#i gotta refresh the entire webpage
spectrearia · 7 months
tumblr has been insanely glitched for me on desktop the past few days, like? lots of jittering on the page, posts not loading properly (or not appearing at all), and my scroll bar jumping wildly around and not allowing me to scroll after a certain point without it just erratically skipping??
never had this happen before. I know the dashboard unf*cker creator recently chose to cease updating, but I'm not sure if that plug-in is the cause or not. anyone else having this issue with desktop tumblr? it's kinda driving me insane.
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finallyaniguana · 5 years
Watch The Eyes: The Gotham City Airport [9]
[8]     masterpost     ao3     [10]
EDIT: so as it turns out there is not an extra day between Friday and Saturday. Its been so long since I wrote this chapter that i completely forgot to keep track of the days of the week so im bumping the schedule back a day (so the plane landed Sunday instead of Monday)
It had been a tense two weeks since Damian had spoken to Dick about what happened in the batcave. If the situation wasn't so serious, Damian would have laughed at his reaction.
"Wait, so you're telling me I was sparring with your soulmate?"
Damian nodded grimly.
"Dude... no hesitation. She kicked my ass."
He furrowed his eyebrows. 'Wait... she won? She can fight?'
"No, seriously. Whoever she is, she is fully prepared to deal with our family. Didn't even ask what was going on. You gotta let me know when you find her. I want a rematch."
While Dick was questioning his entire life, Damian was devising ways to attempt to find his soulmate. He was fairly certain she was in France by the language and time stamp, which he conveniently forgot to mention to Dick or anyone else for that matter. He also knew that she has friends named Alya and Nino. It wasn't alot to go on considering he had no idea where in France to start looking.
Alya was not a terribly common name, but being so young it was unlikely the girl had any press or accomplishments he would be able to search for. Since he didn't know her last name, he couldn't research her until he found his soulmate.
He hadn't been able to catch the name of the school. Maybe because the girl, Alya, was dragging him too fast. Or maybe it was leftover resistance to having a bond like this. But it would spell trouble for his entire family if she came to Gotham looking for Nightwing. He had no idea what her character was like. She could be totally reckless. Better to find her first.
He started a campaign of research, sparing none of his free time. But his isolation was leading him into weariness. He was usually fairly introverted, meaning he got his energy by spending time alone, but something was pushing him to spend time with others. So, to keep up his spirits and energy, he went outside the manor for his training. Kor'i was very excited to see him back, the rest of the Titans surprised. He didn't tell them about her, though. He wanted to keep that quiet.
He also went out of his way to spend more time with Jon, who was ecstatic that Damian had decided to find her.
"What made you change your mind?" Jon asked.
Damian sat in silence for a moment. His shoulders drooped and he exhaled.
"I don't know. It feels right , I suppose."
That was a good enough answer for Jon.
Despite not expecting any success, Damian searched up 'Alya France' on his computer. The only thing that came up was a site called 'The Ladyblog' which looked like a fansite about a superhero he'd never heard of. He scrolled through it for a bit before stopping on a video from about two years prior. He clicked it.
"Don't blink now, we're live from Paris. Yo peeps! Alya here bringing you the one and only Ladyblog. *gasp* What is that? Ladybug in action! Hang on, we're going for a ride."
The video continued to play in the background of Damian's mind. It could not be this easy. That was most definitely the girl he saw through his soulmate's perspective. He had absolutely no idea what the girl was talking about though. Ladybug? Chat Noir? Surely if this was real he would have heard about it. No, it must be some sort of fiction project or something similar.
She lived in Paris. Next he had to figure out what school this girl went to so he could figure out his soulmate's name. The textbook in Alya's hand being his biggest lead to the school.
From there... he would make his final decision. They would meet sometime in the coming year, but he didn't have to reveal himself since it was unlikely she would have figured out Nightwing's secret identity by then. Even Tim, undoubtedly the greatest detective of all the Robins, would have taken far longer to figure it out had he not seen Dick perform at Haley's a those years ago.
His mother would have told him to avoid the girl like the plague. Not even consider looking for her. She would only drag him down, add to the list of things that could be used against him. Make him go soft.
But his father? His brothers? They would say go for it. Even Batman, the ultimate loner, recognized the need to have connection. Thus starting his adopting spree that they are yet to be convinced has ended.
