#sorry for the long rant holy s h i t
fishtankwater · 10 months
Good morning! could u do kazuichi nsfw alphabet :) gn or fem reader plsss and pref top reader have a nice day :D
I was getting so bored waiting on one 😭
Uh anyway Tysm to this anon
Anyway my bad for ranting
Kazuichi souda x GN!Reader
CW- nsfw shit that’s it idk what to put here anymore 😭🤛🏻
Currently listening- Dumb Dick
Bro…Kaz would give so many kisses and praise the SHIT out of you. But if you degraded him he would need praise cuz let’s be honest he would think it’s true and probs cry
Also he’ll probably struggle to know what you want and ask 2663825372 questions. PLEASE shower with him after he wants it. Do it. You know you want to
B-Body part
Him- his muscles 💀
I forget he’s muscular sometimes it’s genuinely so weird to think abt. But PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SQUEEZE HIS BICEPS he loves it sm.
You- let’s be honest. The titties if u have em if not you chest in general
That whole vicinity is just chefs kiss to him If you have tits he will put his hands up ur shirt and squeeze them while cuddling and he’d probs calm them his “best friends” 💀
C- Cum
The first time he came as a kid he probably got scared cuz he didn’t know what it was and called his dad and was like “HELPPP” 😭. Ok I’m sorry for bullying him
His cum is probably sweet with a salty aftertaste if that makes sense and he cums a small amount so uh savor it while you can 😘
D-Dirty secret
Bro has so many pics of you naked in his camera roll he also records your moans/whimpers while y’all fuck tbh
AND HE SAVES EVERY VIDEO OF YOU HE CAN FIND he will become a professional stalker the second y’all become intimate or start dating
Unpopular opinion but I think he has a decent amount of experience like— not with women with the men AND HE WILL STILL DENY TAHT HE IS BISEXUAL “no I only did it because I was bored” AHHAHAHSHSHSJSHSJ
F-Favorite position
Please ride him. Please. Do it
G- Goof Off
Depends what mood he’s in like sometimes he’ll be chillin laid back not caring how he acts and sometimes he’ll be stressed and just want to love you n shit
H- Hair
Def dyed his pubes pink LMAO
but there’s little to nonexistent hair
J-Jack off
Always thinks of you when it happens cuz he’s too embarrassed to ask for your help (poor baby)
L- Location
Anywhere anytime you ask he provides 💀
He prefers the bed to shower tho tbh
Anything you do lol
But specifically seeing ur thighs, ass, or seeing you change or the thought of you showering like you being naked he has a urge to come in there with you tbh
No hurting you bedsides a lil biting and maybe spanking. He also doesn’t wanna degrade you like he loves you and has no reason to think otherwise. Also other than overstim and biting he doesn’t wanna be hurt like bro 😔
O- Oral
Giver 💪🏻
Bro…the only time he will EVER overstim u is during oral like 😍 he loves your taste he can’t help it
When receiving he will buck his hips squirm whimper and cry tbh like out of happiness like it feels so good he can’t help it
P- Pace
Slow and steady wins the race
Bro will edge himself he doesn’t wanna go fast n hurt you to rush for it to be over he lovessss making love to you
Q- Quickies
“NOT HAPPENING!” -kazuichi souda
YES bro if your ok with it he will do it
He loves having public sex sm
As long as you want him to go he will go
Wanna go for 5 hours? Ok bet he may not have much stamina that’s why he loves riding or cowgirl
Nope nada nee
HE wants to pleasure YOU not some toy
No he would never but when you tease him he gets so shocked like jaw dropped to the floor but he loves it it’s like OSNHECSHSGHEHBRHEJHEH
Bro when he does moan he will moan so loudly too like are you trying to get the neighbors to call the cops on us??
W- Wild card
He gets jealous of gundham and pulls you aside to fuck the shit out of you like one of the only times he ever told you is when he’s jealous
I watched a video on yt that gives headcannon dog their dick size and tbh it seems kind of accurate his was 5 inches which I think it would maybe like that or 6 inch anywhere between 5-6 inches tbh (6inch= 15.24 centimeters 5inch= 12.7 centimeters for my non American people)
He’s horny 24/7/365 ok shut up
He will be tired but try to stay awake to eat drink take a shower and then he’s out 😘
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How about 1, 15, 23 for the air your grievances ask game?
Hi! :-)
What's your biggest __[insert fandom]__ pet peeve(s)?
Oof, okay... I think my biggest pet peeve with the M/C/U fandom is how greedy certain pockets of it can be. When 80-95% of either the canon or fandom is catered to you, I don't get complaining so hard about the slim percentage that doesn't. It's infuriating. But I've talked about that a bunch in the past.
Something I don't think ever talked about is how this fandom drives me up the damn wall as a music nerd. The biggest example is folks describing the Guardians soundtracks/"Qu*ll's taste in music" as "80s music." No. No, they're not. They're mainly the 70s. I know, I counted, after the fandom nearly gaslit me into doubting my own knowledge. In fact, out of the trilogy, IW, the Gro/ot shorts, and the Holiday special, only Vol 3 and the Holiday special contain any 80s songs. (And for record, this isn't me shitting on the 80s or anything. I'm an 80s baby and love tons of music from that era. This is just me being an insufferable know-it-all, lol.)
Another one is constantly framing Sam's recommendation of Tro/uble Man as some kind of come on. Like, first of all, that album is mainly a score and the few lyrics that do exist on it are not sexy. Second of all, oh my God, there's more to Marvin than just sex jams, holy shit. It's very obvious that some are only familiar with stuff like "Let's get it on" and "Sexual Healing" and that's it and... I can't help it, that makes me so sad.
15. Name an aspect of __[insert character]__ that you think gets frequently overlooked in fanfiction characterizations/deserves more attention/exploration
I think fandom's really dropped the ball with post-EG Steve. We could've had sprawling epics with Steve creating timeline after timeline where he had full lives with every Av*nger and Guardian and whoever else and having D*ctor Who style adventures across space and time. But, noooope. Nada.
I'll also never understand how I've only ever seen one fic where Professor H*lk and Steve raise Baby!Scott. That's comedy gold, right there. And how the hell did Sh*-H*lk not spawn a ton of St*ve/Jen? Not to mention all the cool concepts WI? has given the fandom on a silver platter only for them to be completely ignored.
23. Share an unpopular opinion you have RE: __[insert fandom]__
At the risk of being skinned alive, I know that even people who don't ship St*cky romantically will say that they still love them as friends instead. And I... don't. I can't get into that dynamic, even platonically. Most of their relationship is told rather than shown and what little we are shown doesn't endear it to me at all. Fandom can scream "till the end of the line" until it's blue in the face, but that doesn't make up for its problems in the slightest. (And frankly, I think that was the main purpose of the line to begin with, but that's a whole other rant.) I mean, B*cky spends most of T/F/A coming off (to me) like a condescending prick towards Steve and then spends the rest of Steve's time in the films deliberately staying as far away as humanly possible. It feels very one-sided to me, overall. And why should I revere that period, but especially so when dynamics like the ones Steve has with S*m, N*t, and P*ggy exist? Dynamics where the love and respect is quite clearly mutual and they actively want to be in his life? There's just no contest as far as I'm concerned.
Now, in fairness, theirs isn't the only dynamic in the films that's way more tell than show nor is it the worst offender in terms of the discrepancy between what's told and what's shown, but again, those are other rants.
Sorry about this getting kinda long. I'd been holding that first rant in for a loooong time, lol, so thank you for sending this in and giving me the chance to finally get that off my chest. XD
Air Your Grievances Ask Game
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pixelatedrose · 3 years
hey big man :D ! it’s been a while and w o a h — callahan, mr. mcblithe, looks absolutely stunning :0 !! he looks like he’s glowing and it’s wonderful. i love the detailing on his lil suspenders and the open shoulders are really pretty. oh! and the little cogs with the shiny gem thing are nice, do they have any significance or are they just there to look cool (which they are definitely succeeding in) ? also, his wiNgs are so lovely!! they’re so big and they look so soft, they’re just breathtaking, i love them :)) i hope you’ve had a wonderful day and you enjoy the rest of your night! remember to drink water if you haven’t recently, love you loads dude 💛 !
Bee!!!! I love yoouuu!!!! :DDD
Okay okay okay
Lemme talk bout my boy Cally-ham McBlimp
Starting with things you mentioned- the open shoulders is also because he's wearing a halter top in the pic (bc fight me halter tops are the ONLY viable piece of clothing if you have wings-) HOWEVER!!!!
In the current narrative, Callahan's sweater does simply just have open shoulders. And THAT'S because in the current narrative!! He doesn't have wings!!!!
The cogs on his belt don't have any story significance, they're simply just decoration- like a fancy belt buckle- and also are indicative of his occupation as someone who's part of the tinkerer's guild!!! Thas all :]
Now the CRYSTAL is a LOT more interesting as it seems to have significant story importance. This crystal as a milky white opaque gemstone that faintly glows, it acts as Callahan's sorcery focus. As a young adult/teen, his uncle (the man who raised him since his parents passed when he was a very very little child) gave it to him, telling him it was a family heirloom and that he should keep it safe and with him at all times. And he's done just that!! For the most part.... he's made a single alteration to the gem, having filed the top part of it down to make it better fit the metal frame its attached to- a frame he made himself. This seems like it will have......effects, later down the line- I'm SO excited to see what my dm has in store for me.
