#i genuinely got in so much trouble for this rp too btw
moon-bun-bun · 8 months
I'm gonna ramble about my creepypasta AU from like 2012-2014ish I used to rp with a friend over my flip phone bc we where GENUINELY just insane <3
Some key things to keep in mind: we didn't really watch marble hornets at this time so masky and hoodie where (unfortunately) very much old fanon the rare few times they showed up. A lot of this AU was influenced by old deviantart web comics, mainly Pasta Monsters and The Seer. And lastly, we where like 12 when we made this so don't expect high art 💀 you're allowed to laugh bc genuinely it's so awful
This AU MOSTLY was centered around our OCs (of course). Mine was Banana, a repurposed warriors OC 💖 of course in usual middle schooler fashion, she was immortal and couldn't die, and she knew every single creepypasta amd everyone knew her and she was some special proxy y'all know the deal, if I remember to draw her again I'll rb or something with her bc I still love her dearly <3
Some key things abt this AU that I can remember off the top of my head in no specific order:
- Slenderman didn't have a mansion, he instead had an entire castle?? I have no clue why we decided a castle but that's what he had
-no one but slenderman lived in this castle. Not even his proxies, everyone else has their own houses, except Banana who has a big tree that grows diamond fruit
-how do people not fond a massive castle out in the forest? Easy. It's not in the forest, there's an entirely seperate realm they all live in and you access it by a random portal in the woods
-we genuinely deligated Masky and Hoodie to just sorta babysitting this portal. Actual proxy work? Never heard of it, they just watch a portal for days on end. Expect Masky sometimes, he got to babysit Banana because she caused ✨️problems✨️ constantly. We very much characterized his as the shy uwu nervous Masky the entire time
-proxies got their special proxy names Via warriors cats naming ceremony, we had a moment with another OC that was an extended rp of this moment. I do not know how we talked abt it like it was the most serious and genius thing in class the next day
-Jeff was one of the most prominent characters, he did not like Banana what so ever and she at some point made it her life goal to be the most prominent nuisance in his life. Multiple times as some form of punishment for both of them causing some issue or just fighting in general, Slenderman would make them go live together in the human world as normal people in suburbia or some shit. This happened VERY often and I choose to still use this plot point as the set up for conversations and jokes about them to this day
-the neighborhood they lived in was completely oblivious to the fact that these where two known serial killers, EXCEPT one of their neighbors who was hell bent on exposing them. No one believed her ever.
-how do they live as normal people? Tbis is where the pasta monsters influence comes in, I believe it was called an illusion form in that comic? Whatever it was called, that's the logic we used. Jeff looked like a Normal Guy and Banana instead of being a cat, was in fact a human girl, who for whatever reason we decided kept getting mistaken for some random orphan girl named Daisy
-despite this AU taking place in (at the time) modern times, old times orphanages and asylums where still in operation and was another very prominent plot point we used (to the extent of the knowledge we had as 12 year Olds of these places) banana and Jeff ended up in the asylum in padded rooms and straight jackets a lot
-this has no bearing on the plot what so ever but I know we referred to the police as "the popo" and ONLY the popo for the entire duration of the rp. All 2 or 3 years of it.
That's all I can think of at the moment, there's. A lot more that I'm missing here and whenever it crops up I'll just rb with more details or smthn bc I genuinely rlly like just putting whatever the hell we where on into words 💀💀
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ironcrwned-archive · 5 years
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hi friends ! it’s me ur resident clown, bonnie, & i’m stoked to be in this rp with all of you ! i’m 20, located in the est, and i use she/her pronouns ! i’m currently procrastinating all my school work so ! there’s that. below the cut are my babies’ intros, so like this and i’ll hit u up for plotting ! i got out of hand and this is super long so if this is overwhelming, there’s a tl;dr at the bottom !
