#i get not everyone is gonna be able yo buy their sub but. the way some people talk like
freshcut-chetney · 5 months
The people saying those who can afford a $6 USD subscription are rich need to go outside and stop basing their worldview on shit people say on this webbed site good lord
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Reiner & Mikasa: A Retrospective Pt. 1
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Why their combined synergy is poetic in potentially saving Eren by the end of SnK?
(Disclaimer: This is purely an appreciation post for my two favorite characters, [BR]OTP-influenced but in no way disregarding any other characters’ importance in the series) **contains spoilers for recent manga chapters & Ep. 63 of AoT’s Final Season. Image heavy.
Ever since they were trainees, Eren has always looked up towards both Reiner and Mikasa, although he wasn’t willing to admit to the latter in front of her face directly. But, in a feeling of helplessness, he confided in Reiner. He aspired to be just like the two strongest people in his life at that point: Reiner and Mikasa.
They are the top two cadets of the 104th batch and are almost always evenly matched in the multiple times they’ve tried to take each other down if it wasn’t for Reiner’s stroke of luck and Mikasa’s hesitance. (Mikasa managed to force him out of his Titan form using her last Thunder Spear but wasn’t enough to kill him even when she said she wanted to)
(Oh yes, she & Levi gave him enough trauma for his PTSD and he has recurring nightmares of her. But he still respects them. Enemy to enemy. Enemy to ally.)
Yet together, there’s still a fighting chance for them to stop Eren because of their deep bond with him. (Armin is important too that ARM still has a huge role to play in the second wave of the final fight. Especially now that he’s realized OG Ymir’s role in all of this. I hope)
At this current timeline of the manga, we have reached the point where Reiner and Mikasa, the very two people that Eren looked up to, have to be the ones (amongst the few) who collectively work together to defeat him, who’s under the Founder Ymir’s influence & in a way, saving him from whatever hopeless vortex he is in.
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I very much like to draw light to this short, quick exchange between Reiner & Mikasa on the plane heading towards Fort Salta’s direction. The above panel, which highlighted Reiner’s perspective and his empathy, says “The weight of that unimaginable power & burden would not be easy to endure and that IF he was the one who has the Founder, he’d want it to be handled by someone else and if he couldn’t handle that immense power, he’d want the power to be stopped.” Some fans claimed that Reiner was ‘projecting’ his own innate desire to die on Eren but Reiner has always been the opposite to Eren’s character. The other side of the same coin as Eren’s.
The below panel follows and it’s very interesting to note that if we look at Reiner’s gaze as he was speaking, indirectly Reiner is admitting that he’d want to be stopped by someone he knows could do exactly that and that person or his kryptonite is Mikasa. Ok, woman, this man’s weakness is you. It couldn’t get any direct than that rofl
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Reiner was being very mindful (and respectful) of his implication as he is very aware on how delicate is Mikasa’s feelings when it comes to Eren. (Tbh, I also observe the unspoken understanding & mutual respect between these two) Eren’s her family & to directly call out to Mikasa to be more proactive in her actions would be inconsiderate of him despite the situation they’re in. Just like at the harbor, before the showdown with the Jeagerists, Reiner gave them the option to stay aside & not interfere, knowing full well he & the rest of the Marleyan survivors would be no different than headless chickens without the SC’s support. He didn’t force them, just like he didn’t impose his thoughts on Mikasa.
Then BOOM -- PATHS INTERMISSION. Brought to you by OG!Ymir through Young!Eren. Coincidentally, as if ‘someone’ out there wants to place weight on Reiner’s suggestion.
However, after the Paths intermission, that might just be the first wake up call to Mikasa. It’s also interesting that once again we are reminded that no matter how fast or how hard Mikasa tried to chase after Eren, she’ll never be able to get close to him. She gave him her world yet he kept moving forward & leave her behind, chasing after his shadows as he keeps going down a path that no one else can follow. I think it’s interesting that The Paths looped her back to Reiner
The horrified expression on Reiner’s face in the panel below somewhat tells me that he knew his earlier implications are not just him grasping desperately at straws but it feels like there’s the ‘human’ side of Eren, still untainted by Ymir’s will, like he believes, who secretly wants to be stopped. He understood how horrible it is for Mikasa, especially with the look of absolute shock on her face to finally have the awful truth confirmed. (At this point, Armin is already past the point of holding back & will do whatever necessary to rip Eren out of the Founding’s form)
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I would like to take the time to share my appreciation of these rich panels of Mikasa working closely with Reiner’s Armored (together with the rest of course). Mikasa doesn’t tell her feelings verbally but she always shows it on her face.
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Oh yes, right after the above panel, she had to get out of the way but her face below explains the anger and the rage she felt when she saw the Colossal took a bite out of the Armored’s nape & toss its body away like it’s just point blank garbage.
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She was desperately worried that Armin was taken, but at Levi’s behest, she trusted Armin with his orders and they forced themselves to move forward. But one can see she was about to go apeshit when she saw what happened to Reiner & his Armored.
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While Reiner & Jean were having a Titanic bro moment here, which is also pivotal in my opinion as Reiner, once again felt he finally belonged amongst people who genuinely care about him Survey Corps Suicide Squad yo even after what had happened between them. (It was a symbolical scene as well where Reiner has to let go of his old bro, Bertolt to move forward with his new bro, Jean.) Mikasa swooped in & kill the random Titan form that was about to make Reiner its lunch. Can’t blame them, that man is a delicious footlong sub. This woman ain’t gonna share haha crack humor, people! 
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“If we fight, we win. If we lose, we die.”
Yes, the breaking point of one Mikasa Ackerman. This is a wholesome callback to Trost arc, the day before their graduation. When she found out that Eren died, she went apeshit & went on a “fuck this shit. i have nothing to lose anymore” mode. Jean, as usual, being the tough guy Jean, is angry that she’s putting her life on the line. Again.
