#i gave him green overalls bc im projecting. i want green overalls
hwanhee · 5 years
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THANK YOU LEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
This is Zhou Mingtao w/ his two cormorants Xuanlu & Heixie he’s a cormorant fisherman…..sorry that it’s So obvious i became tired and lazy at the end of this
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
questions tag :))
i was tagged by the lovely @bearboyunho thank uuuu
relationships: I was in one for a maximum of three hours dkejek. Ill explain in the breakup question. This is definitely not a relationship im proud of. It caused me too many problems considering how short it was...
break-ups: I have so many trust issues and insecurities, i think i still have a long way to grow before i can enter a relationship, besides i havent met anyone yet. I didn't lead this person on, i treated him as a friend. And i usually spent more time with him since we were both in track. He caught feelings for me which i honestly knew about but i didnt say anything bc i didnt have feelings for him. One day during lunch with all my friends at the time he asked for a relationship. He later confessed to me he did this on purpose because he knew i would feel bad saying no to him, and that paired with the pressure of my friends, i said yes. He held my hand, and it just didn't feel right. Everything didnt feel right. So three hours later i got him alone and told him i wasnt ready for a relationship but that we could still be friends. He took it relatively well, but he avoided me. His cousin confronted me and told me he cried all weekend, but she said she understood and that she was glad i said no in the end which i was confused about but didnt question just wanting to leave it behind. Then it all started the next year. Out of nowhere he texted me, which was ???? Bc i never gave him my number, but i talked to him believing he was doing this on friendly intentions. lol i was a dumbass. Later my friend revealed to me he had lied to her and said i was paired up with him during a project. I also found out he asked her for pictures of me. His cousin which im friends with also told me she was sure he was not befriending me on good intentions, and that she was creeped out by him. My friends had continuously told me he would speak about me as if we were together to other people, and that he stared at me for weird periods of time. At this point im fucking scared and confront him and say i dont want to be friends with him and that i dont think us talking or being friends is healthy for either one of us. He continued texting me, making me feel bad when i didnt respond asking me if i hated him i had to eventually block him. He gave me a present on both valentines and Christmas which i rejected but he forced me to accept them. After class i always packed up my stuff slowly bc i had a good relationship with my teacher and talked to her. He stood in front of me and just stared at me while i packed. We actually had a kpop club, and one day he showed up. I was part of student council, and at the middle of the year he started attending. He sent me kpop memes to try to get my attention. I felt so unsafe i told my English teacher. Eventually he gave up when i started being firmer in my silence and overall attitude towards him. so yeah.... a relationship that didnt even last a day caused all this. I genuinely wish i had been more careful. The red flags were there from the beginning and i tried ignoring them bc i wanted to be nice. Dont do that, if someone maked you uncomfortable please dont feel bad and cut them off for as long as you need to. Anyways- nExT quEstiOn.
kids: i dont have any but i want twins so badly it's stupid. I honestly dont mind having kids that aren't twins. I just want two tbh. A girl and boy.
brothers and sisters: i have one sister who's five years younger than me. Im very close with my two cousins tho so theyre like sister to me too. They're older than me by more than five years.
pets: i have three dogs. Two shih tzus Otis and Bella, Bella is mother to Otis. He's the only puppy we kept from when Bella had puppies. I have Rocky a very clumsy english bulldog. I also have a beta fish called Suho.
surgeries: Ive had two. One when i was four to get my tonsils removed because i got sick a lot, and last year i got my gallbladder removed because i had gall stones. That one was so painful i couldnt laugh or do anything without everything hurting.
tattoos: None but i would like one. Not big ones, just small meaningful ones.
countries i’ve been to: Mexico....i miss it
been in an airplane: my family is not in the class where we can take an airplane to travel or even travel to other states. Ive only been on it twice for a contest i won.
