#i get scared answering valo questions i feel pressured that i hve to be so right and precise about the whole thing
dteamain · 1 year
Off topic from the language thing but can you explain the losing pistol round in valo thing every CC I watch says it’s obvious that if you lose the first round you lose the second it just doesn’t make sense to me sorry if I’m being stupid 💀
hey anogie sorry for the late answer i actually have so many valo asks that i never answer because im too afraid to answers peoples questions about valo lmaooooo
anyway i will be brave and answer:
so in valo in order to get good guns and shields and abilities you need credits. there is three ways to get credits: kills, plants, and round wins
first round everyone starts with like 800 points i think so its not enough to get anything fancy. thats why its called pistol round: everyone typically gets pistols.
so if you lose first round immediately the other team has more credits then you guys and they will be able to buy better stuff than you.
now if you got a couple kills or were the attacking side and managed to plant then maybe you have a bit more credits however if you use these credits to buy for round two not all of your team will be able to full buy like the other team so the other team is at an advantage there is a high chance of you losing and now you have no credits saved and you are playing at a disadvantage for round 3 again and this turns into a domino effect
the smart thing to do and what most do is play a save/eco round where they buy minimal stuff knowing they will likely lose round 2 but then they will have enough creds to full buy round 3 and be on an even playing field with the other team again
so yeah if you lose round 1 its likely for you to lose round 2 in valo :)
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