But what’s interesting to me was the helpless look on Reiner’s face. He knows she’s super strong, he respects her so much for that & she’s buying them time and was more than willing to die first before everyone does BUT he can’t do much at that point because he’s at his last limit and Jean’s not letting his hand go either. Seriously, THIS is the woman you should marry, bro. She’s willing to die for you & everyone else. This woman is a damn keeper!
Although I am very sure, everyone’s ready to die for each other at this point.
Back to the original pondering: The Reiner & Mikasa saving Eren with/through Armin going directly against Ymir.
The Final Exhibition played a lot on this Eren vs Reiner with Mikasa being in the middle. Touched on this briefly before.
The Final Stand highlights the confrontation between The Founding/Attack against The Armored, with Mikasa being in the middle of the confrontation, tipping the scales of the outcome. Before, she assisted Eren against Reiner.
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We are seeing her working together with Reiner to take Eren down right now. The definitive final question that would be answered soon was printed on the wall featuring Eren & Reiner’s exhibition panel:  “Who’s the one that will disappear from this world?”
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I just hope that the right one(s) persevere. Reiner & Mikasa are going to Bonnie & Clyde/ Cloak & Dagger / Cyclops & Phoenix that shit out
Read on their characters compatibility in Part 2
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
Pretty baby
Seonghwa x male reader
Y/n has been working a lot these past few weeks, which is stressing him out, fortunately, seonghwa knows exactly how to help
Warning: nsfw after a long time of fluff(guys in lingerie, hickeys, anal sex, pet names, sub seonghwa, dom male reader)
Note: back at it again with these from watpad, hope this one turned out good ;-; This took a while, sorry, but I hope you'll like it or find it decent at least :)
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Seonghwa had noticed y/n acting.... Strange, he always had a tired expression on his face, he'd get irritated more easily and he came home later then usual. When the younger asked him about it, y/n said it was work, then went to bed
As this behaviour started becoming more common as days went by, he had to do something to get the other's mind of off his job, luckily he had his members who were more then willing to help
"guys, I'm starting to get worried about y/n, he's been working so hard, too hard, he looks so stressed and tired out" he gazed towards the his other members "what should I do?"
"you could try to get him to relax after work, maybe a massage or something?" Hongjoong suggested "I don't know, I don't wanna keep him up longer than he has to be" seonghwa said a bit concerned
"I got it!" San shouted, to everyone's surprise "how about you convince his boss to let him have a day off and you can help him relax all day" seonghwa looked at the younger in awe "San... That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?" he got up to grab his coat, wallet and keys "I'm going out to get some supplies!"
It was almost 11 pm when y/n came home, his boss made him work over time again. Lately he's just been getting way too much work from his boss and it's been stressing him out a lot,to the point where he can't even pay enough attention to his boyfriend due to all the work and stress.
He makes his way to his and seonghwa's shared bedroom and saw the light was still on, he opened the door, spotting seonghwa tapping away on his phone"hey baby, sorry for being late again" the latter looked up at him as he got dressed into his nightwear "it's alright honey, I know how important work is for you" as y/n got into bed, seonghwa pulled him closer and nuzzled his face into the older's chest
Y/n woke up around 10 am, which was 3 hours later than usual because someone () turned off his alarm clock for the day. Once he saw what time it was he rushed out off bed to head downstairs for a quick breakfast, not knowing someone was already downstairs on the phone, talking to his boss
"hi, this is Park Seonghwa, y/n's partner. I called to inform you that he can't come to work today, he's feeling pretty sick today" seonghwa said, hoping this would convince the man "well, fine, but he better come to work again tomorrow" he smiled and nodded "of course sir, I'll make sure he's up and running by tomorrow. Have a good day" he hung up and saw y/n standing at the doorway in awe
"how did you do that?" seonghwa threw a smug smile at the older "acting, love, you should try it sometime. Anyway, come sit, I'm making breakfast for us" y/n smiled fondly at his boyfriend and sat down at the table
"so, how was it?" seonghwa asked as they finished breakfast "fantastic baby, just like everything else you make" he blushed and looked away, focusing on washing the dishes instead "Could you go run a bath? I'm almost done here" y/n nodded "yeah sure"
As he went to the bathroom, seonghwa smiled to himself "he's already so much more relaxed than last night, I guess I'm doing a good job"
he finished drying the dishes and putting them back where they belong, and made his way to the bathroom to find his boyfriend in the middle of taking off his clothes "oh, hey baby, I was just getting ready" the younger nodded, a bit flustered at seeing his bare body, though he's seen it thousands of times "just tell me when you're ready and I'll get started, alright?"
"ready for what" y/n said as he got into the tub "oh right, I wanted to try massaging you, I heard from the members it can be quite relaxing, so I wanted to try it" he smiled up at seonghwa "you really planned it all out for today, huh?"
"if it's gonna get you relaxed and less exhausted then it's worth it" the smaller pulled a small chair to be able to sit comfortably behind his lover
His hands reached the older's shoulders and started softly massaging them, making the latter instantly relax "does it feel good, honey?" y/n nodded "amazing, how'd you learn to do this" seonghwa stopped for a second "ummm, I had to practice on the other members" he said a bit flustered
"your hands feel so soft and delicate against my skin" y/n pointed out "well, I don't have my mother's hands for nothing now do I?" the latter chuckled
The rest of the day was spent with seonghwa trying out different things to help y/n relax, even more mature stuff, which y/n discovered during dinner
He was focusing on his food when he caught a glimpse of something red across the table, his first thought was that seonghwa had spilled something, but he was proven very wrong when he looked a bit clearer, it was a strap, most likely from some type of bra
When seonghwa noticed y/n staring at his shoulder he realised a bit too late where he was looking but still did his best to cover it back up before changing the subject "so how is it?" y/n snapped back out of his trance "ummm, good, delicious actually." seonghwa smiled at him, hoping he'd forgotten about the strap
As y/n was brushing his teeth, all he could think of was the strap, why was seonghwa wearing it? When did he even buy that? Maybe he should should just ask
"hey baby, what was that red thi-" he paused as he saw seonghwa sitting there in a big silky robe, normally he'd have his pajamas on. he made his way over to y/n "isn't that robe a bit too big on you" y/n smiled at how small his boyfriend looked in it "well, it was big enough to hide my little surprise" seonghwa undid the knot the robe had on his waist and revealed a red lingerie set that made him even more sexy than he already was, in y/n's opinion.