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒙𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒖𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒛𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 –– THE ARTIST
alex fitzalan. twenty-three. cismale. he/him. one sib. ––– hey , there’s XAVIER FITZHERBERT from AURADON walking past the castle. they’re the OLDEST child of RAPUNZEL AND EUGENE ‘FLYNN’ FITZHERBERT , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - NAIVE , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + BENEVOLENT too. say , don’t you think they remind you of DANCING WITH YOUR FRIENDS UNTIL YOU CAN’T BREATHE, WARM HUGS FROM THE PEOPLE THAT LOVE YOU, NOT WANTING TO GROW UP JUST YET & BOYISH SMILES, or is that just me ? 
𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 
the oldest child born to rapunzel & flynn, and it is obvious that he took after rapunzel with his temperament
a soft soul, his smiles always reach his eyes, dimples and cheekbones are his trademarks honestly
growing up, he was always outside, playing with his mother & father & sister ( though he is more of a momma’s boy tbh )
probably made ( and currently makes ) flower crowns for himself and friends
and his strong connection to rapunzel , it’s obvious young xavier got his artistic talent from her
he constantly has paint on his fingers and hands, a sketchbook in his bag with pastels and paints and oils from all over the place
most likely has drawn everyone he’s ever met in his sketchbook and then given it to them for their birthday and/or a holiday
his parents both loved him very very much growing up, and it’s obvious in how he acts. he never hesitated to come to them if there were problems or issues with anything in his life ( friends, relationships, schooling )
xavier is ~kind of~ a partier in the sense he is ALWAYS down to go out and have fun and dance with his friends , but he rarely ever gets out of control due to substances or anything
is currently having a Crisis about his sexuality because he’s really only ever been with females but now he’s just like ... seeing a cute guy and is like wait a min.. 
he hopes to become some type of royal painter or something one day because art is truly his passion 
okay so obviously, this boy is a big old softie 
he will ALWAYS drop everything he is doing to help someone out, it never matters with him
can be a little ( a lot ) on the awkward side & tries really really hard to not be but it really is just how he is and sometimes it’s endearing and sometimes it’s...like watching aladdin ( 2019 ) scene where aladdin meets jasmine the first time as prince ali .. it’s pretty bad
he is ESPECIALLY cringey when he is talking to someone attractive ( and they’re male/nb and he’s having a Crisis ) and they’re flirting with him...phew just kno that his ears ? are as red as merida’s hair
most likely will never know if someone’s taking advantage of him/using him
hi i just like making playlists for my characters so ppl know the Vibe™️
i. talk too much // coin – ii. supercut // lorde. – iii. boy’s dont cry // the cure. – iv. made of light // mikky ekko – v. chicago // sufjan stevens – vi. eyes shut // years & years
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
u can check out his tag right here ! so if u see anything u fancy, just lmk !!
but also!! friends!! probably people that he grew up around a lot bc of who his parents were
mayb someone who is the opposite of him ( maybe a villain kid ) who he tries to like ... encourage idk , i just rly like unlikely friendships !
someone who watches out for him , esp because he’s always taking care of others and most likely forgets to take care of himself ( taken by: giselle desroches )
maybe some exes?? most likely females for rn bc he’s discovering his sexuality but these were probably like ... friendly break ups
literally anything i’m pretty easy going !
okay now onto my trash child
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 –– THE SPITFIRE
olivia holt. twenty-two. cisfemale. she/her. two sibs. ––– hey , there’s CASSANDRA ‘CASSIE’ EVANS from THE ISLE walking past the castle. they’re the YOUNGEST child of CLAYTON , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - MANIPULATIVE , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + RESOURCEFUL too. say , don’t you think they remind you of HAIR TIED INTO PONYTAILS WITH RIBBONS, KNOWING YOU CAN DO NO WRONG IN YOUR FATHER’S EYES, AN ARROGANT SMILE AFTER YOU GOT YOUR WAY, & THE FEELING OF BARE FEET IN THE SAND , or is that just me ?  
𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 
the youngest child of clayton ( the bad guy from tarzan )
and when i tell you she is SPOILED omg
growing up she knew she was cute , mostly because clayton was SURE to tell her that and spoil his little girl ( xavier is a momma’s boy & cassie is for sure daddy’s little girl yikes )
so from a young age, she had a little mischievous side to her. 
it started with lil pranks on her siblings and then her dad and most of them weren’t harmful , just annoying but eventually as she went to school at the isle...she became a monster
she knew she had the innocent face so her friends ( !! wanted plot btw ) would pull pranks on other students and even some teachers
and whenever the other students would try to tell the teachers, cassie would put on a little smile and flip the narrative so she looked good and the other person didn’t. i literally can’t stand her
now in auradon, u know she’s gonna be making sh*t hit the fan whenever she gets the chance
big big disaster Bi that flirts with everyone with NO shame
so obviously cassie is somewhat of a lil monster ( not somewhat, she is a big one )
can be pretty darn manipulative depending on the situation and whether or not she will benefit from it or not
but ! she does have some redeeming qualities ! 
she is super resourceful meaning that her mind is super quick to find the easiest and most time efficient solution to a problem 
and she’s a pretty good smooth talker in bad situations, she’s known to get her friends out of a lot of sticky situations before
very very flirty okay but hates commitment lol
is pretty adventurous as well, loves the outdoors and hiking and swimming especially
i. dead weight // pvris. – ii. bad memory // k. flay. – iii. simmer // hayley williams – iv. west coast // lana del rey – v. teach me how to pray // spelles. – vi. don’t hurt yourself // beyonce. 
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
u can look in her tag right here ! same thing with xavier , if u see something u wanna do just let me know !!
girl squad !!! probably from the isle too and probably f*cked sh*t up over there and now? they’ll most likely do the same thing over in auradon 
probably has lotsssss of exes because she tends to self-sabotage and leave before things get serious. we love some angst in this household 
people that genuinely dislike her lmao 
people she probably flirts with on the daily basis lol 
𝚝𝚕 ; 𝚍𝚛 ( seriously i need to chill )
ik this was A LOT so i’m just gonna summarize them below lol
xavier fitzherbert : son of rapunzel & flynn, art heaux, discovering his sexuality, a whole awkward mess but just wants to help people!
cassandra ‘cassie’ evans : youngest daughter of clayton from tarzan, a little spitfire that manipulates mostly everyone, disaster bi afraid of commitment, and causes too much trouble all the time 
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familiaanteomnia · 5 years
all of the things in the "get to know the role-player" meme!
*The ones I didn’t answer already*
◜ get to know the rp & rph mun ◇ ask memes ◞
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{ ⊽ } —- link some of your favorite partners!: Well I adore all my partners, pretty much a lot of people but- @prxtty-muses​ @hauntedmediium​ @pulchrousati​ @sevendeadlymusings​ @cateyeswarlock​ @herfragilewarrior​ @poisonpunkking​ like there’s more but top of my head.  (Plus some of yall write a few common muses, so I try to remember who is what url/the urls and its that multimuse life, love you all in general) { ⊾ } —- favorite rp memory?: Mmm hard to pick. I’ve got a good collection. *despite the big collection of trashy ones* I do really miss the days where out of nowhere I was the inbox for people like ‘hey how do I start rping’ etc. Like I was a chill space, still am but now there’s not people just randomly anon telling dumb little stories. Random nights where everybody would talk about stupid crushes they had, etc. 
The good ooc in general. But like a strong one is that one situation where it was me wanting to come out to somebody, they beat me to it and then I was like ‘oh cool, so you’re still amazing and you to me btw me too’. Or when I was slyly just being me and it was like ‘wait hold up you’re trans? me too dude’. 