He'd trace that book to her school. Trace that book to her class. Trace that book to her. Unknowingly following a similar route to the Ladyblogger in front of him.
Tim sat in his office looking over the itinerary for the class that was visiting. Wayne Enterprises was sponsoring the entire trip.
• Dick was picking up the class from the airport and getting them to the hotel Sunday. Transportation had been secured for the whole trip.
• Dick was also to lead the tour of the building the first day, Monday. At least the public parts.
• Gotham High was accepting them the next few days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, so the trip remained educational.
• A visit to the Gardens the next day, Saturday, a tour guide arranged.
• Back to Gotham High the next week, Monday through Friday. Tour of the Gotham museum of art Saturday.
• Gotham High again.
• Charity gala the last Saturday with a mention to the class president who wrote the winning essay. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
He squinted at the name. There was something familiar about it.
'Pain is French for bread? That's got to be it,' he thought. He brushed it off. He had other work to accomplish.
Dick was to be meeting this class at the airport. As the tour guide, he was opening himself up to be the face of their entire trip. He would be accompanying them on all of their trips since Tim had work and Damian was in school (although some of the students were likely to end up in Damian's class). He wasn't sure if anyone would recognize him as Bruce Wayne's first son. To be quite frank, he was hoping they wouldn't. They were French so there was a good chance.
Dick was also on edge after having a discussion with Damian. He wholeheartedly supported him finding his soulmate. He seemed so desperate, bit in a quiet kind of way, even though for years he's been saying he wanted nothing to do with her, whoever she is.
He had been acting strange for two weeks. Rambling on. Cautious where he used to be fearless. Less like the grandson of the demon and more like... well a kid. An anxious kid. It was refreshing, even if he knew it was most likely Damain's soulmates personality peeking through Damian's cracked veneer. He was also becoming more social which absolutely floored B when his son brought Jon home to hang out or when he actually volunteered to train in the Tower with the Titans. It was strange. But a good strange.
The kids pouring out of the luggage claim looked absolutely exhausted. A seven hour flight would do that to you. Despite that, Dick noticed the group had two focal points between which students bounced back and fourth. An taller Italian girl and a much shorter girl with black hair to her shoulder blades.
He had a sign that said François Dupont which he flipped up, the kids pooling into the center of the area. All the kids looked around awkwardly. The small girl with the black hair noticed him first. She turned to to the redheaded teacher he hadn't noticed before. Caline Bustier he remembered. When Caline looked towards him, she ushered the kids in his direction, smiling at the girl who pointed him out.
All the teens flocked around him. The teacher smiled and extended her hand. He shook it.
"Alright! Francois Dupont, yes? Forgive me if my French is a little bit shakey. I haven't had too many occasions to speak it. My name is Richard. On behalf of Wayne Enterprises I welcome your class to Gotham!"
The kids all looked at each other with excitement.
"Now, if you'll all follow me. There is a bus waiting to take you to your hotel," Dick said brightly.
He beckoned them outside where a Coach bus was waiting. The luggage underneath, they were all ready to go.
"One more thing!" Dick announced.
They all looked at him. He held up a small digital camera.
"To prove to Mr. Wayne you all arrived safely. And for the contest webpage if that's alright with you."
He let Mlle. Bustier arrange the children so they could all be seen, she and Dick standing at either side of the group. The coach driver took the picture. The camera automatically downloaded all photos to his cell phone, so he was immediately able to send the picture to Bruce. That picture was from there sent to Tim who uploaded it to the contest webpage with the caption "The winning class!"
They all filed onto the bus. The Italian girl seemed to have priority over everyone else, or at least that's how several of her classmates treated her. She went on first. Not before subtly knocking shoulders with the small girl. It didn't seem friendly.
Since he had no details, there was little he could do unless whatever the situation was escalated under his watch. He decided to keep an eye on those two, just in case.
The teacher took roll once more. Satisfied that they had everyone, the bus started moving. After about forty five minutes, the bus rolled into the hotel parking lot. Dick stood first and went into the hotel.
He collected the room keys from the front desk while Mlle. Bustier handled getting everyone and everything off the coach.
He came back outside, passing off the thick envelope of key cards to the teacher, smiling brightly. She thanked him with her best English. Richard's face lit up in surprise.