"holy fuck" y/n whispered "do you like it? Seonghwa smirked" I love it" he said against the younger's lips, kissing him passionately. Seonghwa started slowly moving back towards the bed, sinking down on it as y/n got between his legs, softly grinding on him "such a pretty baby, all dressed up for me" seonghwa bit his lip to prevent any moans coming loose "you-hm!-ve been so-oh!- stressed, wanted to help yo-ah!-u" he said, clearly struggling to hold back his moans
Seonghwa started grabbing at y/n's shirt, wanting it off, he continued like this for all of his clothes, till he was left bare.
"aren't you gonna strip for me baby? This doesn't seem very fair, now does it?" y/n asked teasingly, to which seonghwa bit his lip and started taking off his panties, bra and leaving the stockings on.
Just as y/n was grabbing the lube to put on his fingers to prep seonghwa, the latter stopped him "I already prepped beforehand" the older was still a bit hesitant "you sure it's not gonna hurt?" not wanting to hurt his lover "don't worry, I'll be fine" seonghwa reassured the older.
Y/n sank his cock into seonghwa's puckering hole, the latter biting his lip. He waited until he adjusted to the taller's size "y-you can move" y/n started slowly moving in and out of seonghwa, only speeding up if seonghwa asked him to.
Though he was still holding back his moans, y/n noticed this "why are you holding back baby? Let it all out, you know how much I love those pretty noises you make" and that was apparently all it took for seonghwa to let out his moans and groans. Y/n smirked, speeding up a bit
"ah!~ y/n you feel so good inside of me~ah!" y/n smirked "that's it babyboy, just like that" he started thrusting his hips harder, making seonghwa's moans even louder as he hit the younger's prostate "oh~ yes! right there~!"
y/n felt his climax approaching as his boyfriend's entrance kept getting tighter around his cock, indicating the younger was close as well, y/n took this opportunity to lavish his neck and chest "ah!~" y/n kept pounding and nipping at his skin, he knew seonghwa was nearing his orgasm "ah! I'm close!" seonghwa cried out "me too baby, just a bit longer" y/n groaned
After a few more thrusts, y/n came inside of seonghwa, the younger cumming on both of their chests. After pulling out, y/n took a moment to breathe, before helping seonghwa take off his stockings, lifting him up, and carrying him towards the bathroom "let me help you this time, you've been doing things for me all day" seonghwa smiled and nuzzled his face into the older's shoulder
"there we go baby, all nice and clean, just how you like it" y/n said as he helped his boyfriend dry off "my cute little baby" he ruffled his hair "I just got that done" seonghwa pouted, but quickly changed to a smile
They got dressed in their nightwear and got in bed after changing the sheets "y/n" said person turned to face his lover "Did I do good today?" y/n nodded "yes baby, you did more than good, and I really appreciated all that you've done for me today. I love you" seonghwa moved closer to y/n "I love you too" they shared a quick peck "let's go to sleep, I've gotta get up early tomorrow" seonghwa nodded and nuzzled his face into y/n's chest "goodnight honey"
The next day at work y/n was seated at his desk, doing some paper work, when he got a phone call from Hongjoong "hey Hongjoong, what's up?" Hongjoong let out a sigh and y/n immediately knew why he called "yah, why'd you two have fuck before a dance practice day? Of all days, why?!" y/n grinned "well it's not his fault you don't get dick as good as he does" it went silent on the other side "..... YA-" before Hongjoong could shout his ears off, he hung up and glanced at a picture of him and seonghwa on his desk "I hope they won't tease you too much baby"
Meanwhile in KQ, the rest off the members were laughing at Hongjoong's outburst whilst seonghwa was a blushing mess, very sore on a day they had to do nothing but dance and move
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Noona, Do You Have a Boyfriend? | Part 3
Genre: Smut, but also fluff yuck
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Who knew that continuing to bang the boy who wouldn’t leave you alone would make him even more clingy AND lead to you developing some confusing, totally unwelcome feelings towards him? 
Warnings: femdom, sub!jisung, brat!jisung, dom!reader, dancer!au, dancer!reader, slapping, praise kink, also degradation kink, lots of dirty talk as per usual, cumplay, one (1) slap, facesitting, cum eating, suffocation by way of vagina, and fluff.
