#i get SO excited about Callahan you guys have NO idea hiw head over heels in love i am with this character and campaign
pixelatedrose · 3 years
hey big man :D ! it’s been a while and w o a h — callahan, mr. mcblithe, looks absolutely stunning :0 !! he looks like he’s glowing and it’s wonderful. i love the detailing on his lil suspenders and the open shoulders are really pretty. oh! and the little cogs with the shiny gem thing are nice, do they have any significance or are they just there to look cool (which they are definitely succeeding in) ? also, his wiNgs are so lovely!! they’re so big and they look so soft, they’re just breathtaking, i love them :)) i hope you’ve had a wonderful day and you enjoy the rest of your night! remember to drink water if you haven’t recently, love you loads dude 💛 !
Bee!!!! I love yoouuu!!!! :DDD
Okay okay okay
Lemme talk bout my boy Cally-ham McBlimp
Starting with things you mentioned- the open shoulders is also because he's wearing a halter top in the pic (bc fight me halter tops are the ONLY viable piece of clothing if you have wings-) HOWEVER!!!!
In the current narrative, Callahan's sweater does simply just have open shoulders. And THAT'S because in the current narrative!! He doesn't have wings!!!!
The cogs on his belt don't have any story significance, they're simply just decoration- like a fancy belt buckle- and also are indicative of his occupation as someone who's part of the tinkerer's guild!!! Thas all :]
Now the CRYSTAL is a LOT more interesting as it seems to have significant story importance. This crystal as a milky white opaque gemstone that faintly glows, it acts as Callahan's sorcery focus. As a young adult/teen, his uncle (the man who raised him since his parents passed when he was a very very little child) gave it to him, telling him it was a family heirloom and that he should keep it safe and with him at all times. And he's done just that!! For the most part.... he's made a single alteration to the gem, having filed the top part of it down to make it better fit the metal frame its attached to- a frame he made himself. This seems like it will have......effects, later down the line- I'm SO excited to see what my dm has in store for me.
There's so so so so much i can and want to be able to tell you bout my boy Callahan McBlithe, my good ol m8 Cally-ham, my bro my friend my child, but i don't wanna force ppl to read to much so I'm gonna hide it under the cut from now on-
Okay okay okay
So to talk about Callahan, we gotta talk about Montgomery Silverbeard, or Monty for short.
So, Callahan is a dwarf.
Monty is not a dwarf, but he IS a human RAISED by dwarves.
Monty is in the tinkerer's guild.
Monty has a mechanical Dog named Weller that runs on the energy of a crystal he has.
Monty always wears his goggles.
And one last thing we should know about Callahan before I continue, is something my dm specified that i preciously mentioned in the og post i made about Callahan, is that he has heterochromia, one blue eye and one brown one, and that Callahan also always wears his goggles when he's out in public.
Fun shit >:3c
So first things first.
The first session happens and Callahan gets introduced to the party through the means of Remmy- a character I don't have the time to explain other than through his title; The Entity- and things go great.
Well, great is relative i guess cause i mean the party did kinda forget he was there so ._.
But at the very end, as everyone is going to bed and Callahan is about to start walking home, Monty catches him and says he'll walk him home
They start chatting and shit and as they're walking, Monty stops for a moment and takes his goggles off to rub at his eyes.
And as he takes off his goggles, Callahan sees his eyes.
And he's heterochromatic.
One blue eye. One brown eye.
And Callahan stops and just stares for a moment and says. "You're...you're heterochromatic?"
Monty kinda glaces back and responds, "yeah. Has something to do with my birth parents, I'm sure of it."
And Callahan is quite for a moment. And then he slowly, silently pulls his goggles down around his neck to let Monty see his eyes too.
They kinda blink at each other.
Monty catches sight of the crystal at Callahan's belt and asks him where he got it, tells him that its a crystal like that that keeps Weller alive.
When Callahan tells him that it was an heirloom, Monty looks at him and just says, "I think we may be a bit closer than we expected, Callahan."
Anyway that's all i have the time to tell about right now, but there is still SO much more i could talk about- from Uncle Mar-Mar, to Remmy, to the second session, to the plot to Fuck The Queen, to the con-artist mini-sesh- dude i love this campign with all of my being, its not even funny how in love i am with everything about it
In any case!!!! Thank you so much for checking in, Bee!!! I love you a ton, and sorry i haven't been active, I've been caught between d&d and school and that's all I've been doing lately lol
My schedule should free up some after graduation, but i can't guarantee that since I'll be starting work right after as well, but I'll try to be better!!!
As always, Stay Fresh and Minty, Bee!!! Ily and i hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!! <3 :D
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