left! It’ll be up Monday by the latest. 
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so-caffeinated · 1 year
Playing For Her Heart by So_Caffeinated  - #Ficon https://archiveofourown.org/works/45373639 (All six chapters of this story are now up!)
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so-caffeinated · 1 year
As promised in the notes of Playing For Her Heart, here’s the lyrics I wrote while listening to Halsey’s You Should Be Sad, but did not use for the story. I’m still in love with you  When I wake up in her bed With nothing but regrets And the pounding of my head But you still look right past me Oh no, I know you don’t see Got a fractured heart an’ a muddled head ‘Cause we will never be Oh when you look at me what is it you find? A shining star? Your other half? Or someone you leave behind? If I break apart and shatter right here in front of you Will you pick me up and put me back or keep looking right on through Oh you don’t see me You never have You broke me open Yeah right in half And you don’t see it This morbid art But you cut me up and tore me down  And ripped me all apart So I’ll end up back where I began In someone’s arms, in someone’s bed Who don’t mean a god damned thing I’ll break this down real simple You’re the only one I want Day and night and dusk and dawn You haunt my every thought But you don’t even know you’re a ghost Dream girl and nightmare fuel, oh, the one I want the most If I break apart and shatter right here in front of you Will you pick me up and put me back or keep looking right on through Oh you don’t see me You never have You broke me open Two jagged halves And you don’t see it This morbid art But you cut me up and tore me down And ripped me all apart Oh you don’t see me You never have You broke me open Yeah right in half And you don’t see it This morbid art This morbid art Oh when you look at me what is it you find? A shining star? Your other half? Or someone you leave behind? If I break apart and shatter right here in front of you Will you pick me up and put me back or keep looking right on through Oh you don’t see me You never have You never  You never have You never You never
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so-caffeinated · 5 years
Loved the first chapter of Providence. Notice Oliver calls her Miss Prescott. Know you've said before that he knew about Amelia canceling the wedding but Will and Jules didn't. I've found Jule to be perception, when her head's in the right frame. Does Jules question Oliver calling her this after they leave or does she still not find out to Will does?
Thank you! He does. That’s true - Jules really is very perceptive - but that’s not where her focus was when he said it. It’s also what she’s known Amelia as, so it doesn’t jar her. 
Jules isn’t there where Will finds out Amelia never got married (which is something you’ll get to see this coming Monday in chapter two!). You don’t explicitly see her find that out, actually, but it’s pretty clearly sometime early between chapters three and four (when we have a time jump). 
However, I think that it does little to change Jules’ perception of Amelia. Her concern is exclusively for Will. Whether or not Amelia got married doesn’t actually matter because her actions were the same. She still walked away from Will. Jules still had to watch him get his heart broken again by the same woman. And, really, in her opinion... fuck that. He deserves better and Jules absolutely, definitely, totally holds a grudge.
P.S. Is it long enough for me to answer spoilery asks, do you guys think?? I’m such a bad judge of that. 
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