There's so so so so much i can and want to be able to tell you bout my boy Callahan McBlithe, my good ol m8 Cally-ham, my bro my friend my child, but i don't wanna force ppl to read to much so I'm gonna hide it under the cut from now on-
Okay okay okay
So to talk about Callahan, we gotta talk about Montgomery Silverbeard, or Monty for short.
So, Callahan is a dwarf.
Monty is not a dwarf, but he IS a human RAISED by dwarves.
Monty is in the tinkerer's guild.
Monty has a mechanical Dog named Weller that runs on the energy of a crystal he has.
Monty always wears his goggles.
And one last thing we should know about Callahan before I continue, is something my dm specified that i preciously mentioned in the og post i made about Callahan, is that he has heterochromia, one blue eye and one brown one, and that Callahan also always wears his goggles when he's out in public.
Fun shit >:3c
So first things first.
The first session happens and Callahan gets introduced to the party through the means of Remmy- a character I don't have the time to explain other than through his title; The Entity- and things go great.
Well, great is relative i guess cause i mean the party did kinda forget he was there so ._.
But at the very end, as everyone is going to bed and Callahan is about to start walking home, Monty catches him and says he'll walk him home
They start chatting and shit and as they're walking, Monty stops for a moment and takes his goggles off to rub at his eyes.
And as he takes off his goggles, Callahan sees his eyes.
And he's heterochromatic.
One blue eye. One brown eye.
And Callahan stops and just stares for a moment and says. "You're...you're heterochromatic?"
Monty kinda glaces back and responds, "yeah. Has something to do with my birth parents, I'm sure of it."
And Callahan is quite for a moment. And then he slowly, silently pulls his goggles down around his neck to let Monty see his eyes too.
They kinda blink at each other.
Monty catches sight of the crystal at Callahan's belt and asks him where he got it, tells him that its a crystal like that that keeps Weller alive.
When Callahan tells him that it was an heirloom, Monty looks at him and just says, "I think we may be a bit closer than we expected, Callahan."
Anyway that's all i have the time to tell about right now, but there is still SO much more i could talk about- from Uncle Mar-Mar, to Remmy, to the second session, to the plot to Fuck The Queen, to the con-artist mini-sesh- dude i love this campign with all of my being, its not even funny how in love i am with everything about it
In any case!!!! Thank you so much for checking in, Bee!!! I love you a ton, and sorry i haven't been active, I've been caught between d&d and school and that's all I've been doing lately lol
My schedule should free up some after graduation, but i can't guarantee that since I'll be starting work right after as well, but I'll try to be better!!!
As always, Stay Fresh and Minty, Bee!!! Ily and i hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!! <3 :D
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jangles28 · 4 years
Okay so, I used to watch my brother play the telltale walking dead games when I was little. I absolutely loved them. Recently I got the chance to replay them up to season 3 FOR FREE. So I TOOK IT. And I have a LOT to say...
FIRST OFF, I REMEMBER HATING LILLY BUT I REALIZE NOW SHE IS N O T tHAT BAD??? Like I know she killed Carly and I don’t need reminding of that, but I still think she’s a really great character and I genuinely enjoyed learning more about her. I’m a lot smarter than I was when I was a littel babie so I see more that she was struggling a lot with trust issues when she killed Carly. Secondly, I remember loving Kenny and I most definitely still do, but he’s SO FUCKING STRESSFUL TO BE AROUND HOLY S H I T. LIKE I LOVE YOU KENNY MY GUY YOU’RE AMAZING YOU’RE DOING GREAT BUT P L E A S E CALM D O W N. Also, my discord’s been receiving updates like “Kenny please calm the fuck down and think” and “THE TRAIN HOBO IS COMING SOON” and “ITS TRAIN TIME TRAIN TIME TRAIN TIME TRAIN TIME” and also also, I got so excited at one point because of Omid and Christa and I was like “THE NICE COUPLE IS HERE :)))))” and I was like “the girl is Christa and her boyfriend is....” AND I FREAKED OUT BECAUSE I HAD THIS MOMENT OF “OMG THEY MAKE IT!!! THEY LIVE TILL THE END OF THE GAME!!!!” This game has been TUGGING MY MORALS SO HARD because there’s so many things I’m doing that are so against morals, but at the same time are within those morals. And the decisions are really hard because I have to learn that my group matters and I’ll need to care for them. For some reason I felt more detached from Lee and more connected with Clementine? I’m pretty sure it’s because, in first game, Clementine is around the age I was when I started watching my brother play these. And, in the second game, she’s around my current age. I’m really sorry this post is so long lol I’m just excited to be back to playing these games and I’m SO HAPPY to see all these characters again with a better view on how the world works because when I was younger my views were more one-sided, and now, they’re more open to seeing other people’s sides of the story. Like, I felt genuinely sad seeing Kaatja die and Kenny so... broken.. (I like angst tho so not too sad aHaHAha). It was fun to be more chaotic as Lee tho, considering I felt safer as him because it was easier to have the mentality of “this isn’t real life, it’s just a game. You can be careless if you want to.” I also like.... lowkey found Lilly and Molly attractive now... like... just sayin 👀👀👀👀👀 I guess that means my type is “girls who could kill me in seconds”. Maybe there’s something I’m missing with Lilly tho because I know she committed many sins and crimes but I still appreciate her effort and I don’t think she’s all bad. I do prefer negotiation over confrontation so I was very pleased with situations where I had the option to talk my way out.
Kenny: *breathes*
Anyways expect more long rants like this sorry.
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
✨This or That!✨
Hello loves, I was tagged literal ages ago by @curly-bangtan (who is such a sweet human btw! Thank you for the tag :’) it’s impossibly sweet of you) and am in the backseat while road trippin so I’ve finally got some free time to fill this out! I’m so excited !! I love these things !so without further ado🙃 Lessss gooooo
• slow burn or love at first sight
I guess to clarify, I love an instant spark of attraction and a long treacherous road to resolution- while also being painfully obvious that there is attraction and also while being overtly flirty but no one has the emotional motor skills to just be upfront about it already
•fake dating or secret dating
Oh, 1,000,000% fake dating. It is one of the single greatest regrets of my life that no one has ever asked me to be their fake date or gf. Because I would have been F A N T A S T I C at it. But I guess I’ll never get to live out that pretend to real slowburn in real life after all.... also, secret dating can feel really sucky and isolating so I don’t recommend.
•enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
Oh god, must I really pick between my children? My whole life it was best friends to lovers. Now that I am currently dating the guy who was my best friend, I really melt over the fiery tension of enemies to lovers ... GOD! it’s so satisfying!!! But I think best friends to lovers still has to squeak by just by an ounce. (I’m a softy at heart, what can I say?)
•oh no! There’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
Oh far and away, the one bed trope! No contest. I also deeply regret that I haven’t figured out how to make myself attractive enough for someone to try to pull this one over on me. *sigh* well, what can you do? .... also, did a long distance relationship for...6.5 years? And yeah, if you’re a romantic like me- it is dreadfully unfulfilling, let me tell you.
•Hurt/comfort or Amnesia
Mother freaking amnesia A L W A Y S !!! Heck yes! Are there amnesia fics??? 🤭I’ve never found one! But I absolutely love this trope in stories and movies. One of my all time favorites- which AGAIN- has not had the decency to actually come to fulfillment in my real life: Like why has park Jimin never showed up spontaneously at one of my doctors appointments trying to convince me that we’ve been best friends who were secretly in love with other since we were 14 and we finally just got engaged or married a month ago and his life is incomplete without me but he’ll patiently wait for me to love him in return again in my own time but in the meantime, he’ll love me in any and every little way he can until I fall for him again? Huh? Where is it! .... was that too specific😅?
•Fantasy au or modern au
no contest. Give me medieval maidens and dragons any day. I live in modern day. Lemme tell you- she ain’t that special.
•mutual pining or domestic bliss
cue Schmidt from new girl-“I can do this AWL day, son- AWLLL DAY!!” Yessssss!!! Mutual pining is my crack! Give it to me! Always! Gimme it! (Why can’t I have the things that I want!) okay this is just a Schmidt quote/rant post now. ..... I really want to love domestic bliss. And some of the writers who are excellent at it absolutely take my breath away at how beautifully they romanticize the every day. But outside of their writing, I have no scope of how to conjure that wonder up on my own. It is a skill I deeply lack. In real life, I just wind up feeling like the bliss is boring- gimme some pining! Some angst! Some tension!!! Even if I do love me some fluff. Someone once I told me that I was in love with the idea of someone being in love with me. Gotta say, he’s not wrong.
•canon compliant or fix it fic
Honestly, I can’t say I’ve read very many of either. But I do like to see how people flex their creativity.
•alternate universe or future fic
My favorite tv show of all time is Fringe (god bless you, JJ Abrams). Your girl LOVES alternate timelines, multiple universes, flashpoint, paradox, butterfly/ripple effect- all of it!! Dear god, yes! Give it to me! (Also, every time I have a crush or dream that doesn’t work out, I comfort myself with the thought that somewhere out there, there’s an alternate timeline version of me that is happily existing with said boy or flourishing in said dream endeavor. It’s a tremendous source of comfort).
