#i got the petscop font on there and everything it rules.
decamarks · 2 years
Hey, hi, I've been holding onto your Petscop analysis post for days now, meaning to read it, finally i had time and just now i finished it.
I have to admit it took me a while to read, we're talking about 4hrs, i took breaks, made coffee, had a snack, sometimes i had to go back to re-read a paragraph(s), maybe it's that english is not my first language, maybe it's the adhd... And the autism, ha.
Contrary to all those bumps, it was a very pleasant read, i sincerely enjoyed it, read whole paragraphs aloud in a very hyped voice as if i had rediscovered the wheel.
Sometimes it felt like you read my mind, You put into words the convoluted mass that were my thoughts.
You almost got a whole tesis right there.
In a way, i was that kind of commenter complaining how incomplete Petscop was, but I pulled through all the videos in 1 sitting finishing at 4-5am, so if i had to give an unadultered opinion right that moment i would have said 'i hate this'.
I had to rest, eat, feel better to rewatch it to appreciate it for what it was.
This brings me to what pushed me to interact with you: i came here to thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,
Thank you.
If i could i would print your post, even with all the mistakes you believe are lurking in its words, i believe that brings even more beauty to it, just to be able to read through it with breakfast or before bed.
I hope you have a nice day, week, year, overall a nice life, and that if you partake in the process of creating i hope you continue to share it with us.
;___; AAAGHHH WHY DID TUMBLR NOT NOTIFY ME OF THIS ASK!!! this is such a sincere sweet message to receive thank you so so so much; i'm a bit glad it took me a bit to actually see because this totally made my entire morning. knowing that i could help someone see the series through a different perspective and appreciate it through that is seriously the most fulfilling thing in the world to me. it's a very important series to me as you could probably tell LMAO, so if i can get anyone even an inch closer to seeing the beauty i see in it then i've achieved everything i wanted to with that post.
i have to thank you too, for taking the time to read through all of it. i know it was a lot but i'm so glad my writing could keep you engaged all the way through. and as for the end, thank you so much ;n; i definitely plan to keep creating as long as i'm alive to do it!!! i hope you have a good day/week/year/life too...
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