been in an ambulance: Twice as much as i can remember. Once for my sister who had a really bad seizure when i took her to a doctors appointment and the other when they had to transport me to another hospital when they first found out i had gall stones.
i sing karaoke: no but you can usually find me singing along to a song on the radio or randomly around my house.
ice skating: I would love to try. The closest ive gotten is rollerblading. I can't do any fancy tricks but i can balance, but oh no i havent gone in such a long time. My poor rollerblades are collecting dust in my garage.
been on a cruise: ..... this is a joke right? Let me have enough money to buy groceries first.
driven a motorcycle: ah i would really like a motorcycle, but no never.
ridden a horse: Lolol all the time. When i was young my uncle helped out at some stables that were literally at the end of my street snd and he always took me a long with him. A lot of my family especially in Mexico and in the valley have ranchos which means they have horses and you can usually find me hanging out with the lovely animals.
stayed in a hospital: I once went because my head was killing me and i found out it was migraines. I had gall stones for seven months and stayed in the hospital about two times a month so yeah i was there a lot. And for the surgery of course.
favorite fruit or berry: Watermelon and Guayaba. Also green grapes.
favorite color: peach and aqua.
last text: "ye ok" it was from me to my cousin since i was gonna go to her house but she was with my grandma who tested positive for covid so we both decided it would be safer for me to keep my distance.
coffee or tea: coffee. i need it to survive. As long as it has sugar im ok. But tea is great for when my stomach hurts. I just prefer coffee. I could drink it any hour.
favorite pie: Pecan, especially with ice cream its so good. Key lime isnt bad either.
favorite pizza: i dont really care? I like all of them but when i was little and we'd go to the mall my dad would always get this big pizza that was big enough to have things stuffed inside it and it tasted so good. Its a good memory.
cat or dog: dog but i really want a cat.
favorite time of year: Chritmas and Thanksgiving always. I love it. Especially Christmas when my family gathers together and we play games and everyone brings a traditional Mexican dish. We stay until like 4 am and its always great.
met a star: That one woman who had an affair with george bush. I met her. That doesnt really count. Yeah no one, i met basketball players but i dont remember from which team or who they were. I met ted cruz. Cool story tho my english teacher knew one of shinee's choreographers.
flown a helicopter:..... umm. nO..
been on tv: Nah. Probably in the backround of some news things.
broken my leg: no ive never broken a bone surprisingly.
seen a ghost: i had sleep paralysis it was close enough.
been sick in a taxi: never even been in a taxi. Ive been on a uber tho.
Tags: @doyoungbunnyagenda @butterflybam @brighttragedy @saturnsluna @waterfallsandrosebuds @jooheonyonehunnit @leecherryyong
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yiulee999 · 5 years
Hey! What do you think of OPM season 2? I still love it & am looking forward to next weeks new episode but i just wish Saitama had more screen time ;-(
hey nonny~! 
apologies for the late reply, its a combo of not getting notifications (tumblr u useless trashbucket) and being on surgery rotation (i miss sleeping so much) 
firstly, i am truly glad you still love it and look forward to the new episodes!!! 💖💖💖please dont let anything i say from this point on dissuade you from that enjoyment 
///cut for length 
ive only watched up to the second episode, and i am having Such Difficulties convincing myself to keep watching. i know my rxns to ep 1 were overall pretty positive and I stand by it but the more i watch the more the Cringe/Hypercritique starts take over. 
Turns out, the art style had a bigger impact than i thought on the length of which i enjoy shows. personally, i just really like when anime/shows have a happy marriage between writing and artwork. and when show directors know how to interpret writing, how to set up a scene (the angle, the music, the pacing), and then communicate with artists who have the skills to bring that idea to life using the medium they’re given -- that’s when writing becomes storytelling. OPM’s writing is still fantastic since they’re going off ONE (whereas GoT has the opposite problem where the production value is 4K and the writing is early 2000s livejournal/fanfiction lol god why is everyone dropping the ball in 2019??)