Although, I must say, in the comic realm, alternate universes can sometimes frustrate me- like genuinely, could we not just make the alpha timeline the most incredible one? Instead of the best relationships and plot threads never being actual canon?! Can we get it together??? Or are alternate timelines just the comic industry’s way of writing their own fix it fics, generations after the original protagonist has been painted into a corner. Also, how hard must that be? To write endlessly for the same character for 60+ years? We write one fic or a couple books for the same character... could you IMAGINE having to supply 60 years worth of consistent weekly or monthly context!!! Wild
•one shot or multi chapter
I prefer multi chapter because I prefer getting engrossed in an entire work/world. Usually I am left wanting with a well written one shot, because they’ve made it so real that I can’t stand not having more- so my greedy butt loves the feast of multi chapter so I can have as many delicious moments and details with these characters as possible.
I do however deeply admire the skill and brevity it takes to made a succinct one shot. @underthejoon and @kpopfanfictrash are both brilliant as heck at that. And it is admirable as all get out.
•kid fic or road trip fic
honestly, considering how much I swoon over men who are good with children in real life, and how much I look forward to being both pregnant and a mom one day, I really never get into kid or pregnancy fics. I just don’t? Don’t know why. But a road trip!???? Oh heck yes!!! 👏🏽Where 👏🏽do 👏🏽I 👏🏽sign 👏🏽up!!???👏🏽
•reincarnation or character death
Oh absolutely reincarnation. I love that. I blame sailor moon for that.....But also, I think it’s just very in line with my love of alternate universes and timelines. I love how everything is connected/weaves together and feels predestined in the best way. I’m a complete sucker for it
•arranged marriage or accidental marriage
Like @curly-bangtan I legit had no clue accidental marriage was a thing? Unless you count being drunk at Vegas and waking up with a ring or we’re on some Jacob and Leah/Rachel level ish (which is really and truly the WILDEST™️ story ever ya’ll) ..... but I love a good arranged marriage scenario. The tension/push pull and inevitable relenting is so fun. But will say though, why the heck do women always fight it? Like there’s literally a whole Kim taehyung or Kim Namjoon offering to voluntarily love you and you wanna whine about it???!?! How dare you
•high school romance or Middle Aged romance
This, again, one is a pretty firm, resolute one for me. I’ll take high school. I’ve always felt a little oddly uncomfortable with more mature™️ romance stories? Not sure why. But I think the really beautiful ones always hark back to the beauty of their feelings being refreshing like the innocence of their first love. I know I personally can over glorify youth, but I love coming of age romance (high school, college, twenties) and no one can stop me!!!! I will say though, I have a secret soft spot for the niche of story where people have loved the same person since they were young and the timing just never works out but they finally find each other when they’re older. (One day is like that, and film or movie, it will absolutely rip your heart out-my god, it’s beautiful)
•Time travel or isolated together
These are both freaking AMAZING! But if anything has been established in this post, I think it’s my deep love of alternate timeline/reincarnation/time travel stories. I think they’re all from the same cloth. I adore them (I just haven’t written one because I’m not sure I could do the subtlety of it any justice.) maybe one day. My favorite writers are rumored to have the same Myers’s Briggs type as me so maybe I too could someday have a fraction of their world building skill.
I 100% love both of these so neither is a loser. But give me isolated together AND one bed in the same fic???? Speakers blown
•neighbors or roommates
I have never had the pleasure of having an attractive neighbor, though I often pined for it. (I have a bomb idea for a neighbor Hobi fic though) I did have a cute neighborhood boy who occasionally cut the grass for us in high school. But that doesn’t really count.... anyway! I LOVE the idea of being roommates with an attractive boy!!! Like holy guac, can I please????? Cocktailing this trope makes me swoon harder than none other- best friends to lovers + roommates? Yes. Enemies to lovers + roommates? Holy heck. Soulmate au + roomates???? Hold my sweet tea. MUTUAL PINING AND ROOMATES!!!! Pregnant. Fantasy/magic au+ mutual pining + best friends to lovers + soulmate au + reincarnation + roommate au!?!?!?!! frickin dead in the streets, homie.
I cannot say enough how much I enjoy roomate au. In a serious conversation, I once legitimately told my current boyfriend that the idea of marriage freaks me out- but the idea of being best friend roomates with sexual tension sounds like a dream come true. God help me.
•sci fi or magic au
I love sci fi. Deeply. But I will never love logic more than magic. Ever. (All my infp’s! come join me in the comments. 🙈)
•body swap or gender bend
Body swap has always deeply intrigued me. Especially in film. But I’ve never seen it in a fic. I’ve always wanted somebody to be able to switch into my body to feel physically, mentally and emotionally like i do. The deepest level of empathy & jean grey telepathy if you ask me, even if the trope is generally used for comedy. But the idea of switching into a dudes body and having to deal with their anatomy low key freaks me the eff out. If I got stuck in jungkooks body, I don’t think I’d pee or shower for a week 🙈 sorry everybody. I was really sheltered ok? Please don’t come for me. Lol...... also, have never seen a gender bend fic. Not sure how that would work. Not my favorite idea.
•angst or crack
Angst is my crack.
Honestly though, if it’s well written, it doesn’t feel ‘angsty’- cuz that means whiny or clunky to me. Well written ‘angst’ just feels emotionally compelling, I think. My writing weirdly leans toward what I hope is real angst (I e solid, genuine conflict and not petulance), but when I seek out a read, I look for crack honestly.
• apocalyptic or mundane
I offer you one better- a love story of the beauty of the mundane amidst the apocalyptic.
*mic drop*
Seriously though, the setting provides enough tension usually. Especially if it’s zombie apocalyptic. Just let jungkook’s fingers delicately trace my palm and smile, sweet and lopsided at me in the candle light, while we hide away in our little bomb shelter that I’ve turned into a jungle garden to bring life into this wasteland a la secret life of arrietty. sigh. Maybe I need to write this....
My gosh!!! We made it to the end! That was so much fun! Thank you for tagging me, sweetness!💕✨ 🙂
I’ll add a tag list shortly- @laurelevermore @lamourche @bts-fantasy @urlocalkpoptrash @thedreaming-poet @kimcheeeeeeeeee @hayjeon @outrotearot7 @lorengarcia-yut @bts-luvvv @chicpalestinian @flyingchixenwing @glodenclosetau @space-mermaid-in-love @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife @minminslittlemonster
Copy and paste if you can. Or if you’re dealing with a piece of technological antiquity like me and it won’t let you, then screen record/screenshot it and pop back and forth between the tabs 😅(also Thanks for dealing with the completely unnecessary treatise I added beneath every bullet point. It was just so much for fun to explain WHY I chose each one than to just say yes/no. I’ve said it before, written brevity is just not my strong suit.)
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if I could get a ship? I’m 5”2, Italian-American, I have super dark brown hair and eyes. I’m studying pre-law and history in school. I’m definitely the jokester of my family and a total mom friend. I can be a hot-head at times but I’m pretty good at controlling my temper. I’m not one for displaying my emotions unless I really have to. I’m superrr shy and introverted but when I get comfortable with new people I can be pretty outgoing! Thank you!!
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David Webster
do i have a reason for this ship either? no, i don’t have a reason for any of my ships. it just feels right. 
i think that Web is proud of your academic achievements, especially if you’re studying pre-law and history
he loves smart people, let’s be real 
he’s surrounded by morons all day
he’s the type of person that would want to hear you rant about how stupid people from history were 
you guys have enough in common to where it works out well, but enough of a personality difference to polarize each other at times
Web can be uptight af, and I think you’d teach him how to live a little 
you guys study in comfortable silence 
is always there when you have any type of breakdown because of school 
he’s been there... trust me (the man is the embodiment of putting 2 cans of red bull in a cup of coffee) 
you guys aren’t perfect, but no one is so who cares
i think that you guys fight from time to time (not nearly as much as Lieb and Web tho) because you don’t want to talk about your emotions and David is practically overflowing with them
you guys get frustrated with each other, and maybe one yelling match will break out, but neither of you will ever go to bed angry 
probably writes sh*tty poetry about your eyes 
probably just writes sh*tty poetry about you in general (he’s a sap) 
the best thing about Web is he can also be a mother hen, so you never have to slap him into taking care of himself like you have to do with the other guys 
i’m getting a library aesthetic moment from you guys as a couple 
Web enjoys seeing your outgoing side, especially when you get passionate about something and start ranting about it 
how you guys met because plotlines 
you’re definitely a member of easy co. there’s no doubt in my mind about that 
I think you and Liebgott would be good friends 
you’d definitely argue a lot with him but it’s chill cuz it’s mostly banter 
also you’re like best buds so who cares 
obviously if you’re friends with Lieb you’re gonna be stuck with Web a lot 
because all Lieb wants to do is annoy Web 
you and Sisk honestly just want them to chill tf out 
but like you also think Web is cute 
so it’s not like you’re gonna join in with your bestie Lieb when he talks trash about David 
listen... Joe’s a dumb b*tch but he’s not a dumba*s 
thus meaning he figures out your little crush really quick 
and he’s like “ew wtf” at first 
but then he remembers you’re his best friend and he loves you like a sister so he’s definitely gonna help you win him over
even if he doesn’t really like him that much (he likes him so much he’s such a little liar) 
so Lieb is telling the guys about his little plan to get you together
Liebgott is... not subtle 
he’s always shoving you so fall on top of David 
he claims it’s so you can “fall in love like a princess and live happily ever after with shark boy” 
Joe is literally so committed to getting you guys together
you’re like the little sister Joe never knew he wanted 
so he’s gonna do anything (even get you together Web) to make you happy 
honestly round of applause for Joe he’s a real one 
but yeah Joe is really trying to get you together
he makes sure everyone sits in a way that makes it impossible for you to sit anywhere besides right next to David 
traded bunks with someone so that you’d always have to bunk with Web
this man has even taught Trigger a new trick 
basically what Joe does is he takes something of yours, and gives it to Trigger
Trigger will immediately smell your scent on it and will take whatever it is and trot right up to Web and give it to him 
and he won’t leave Web alone until Web takes whatever Trigger has 
this forces you to interact with Web and get to know him better
if anything you own goes missing anymore, you immediately go to Web 
and Joe knows his plan is slowly working 
the problem is that it’s just not working fast  e n o u g h 
like c’mon people fall in love faster please 
but you’re not gonna want to tell Web you’re in love with him 
and Web doesn’t want to tell you in fear of rejection 
i mean he’s not good at hiding his feelings in general, he’s teased by the guys all the time for having a thing for you 
and Joe’s getting really sick of this 
he’s tired of the longing looks 
he’s all like “KISS ALREADY DAMMIT” 
(that’s not how love works Joe) 
so Joe’s all like “new plan b*tches”
he steals Web’s journal 
know how I said previously that Web writes shitty poetry about you???
