#i get why the other guns are pissed thouguh
kleiner-ghost · 8 months
What of Kenny's and Bounty Hunter's conversation didn't get interrupted at the space Applebee's?
2nd person POV, spoilers ahead.
"So-so I killed them all. I -" Kenny rambled on.
"Listen." You interrupted, as you put your hand over his head, trying to reassure him. Well, you tried at least, but Kenny flinched away, avoiding eye contact. "Listen," you continued, "you say this is all your fault, that you're this horrible person for killing all your people-"
"Yes, t-that's exactly what I've been saying. If not for m-me, my people would still be alive, I would still have a home!"
You sat back in your chair, arms crossed over your chest. You'd thought that his rant was over earlier, but evidentially de still had some stuff to get off his chest.
"From where I stand, Garmantuous was the one to do all the killing. How many of your people did you kill?"
"All of them!"
"That was a rhetorical question." You snapped. Kenny made a small scoop backwards and shut up. "Zero. You, personally, didn't fire that canon of yours at any of your own."
You shook a finger in front of his face, hushing him again.
"And how many G3's have you killed? After how many dozens have you stopped counting? Kenny, I'm not saying you're a good guy, don't give me that face, but you gotta put things into perspective-"
The loud sound of a space RV dashing past the space Applebee's, and almost running someone over briefly snapped your attention towards the window.
"T-then, what are you you saying?" Kenny, clearly unbothered by traffic violations asked.
"That you fucked up. You were young and impressionable, and Garmantuous took advantage of that, and you fucked up, sure, but you tried to make it better."
"Wow, it took nothing at all to p-paint me as a hero in all t-this. M-maybe the others will be as stupid, I mean open minded, as you." Kenny muttered.
You weren't sure if that was sarcasm, or genuine thoughts, but you took offence to it none the less.
"If you wanna souse in your self-pity-guilt sandwich, then be my guest. But we've killed hundreds of people in these past what, 3 days?" You weren't sure how long you'd been a bounty hunter for, with the warps and all the days did blend in together, but you were sure it'd been less than a week, "Some of them even had names." You added for dramatic purposes.
You couldn't remember what any of the bounties outside of Dr. Joopy were called, but your point still stood. Judging by Kenny's expression, it was coming across too.
"Those those were G3's. T'thats not the same."
"Yeah, because you actually killed them." You pooed his forehead. "Unlike the Gatlians who were killed by orange shitface."
Kenny looked away for a second, collecting his thoughts.
"Y-you're right." He eventually conceeded. "But I don't think the others will see it like that."
"Burning crossed bridges and all that," you shrugged.
"It's an Earth expression. Now let's go before the wrighters comes back and makes me eat this, urgh," you gave the shrimp quessadilla a dirty side glance, "or worse, makes us pay for it."
"Yeah! Let's go. And and if he comes after us, you can fire my glob shot at them!"
This was another conversation that you needed to have with him, but you decided to save it for another day, as you dashed, without dining, out of the Applebee's.
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