#i got to my friends house after post prom at like 5:30 did not nap well while being there
anurarana · 1 year
two mirror selfies from prom last night as a reminder that im hot 😳💕☠️
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Tumblr is the perfect void to scream into
Even though I’ve already screamed out loud in this empty house and my throat is sore
This writing won’t be good, I’m not trying, this isn’t art, this is just me, in extreme pain, screaming, and using an excessive and incorrect amount of comas
I’ve come so close to posting a picture of me on my private story about this, I’ve drafted so many tweets but in the end I delete them all after each new crushing realization that nobody gives a single fuck
Literally no one
And if someone did ask what was wrong it would be out of guilt
And if someone did ask what was wrong it would be because my picture or tweet reminded them that I exist and that I might not be doing so well but nobody has ever checked up on me just to check up because they care
Nobody knows how hurt I am
I’m heart broken, not by anyone in particular but by life
I’m screaming that it’s unfair and all I get is “life’s not fair” well what do they think this is? Trial run preparing me for life? This is practice? No dumb bitch this is life so of course it’s not fucking fair and why can’t I ever point that out??
The following is from the caption of a 1 second video I made, it’s an app where you take a one second video everyday for a year and at the end you have a movie of your year. The video was of me, buried in a pillow, staring at the camera. I took it about two weeks ago when things were as bad as they’ve ever been. I wrote this a little later once things got a little better and I understood that I’d probably be ok but for a while it got so bad that it was scary because I didn’t think I’d ever be alright again, I just didn’t feel anything. Nobody knows though. I didn’t tell anyone because I knew nobody actually cared. Nobody thinks about me unless I’m right in there face and they don’t want to be reminded of me when I’m not there so I leave people be. Here it is:
I made this video instead of a cute one showcasing all the people in my life because I want my one seconds to honestly reflect my days. Not every day is fun and video ready. Some days are slow. Some days are stressful. Some days are just bad. Today is a really bad day. Nothing happened to make it bad but I hate myself today more than usual. I’ve been feeling really alone in the world lately and it’s because I’m beginning to realize that I am alone in the world. I don’t have a best friend. Or any real friends actually. I have Ada but I’m not her best friend and she has never asked me to hang out and she doesn’t text me or tell me anything. I have Parker but she has other best friends and she lives in Greenville. I’m fat even though I’m practically starving myself. I’m ugly even when I look my best. I don’t belong anywhere and I have such a hard time trusting people after what chandler and that group of girls did to me. I literally think about how much they probably hate me every time I think about sending them something or talking to them even after two months. Like sometimes I literally start to shake now because of how unknowable other people’s true opinions of me are. They really broke something in me. I don’t trust anyone anymore. I’m the only person that I have and I don’t even care about me. No boy that I want is ever going to think I’m anything special or want me because of how annoying I am and how ugly and poorly shaped I am. I’m annoying and loud at the wrong times on the surface but then when you look deeper I’m just nothing, I have no personality, I have nothing to say.