As for the art, since opm switched to jc staff and shingo natsume & co. left for other projects ( ;;_____;; im emo ), its inevitable we would see a drop in animation quality and i find myself constantly getting distracted by things i never used to get concerned about in the first season (bc of the high bar of expectations set by s1 artists/directors, like theres just no way jc staff would match up it to all of that and i feel bad for them, they’re trying their best but that doesn’t mean theyre immune to critique on the artistic liberties that they’ve taken that i feel as a viewer, may not have been the best choice?) 
the shading: no, just, unnecessary and distracting and why is it the center of saitamas face, im by far no expert in lighting but a bish can tell something doesnt look right??? 
the shading pt II: color choices. just gonna say i was not expecting sai’s ‘hair shirt’ in ep 1 to be bright-ass neon green, it was a little jarring at first and i miss him in red ;-; i get hes supposed to have poor fashion choices but i dont see him as the type to pick something that stands out so much in the crowd, like he likes to be left alone. NEON doesnt really relay ‘hi dont mind me im just barely existing here lol’ 
the shading pt III: genos arms/neck. okaY so the bby looks good in screenshots. like he’s shiny and nice to look at when nothings moving. bUT this is animation?? movement of objections is different from still life manga so making every single scene almost 99% like murata’s panels translates a little awkwardly to the screen (like staff is lucky bc murata’s a force of nature with his panels playing out like a movie for ref). but when genos moves, the arms are just distracting bc everything around him is drawn simply without shadows so they stand out by themselves and i (visually) forget about the rest of him haha. 
the pacing: it feels scripted, person A says this so we’ll show person A in the shot, then person B is saying something so we have to cut to person B, etc etc like keeping pretty steady to manga lines to the point where i was starting to get bored bc i knew what was coming. it was really intervaled? like someone had to be saying something at a certain effect and i think s1 had more dramatic pauses (lol) but thats how you can place emphasis on scenes to have an emotional impact if the character doesnt say anything and just let the soundtrack do some talking and the cadence of the script will change too (im 10000% talking about the sunset scene in s1 god bless. like it was slow, there was MOOD there wasn’t any rush and really gave the viewer time to think about the relationship between the two characters and what that moment meant to each of them) i feel like there were several scenes that could have been more like in the scene where sai protected fubuki, could have been a little more dramatically emphasized (aka just a pause) so the viewer could get a chance to understand that he purprosefully shielded her or when genos says that strong heroes are drawn to saitama--bUT nope its the same pace, like c l o c k w o r k just like my t eARS--
the fight scenes: how do i even start. the one scene that got me INTO opm (like watching the anime, reading the manga, drawing fanart, writing fanfic, reading fanfics etc) was kickstarted by the fight scene between genos and saitama in s1 that was circulating on tumblr a while back. i thought the characters were interesting and the fight was badass and it just looked SO COOL. (also the forehead flick at the end just kinda sealed my fate). going from that to s2 fight scenes where its mostly cut scenes and freeze scenes?? where theres a cut out behind the characters back?? during a fight scene????? this isn’t a calling card or an anime opening??? i dont understand. when they dont do cut scenes, its interesting but my initial impression is just underwhelmed. i can find good parts but it feels like i have to replay the scene to notice it? theres also an overwhelming amount of graphics/cgi manipulation that overpowers the actual art sometimes. its lacking some of the fluidity that comes from hand drawn fight scenes from first season. OTL
the sound directing: so i thought that the mood just felt off for certain scenes and the sound didn’t seem to support the scene as well (unless it was like the character’s theme or smtg) and i looked it up and the sound director was also replaced (Yoshikazu Iwanami replacing Shoji Hata). i have no idea if the sound director is also in charge of character lines but there were parts were fubuki was monologuing and i had no idea she was inner monologuing, i thought she was talking out loud and that just took extra effort on my part to re-orient myself (im nitpitcking i know but its just how i watch shows lol) 
there are still some parts i like about the animation:
fubuki looks bangin and i love her👌👗
all of this just made me realize how insanely lucky we were to have an amazing s1 and just have it exist and how i really could not care less if they had just waited forever to make s2 as long as we had the same crew come back. but anime is still a business and the quicker they dish out merch/seasons, the more money they can bring in. which they do in the short run but they would bring in more if they spent a little more on quality in the long run and it becomes one of those classics that ppl will rewatch and keep recommending to ppl who want to get into anime and oh my god we’re never gonna have that now, are we. if im gonna rec it to a friend its gonna be ‘read the manga!’ or ‘just watch s1!’ uGH. its just an unfortunate situation, its not one person’s fault either, so many factors go into what made opm s1 so spectacular and seeing s2 just made me appreciate s1 more. i guess im happy to have a s2 regardless? 