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Part 1, Part 2 Ever since that day at the practice room, you and Jisung have been hooking up regularly. And yes, you’re perfectly aware how bad of an idea that is, especially since he’s now acting like you’re his girlfriend despite you repeatedly denying it. It’s not that he’s delusional; he knows you’re not really dating, he just thinks he’s being cute…or he’s doing it to annoy you, or both— honestly who knows with that boy? And yes, sleeping with him will only encourage this sort of behavior, but in your defense, you’re pretty horny and Jisung is pretty hot. The fact that he’s bratty only makes him all the more fun to play with. Punishing him allows you to let off steam; It’s twistedly cathartic for you, and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He takes everything you give him with a smile and asks for more. Granted, you haven’t been too harsh on him with your punishment—he’s laid off a bit ever since you’ve started regularly hooking up so there was no reason to get nasty—but you’re still worried you’d go too far one day. For the moment though, everything was under control. You were actually enjoying being around him for a change. It’s funny how being able to physically punish someone when they act out of line can calm both parties down. You even grew to like his little quirks that used to annoy the hell out of you like his loud laughter or the stupid voices he puts on or the way he gets excited over the smallest things, immediately running up to share whatever it is with you. In a way you found him, dare you say, endearing… You were loathe to admit, but being forced to spend time with him—for he always sticks around after sex even when you try to kick him out—wasn’t the worst thing in the world. You were becoming lenient with him, not punishing him for things that would’ve earned him a spanking if it had happened just a month ago. Like right now, he was inviting himself for a movie night at your place without so much as asking for your permission. “I haven’t watched Aladdin yet too. I’ll come over and we can watch it together!” He jumps into the conversation you were having with your friend, not embarrassed in the least that he was eavesdropping. “And why would I want that?” You regard him coldly, unfazed by the interruption. You’ve come to expect it from him.   “Because I’ll hold your hand and sing A Whole New World with you?” He doesn’t pause, starting to sing right away, “I can show you the world—”
“No, thanks.” You shut him up, and his whole face scrunches up into a pout. “C’mon! It will be fun!” Before you can reply and say that—no, it certainly wouldn’t be fun to have his loud and annoying ass talking through the whole movie and ruining it for you—Minho calls out for him, saying that they needed him. “I’m coming, hyung.” He yells then turn back to you, excitement dancing on his face. “I’ll come around at 9. This will be so fun!” “I didn’t say yes—” He grabs your face, smushing your cheeks together and giving you a quick kiss on your puckered lips before he runs off. “See ya, noona!” “Oh my god,” You wail, making a show of wiping your lips with the back of your hands as your friend laughs her ass off. “Why won’t he leave me the fuck alone? He’s so annoying.” “C’mon, he’s not that bad. I actually think he’s kinda cute.” “I actually think you’re kinda crazy. The boy is unbearable.” You retort, glancing back to where the boy in question was just seconds ago and jolting in surprise when you’re met with the dark gaze of one very angry Minho. Shit, did he hear that? Yup, he most definitely did for he narrows his eyes at you, lips curling into a snarl, before he turns around and walks the same way Jisung had gone. “Ohh, you just pissed off your boyfriend’s best friend. That’s not good, girl. Best friends got power.” Your friend looks at you with pity, like you were doomed now. She was enjoying this way too much. “He’s not my boyfriend!” Was a knee jerk response by now. Jisung’s constant attention and rather public, one sided, displays of affection have practically everyone in the company really believing that you two were dating. “And so what? He is annoying and I should say it. Just because he’s his best friend doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”   “Whatever you say, babe.” She says dismissively, clearly not believing it. “Oh, shut up.” Who cares about what she thinks. It’s totally ok. Things were fine. So what if his bestie didn’t like you, and never did, and that this only soured his opinion of you further. It’s cool. It’s not like you were actually dating him. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Still that incidence sits uneasy with you, and when Jisung comes around like he said he would, you find yourself watching out for signs that Minho had told him something, but you find none. He’s a chipper as ever, and the amount of relief you feel at not having to see Jisung’s smile falter because of you is inexplicable. You shouldn’t care this much about a fuck buddy.  “So this is where the magic happens.” He remarks, his eyes scanning through your living room. “Uh, yeah, sorry it’s not fancy or anything.” You rub your arm awkwardly, feeling insecure in his presence for the first time ever. “In my defense, you’re the one who insisted on coming here.” Jisung makes way more money than you do. You’re just a backup dancer and your apartment shows it. It’s tiny and a little worse for wear. “Noona, I share a dorm with eight other guys. Compared to that, this is heaven.” He brushes off your concern but it doesn’t make you feel better at all. “Is that supposed to be a compliment? Because it kinda just sounds like you think my apartment is crap except for the fact that it doesn’t have your members in it.” You accuse, your arms crossed over your chest. Right away, Jisung’s demeanor changes from bubbly to panicked confusion at your unexpected attack. Even you weren’t sure why you were being so sensitive about this? Are you actually worried about impressing Han Jisung? What the fuck is going on with you today? Are you dying?  “Nooo, I like it! It’s cozy.” He squeaks out, still trying to make it better, but somehow he only makes it worse. “Cozy? That’s just a nice way of saying cramped.” “No, this place is, like, huge.” He lies, very badly, which just annoys you even more as evident in your glare, and he buckles,“Ok, it’s tiny.” “What?!” “What are you gonna do with huge place anyway when you live alon—” He stops mid-sentence, realizing his mistake, “Oh shit, I didn’t mean it like that… I’ll buy you a new place!” “Are you insane?!” Your mouth was on the floor. What was he even saying? “What? I don’t know. I panicked” He cries, throwing his hand up in the air, “You’re being really scary right now, noona.” He does look very scared. His voice was getting dangerously high pitched and he was babbling whatever comes into his mind. It was actually really funny to see the mix between sulky and terrified on his face, and you have to turn your back to him in order to hide the smile on your face. “Whatever, I don’t care what you think anyway.” You head for the couch, and he follows behind, huffing cutely, “You’re so mean, noona.”  As you set up the movie, Jisung gets his back and upturns its content onto the coffee table. “I knew you wouldn’t get any snacks for me so I took it upon myself to be the better significant other and get you your favorite snacks even though you’re always so mean me. Except you never told me what your favorite snacks are so I got you everything.” He really did get everything. Splayed on the coffee table was a wide variety of candy, chocolate, and chips. Anything that could be sold in a convenience store was right there on your table. “See anything you like?” He asks hopefully, seeing the smile that you let slip. Quickly composing yourself, you prop your hand on your chin and scrutinize the pile of snacks like a professional chef would scrutinize a meal prepared by his mentee. Slowly, your hand reaches out to pluck something out of the pile. “Cheetos,” He observes, his tone a little underwhelmed. “Not even the spicy ones. Boring but a classic nonetheless.” You glare at his commentary, ripping the bag open and chucking a handful into your mouth, chomping on them angrily. “Spicy food makes me itchy.” “Aw, that’s cute.” He coos, swooping down to peck your cheek before you can stop him. “The fuck?” You smack his chest in retaliation. “This is the second time you do that today. I swear I will kick you out.” “But I like you so much, noona.” He holds your hand, looking at you earnestly. “You realize there is Cheeto dust all over my hand, right?” “I do now.” You roll your eyes and push him away, grabbing the remote to finally start the movie. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• It wasn’t even ten minutes into the movie but Jisung was already annoying the hell out of you, whining and clinging onto your arm. “Noona, I wanna cuddle.” “No.” You grimace, trying to shake him off but to no avail. “Please.” “No.” “Please with a cherry on top?” “Han…” “Noonaaaaa!” “Ugh, fine, you big baby!” You grab him and pull him onto your lap none-too-gently, squeezing your arms around him so tightly it’s practically a chokehold. But it doesn’t faze him at all. He just wiggles in your hold until he finds a position he’s comfortable in then settles down and hums contentedly as if this was his plan all along. Whatever. As long as he shuts up, right? You’ve never been the big spoon before, but it’s actually not so bad. Jisung had a somewhat small frame so he fit easily in your arms; he wasn’t too large for you to wrap your arms around nor too heavy for you to bear. He fit just right. It was… kinda nice. He smelled good too and he was so warm and pliable.  You could feel his heartbeat thrumming like a hummingbird through his thin body, and you get the overwhelming urge to smother him in kisses and keep him wrapped up and protected in your arms. “Ah, there is Jafar. I heard he’s sucks.” Jisung yells through a mouthful of chips, snapping you out of your daze. It takes you a second to compose yourself, flustered at your own embarrassing thoughts. “Gross! Close your mouth when you eat.” You complain, “And I don’t want to hear anything that would influence my opinion on the movie. Let the actor speak for himself and then I’ll decide—oh wow, he sucks bad.” Your rant is derailed as soon as the man opens his mouth and out comes a voice that is not at all like the one you imagined a villain as creepy and malicious as Jafar would have. “Told ya!” Jisung laughs with his mouth still open. “Shut up.” You groan, but on the inside you were thankful for the distraction. Your thoughts were getting far too ridiculous. As the movie keeps playing, you start unconsciously mouthing along to the songs, which then quickly turns to whisper-singing that Jisung— whose ear was pressed right against your mouth—picks up on. Turning his head around puts his face way too close to yours, so close you could kiss him if you just leaned forward an inch… 
“Wow, noona, I didn’t realize you like Disney this much.”
“Everyone likes Disney.” You mumble defensively, grabbing his jaw and turning his head back around, thinking he’s making fun of you. “Well, I for one, do.” He declares and starts singing along—perfectly, you might add, and not missing a word. “Aren’t you gonna join, noona?” “I didn’t know that tough, hep-hap rappers can like Disney too.” “Hey! I’m real hip-hop. Swag.” He wiggles in your lap, turning his upper body to face you so he could throw double peace signs at you. “And real hip-hop can like Disney, ok?” Fuck he was so cute you wanted to kiss his face off, but instead you just roll your eyes and say, “Ok, real hip-hop, the floor is yours.”  “Only if you join me, princess.” Seeing the disgusted look on your face, he backtracks, “Too much?” “Way too much.” “Noted.” He accepts your constructive criticism and turns back around, resuming his singing. You join him soon and after that, you barely notice the time passing. You were right; he did talk all throughout the movie, but instead of being annoyed at the interruptions, you found yourself anticipating what he would say next. He was just so naturally funny and his comments made the movie ten times more enjoyable. You were having too much fun belting out songs, awing at the cute scenes, clinging to each other at the emotional ones, and laughing at the jabs Jisung takes at Jafar. You don’t even realize that you were holding his hand all through the movie until he takes it away so he could clap as the credits start to roll.    “Bravo!” He shoots out of his seat, “Truly a masterpiece.” 
So what if you were sitting there staring at him with blatant heart-eyes as he fake cries and gives the movie a standing ovation? He just sang the whole soundtrack to Aladdin word for word, and as anyone who knew you would say, the fastest way to your heart is a solid knowledge of Disney, and he just demonstrated that perfectly.
Despite you being the one staring, he’s the one who blushes when he catches you. He really was the best boy when he wasn’t the worst. Grabbing his hand, you pull him back down on your lap, this time facing you, and kiss him passionately, pouring out all the confusing emotions you were feeling for him into the kiss. “Wow, noona, do you have an Aladdin kink I should know about? Because I will put on harem pants if you want to.” He giggles as he pulls away from the kiss. “Don’t ruin it.” You warn, but there was no bite to it, and pull him back into another kiss. It quickly got heated. You were already so worked up that it only takes one little moan from him for you to push your tongue into his mouth and your hands to start groping him. But then, inexplicably, he pulls away. “Uh-uh, no sex today, noona. I’m more than just a hot piece of ass, you know?” You roll your eyes. What was he up to now? “It is one hot ass.” You tease, your hand going out to squeeze it, and smirk when he jolts in your lap. “Are you sure you don’t want me to fuck you, baby?” “Uh..yeah.” His breathing stutters as you start kissing along the side of his neck, the hands on his ass continuing to knead the flesh gently. “Hmm, then why are you squirming so much?” You whisper in his ear then nip at the sensitive spot right below it. Fighting back his moans, he tries to come up with an excuse,“It’s just… my legs are cramping up.” “Oh poor Hannie.” You coo, and move your hands to his thighs. “Want me to help you, baby?” “You don’t have to—” He tries to get up but you pull him back down right away. “I want to. Noona wants to take care of her handsome baby.” He completely stops resisting after that, turning into a gooey mess. When you order him to take off his pants, he does it faster than he could blush. “Going commando, I see.  And you say you don’t want sex. You’re such a bad liar, baby.” He pouts, tugging on the long white shirt he still has on to cover up his cock. “What a tease.” You chastise, slapping his ass and making him jump and whimper. Yet he’s remains as shameless as ever. “Noona, my thighs.” He reminds you. “Spoiled brat.” You give his ass another slap before your hands go to his thighs to massage them.  You start from barely above his knees, something that the ever impatient Jisung doesn’t appreciate. But if he thought he could tease you without suffering any consequences, he was sadly mistaken. You take your sweet time rubbing and kneading along the expanse of his thighs, all while he squirms and tries to subtly shift under you so your hands will slide higher, but every time he does that, you just start over. “Noona…” He whines when your hands go back down for the fourth time.  