Joe literally rips out one of the pages of Web’s notebook (Web is still mad to this day) 
Joe then takes the paper, folds it into a square and writes on top 
“to y/n, from Web” 
and this little sh*t gives it to you
Joe swears on his savta’s grave that if this doesn’t get you two together he doesn’t know what will 
you read the poem, obviously confused
but you’re like holy sh*t 
he loves me too 
so Web just got back from patrol 
you just ran up into his arms you were so excited and Web was not ready 
y’all toppled over 
you just got so excited you kissed him 
“why didn’t you tell me sooner, idiot?” 
“well I didn’t think you knew... wait a minute- how did you find out?” 
“what are you talking about??? Joe just- JOSEPH D. LIEBGOTT-” 
R.I.P Joe we lost a real one today boys. I’m literally so sorry this took so long, a lot of my requests are getting buried but that is NO EXCUSE. ily and I hope you have an amazing day (or night)!❤︎
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amenomiko · 5 years
What Being Like A Girl Feels Like
There's one time when the Warlords went to the future with MC, and every time he observed what the women in the future do, or what MC has been wearing on her face, or maybe even the curiosity when they talk about a women's multi task as a wife and also as a mother would be..
MC asked if he would like to try to be like a girl in a day. He be like "Meh / Nah / That's ridiculous." at first, but eventually he agreed when MC said "Oh well, it would be interesting to me on how you can adapt to it." with a shrug.
Nobunaga - Wearing a Bra
"Heh. Only this one piece of cloth? Alright."
"Wh- you want me to wear this plastic--"
He frowned to the fake silicon boobs that MC make him wear before giving him a bra to cover it.
"It's okay, just wear a mask or sunglasses, they will just think you are a-"
"Don't say it..!"
He were given a task to buy some groceries by MC. Hmph. Just a few walks away from her apartment, this would be easy........ It's closed.
Then he have no choice but to go to the town.... Closed.
Fine..! There's one near the station. He is glad he knows the way..! Closed.
"Why, me, the Demon King.. Has.. To.. Do.. This..!" He huffed with a gritting teeth as he take a breath when he walk up the stairs. Just how the women in this world manage to bring this heavy thing around their chest to wherever they go??
As he came back, he let out a long sigh of relief when MC helped him to unbuckle his bra and silicon breasts.
After that he hugged MC so tight, saying "I respect you." While massaged on the shoulder by her.
Hideyoshi - Heels
"Oh? Walk around this while I multitasking? Alright, this will be easy."
Everytime he move around, he will slip and fall. Slip and fall. Like a baby deer about to walk on its own legs.
He trembled whenever he move his feet, one after another.
"Hideyoshi..! I need help with this book- kya..!"
Despite trembling like crazy, he managed to move his feet into a quick pace. But halfway through, he is wheezing.
Just how those working women that he saw at the streets can run and walk fast in this shoes??
"M-MC..I'm.. Coming- OOF!"
He fell near the door, bumping on the door knob in the process.
Apparently MC let out a surprised sound just now because one of the books in her arms fell to the side when she tried to carry it.
That night, she dab a cold cloth on his swollen ankles with a giggle. "Hehehhe good job."
"...It's not a laughing matter ( T ʖ̯ T).." He rub his own swollen forehead.
Masamune - Being Pregnant
MC borrowed a fake silicone belly, a silicone that is specially made so it is heavy like the 3rd trimester pregnant belly.
"Oooh.. Not bad." He wink to himself in the mirror. "I look sexy. Heheh."
"Alright. Help me with the chores, I will be--"
"Go go, I'm doing just fine~~" He smirked to her, waving her off.
The moment she finally went on her way, he turned to the living room. "Okay..! Let's start. Oh."
He smiled to the pile of clothes on the floor. "I was very rough indeed 😏."
He feels very heavy the moment he tried to bend down.
"Ehh okay, let's try that again-" He winced to the pain in his waist. "Oookay. How about this one- uh- wh- I can't see the floor-- gah this belly is too big-- wa--!!"
He rolled on the floor like a watermelon. "....Nevermind. I will just- oof! M-my waist..! Nnnh!" He growled in each and every movements. "Okay.. Phew..! I guess I will eat lunch first."
He didn't. It was hard for him to eat as the belly boink away his plate. Each time he move forward towards the table, the plate move further and further away from him.
Drip. Drip. "Ah crap..! The clothes outside--! Mmmf--" He tried to look down to wear the outdoor shoes but to no avail. "Dammit!!"
At the end of the day, MC find a gloomy Masamune in the middle of the room. She had to help with the chores, feed him dinner, and listen to his rants of how bad the day was to him.
"I swear I won't let you do all those stupid chores when you are pregnant!" He said it while hugging her tightly.
Ieyasu - Charcoal Mask
"I don't understand why you women wanted to ruin your skin with this.. thing that we usually use to make fire."
He sigh as he mumbled "You are more than beautiful, why do you even need this-- wh- I'm just-...!"
Both of them were blushing for a while, until Ieyasu covered it with cough. "S-so. I have to wear and wait til it dry and take it off? That's surprisingly easy. Fine."
As he applied the mask all over his face, (scrunching his face to how he look like), he wait and wait and grow impatient. "How many more I have to wait?" He grunts.
"Another 20 minutes, Ieyasu. Let it dry naturally alright? Don't force it to dry so much or else you will regret it later..!" She shouted from the other room, followed by a giggle.
Nope. 20 minutes? N O P E. He glances to the hand fan next to him and starts to fan his face. "Hmh what's there to regret for?" After a few minutes of fanning, he smirked to himself. "See, all is left is to peel-"
He couldn't take it off.
"Ieyasu..? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine..! Don't bother!!" Shit! The moment he shouted back the pain gets stronger.
MC eyes widen when there is a lot of sound coming from the bathroom with "Shit shit shit shit fuck this shit shit shit..!!!"
She is worried. And so she stopped in whatever she was doing and quickly rush to the bathroom.
"Ieyasu, are you ok-"
He turned around with half of the mask peeled off his face "..what-"
She fainted.
That night, she has been sobbing into his arms with "I'm sorry uguu I'm sorry.. QAQ~~". "Shh.. It's fine.." Ieyasu has been patting her head to calm her down while the other rub the aloe vera gel on his red face.
Mitsunari - Lipstick
He observed on how MC applied her lipstick, asking "Wow.. What is this called?"
"This is a lipstick. Easier to wear than a lip gloss."
"What is a lip gloss?"
"This one. It's makes your lips glossier, except its like a lipstick in a liquid form. Want to try?"
MC hand him a pink lip gloss and move to the other room after that.
So he apply and apply and apply. Layer after layer.
"Hehehe they won't realize because you are pretty like a girl..! Let's go, Mitsunari." MC grabbed his hand, didn't bother checking on his lips because to her it looks beautiful. Until...
She ordered a drink at the cafe they were having lunch for.
"Awww you look so gorgeous, Mitsunari--"
She sipped her tea and flabbergasted when Mitsunari revealed his PINK TEETH.
His face is showered with tea now.
MC? Choking on her meal and were rushed to the hospital in instant.
Not to mention the doctor nearly had a heart attack when Mitsunari explained to him what had happened.
Mitsuhide - Eyelashes and Mascara
"So you put the glue here.."
"Wait- Mitsuhide-- that is too mu-"
Too late, he already put it on. Upside down. He slowly opened his eyes and smirked to the mirror. "You women are so quirky. This looks... Unique."
"I would like to say thank you for choosing a kind adjectives, but you are the one who make it that way yourself."
"Now onward to this mascara thing-" He opened his eyes widely (nearly give heart attack to MC who mumbles 'That's not necessary actually... Hey did you hear me..?')
He accidentally poke his own eye. "Ahaha.. Ouch. That's kind of.. Hm." He tried again "Oh- hmhm not bad. This mascara thing is such a tease like you, little mouse."