i’ll still watch to support (and bc i like suiryuu and wanna see sai in a karate gi and wig lol). maybe i just have to get used to the new style. 
so in summary,
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80srichie · 7 years
just a bet
so this is based LOOSELY on will and emma from the scream tv series. if you havent seen it, that doesnt matter bc like.... its not important
THAT MEANS THEY ARE 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there won’t be nsfw but there are MENTIONS of it sooooo
anyway enjoy ily all
summary: beverly bets richie he can’t get with the new kid, eddie, in under three months. richie disagrees
pairing: richie and eddie
words: 1870
part two, three, four, five, six
Everyone at Derry High School knew of the senior Richie Tozier. No matter who they were, what social group they were apart of, they all knew of the trashmouth. Every girl swooned over him and every gay (and possibly ‘not’ gay) guy would beg for his number. He was the ‘It’ guy in his high school and even the other high schools in the Derry school district. It was common knowledge that Richie was bi. Some people said it was fake and that he said it for more attention, but his real friends knew it wasn’t bullshit at all. 
Richie strode into the school building that Monday morning, casually sliding off his sunglasses and hooking them in his shirt. People in the hallways snuck glances at him, some even saying hello to him politely as he passed. He nodded in response, flashing them a smile. Richie approached his locker and opened it with ease, getting his few textbooks out. Despite being a ‘jock’, he still cared about his grades. 
“Hey, Rich, did you hear about the new kid?” Beverly asked casually, making her presence known. She leaned against the navy blue lockers, a small smile playing on her lips.
“I have not, what’s so important about the new kid?” Richie asked, closing his locker. Beverly pushed herself up and started to walk down the hallway with him. “Well, I have to give him the tour today. I saw him in the office. He’s cute and gay.” She chuckled, hooking her thumbs in the belt loops of her overalls.
“Now, now, Bev. How do you know this poor guy is gay?” Richie asked, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. 
“He’s wearing the shortest pair of shorts I’ve ever seen, Richie. I’m serious they’re shorter than some of the ones the girls here wear.”
Richie scoffed. “Don’t make assumptions, Marsh. Do I look gay to you?”
Beverly stopped him from walking and narrowed her eyes at him, pretending to study him. “Yes.”
Richie rolled his eyes, shoving her off of him playfully. “Fuck off.” His tone sounded mad, but the smile on his face said otherwise.
The two arrived into their first period of the day, English. Beverly sat in the seat across from Richie, Stan and Bill joining them mere moments later. Beverly was mentioning to the other two guys about the new kid when she gasped quietly. “Richie, I have a bet for you.”
“Oh, do you?” Richie asked, glancing up at her through his glasses.
“I bet you can’t get with the new kid and sleep with him in under three months.” 
She said, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. She had a smug smile plastered on her face.
Richie narrowed his eyes at her. “And what do I get if I do?”
“The satisfaction of completing a bet and keeping your ‘never says no to a bet’ reputation.” She responded, smirking.
Richie huffed, leaning back in his chair. “Fine. If I do, however, you have to make out with Bill.”