I haven’t felt this worthless and non-energetic in a really long time and I think it’s a depressive episode because there isn’t really any event happening or that has happened to trigger it. I don’t feel like doing anything or being with anyone. I have no one to talk to because no one wants to hear about my problems and I wouldn’t be able to articulate it well anyway, which would only frustrate me. I don’t have a date to js so I’m not going and I thought I grew out of that stage where I was that girl with no date and no options because I’m 17 I’ve grown up since freshmen year. I thought things were better but I guess at my core I’ll always be the girl nobody really wants to take to a dance. I’m nobody’s first choice. I never have been. Lately it seems as though everybody but me gets to be happy and gets what they want and I get nothing. Chandler broke my heart and got Deborah. Megan is so mean to me and hates me so much and she got Jackson. I haven’t done anything to anybody and I can’t even get a date to prom because people, especially guys, don’t want to be around me. I’m so uncomfortable in my own skin and in my own personality that I’m constantly aware of how awkward or annoying I’m acting and I just feel like pulling at my elbows until my skin comes off and I can be somebody new. I don’t want to kill my self but I don’t want to exist anymore. I want to run away and hide forever in most social situations and even sometimes when I’m alone. I constantly find myself saying out loud that I “want to go home” without thinking about it, even when I’m in my own home and I don’t get it. Where the fuck is my home? Where am I going to feel safe and at peace with myself? How much longer until I find that place? Because I can’t do this for much longer. I slept all night until 10:30 and I never ever take naps but I’m so emotionally drained that I’m exhausted right now and am about to sleep even though I had a large coffee a few hours ago. I think my body and my soul are just tired of being conscious and of thinking and feeling this way. It’s hopelessness, it’s worthlessness, it’s loneliness, and it’s fucking exhausting and it’s fucking terrifying. I’m scared I’m going to feel like this forever. I need somebody but I don’t trust friends after that group of girls and I don’t trust boys after chandler, everything is either too good to be true or it’s not good at all. I don’t even have the energy to turn on the tv or play music. I wish I could cry to let it it out but I can’t cry unless I’m angry or frustrated. Ive been laying in a dark bedroom for 5 hours doing nothing, no music, no tv, nothing. All because I just don’t have the energy to. All I’ve eaten today is a cheese stick and some peanuts and at first it was because I am trying so desperately to lose weight but now it’s because I can’t will myself to eat even though I’m lightheaded and dizzy, I don’t care. No one does. No one has ever checked up on me just to see if I’m ok. I’m convinced I don’t cross anybody’s mind unless I’m right there with them. Nobody ever invites me places or asks me to hang out with them and people rarely text me first or respond to me with equal enthusiasm. What is so special about me that makes me so irrelevant to everyone? Why am I seemingly the only person with absolutely nobody. It’s probably because my mom didn’t let me watch sponge bob as a kid. Idk. I’m tired though, of so many things. Maybe things will be different when I wake up, maybe I’ll want to exist then. Update: I woke up. I wish I hadn’t.
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adambstingus · 7 years
10+ People Who Absolutely Don’t Give AF
There comes a time in life when you simply can’t be bothered to care about anything anymore. For many people, this comes with old age. For others, we stopped caring the moment we entered this world.
You might think we’re inciting anarchy here, but the point we’re trying to make is actually a lot simpler. Every day, we face countless expectations and social codes that are meant to dictate our behavior and inhibit our individuality. You would be surprised how relieving it is to disregard what other people think about you. As long as nobody gets (seriously) hurt, just do your own thing.
If you’re inspired already, keep scrolling, because we’ve compiled a whole host of people that don’t even give half a damn anymore, and we’re pretty sure they’re loving life.
#1 This Is Carter. He Knocked On My Door To Ask If He Could Have A Banana Then Left
#2 This Old Couple
#3 Elderly Couple Posing For Photo After Their Car Flipped (Wife Still Trapped Inside)
#4 Spiderman At The Birth Of Jesus
#5 Just Keep Smiling
#6 This Subway Vent Guy
#7 This Lady At The Gym
#8 My Friend’s Flight Got Cancelled
#9 My Friends And I Saw This The Other Day
#10 Just Let Me Play
#11 Just Taking A Ride
#12 Hurricane Sandy? What Hurricane Sandy?
#13 This Musician
#14 Juliet Waiting For Romeo
#15 My Friend Was At The Airport, And This Old French Woman Was Giving No F*cks
#16 My Sister Lives In Florida And Sends Some Weird Pictures Of People. This Was Most Recent
#17 This Guy Couldn’t Care Less
#18 Making Pancakes During Class
#19 Real Engineers Simply Don’t Care
#20 This Guard Ran Out Of F*cks To Give
#21 Fuck It I’ll Make A Tree
#22 This Grandma
#23 Passionately Caring
#24 Free Refills They Said
#25 This Old Man At The Apple Store
#26 Even With An Arrow In His Chest, This Gentleman Has No F*cks To Give
#27 House Across The Street Is Burning. Fire Trucks, Police Cars, Flames… My Kid Gives Zero F*cks. She Wants To Swing
#28 Just Chillin
#29 The Amount Of F*cks Were Below Zero At My Morning Lecture
#30 Who Ever Gave A Parking Ticket To This Cop
#31 My Family Visited Me For My Birthday. My Mom Has Ran Out Of Ducks To Give
#32 Just A Grown Woman Riding In A Shopping Cart While Her Mother Shops
#33 My Italian Nonno
#34 Shits Taken: 1, F*cks Given: 0
#35 No F*cks Nor Worries Given
#36 Grandma Gets It
#37 Zero F*cks On A Snowy Morning In Madison, WI
#38 Tried To Prank My Mom, She Just Took A Photo And Went Inside
#39 This Guy In A Class
#40 When You Still Have Some Unanswered Questions
#41 Whoever Set This Clock
#42 Just Some Casual Reading At The Ball Game
#43 Zero F*cks Given By Lady At A Diner In NH, Where Carly Fiorina Was Talking
#44 This Grandpa Doesn’t Give A Sh*t About Your Prom Pictures
#45 F*ck It
#46 When You Still Have 5 Hours Of Work Left, But The Party Was Too Wild Last Night
#47 This Kid Pulls Out A George Foreman Grill During My Lunch Period In School And Just Starts Making Grilled Cheese
#48 Just Enjoying His Pizza
#49 In My Country, They Don’t Give A Duck About Your Parking Space
#50 Flood In Romania – What Can You Do?