"No, that is you."
Kenshin - Eyeliner
"Alright, I've done your left eye, now you do your right eye by yourself okay?"
"Hmh. From what I observe you doing it, this is easy."
Yeah right.
He applied, and applied. "This seems imbalance.." He applied again. "Hmm this is too short..." And "Hmm the 'wing' thing is too low--"
DING DONG! "Delivery~~!!"
"Oh, Kenshin~ could you get it for me? I'm cooking right now~"
He put down the eyeliner, not bothering to check on himself in the mirror and so when he opened the door...
"Good morning, Sir, this is your packa- AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH \(OAO)/!!!!" The delivery man fainted, forming a foam from his mouth.
MC rushed to the door, "Kenshin? I heard a scream-- HOLY MOTHER OF EYELINERS--"
Imagine his left eye is pretty, while the other is like the make up of WWE Wrestler. Yeah, like that.
Shingen - Corset
"This is what you use to shape your body? My, my, goddess, I can always "shape" you whenever we have se--"
"Anyway." He smirked to the corset in his hand (with a hand red mark on his cheek nonetheless), "Let's wear this shall we?"
"Oh correction. Who said that you are going to wear modern corset hmm (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)?"
"Eh ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)?"
Later.... Shingen were smacking on the sofa, wheezing from the massive tightness around his waist "M-MC..! H-HAVE MERCY-- *GASSSPPP*"
She pulled the rope so tight with a giggle. "Hehehehehe this is fun isn't it (ू•ᴗ•ू❁) ❤❤❤~~? This is how we became sexy, Shingen~ I bet you can't even have a bite of your dessert. I shall present this to Yukimura." (She made him wear the victorian era's corset)
"N-no..! Forgive me..! Anything but that..!"
Yukimura - Lace Panties
"Wh- wh- wh O//////O???"
"D-don't be ridiculous..! I won't wear this.. this.. Piece of... Transparent see through-- GAH!!"
"My you are not a virgin anymore but your way of saying is virgin, Yuki ( ͡°з ͡°)."
"Shut it stupid-- GAH DON'T STRIP ME! AAHHH STOP!!" He shrieked like a girl when MC stripped his pants and made him wear it.
"Okay, let's go..!"
He couldn't stop MC on time and now he is wriggling, blushing to the itchiness down there. "D-damn it.. MC..!!!"
"Y-you.. Damn you..!"
"Psst. They will see the "shape" if you move a lot you know?"
"The line of the underwear, silly. Pffft. What do you think?"
"GUHHHH!!!" His face is hot and red like a red chilli pepper now.
Sasuke - Make up as a whole.
This ninja decided to surprise his lover with the most beautiful make up before she arrived back home.
But Boop!
Still, it's fine for him. He is used to the dark. He is confident he can do it.
First... Base primer.
And foundation. And Concealer. Blusher. Eyeshadow. Eyeliner. Fake lashes. And so on, and so on.
His ears perked to the sound of rattling keys. Thank god he's almost done.
The moment MC stepped into the apartment, the lights coincidentally turned on at the same time. "MC." He walk to welcome his lover excitedly to show his "make up".
"Ah, thank god the light is on agaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH \(QAQ)/ WHY IS THERE 'IT CLOWN' IN HERE?? SASUKE-- SASUKE HELP!!!!!"
"M-MC it was me--"
She run out from the door, screaming, waking up the neigbors and that evening Sasuke nearly get caught by the police.
The very next week, he moved out.
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cncobby · 6 years
Fluffy ABC’s series: Joel
happy new years my loves! i hope 2019 is good to all of us (its still 2019 in california but eh close enought)
so this is a new series (maybe) that i’m thinking of starting!! i got inspo while browsing through tumblr and i saw a couple other fandom writers for marvel do this so I wanted to do it for Joel at least bc he my baby but if you guys like this i’m thinking of doing it for the rest of the boys?? lmk what you think!!
i thrive on positive (or any) feedback so hearing what you guys think motivates me and lets me know how i’m doing so i can write more!!
Tumblr media
A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
For you its definitely his hair, you love running your hand through his curls and playing with his hair while you guys are all cuddled up. He loves your smile, the way it lights up the room when he makes you laugh and how your nose scrunches up just slightly when one of the boys tells a bad joke.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
He most DEF wants a family with you. We know homeboy wants seven (why this specific number I have NO idea) but he always daydreams about this all the time. Sometimes you guys will just be sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching Netflix or something when he’ll suddenly be like “so when we have kids do I have any say in their names?” And you’re jokingly like “boy who told you I’m giving you kids” he’s like “um duh we’re having seven. Three girls and four boys ... We’ll have to buy a big house since they’re not gonna wanna share when they’re older.” 
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Like a fucking koala. Literally wraps you around him like a blanket. His head below yours so you can play with his curls. This is his favorite when you guys are lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, or just waking up. He’ll hold you against his body if you try to leave “five more minutes baby, then we’ll get up”
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
They're super lowkey, but that doesn’t mean they’re anything less than special. You both love nights in since he doesn’t get to spend much time at home with you, so any chance you guys get to cuddle up and catch up on tv while eating your fave foods is always a good time. Its also a good idea so you guys don’t end up getting mobbed/bombarded by fans or paparazzi. Even though most of your dates are at home, he goes out of his way to make them special and surprises you every time. Whether it be ordering food from you favorite restaurant, or hiring a private chef, or sprinkling rose petals on the floor, he knows exactly how to bring a smile to your face.
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
“You are my sunshine.” He always compares your smile to the sun. 
“Why do you always say I’m like the sun?” 
“Because you’re the biggest star in my solar system” 
“that was so cheesy” 
“yeah but you love it”
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
I feel like it’d be super random and unexpected, like he was having a bad day so you spammed him with goofy pictures and videos and he just felt his heart burst with this overwhelming amount of fondness for you. He looked at your face with that stupid filter on it and just thought at how sad he’d be if he wasn’t able to see that everyday.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
I feel like during sex he’d def be more the slow and sensual type. He loved taking his time with you and seeing all the different sounds and expressions you made when he’d kiss you in certain places. Not to say he wouldn’t be rough at certain times, but I feel like he’s the more gentle love making type.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
He likes to hold your hands, but a lot of the time he’ll grip your waist while your arm is slung around his. He likes the closeness of this since he doesn’t get to walk around like this with you all the time.
I = Impression: first impression/s
So you were a low-key super fan of them, like running a blog about them super fan but when you saw him randomly at a coffee shop you were like “oh fuck do I ask him for a picture?? Do I respect his privacy?? WHAT DO I DO” but u ended up like just sitting there and not picking any solutions. 
He saw you sitting there alone and was like hooooly who that be. A part of him hoped that you recognized him and were a fan and wanted a picture so that you’d come a talk to him but after he stood around for a few minutes he was like “fuck she has no clue who I am” so as he was walking towards you someone accidentally ran into him and his drink spilled. All . Over . Your . shirt. You were like “holy fuck” and his brain went into panic mode and was like omg I’m so sorry are you ok?? Here take my jacket and legit stripped off his jacket and put it around you.  
And then it was like a really awkward period where you were like silent and petrified and he was panicking bc “oh fuck i spilled a drink on the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.” But then you eventually were like “...well this wasn’t how I was gonna ask my favorite singer for a picture, but...” And he feels such relieft bc OMG she doesnt hate me. You end up getting your picture (and his number!!) and leave smelling like coffee, but with a cute new hoodie and potential boyfriend.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
He’s not that big of a prankster. The only reoccurring prank he does is surprise you by showing up randomly at your work/school/house when he’s supposed to be on tour. He prob tells super corny jokes ESPECIALLY when you’re having a bad day so you smile at how bad they are.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Lots of quick smooches, one quirk is that he loves to kiss the back of your hand. Every so often, he’ll steal your breath with a slow, deep kiss that leaves you dizzy.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
Well after he realized that you were a fan he knew that you loved him but you were afraid to say it too early out of fear that he’d think it was just fangirl admiration. You don’t officially say it until he does, but he hears you whisper to it after you thought he had fallen asleep.  
M = Memory:  their favourite moment together
When he brought you home to his family for the first time, and you just fit. His mom loved you (thank god you were both freaking out over this) and his brothers instantly bonded with you as if you were their sister. His brothers teased him to no end, but were happy they finally had a sister to love and care for.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? 
He looooves spoiling you. But not only materialistically, even though he loves to buy you gifts. He knows you prefer smaller more meaningful gifts than extravagant ones, so he’ll always buy things with your name on it from all the countries he visits, or sends you one of his hoodies with his cologne sprayed on top so it’s like he’s home with you.
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half
For some reason, he has a habit of buying you things that are yellow. Once you asked him why, and he said  that it reminded him of your smile, the way you light up a room when you laugh or giggle. Also goes along with how he says you’re his sunshine.
P = Petnames: what pet names do they use?
Lots of babe/baby, especially when he’s whining for your attention. 
“hey babe what hat should i wear?”
“baby come cuddle with me”
“look at how cute you are look at how cuuuute my baby is”
He calls you angel on certain occasions, like if you’re mad at him or when you’re having a bad day and he’s trying to cheer you up.
“angel whats wrong?”