“Hey, I didn’t agree to th-that.” Bill frowned.
“Who said you had a choice, Big Bill?” Richie grinned.
Eddie Kaspbrak didn’t want to move to Derry. He really didn’t. After his parents got divorced, his mother decided the best way of dealing with her problem was to move back to her hometown. Eddie had to leave his friends back in Michigan but his mom never gave him a choice. He never had a say in which parent he lived with when he got to see his dad, but he dealt with it. Every time he brought up the subject, his mother shut him down and insisted she was the ‘better parent’ for him. Eddie despised the thought of starting over in a new school nearly halfway through his senior year.
Eddie sat in the main office, glancing around at the various colorful posters strewn about the room’s walls. “Eddie Kaspbrak.”
His head snapped up at the sound of his name, making eye contact with a girl. She had short, fiery red hair and bright blue eyes. “Hi. I’m Beverly.” The girl- Beverly- held out her hand. Eddie stood and shook it, proceeding to grab his backpack and throw it over his shoulder. 
“I’m assuming you’re giving my tour?” Eddie asked.
Beverly made a noise of agreement, tilting her head towards the main office exit door. “C’mon shortstack. Time’s a-wastin'.”
Eddie listened as Beverly explained where all his classes were, what staircases to use, and even where to sit at lunch. She finally stopped in front of a classroom, looking to Eddie. “You should be in 2nd period, Chemistry. Good luck.” Beverly walked off and down a staircase, giving him a wave as she disappeared around the corner.
Eddie let out a breath, slowly turning the handle and pushing open the classroom door. Every head in the room turned to look at him as he walked in and he instantly felt nervous.
“Ah, you must be the new student. Eddie, is it?” The professor asked. Eddie nodded. The teacher pointed to a table in the back corner of the room. “You’re in luck. We assigned new project partners today so you haven’t missed anything. You’ll be partnered with Mr. Tozier.”
Eddie glanced over to find a (cute) boy sitting alone at a table. He smiled at Eddie, waving him over. Eddie walked over, sitting down on the empty stool next to the boy.
He grinned. “Hey, I’m Richie.” The boy- Richie- said, using his pointer finger to push up the glasses on his nose. “And you’re Eddie.” Eddie nodded. “That’s me.”
“So, Eds, why’d you move to Derry?” Richie asked, leaning dangerously far back on the stool.
“My parents got divorced and my mom grew up here. If I had a choice, I would’ve stayed in Michigan. And don’t call me that. My name is Eddie.”
“Whatever ya say, Eds.” He said, winking before sitting on the stool properly. Eddie felt himself blush.
Richie sat in the plastic lunch table chair, arms crossed over his chest as he watched Beverly attempt to braid Stan’s curly hair. Bill glanced over at the entrance to the cafeteria and nudged Richie.
“Hey, it’s the new kid.”
Richie glanced over and smiled, watching as Eddie found an empty table and sat down. “Should I ask him to my game?”
Beverly chuckled. “Of course. Three months starting now, Tozier!”
Eddie held a plastic tray in his hands, trying to figure out what lunch table to sit at. He looked around the room before spotting an empty table. He walked over and sat down, starting to pick at the ‘food’ he was given.
“Hey, Eds!”
Eddie nearly jumped out of his seat. “Jesus, Richie.” He mumbled, looking over at him.
Richie had a smirk on his face. “I scare ya?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, stabbing his plastic fork into the disgusting excuse for green beans. People had warned him about Richie all day, more or less saying ‘do not fall for him.’
“So, Eds… You are gonna come to my soccer game after school.” Richie said, leaning back in the chair and smiling.
Eddie raised his eyebrow. “I am?”
Richie nodded, reaching over and eating a fry from his lunch. “You are!”
Eddie frowned smacked his hand away from his food. “Is this your way of trying to help me fit in? Because I’ve heard about you and I’m not interested.”
