#i gUESS???
yakichoufd · 23 hours
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stellaluna33 · 2 days
The interesting thing is that Jess keeps insisting that "it's not about him" ("him" being Logan) during his big "Why did you drop out of Yale?" speech, and I do believe him! Logan may have pissed him off, but what he's really upset about is that Rory isn't acting like herself and she knows it and he wants to know why. However... nevertheless, he does include "you going out with this jerk? With the Porsche?" in his list of behaviors that are "not You." And the writers make it seem like Jess was functioning as the "voice of Truth" in the narrative during this scene, considering that this is what makes Rory see the light and ultimately AGREE that this "isn't her" and prompts her to return to school and her mother's arms. So my question is... Does Jess including dating Logan as a symptom of Rory's out-of-character behavior mean that the WRITERS also intended us to see dating Logan as a symptom of Rory's out-of-character behavior? What am I supposed to do with this? Along with "I thought everything was fixed." "Everything but him." I just... What were you trying to say here, huh? How are we supposed to take this?!
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dissapoopoo · 18 hours
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working on a pc background. any advice? i think the crowd needs to be bigger ,proportions that is.
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Jesus Fucking Christ-
calling that Massturbation
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camphelion · 2 days
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are u guys picking up what im putting down
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poryqons-art · 1 day
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drew this a lil bit ago but heres a character i drew for my friends dungeons and dragons session (she was meant to be a pirate lackey in a battle i think)
anyways tumblr how we feelin about the sea-snake pirate babe how we feelin
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meanbossart · 4 months
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Much to think about
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cipheramnesia · 3 months
The reason I probably shouldn't be allowed to make movies is I have no impulse control and I would immediately make something called Revenge Of The Dead Tranny Hooker. It would be about a trans woman trying to break into acting, but no one wants to hire her for anything except playing a sex worker who gets murdered. Then one day she does an open casting call which runs her through a series of increasingly bizarre line readings, which it turns out are meant to summon an eldritch demon to grant the movie producer god-like powers.
The culmination is supposed to be sex on the casting couch, but she ditches at the last minute, destroying the ritual and splintering the extradimensional entity across California. She unknowingly receives powerful extradimensional blood, while the rest of the fragments seek out the powerful and violent people of the world. Meanwhile the movie producer uses his new powers to transform his PAs into henchcreatures, and sends them after the protag to finish her off. She discovers her new powers in the ensuing fight, which also seem to be gradually altering her body every time she uses them.
The rest of the movie is a steadily escalating game of cat and mouse between trans woman and movie producer. While the former transformers the fragments into powerful psychic weapons like chainsaws and spiked bats, the later uses fragments to make himself bigger and physically stronger. At first the fights are short and brutal, the protag outmatched and outgunned, but she gets more confident to the point of an anarchic battle of against the LAPD led by a demonic police captain, including a scene where she stands on the roof of a speeding police car and rips the driver through the windshield.
Her eventual form is some kind hyper sexual draconic mantid squid rippling with biomechanoid components. In the fight with the producer he thinks he's winning by tearing apart the last of her human flesh, but this just complete her transformation, letting her easily overwhelm him. It's implied from that point forward she plans to conquer the world.
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kingzombear · 7 months
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Lil doodle between comms but I wanna expand on this concept, someone was like "what if they swapped personalities" and I was like 🤔
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oocmadagascar · 7 months
What the hell is this
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dj-crack · 1 year
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You know you fucked up if Among Us is calling you an idiot
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solphases · 5 months
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small scenery practices
I blend my colors on the canvas itself so I hope ya'll don't find the palettes there too distracting
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lesbomaticlove · 7 months
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so i had another idea because of pinterest
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deep-space-lines · 3 months
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put some pants on. slut
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ikayblythe · 5 months
A new transliteration of the Rain World scripts
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An update to this. I am the original creator of that interpretation, and to be fair I'm a little tired of not getting proper credit for it.
The entirety of this was done by comparing the 'alphabets' to our own, and assigning phonetic values from there. The logographs were interpreted similarly, but with Mandarin 'etymology' instead. I wrote...quite a bit! About it! You can read the individual interpretations for each symbol in the doc below:
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