“i’m sorry angel, you know I didn’t mean it like that”
“look angel!! this is how happy you make me”
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
He loves black and white silent movies. You guys will often call/facetime each other and watch these movies together, making stupid comments throughout the movie to each other.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
You guys loved to cook/bake on rainy days. Lots of reenacting scenes from your favorite musicals and doing lots of duets of your favorite songs together. (This results in lots of burned cookies)
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Lots of times he’ll just call you because he’s on tour and will go on a long rant about whatever’s bothering him. But if he’s there with you, you’ll instantly be able to tell if he’s upset bc he’ll just look really pouty and in those times the thing he loves is when you lay his head down on your lap and just gives him a scalp massage while asking whats bothering him.
T = Talking: What do they love to talk about/hear you talk about?
He really likes it when you talk about school/your job because although he loves his life sometimes its nice to feel like a normal person. He likes to talk about all the dumb shennanigans the boys do when on tour and all the beautiful places he’s seen. 
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
Sounds corny and predictable, but singing. He loves doing covers of all songs, and when he’s feeling stressed he likes to cuddle and serenade you.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
He loves to show off your couple pics to all the boys. They often find him just scrolling through his photo albums looking at the pictures you guys took together. “Look guys, look how photogenic we are.” “Bro we know you’ve shown us that picture like a million times”
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
It was about two years after you guys started dating, and you were talking to him about which job offer to take, the current job you had allowed you to travel with him if you wanted to go on tour with him, but the new job you were offered was a definite step up from the one you had, but wouldn’t give you as much freedom. He obviously wanted you to take that one, but you were worried that it’d put a strain on your relationship since you wouldn’t be seeing each other that often and your trust issues started to creep into your mind when all of a sudden he was like “Well would being married make you feel better?” 
And you’re like “…did you just” 
A smirk starts to creep up on his face, “Did I just ask you to marry me? I think so, what do you think angel? Wanna get hitched?” 
You low-key wanna smack that smug smirk off his face but you’re too stunned and just nod. “Yeah I’ll marry you dork” 
Later you guys are cuddling after you ‘celebrated’ your engagement and you’re like ... “You do know your mom is gonna kill you for proposing like this though” and he’s like “FUCK you right”
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
Sun and Moon from Miss Saigon. The lyrics represented your relationship so well, and you’d always ask him to sing this to you if you weren’t able to fall asleep
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
He’s a dork so he’d prob make some corny joke like 
“You’re the bomb to my diggity” 
The boys overhear him say that to you and are like bro PLEASE never say that again
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
We know his family already has three dogs so I’m sure he’d get another dog! Especially to keep you company when he’s away on tour or doing band stuff!! Bonus scene: I can so see him coming home randomly like “…I got us another dog” and you’re like 
“ok listen but I went to go get more dog food and he just looked SO SAD”
i hope you guys like it!! its longer than most of my headcannosn and is a different style but i had so much fun writing this and its dear to my heart so show her some love <3
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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acrobaticcatfeline · 6 years
Summerville Nights chapter 1!
ok so this is the fanfic based on the prompt by @romantichopelessly.
summary: It was a sunny day in august when the school opened its doors for its first day that school year. 4 kids so terribly different walked into the doors, gazing in awe before getting shoved aside by kids eager to get to class and meet up with friends. Everyone who goes to this school has one heck of a story about it and it’s always legendary. So let’s get into it.
warnings: cursing, piningness? i don’t really think there’s anything else, let me know if there if though.
ships: pre logince, pre moxiety
taglist: @anyay666 @emocinamonroll @noahlovescoffee @voices-and-stardust @treechildoffical if anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know!
more below the cut
Summerville high school is known as one of the best schools in the US in athletics, curriculum, and even the arts. Its giant too, the size of an average community college campus and many amenities provided are free to any student or alumni. The school has a lot of luxuries by being in a wealthier neighborhood and still being a free access public school. Everyone who goes to this school has one heck of a story about it and it’s always legendary. So, let’s get into it.
It was a sunny day in august when the school opened its doors for its first day that school year. 4 kids so terribly different walked into the doors, gazing in awe before getting shoved aside by kids eager to get to class and meet up with friends. The 4 of them hadn’t been able to tour the campus and the giant pristine halls set them all in shock at the beauty of it all; who knew a high school campus could be actively gorgeous. Virgil Lee was the first to come back to the present, mostly because his older brother Remy was quick to drag him over to freshman orientation. The smaller kid quickly turned and ran forward to the open doors of the huge auditorium. He gave his brother a punch to the arm as a farewell before meeting up with some of his friends in the audience. They spent quite a while just talking about the different sports the school offered; of course, Virgil was the epitome of the high school jock. (not really but don’t tell him that). He wore his jeans hung slightly low, and a purple muscle tee with his middle schools’ mascot across the front, and his jet-black hair fell across his violet eyes gorgeously; his family always did say they were the best thing about him. He had to pause his conversation when he saw a really fucking cute goth boy walk in, he made a mental note to introduce himself later before jumping right back into the midst of his previous conversation.
The next to come to his senses was a tiny frail kid named Logan Sanders. That was because he had been shoved into a wall already, probably for his choice of outfit; a deep blue knee length skirt, a black button up and a matching blue tie, as well as a little teal butterfly hairclip. He scurried away and into the auditorium searching for anyone he knew and running straight for Virgil, his longtime best friend. He was always grateful for Virgil’s awareness, because he could run straight into the other and be lifted up instead of falling over; something extremely important he thinks as he’s barreling toward the jock full speed. Virgil’s grin was wide when he caught the feeling that his nerd was running toward him and spun around to lift the tiny thing up before he bulldozed them both over.
“sup Lo? Haven’t heard from you in like a month, everything been alright?” Virgil questioned softly with a small smirk.
“oh yeah, uh, anxiety hit like a metaphorical truck again, sorry about that. Hey, I already got shoved into a wall today! It is a new record!” Logan’s small smile was quick to fall when Virgil’s face fell, and his hands turned to fists. Maybe he said a bit too much?
“who? Where? I’m gonna kill them how dare they? They need to grow the f-” Logan covered his mouth before he spouted more incriminating words. He gave another weak smile as he pulled his hands away again.
“it is fine! Calm down, I don’t even know if it was on purpose or not, it is okay. Lets just sit down and wait this thing out” Virgil slouched before nodding.
“only for you nerdling”
The next to come to was the same goth boy Virgil saw, the bad boy Patton Fernandez. He had to snap out of it, if anyone saw him smile for long, they’d start asking questions that he was unprepared for and people were already staring. He sauntered into the auditorium with his hood pulled down showing off his dirty blonde hair that faded into pastel blue and his eyebags that were only partially eyeshadow He was surprised he even made it on time today, usually when he’s actually able to sleep, his alarms can’t do shit to wake him from a week of sleep, but here he is, at 7 am on a Monday regretting his decision to not bring his headphones. Granted his mom dropped them off at the office for him, but he couldn’t get them until after orientation and its really loud in there. He’s supposed to meet his best friend though, and he’d suffer far worse for him and to be honest, he already had. All he had to do was wait for his service human and he would be fine. Speaking of which.
Roman Washington was the last to refocus, mostly because he was so tiny no one noticed he was there. He ran into the assembly and made a beeline to his goth friend. He ran into him for a big hug and Patton didn’t even stumble. The boy started jumping in excitement and his giant circle glasses were bouncing just as much. The two of them couldn’t be more dissimilar, Roman was tiny, colorful, and loud but introverted where Patton was tall, dark and gloomy, and quiet but extroverted. When Roman spoke everyone heard, but he didn’t talk much. Patton was rarely heard, but never stopped talking, mostly for his own sanity. Even so, these two have been inseparable since they met.
Roman was about to start ranting to Patton about his weekend but the lights in the room dimmed and the orientation started. Oh well, Roman would be able to tell Patton all about everything when they go home to Patton’s. I mean its his super epic birthday extravaganza and Patton was… pretty much the only one who was invited. It’s not his fault people are scary! Although he once shouted at someone for calling Patton a broody emo because excuse??? Patton isn’t BROODY he’s d e p r e s s e d, and he’s not EMO he’s g o t h and if anybody has an issue, they’re gonna have to get through him first. And his tiny frail body that knows nothing about how to protect himself. Yeah lucky for him most people are scared of the look Patton gives to anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to mess with his friend. In other words, there’s two guys walking over to them and-oh. Roman sees a boy walking towards him and he’s wearing a really cute skirt and a tie? Oh, geez Roman was always a hopeless romantic but geez. He not-so-subtly starts fussing with his bright red sweater vest and fixes the button up underneath it. He pats at his green slacks and is suddenly very aware of how nerdy and awful he looks and wants to disappear. He steps behind Patton and hyperventilates while fussing with his glasses that are far too big for his head suddenly and oh geez oh geez. Patton was having a similar freak out because there’s a really cute guy but he’s obviously a jock and jocks like to torture him and he’s not keen on this happening right now, so he just sits down. He was not ready to punch his poor heart yet.
Virgil had grabbed Logan as soon as the lights dimmed and dragged him over to the cute goth boy because cute boy? Possible friend? Possible more than friend? Yes please. Also, the little nerdy boy with him looked like he was totally Logan’s type and we all know its bros first, so yeah, that’s how he made his way over to the two. Logan was maybe possibly slightly enamored with the boy Virgil pointed out to him. He shouldn’t be, he doesn’t get it, although he’s always been one to fall for darker skinned guys, and holy crap he was so pretty-aesthetically of course-it’s not like Logan finds him attractive or anything, just aesthetically pleasing. His darker skin matched with a white button up and a blood red sweater vest beautifully is all. And him fiddling with his hair and tie was just a fidget he did, not him trying to look nice for the cu-the boy over there. Of course not.
