#i fucking love the mcu but I’m struggling to justify watching their shit bc Disney and the copaganda
ahhscheisse · 1 year
Some of you need to realize that yeah, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but that doesn’t mean be completely thoughtless, y’know? I don’t use places like Walmart unless I absolutely have to. As in: no other options. I use Amazon too much but as the years go by, I’ve realized it is getting harder and harder to avoid them entirely. I don’t like meat but even if I fucking loved the homophobic chicken, I have other options in my area to choose from, so I will. It means doing the least amount of damage you can with the knowledge and morals, I guess, that you have. Don’t buy the anti semitic game. Don’t hand Jeff Bezos money when you see him on the street. Don’t kick puppies. Be thoughtful. Try. No one can be perfect but I know you can try.
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