“Heard about me how?”
“The fact that you lead everyone around you on.”
Richie fake gasped, placing a hand over his heart. “I am offended, Eds! You think I’m a slut?” Well, I was with your mom last night-”
Eddie rolled his eyes once more. “If I go to your game, will you shut up?”
Richie grinned. “Only for now. See you then, cutie.” He got up, shooting Eddie a wink before walking back over to his friends.
Eddie was blushing like mad and silently cursed at himself. He didn’t like Richie, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.
Eddie sat uncomfortably in the stands, annoyed at how loud and obnoxious the students around him were being. He tried to watch the game, but to be completely honest, he didn’t know what was going on. All he knew was Derry High was winning.
Richie was sitting on the sidelines beside Stan. “Did he really show?” Stan asked doubtfully. “I don’t think he would.”
“Oh, yeah?” Richie retorted. “Top right corner of the far right stand. Blue hoodie.”
Stan’s eyes gazed across the crowd before spotting Eddie sitting amongst the rambunctious teenagers. He chuckled, using his mouth to pop open the mouthpiece of his water bottle. “Nice job, Tozier. Think you can do it?”
“Of course I can, Stanley. Do you know how easy it is? He blushed because I winked. I’ve got this in the bag.” Richie responded, standing and walking closer to the substitute flag so he could go in for Bill.
Eddie watched the game the best he could, trying to keep his eyes on Richie. That’s why he was even here, after all. The large clock said there were 2 minutes remaining in the game. Someone on the team had gotten the ball to Richie, but someone on the other team tripped him. The ref blew the whistle, calling for a direct free kick. Richie placed the ball near the goal where the ref told him to. He took a few steps back, before running and kicking the ball, scoring their team a goal. His team surrounded him as the stands cheered. Derry had won and Richie had scored the winning goal.
Eddie made his way out of the stands, leaning against the side of them. He was texting his mother to tell her he was on his way home. As he started to walk away, he heard a voice call out his name. Eddie turned on his heel to find Richie jogging toward him.
Eddie made a face at the amount of dirt and sweat that was on him. “You look disgusting.”
“Not as disgusting as me and your mom last night,” Richie smirked. Eddie rolled his eyes, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
“You’re gross and I’m leaving,” Eddie said, starting to walk away.
“Not before going out to get ice cream with me,” Richie called. Eddie stopped walking and turned back around. 
“You and me, ice cream. What more explanation do you want?”
“Who said I was going with you?”
“I did!”
“It seems like I never seem to have a choice with you, do I?”
“No. No, you don’t. Stay here, I’m going to go change and shower unless you wanna join me.” Richie winked.
“You’re gross and I hate you,” Eddie responded as Richie walked away. Eddie tried to ignore the blush that he felt growing on his face at a mere wink. He couldn’t like Richie. He couldn’t- and wouldn’t.
But he did.
i really like this idea so PART TWO??? LEMME KNOW
also you can ask to be on the perma taglist or just the taglist for this fic i can do both
part two??/ask to be on taglist
thank you for reading <3
perma taglist:  @richiewheeler @rose1828 @trashrichie @eddiekazpbraks @qxantxm @bloggerboy101 @losersclub101 @pancoon237 @strangerthoughts @peachycin @loverboykaspbrak @spookyskarsgard @that-1girl-with--hair @freecssu @mbates12 @trashmouthreddie @richie-tczier @summerxle @fxckthxpxlxce @joomtrash @acourtofbooks @trashmoutheds @hawkiye @aurordafni @strangerbeeps @reddieburnstheretoo @colorful-dodie @howellhxlic @somenates27 @reddie-to-rock @eddierichietozier @emo-trash-overlord @rhubarberous @eddie-kaspjack @thesingingreader  @thalialightwood @trashmouthreddie @cryttalized @karynrose13-blog-blog @detectivejas @richiesloser
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