When they got over, they simply sat in the row behind them and chatted quietly together until it was over. Patton was gearing up, getting ready to tell them off as they were leaving, but the jock was offering him a hand up? He took it suspiciously and went reeling at the smirk the guy wore, thinking he was about to be pranked. He drew back quickly before looking around him. All he saw was Roman and this little nerdy kid exchanging shy nerd glances of pining. He immediately fixed the jock with a glare.
“do you have an issue with me kid? What could I have possibly done to heed you waltzing your happy ass all the way over here out of your way?” oh he felt bad for that. He didn’t like being mean, but he has to protect himself. Maybe if he’s intimidating enough, he’ll just leave? Oh, nope he’s smiling now, did he set himself up? Oh, is there a supervisor that just heard him curse out this dude? He didn’t even swear that badly! Shit.
“wow wasn’t expecting that. I do have an issue with you in fact, you are illegally cute, and I was hoping I could possibly befriend you?” oh. Oh no this is worse, gosh his cheeks are bright red now he’s sure of it. He scowls at him before shoving his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
“yeah sure thanks for the joke dude real funny I gotta get to class I don’t have time for people poking fun at me right now.” He pulls one arm back out and grabs Roman’s hand and heads off.
“hey, wait!” he pauses for a moment, the voice being new. “um, mr person, my friend isn’t joking with you, I promise. He’s not like that. He’s really nice actually um, and I would also be pleased in befriending you and your friend. If that’s ok with you. Uh, I’m Logan and his name is Virgil.” Patton smirks slightly and turns around. He analyzes the look on the smaller boys’ face before nodding.
“hm. Ok. I’ll believe you for now. Names Patton. This one is Roman. See ya round later, I guess. Virgil, Logan.” And he turned back and continued to class with Roman.
Logan and Virgil were left in awe for a moment before rushing to their class too. Logan kept spouting about how dare he introduce him to a pleasing person and make him feel… things!!! He didn’t even talk at all, but he was figuratively falling for this, this… dark skinned beauty!!! Its not allowed and Virgil was definitely buying him dinner tonight to make up for this entire ordeal thank you very much! Meanwhile Virgil was in stunned silence because geez that Patton guy, oh he’s so cute and feisty and he wants to see that cursed smirk every day now. He hadn’t ever had such fierce desire to know someone, he hadn’t had such a fierce desire to do anything other than sleep. And maybe run on a good day. But he has a goal now at least. He was gonna woo the goth.
The 4 didn’t reunite until after school that day. Logan was seated in the field across from the football practice and was studying already, hoping to get to a comfortable week ahead. He nearly threw his book out of his arms when someone tapped him on the shoulder, but he settled for snapping it shut…on his tie. Great job. He opens it and sets it down before turning to see the two he met earlier. He adjusted his glasses and gives a small smile. Patton was squatting next to him, and Roman was standing a foot or so behind him. Logan went back to his textbook when it seemed like the two weren’t about to start talking. He was paying enough attention to hear the sounds of two backpacks thudding to the ground as well as some footsteps and two people sitting down. As long as they didn’t try to hurt him everything would be fine. They didn’t seem like they had any malice directed at him, so maybe he could focus a bit more on his studies, maybe he could trust them? No definitely not, no way, even Virgil would say it’s a bad idea he bets. Plus, it seems like they’re talking now Logan you might want to listen.
“so, what’re you doing hanging out here dude? You don’t have any extra crap like Vee does?” Logan tilts his head over at Patton who is the one talking, very quietly in fact.
“oh uh, not that start yet. I plan on joining gsa and maybe the debate team? I do not know quite yet, Virgil usually helps me make decisions as I am quite indecisive. Also, he owes me dinner tonight, and as much as I would usually let him off, he said he would take me to Olive Garden and while I logically know its objectively bad Italian food, it is a guilty pleasure of mine that I have been craving. Thus, why I am sitting here studying and waiting for him to be done with practice.” He says rather easily. There’s a beat of silence before Patton speaks again.
“so how long have you two been a thing?” Logan squints in confusion.
“um, I am not quite sure as to what you are talking about? If you are inquiring about our relationship, I cannot quite remember. I think I was about 3?” there is sputtering, and Logan is only even more confused.
“you’ve been dating since you were 3!?!?! Please tell me you’re joking?!” ohhh. Oh, that makes more sense now.
“oh no, I seem to have misunderstood you. Virgil and I are in a completely platonic relationship. We have been friends for that long.” There was a sigh of relief as well as a small giggle that sounded, and the giggle set Logan’s chest into overdrive, gosh that must have been Roman and that was the literal sound that happens when you ascend past this mortal world; pure and hopeful and did Logan just actually die? That’s the only reasonable explanation. Welp he said he platonically loved Virgil before he went to practice so no reason to regret. Wait what’s that voice.
“Pat you should have known, he literally walked over and said you were cute while dragging him along. You’d have to be really silly to drag your boyfriend along to call someone cute! I mean unless you’re poly but most teenagers don’t mess around with polygamy in high school and I dunno, but I told you!” the giggle sounded again, and Logan managed to turn to him in time to see the large toothy smile that broke out on the near charcoal skinned beauty. And yup, Logan was so gone. Virgil owes him dinner for a week now yup that’s what’s happening.
“um, are you ok Logan? Logan? Do you need to go to the nurse’s office?” that pulled him right back.
“what?! No! um, I mean, I’m fine it’s just uh, it’s a bit warm don’t you think, I mean it’s august and I’ve worn dark colors all day its fine I just need to cool down for a sec sorry.” Oh no there went his metaphorical chill. He used contractions! Gosh how could he have done this it’s embarrassing he wanted to be cool and calm and now he looks like a complete imbecile. Of course it was just then that the whistle ending practice sounded. There was shouting and running and suddenly Logan grabbed his bag and started packing hurriedly before standing.
“I uh, I am sorry, but I must be leaving, I hope to see you both tomorrow?” he rushed while trying to remain calm. Of course, the two others stood, and Patton gave a smirk.
“well we might bump into each other tonight. I was actually taking Roman to OG for his birthday dinner tonight as well. Maybe we can hang there, god knows with sports for him and theatre for Ro, it’ll be hard to chill anywhere else. I’ll be sure to book a table for 4.” Oh shit. That cheeky goth just winked. Oh god what does that mean what is he planning what did he just sign up for??? He nods, and waves then bolts to the locker room.
Logan was a regular there, as he had accompanied Virgil to every tryout for the team, so when the guys saw him, they paid no mind. He walked to the hallway directly next to where he knew Virgil was and slid to the floor, covering his face and pushing his glasses up to rest on his head. Virgil peeked his head around and snickered softly as he rushed to finish getting ready. When he was finished, he tapped Logan on the shoulder and they started on their way.
“I might have accidentally signed us up for something and I need you to promise not to yell because its freaking me out too and you yelling would make it worse ok? And I know you don’t yell at me but yelling in general might cause a panic attack right now” Logan blurted out while they were walking. He is acutely ware of the fact that he’s fidgeting with his tie but he’s nervous ok? Cut him some slack! Virgil glances over to him with a curious look as well as a promise in his eyes. They’ve learned to communicate without words after as long as they’ve been friends.
“well uh, you know how we are going to Olive Garden? Well apparently Patton and Roman were going too and Patton said he was going to get us a table for 4 and I sort of want to just go home and curl up in a ball but also like Roman’s voice is so nice and his giggle is like literal angel bells Virgil, his giggle is the sound that you hear after you die and I cannot handle it Virgil what have you done I knew I was gay but this is a lot and I don’t know what to do Virgil what do I do?” Virgil had to set his hand on Logan’s shoulder to help ground the now panicking boy. After taking a deep breath and calming down a bit he looks over to see Virgil with a small smile on his face. He takes his hand off his shoulder as he speaks.
“first off dude, I wouldn’t yell at you or near you if I have the choice, you know me I hate losing my temper. Secondly, that’s pretty cool! I did wanna hang out with them more they seem really interesting. Thirdly, it seems like you’ve found your dream guy lo. I’m glad I could drag you headfirst into your destiny. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Plus, the kid looks like head over heels for you too. So just relax and go with the flow. You’ve got this.”
They both gave each other a look of confidence and a nod as they headed to the dreaded Olive Garden meet up. Will they survive? Maybe. Will they realize just how totally gay they are for the goth and the nerd? Most definitely. But the only way to know is to stay tuned!
thank you for reading!!!