{ ⋀ } —- talk about your favorite ship!: I don’t have a favorite? Like I have some I adore and those I would kill for. Especially because of the partner. But like I adore especially people who ship with my ocs, or like naturally most things with chemistry. Not even like romantic/sexual ships. Got loads of like family, found family, friends, etc that I adore too. { ⋁ } —- describe a muse you want to play, but haven’t yet.: I mean *cough* my ocs all need more love. *cough* Zephaniah. But I’ve got this series in mind, that I’ve ‘written’ *procrastinate/isn’t published but hopefully one day* and I’d be super happy to write a oc/muse based in that reality. Where pretty much humans are aware of demons,angels and like there’s a whole bunch to it. But the angels are actually trouble, demons have more morals technically. There’s also fallen angels who aren’t meant to interfere with humans/keep to themselves,etc. 
{ ⋂ } —- describe a ship dynamic you really want: I need more variety overall. But I’d adore a real slow burn, childhood friends to lovers to friends. Friends. Best friends. Odd dynamics. 
.{ ⋃ } —- favorite fandom to rp in?: Hmm most the ‘fandoms’ are uhh strictly attached is to deal with drama. But I naturally do enjoy s.hadowhunters *tv based myself but obviously not a snob*. Or t.ua. 
{ ⋋ } —- favorite group experience?: No experience with groups, did try making a og group verse once and uhh it was terrible. 
{ ⋌ } —- favorite fc?: Don’t have one. I have loads I love/want to use. Then adore the ones I’ve got. 
{ ⋍ } —- favorite 1x1 and/or indie experience?: I don’t want to seem like I value something more than another thing right, it depends. I’d say the people who get that I should write for me, and have backed those choices. From this multi, to that I have a muse that I’ll only be writing for one person/a few I’ll only write selectively because I want to write them for real again. 
{ ⋈ } —- what’s your favorite thing to do as a rph?: I do have a technically rph blog, it’s more a disaster blog in general. But I enjoy making the odd musing, sentence starter memes, odd gif icons,etc. 
{ ⋊ } —- favorite thing about the rph community?: Haven’t been much in it/a big part of it technically not a “cool” kid. But like one blog I really enjoy reblogged this gif pack I made, with super nice comments/briefly followed my one blog and that was cool. Especially cause I wasn’t too sure the pack was that great. Cause I don’t go fancy or anything- it was a trial dimension thing too,etc. 
{ ⋎ } —- favorite thing about the rp community?: The good, wholesome interactions. How as much drama, crap there might be. There’s also people who will back you if you’re scared to leave toxic stuff behind, or make changes cause you need to for your health. 
{ ⋏ } —- show a little love! mention a favorite rph or rp partner and give them the affection they deserve.: For everybody, your writing is amazing and all of you are super nice lovely people. I genuinely enjoy seeing you on the dash, writing with you. And everything that also goes for people I haven’t interacted with yet. 
Now to be specific cause I’ve done plenty to show I adore everybody. @pulchrousati​ is frankly a wonderful person, with such spectacular writing on every blog/every muse he writes. Indulges my dumbass. Gets a few unpopular opinions I’ve got. Wonderful interaction ooc, actual communication that I’ve had perhaps like a handful of times. Put the theme for the blog together, the fancy tags- basically the sane voice that was like ‘yo just do the multimuse already’. 
Just ashjfkhdsal pretty much and I stan. 
{ ⋐ } —- underrated fc you like? : fcs that aren’t overused, fcs that aren’t trashy people- I can’t think of just one. There’s quite a few I wanna gif/use that have no resources and such. So -puts head down- honestly I can’t pick 
{ ⋑ } —- underrated ship you like?: Canon? Non canon? Ships I have but nobody else might be down for? But uhhh I really adore Taylor getting to be a sibling. Maia, and Rebecca like fight me but that’s some ship material. Clary where she’d be able to actually you know take all the yuck out/mess with plot a bit but get to have a sibling relationship with her brother. Then like there’s of course more but top of my head so yee.
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