His cock was now hard and straining against the thin material of his shirt, leaving nothing to the imagination. “What is, Hannie?” You coo, loving how needy he can get with just a little bit of teasing. “It hurts.” “Are you saying that the massage is not helping?” You raise your eyebrow at him, but he just fusses harder. “No, you’re not doing the part where it hurts.” “Then where does it hurt, baby? Show me.” You lean back to watch as he slowly pulls his shirt over his stomach, acting like he’s embarrassed when in reality his cock was hard and twitching already. “Hmm, cute.” You coo, reaching out to stroke it. “And all mine. Right, Hannie?” He doesn’t reply, too focused on the pleasure you’re giving him so you stop. “I wanna hear you say it, pretty.” He moans at the praise, his hips thrusting up to fuck your still hand. “It’s yours, noona. All of it. I’m all yours.” “Then why did you think you can stop me from taking what’s mine, huh?” “I’m sorry, noona.” “You should be. Dumb baby thinks this is his.” You hiss, pushing him down on the couch and straddling him. “You need to be reminded that I own you.” You barely hear his submissive ‘yes, noona’ as you chuck your pants off and sink down on his cock. You go hard right away, riding him fast. He tries to take your shirt off but you stop him, “What did I say, Han?” “I just wanna see your tits.” “Oh?” You grin, slipping your hands behind you and unhooking your bra. You take it off without removing your shirt, teasing him. Then slowly, very slowly, you pull the shirt up until your breasts are exposed to his hungry eyes. “These tits?” “Yes, wanna see ‘em bounce as you ride my cock, noona.” He drawls, leering as pushes his hips up into you, making you jostle and your breasts bounce up and down. Brat. He knows he’s not allowed to do that. Helping him out, you start riding him again, making your breasts bounce even more. “This what you want, baby?” You’re being nice and that’s always suspicious, but Jisung always falls for it somehow. “Yeah, just like that. I love it.” You smile, bending down so his face is inches from yours, before you say in a sickly sweet voice, “I don’t care what you want, little slut.” Fear stains his face as your smile is replaced by a severe look. “I was so nice to you today. I let you into my home. I gave you a massage. Now I’m even fucking you, yet you still want more. Let me make one thing clear, Han.” You grab his face roughly, sneering at him, “You’re nothing but a dumb little fucktoy for me. All you’re allowed to do is to lie there and look pretty for me as I fuck your brains out. Understood?” He nods, his cock twitching inside you. “Use your big boy words, Han.” “Yes, noona. Whatever you want, noona.” “Pitiful.” You spit, not giving him the satisfaction of calling him a good boy. But it’s ok, you know he loves it when you’re rough with him. You start riding him again, going even faster than before. Jisung stares at your chest, but you can’t imagine he’s seeing much through your now lowered shirt. But maybe that excites him even more, the allure of having what he wants be so close yet he’s unable to get it. It doesn’t take long for him to get close at this pace. “You gonna cum for me, pretty?” “Yeah, please let me do it inside. Wanna fill noona up.” You scoff at his pleas, “You think you deserve it after all you’ve done. All you do is bother me.” “I’m sorry, I just wanted your attention.” “Of course, you do. You’re an attention whore. You’d let anybody do anything to you if they just paid you the slightest bit of attention, wouldn’t you?” You stop jumping up and down on his cock in favor of grinding in his lap, his cock that is still deep inside you rubbing deliciously against your walls. Shaking his head, he vehemently denies, “No! It’s only because it’s noona.” “I don’t believe that. I bet if I let you cum inside me and told you to eat it up, you would. You’d lap up your own cum right out of my pussy if it meant just to hear me call you a good boy.” “Yes! Please let me do it! I’m so close, so close—ah, ah, please!” He begs, his hips stuttering under you as he tries to stop himself from pushing up into you. He was shivering, so close to orgasm you could feel it. “Then cum, little slut.” You’d never get tired of watching Jisung orgasm. He always looks like his body can’t handle the pleasure it was feeling and would give out. He throws his head back and moans loudly as his body jerks with the shocks of pleasure. You take it all in as his dick twitches inside you and you feel his warm seed fill you up. It’s almost enough to make you cum too, especially when he looks down at you  through half-lidded eyes to see if you were watching him. You always were. Holding his cum inside as much as you can, you climb over his body and hover just inches from his face. “Tongue out.” When he obeys,, you relax your muscles to let the cum drip out of you and onto his open and willing mouth. “Wow, there is so much. Someone was excited to be fed his own dirty cum.” His eyes flutter at your words, but he doesn’t move, his tongue still out like a good boy. You push it back into his mouth your fingers after you’ve swiped up some of the cum that’s leaked onto his chin. “Swallow.” You feel the suction around your fingers as he does what you say. “Show.” When he opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out again to show you, there is no semen left. “Did I do good, noona?” He asks hopefully, wanting his praise now, but you don’t give it to him yet.  “What, just because you swallowed? Any two-dollar whore could do that.” That doesn’t make him happy. He glares at you, and mutter under his breath. “Bitch.”  But you know he intended for you to hear it. If he wasn’t getting attention from you as praise then he would get it as punishment. For Jisung, there was no such thing as bad attention. So you give it to him, striking him across the face hard.  “You little brat.” Grabbing him by the hair, you sit down on his face, putting all your weight on him and smothering him. “Here is what’s gonna happen, you don’t get to breathe until you  make me cum. After all, you’re no use to me if you can’t even do that.” Whatever he says is muffled by your pussy, but it doesn’t matter because he does what he’s told anyway and eats you out. He hardly seems bothered that he can’t breathe, his eyes silently glaring at you as he rubs his face against your pussy, his tongue licking in and around your opening as his nose grinds against your clit.  “Don’t look at me like that or the next time I feed you cum, it won’t be yours.. but you’d like that, wouldn’t you.” You smirk as you feeling more than hearing him moan at your threat. You see, Jisung has divulged to you a saucy little secret; he’d always fantasized about having his girl get fucked, or in your case, fuck, other men and making him watch. He’d never tried it before because he was too nervous to tell anyone about his fantasy for fear that people would judge him. After all, what kind of man would let others touch his woman? Being with you, however, has made him face many sides of him that he was ashamed of acknowledging before, and you were more than happy to help him. “I wonder who I should fuck.” You continue teasing him, loving how he only gets more enthusiastic as you go. “Your Pili-hyung?”  Oops, wrong name.  Jisung gets angry again at hearing the older man’s voice. He grabs your hips and pulls you up a bit so he can move his head to bite the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, hard enough to make you jump.  “Ok, ok, not him. Calm down little squirrel.” You laugh at his glare, sitting down on his face again. “But if you do that again, I’ll put your pretty cock in a cage for a month.”   Now that scares him, and he goes back to eating you out.    “How about Minho, then? God knows he could use being brought down a peg. I’d kill to be able to get my hands on him and fuck that attitude out of him.” You moan as you feel Jisung’s tongue push into your hole at the mention of his hyung’s name.  “Yeah, you like that, baby? Wanna watch me make Minho cry?”  He groans and fucks you fast with his tongue. Glancing over your shoulder confirms that he was indeed hard again, and that knowledge--the fact that he’s getting so worked up over--combined with the enthusiastic way he was eating you out pushes you over the edge.   You can’t hold yourself steady as you cum so Jisung holds you up as you wobble and shake. You feel like you’ve been waiting for this a long time and it feels damn good. 