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lohst-in-time · 7 years
exit82 be more chill - a written bootleg
first of all i’d like to say that the cheering was not nearly as excessive as tumblr led me to believe it wasn’t that bad and i could hear all the lines so!!! comfort to y’all
*spooky theramin hell dream commence*
okay but the dad though we have to admire his skill to put on his pants so quickly to go and be a bus driver
the whole time brooke chloe and jenna are having their conversation jere is just awkwardly trying to discreetly slide his hand to his locker and honestly me
also brooke just like skips everywhere it’s adorable
everyone was just glancing around at each other while rich wrote boyf on the backpack like 👀👀👀👀👀
this jake definitely did a totally different thing for his jake than jake boyd but i LOVED it and he was really great!!!
the set for this was so versatile and stuff like they turned around the lockers and BAM there’s the play signup sheet it was cool as hell
jeremy does this cute cut-off gesture on “end scene” and it’s A+
oh my god where do i start with christine her overalls were great, her cat stockings were great, her voice was AMAZING like honestly y’all she was a blessing
SO LIKE i was sitting right by this exit door and turns out it’s where a L O T of people enter from so michael walked in all casually with his slushy right in front of me and i was n o t p r e p a r e d
michael was acting so high during his part it was great
also when jere says his whole “i hate this school” thing michael just kinda smiles and shrugs so that was NICE
i can confirm that christine signing up for the play in this production is just as extra as it was in the original production
chloe’s “i like gay people” was like really loud it was great
can yall believe im still only in the first song
also the ensemble peeps were A++ i loved them
for the scene before play rehearsal there’s a whiteboard with drama club written on it in cute lettering and it’s great
the whole song jeremy is just watching christine with a goofy grin like heck yeah i love this human and it’s adorable i loved it so much!!
christine’s NOISES!!!!!! A++++++
at the end with the “we’re starting” christine just kept pausing at staring at the whiteboard expectantly until she turns to jere and is like “soooooon” and it was both pure and hilarious
when mr reyes says the thing about frisbee golf this ensemble guy just goes like “yeah!!” it was great
christine looked so genuinely distraught over midsummer nightmare with zombies
also when mr reyes announces it he flips the whiteboard to reveal midsummer nightmare with zombies written in like this beautiful calligraphy it was blessed
he’s so aggressive with “THE MAN IS DEAD LET IT GO” oh my god
so in this version jake is way more just obviously hitting on christine rather than genuinely saying all the stuff about romeo and juliet and i don’t know how i feel about it but he delivered it really well so !!!!!!
the audience audibly sadly awwed when christine didn’t notice jeremy speaking
the lisp is alive and well by the way
basically the squip song was very extra i loved it
everyone was so excited at the “its from japan”
michael just deadass lights a blunt during two player game it’s hilarious
the pacman tattoo is confirmed to be on michael’s right arm i took note
on the line “i wanna move on” jeremy just sorta whinily shakes michael’s arm it’s great
during the favorite person part michael just lowkey rests his head on jere’s shoulder and is promptly playfully shoved so that he falls facefirst into the two bean bags and he just sorta lays there for a bit it’s amazing
for the final chorus part thing they both just do these ridiculous karate moves and shit in the front while video game characters take off the set it’s so extra and blessed i loved it
instead of the sideburns comment jeremy just awkwardly says “so, my chemical romance right” it was the best
when jeremy opens the shoebox michael in the background just lowkey moves his phone up in the air and takes a picture then looks really satisfied and pleased with it
press f to pay respects to jeremy’s bar mitzvah money
the squip looks just like this cool villainy dude at first but over the course of the show he slowly gets more and more squippy and villainy looking it’s so FUCKIN COOL
also when the squip first shows up little drop down things on the ceiling of the squip wire shit shows up and there’s also more big ones that show up in upgrade it’s just a cool lil thing that i liked
the squip squat-sits a lot. just a psa
do you wanna ride was both uncomfortable and hilarious at the same time it was p amazing
there were these short pauses in between each “in” in pinkberry at the end it was super funny
at the end of be more chill part two when everyone sets jeremy down on the bed the squip says like “be careful with him he’s delicate”
jere: *aggressively tapping his head* hellooo are you on? mr heere: son are you talking to yourself again jere: i...guess i am mr heere: okay
from now on jeremy wears his eminem shirt AND this black coat vest thing it actually looks pretty good
at play rehearsal everyone does southern accents during their lines it’s amazing
“im sorry i don’t know why im crying” BIG MOOD JEREMIAH
“noooooooo....ot exactly”
jere is forced to make out with brooke and he clearly looks very uncomfortable and i felt so bad jvnghfkd
“that...that’s illegal” “yeah, it’s totally illegal!” SHFGJSCKISFTDYIDV
everyone highkey gasped/sadly awwed when jere said optic nerve blocking on
brooke’s sexy dog costume jvndhdksj
“i do not understand the request” YES YOU FUCKIN DO SHUT UP TIC TAC MAN
*bathtub prop is brought onstage* FUCK IM NOT EMOTIONALLY READY-
the audience reaction was INSANE people were ooing and awwing and gasping all around me and it was surreal as fuck
by the way this dude has the voice of an angel. of a god. a god angel. an angel god.
christine and jeremy’s weird noise exchange was the cutest damn thing ever
everyone in the audience sounded so sad when christine said no to going out with jeremy but i mean WE WERE SAD EVEN THOUGH MOST OF US KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN
they all start out in bathrobes and stuff (LIKE I ALWAYS PICTURED IT TOO I WAS INTERNALLY SCREAMING!!!) then they take them off to reveal these like shiny elastic outfits like in a zumba class or something it was amazing
okay but when the squip walks out for the scene before pitiful children he looks like a straight up evil electronic BADASS he got Cloaks For Days (also his makeup was On Point the whole show so just sayin)
everyone in the audience made sad noises when jenna said her line about knowing everyone’s business but honestly i felt a Sad at that part
JENNA NAILED THOSE HIGH NOTES also she just deadass pulled the Mountain Dew out of her coat jvnghfk
THE PANTS SONG WAS AMAZING also michael was super defensive when mr heere asked if he loved jeremy like he super quickly was like “NO” i just thought it was intriguing
during the rich flashback the play background curtain thing comes down a bit to show the flashback and then comes back up it was cool
THE KUNG FU FIGHT THING also michael still keeps jeremy in this body hug thing to keep him restrained long after he needs to be just something i noticed
during the “confession” part christine and jeremy slow dance again BUT i paid attention to michael in the background and he looked DISTRAUGHT i deadass actually saw him wipe a tear and start walking away (before coming back when jere gives her the mountain dew red) and HOLY SHIT YALL I WAS HURT
michael is just left in this pile of bodies and he literally just shouts “OH FUCK” and honestly SAME
R I C H A R D oh my god first of all this whole scene he is like just smiling his ass off in this full body cast and the lisp was super alive and everyone lost their SHIT at the totally bi part it was so great and when michael comes in he’s like so excitedly ranting about what happened that he fuckin shakes jere’s hospital bed it was great ALSO IM ALMOST POSITIVE THAT RICH WAS WEARING AN LGBT SHIRT FOR VOICES IN MY HEAD CAN SOMEONE HELP CONFIRM THIS
i have never heard so many people gasp because of a man walking onstage wearing pants
i was really glad that everyone including michael were so happy for jeremy and christine it was pure
im emotionally worn out that was a ride thanks for listening hope yall will be able to visually see this beauty someday
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barricadeb0i · 8 years
THIS IS LONG AND PROBABLY BORING U can read if u want but its a lot of ranting and repetition from my part TDLR; i’ve discovered that i’m most likely lithromantic (and possibly demisexual??? still researching that part). ya
s o basically, YA GURL HERE has been confused as FUCK abt the way i feel towards romantic relationships esp recently. also like, why the fuck i feel so repulsed towards the idea of relationships SO 
once i poked around the trusty internet i found a label that finally resonated with me and when i read about other people’s experiences and holy shit they were just so spot on to how i felt and i never knew other people felt this way too and now i feel so??? i don’t even know how to describe it it’s like i’m excited and it just f e e l s  r i g h t 
but ya like basically i feel like my whole life ive just convinced myself that i could want these things or do these things other people expected of me and that it was “normal” to feel uncomfortable or apathetic or even completely repulsed in certain romantic or sexual situations and that if i just faked it till i made it (probs the wrong way to explain it but whatever) i’d finally feel what’s supposed to be felt in that context. but like. nah mate.
and i was really confused for a while because i’m mostly educated with all of the different romantic and sexual orientations and the whole spectrum and fluidity but none of them have ever stuck with me. and i HAVE tried exploring the possibility i was something other than het but i think my fear of seeming like a “special snowflake” just trying to be edgy and different got in my way of REALLY exploring
 (though that\s a bit hypocritical towards myself because i would never judge other people in my situation and would (and have), embrace their courage to be able to be true to themselves but ive always been extremely critical of myself and i constantly care about how others percieve me but that’s a whole other issue)
bc the deal with me is that i can get crushes and i can be attracted to people yeah? i could genuinely fall for a person, and these people are generally men so i just was ok with being het like whatever. no big deal. 
BUT when i’ve thought about it recently, i honestly don’t even want romantic relationships with any of the crushes ive had. and the idea of me personally being in a relationship is genuinely disgusting to me so i was like?? am i just extremely noncommittal? is my childhood trauma dealing with isolation by my peers and my perception of my self worth (though mostly repaired is still pretty damn low) the meaning behind this??? turns out that answer is a big PROBABLY NOT 
and bam. after digging around in forums and doing all these quizzes that gave me terms that didnt feel quite right. lithromantic. there she was. i couldnt stop reading about other peoples experiences and i was just so excited and now icant even stop writing about how i feel so
anyways i think thats a good place to end this off then ive ranted on abt this for long enough so thx yall if u read this sorry i apparently can’t shut up about myself and also u a champ pce out
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