#51 This Guy Walking His Pizza
#52 It’s Casual Friday At Subway
#53 Shia Labeouf Just Doesn’t Give A F*ck Anymore
#54 Can’t Care Less
#55 A Bunch Of Kids Made The Local Paper For Underage Drinking. One Girl Had No Fs To Give
#56 DVD Emergency
#57 This Student At Cafeteria
#58 My Dad Just Got A New Snow Blower
#59 My Father. Zero F*cks Given
#60 Drove 1,100 Miles To See This Woman, But Grandma Doesn’t Give A F*ck
#61 Old People Really Dont Give A Damn
#62 This UPS Guy
#63 This Kid
#64 My Sister Who Works At Walmart Just Sent Me This
#65 Well That’s One Way To Get Through A Traffic Jam
#66 My Friend Brought His Microwave To School To Avoid Waiting In Line For One At Lunch
#67 This Girl Could Care Less Where She Naps
#68 Just Hot Volcano
#69 This Guy At The Gas Station Brought His Own Coffee Maker, Plugged It Into The Sign, And Started Just Brewing
#70 When The Thirst Is Real
#71 And For A Short While, Literally Zero F*cks Were Given
#72 When You Just Can’t Miss The New Episode. Priorities
#73 Just Ridin’
#74 Just A Casual Day On Calgary Transit
#75 None Left To Give
#76 Just A Normal Day In Paris ….
#77 The King Of Morocco Giving Zero Fs
#78 This Man Just Shopping For Groceries
#79 Indian Roads
#80 Danger? Nope, Never Heard Of That
#81 He Just Reached That Level Where Zero Fs Are Left
#82 A Vehicle Is A Vehicle
#83 It Will Give Better Speed
#84 Get Ready Lady
#85 Looks Similar To Me
#86 It’s Raining Outside, And Apparently My School Gives 0 Fs
#87 This Woman On Bus Eating Tub Of Mayonnaise
#88 Jonathan Ross Brings Xmas Leftovers To Have A Snack While Taping A Quiz Show
#89 Hamilton Destroys Christmas
#90 Bride In Waitrose!
#91 Overload ?
#92 Kuya Just Doesn’t Give A Duck. Manila, Philippines 2016
#93 Stupid Born
#94 Like A Boss
#95 Save The Pringles, Not Me!
#96 Mah Doll
#97 Giving 0fs. Plates And Forks Are Overrated.
#98 Because Uno Stack N Beer Is More Important Than A Stripper
#99 Af, Just Ride On
#100 Just In Indonesia….
#101 At Least I Have My Snuggie.
#102 Signs? What Signs?
#103 No F&3ks Were Given This Day
#104 Art To Sell And Zero F$&@’s To Give
#105 Who Needs A Harness In Png
#106 Somewhere In Russia
#107 My Kids Don’t Understand Modern “art” At Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum.
#108 Stretching
#109 Painter Did Or Did Not…give A F…. Maybe The Stone Was Too Heavy? At The Local Grocery Shop.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/16/10-people-who-absolutely-dont-give-af/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/167540642717
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