You’re pliant in his hands as he lays you down next to him and props himself up to ask meekly, “What about now, noona? Was I a good boy?”  “Yes, baby. The best boy.” Your heart flutter as he grins brightly and lays back down, wrapping his arms around your midsection and squeezing tightly.  It’s quiet for some time, and you almost drift into sleep, lulled by the sound of Jisung humming contentedly to himself. But just as you’re almost asleep, he speaks up.  “Noona.” “Yes, pretty?” You reply groggily. “Let’s go on a real date.” You jolt awake. A real date? What does that mean? Or you do know what it means but do you want it? Do you want to date Jisung? Your answer should be no but if so then why did your heart skip a beat when he said that? You’ll just have to deflect until you figure it out. “Doesn’t JYP have a dating ban?” “Yeah but it’s not in the contract or anything. It’s more of a...suggestion.” He’s fumbling and you both know it. “Yeah and fired is just a word.” You retort snarkily.  “I’m not gonna get fired.” “You’re an idol, Han. If you go on a date, the fans or dispatch will be on your ass before you even take a step out of your door.” “There are secret places where idols go for dates, you know?” “Yes, but it’s risky and you’re a rookie from a rising group. If you get caught, it won’t only compromise your career but it could hurt the entire group. You can’t be selfish about this.”  “Forget it. I know you would never date me anyway even if I was the last man on earth.” He mumbles glumly, and so your worst fear comes true; making Jisung lose his smile. “Who said so?” You splutter out, not knowing how to make this better.  “You did. Word for word.”  “Oh... right.”  It’s silent again, but not like it was. Not the good kind.  “Where are you going?” You feel your heart picking up in anxiousness as Jisung gets up.  “I’ve annoyed you enough today. I’ll leave you alone. Thank you for letting me come over.” He says guiltily, hastily putting on his clothes.  “You didn’t annoy me.” “I always annoy you. You just said that. You always say that...” He drifts, a hidden meaning in his eyes that you understand perfectly. Minho had told him.  “I-I lied.” You confess, wincing as you see the shock on his face.  Now, look what you’ve done; you’ve made such an adorable, happy boy doubt himself so much that he’s genuinely surprised that you don’t dislike him.  He looks at you with hope, his eyes silently willing you to say anything that will make him stay, to give him hope that his feelings aren’t completely unrequited.  You know that your feelings for Jisung have changed ever since you started sleeping together but what is the exact nature of those new feeling, you don’t know. Do you like him? As a friend? As a lover? Or is what you’re feeling merely lust that you’re confusing with infatuation?  It hurt you to see him hurt like this. You could just tell him that you like him and make the both of you feel better, but if it didn’t turn out to be true, it would only hurt him more in the long run. He likes you a whole lot, that much is clear, and now, whatever those feelings mean, you like him enough to want to protect him from that pain.   “I don’t think you’re annoying, Han. And for whatever it’s worth, I really enjoyed spending time with you today. But if you don’t feel comfortable staying then you can go... and I’m sorry.”   You are sorry--for making him doubt himself, and for not being able to stop the sadness and disappointment that your words have brought him. 
“There is nothing to be sorry for, noona. ” His voice cracks despite the brave smile he has on, and the wet glint in his eyes making your heart squeeze painfully.  “I should go now.”   •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• A/N: Feedback is greatly appreciated. The Minho/Chan appearance will be pushed back to chapter 4 since I divided chapter 3 into two parts. 
