#i got monke brain. Stuff can fly over my head and I wouldn't even notice
How I wonder, how does translate Burgrr?
"Pretty simple answer to that! (assuming you mean the emoji language that was seen throughout the prolonge.)"
"It's an "old-school" way of communicating to other beings thoughout other zones (i.e kinda like a multiverse, but a little different.)"
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"It's more visual than audible, kind of like sign language in a way. Just look at the images and the context, and you'll be able to understand characters like Harmburger!"
"Say if you weren't that much of a talker. You could just use this type of communication to give answers to complicated answers."
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"Although using this type of language isn't always that readable."
"Being limited to just emojis leaves a LOT of loose ideas and answers to be interpreted. You'll have to crack out your creative brain to figure some stuff out."
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Note: This is practically a simplified version of what me and Doodle managed to gather from the webcomic "Awful Hospital; Seriously the worst ever". For all we know, we could've gotten a few stuff wrong here. We suggest checking the webcomic out though, for context AND the comic itself. It's pretty underrated considering it's run-time and characters!
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