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topicprinter · 5 years
Getting StartedFirst of all you will need to sign up on https://www.shopify.com/. If you head over to their website you will get an option to get started with a 14 days trial plan. In the beginning, I mentioned I will explain how you can be profitable even before you spend a penny. This is a part of that. And if anyone is wondering I am no way affiliated with shopify.When you go for signing up Shopify will ask you for your email, password and store name. Use your email and pass and in the store name section choose a nice/catchy name which should be something like this, first an adjective like "amazing, awesome etc" then products/store. Hopefully you get the idea. Now one thing to remember is that if you are not gonna use a custom domain for your store, you will have to stick to this name meaning this StoreName.Shopify.com will be your permanent URL and you WON'T be able to change this so if you are going to be using a Shopify sub domain make sure you choose the store name you want when signing up. Then click on online store and on the next page fill up your info.Setting Up Your StoreThen once you are on the home page Shopify will tell you everything you need to do in different tabs which will include setting up your shipping setting, tax info, adding products, choosing themes etc. I will go through each of the things you will need to do step by step.First click on settings on the left and click General and choose your store name which will be the same as the URL and then the two email fields and then the store address. Just fill them up accordingly. Then click on the Payment. There are two payments that you have to include and that's Shopify payments by Stripe which will allow you accept credit cards which will ask you to a series of questions. Answer those questions randomly. They don't really matter but what I have seen a lot of people who live outside US struggle with here is Tax ID and SIN number. For those who are wondering you add your Payoneer US payment service here as well. The next thing you will need to choose is Paypal Express Checkout and you are done. Then moving on to Checkout, this part is really a personal preference but I will tell you what I will use.Keep the rest as it is except select automatically archive my order under after an order has been paid. Then you will see a box that says additional scripts, this is where you will be using your Fb retargeting/conversion pixels. I will explain in a later step. Once you are done with the above go the bottom of the page where you see three boxes (Refund policy, Privacy Policy and TOS) click on generate sample for all three and you are done here.Now let's move on to Shipping. First you will have your shipping rate, leave it as it is and move on to shipping rates and add them based on weight and add these shipping rates -0 - 0.9 = $9.991 - 1.9 = $14.992.0 - 2.9 = $17.993.0 - 3.9 = $19.994.0 - 4.9 = $21.99Designing Your StoreYour store design will depend on what niche your products are in but what I would recommend is going for multiple products. Okay so first choose your theme. From my experience the best converting free themes are Classic theme and the Minimal theme. And once you choose the theme you want click on install them and it will get set up. These themes come with everything already set up including the menus, categories and products which you will be editing according to the products you will use. You can modify the theme any way you right but I will just recommend changing the logo and tagline and keep the coloring and stuff same as it is as they are made in a way which will have the highest conversion rate.You can set up your own custom domain if you want which gives your store a more natural feel but I would say sticking with shopify works just fine but if you want to click on online store and then domains and choose a custom domain.Now one thing that I would like to put emphasis on is branding and how important it is so you will want a really professional logo as the logo is the first thing someone will see when they come to your site so get a nice logo for your site. And there you have it your store is all done. Next thing you need to do is get products in your store.Niche Product ResearchI could let you spend hours figuring out what products you should put in your store but I am just going to go ahead and provide you with what worked for me and all you have to do is just copy me. I am using a tool called https://dropshipscan.com/ for product research, it lets you sort all products by order growth rather then total orders and shows you the profit margin. Sign up for the free 14-day trial and start to search for different niches, make sure to set a minimum profit of $10 so it will only show you products where you can make $10 or more in profit. Everything else is not worth your time as the hassle to deal with customers and shipping is always the same no matter if it is a $1 profit or a $30 profit. The only thing that is different is that you need to do 30x times the work if your profit margin is only $1 instead of $30. I hope you get what I mean.Adding A ProductDropshipscan lets you export the products in a file format ready for shopify so you only really need to export and then head over to shopify to import them. I started with exporting all the products of their 'most popular' page, they are a good starting point. Make sure to check it frequently as they add about 5-10 new ones each day which you should add to your shopify store asap. This way you can easily get 50-100 products to your store with just a few clicks which saves you a lot of time you can use to get traffic and sales.Getting Traffic And SalesNow remember when I said I will show you how to do this without spending a penny, well this is the 2nd part of that. We will be using Facebook to bring in the traffic. Now Facebook allows you a credit of a certain amount which is more than enough to start getting sales and start banking. Whenever you add a card to your account Facebook lets you advertise right away and bills you once you reach that credit appointed to you by Facebook. So let's up the ad.First you will need to create a Facebook fanpage under brand/product then sub category website and fill up the about and add a profile picture and add your website URL. Now the aim here is to make a passive income from this so you have to make everything look generic so make sure you put emphasis on the details so everything looks natural.There is one more step before we finish up your ad setup and that it your target audience. I want everyone reading this thread to actually apply this and scale accordingly so you will need to how to find the right audience for your ads. Login to your ad manager then go to tools and then audience insights. Once it loads click on everyone on Facebook. So let's assume our ad is going to be for the plush toy above so what we will be doing is on the interest tab include everything that related to this product and any related pages and as soon as you include them you can see the demographics you will be targeting for your ads. Look for the ones with the highest bar for example lets say female and age 19 - 34 and change it up on the left.After demographics click on Page likes and then you will see the pages that these people are most interested in and that's by looking at the affinity score which determines how relevant the page is to the audience. The higher the score the more relevant it is. Add those pages on the interest tab on the left. Then save the audience. We will use this audience for our ad. Now create a conversion pixel and paste it in the store where I showed earlier.Since our post is ready. Go to create ad and click on Increase Conversions On Your Website and name the campaign and then and click on Use a Saved Audience and choose the audience from earlier and choose your pixel. Then for placement choose all platforms and in platforms choose only facebook and feeds. Cross out everything else and Set ad budget to $20/day on the first day (after 12pm set budget to $10 to gain edge rank, then $20 the next day).After that you will be going to the ad section and here select your page and and the post you made earlier and then click on place order and you are done.Scaling UpNow to scale up add more products and keep testing. Also create different ad sets with different target audiences. Kill the ones that don't convert and keep your top converting ads. You can do this for multiple products. And make sure to milk your top converting ad by increasing you budget. Once $ starts coming in there are few other things you can do to really kick it up a notch and it add apps on your shopify store. The only one you really need is "Yo - display recent sales in real time" which will show recent sales on the left side of your store.Other things you need to do is add an upsell by adding an upsell app like this https://apps.shopify.com/product-upsell which will allow you to upsell clients on items from the same niche. Also keep in mind you will be making a buyers list from this as well so don't hesitate to pitch other products in the same niche to your buyers. Once you start to really kill it with this business model you will want to start creating your own products.ConclusionOkay that's all. You will be suprised how much you can make with this method. Once people come into your store 70% of these people will buy other things too if you set up everything properly and that is why I said to make your site look as professional as possible and add as many products as you can. I have explained everything in details so everyone can apply this method. If you need any help and have any questions feel free to ask below. Now go and TAKE ACTION!
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