"Oh!" he said. "I was unaware you spoke English."
Her expression grew slightly pained.
"Very little," she admitted. In French she continued, voice low. "Although our class president speaks it fluently and at least one of my other students has claimed to speak English quite well."
The word claimed was not lost on him. He chose not to address it at that time though. It was good to know that Miss. Dupain-Cheng spoke English, since she would be the one honored at the gala. He nodded to himself. Turning to the class he made an announcement.
"Names and room numbers are on the keys. Each of you should have one and may have them as a little keepsake at the end of your stay. As long as your teacher approves, I would have no issue with trading, and as long as everyone is okay with it."
A murmur passed along the small crowd. He nodded and turned back to the teacher. He pulled their itinerary out of his bag and passed it to her.
"I will be meeting you here at 8:30 am sharp. Everything you need should be on this paper including my personal cell phone if there is an emergency. On behalf of Bruce Wayne and his company, I again welcome you to Gotham."
When Dick finally arrived home, it was after Gotham High had let out. Meaning Damian was already home. He had been on edge for two weeks after his soul switching. Of course that spread to everyone in the house. Their identities would have to be comprised for this. But to see Damian happy... it might be worth it.
They had all discussed it and decided that Damian would find her and do some research, get to know her in costume, then decide if she could be trusted. Damian continued to give some weak protest over having a soulmate, but everyone could tell it was forced. He really seemed to want this.
'Speak of the devil,' he thought as Damian appeared in the hall.
"Baby Bird," he returned his brother's attempt at a greeting.
Damian squinted at him.
"You're home quite early," he stated.
"Yes, I just got back from the hotel. I was picking up the class that B's sponsoring. Remember the contest?" he asked.
Damian's eyes widened with knowing.
"Oh, I was unaware that they would be arriving so soon," he said.
Dick raised an eyebrow.
"You gotta pay attention, pal."
His expression soured.
"I've been a little busy, Grayson.
The older of the two stood there, considering that defense. Under the circumstances of the last two weeks, he would cut him some slack.
"Well, some of them are going to be in your class starting Tuesday," Dick informed him.
"Some of them?"
"Well, it would kind of be a lot to add all those kids to one class. So, the class is being split up into groups of two or three and sitting in on the different classes in your grade," he explained.
Damian nodded thoughtfully before his face lit up with panic.
He turned and ran up the stairs.
Alfred emerged from a room to his right.
"Master Dick. You're back. Where did Master Damian run off to?" the butler asked.
Dick stared up the stairs where his brother had run. Dick had started to expect this odd behavior that Tim had claimed was being channeled from Damian's soulmate. He shrugged. Another time then.
For the quote from the Ladyblog I used the English version of Pharoh, so if the translation isn't quite what you're expecting, that's probably why. Also the mention to Tim seeing Dick at the circus was a reference to Knightfall. Takes place pretty close after Death in the Family. Tim is high up on my list of favs so I just wanted to throw some praise for him in here so... yay Tim!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)
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@vixen-uchiha @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @violatiger8 @mochinek0 @constancetruggle @yamadochie @seraphichana @captainmac6 @nataladriana9 @iggy-of-fans @riarkle-felinettelove @luciferge @mystery-5-5 @mellownieice @northernbluetongue @imanerddealwith @ayuchan07 @poshplumcot @annabellabrookes @legendaryneckjudgestudent @chez-pezeater @friedchickening @da-tasuky @crazylittlemunchkin @g-arya @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @witchbitch1998 @theatreandcomicfreak @lysslovsanime @zalladane @tbehartoo @goggles-mcgee @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @melicmusicmagic @reichi-vogart
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exo-trashbean · 5 years
In Honor of the Summer Ending
I heard some pretty wacky stuff while working at my summer job as an intern in an I.T. Department. Here is a some banter I recorded.
Sidenote - there are two Brians in my office (”Brian”, or “B″ is my boss, respectively, and “Other Brian″ is the jackass that stops over to roast me and the other intern), as well as two Dereks ("Derek " (”D”) is the other intern, and "Other Derek" is the one that sits a cube over -- all of the stuff he says is always heard from over the wall). [Also, when I refer to a “cube” it means a group cubicle with 4 people in it]
The chats/quotes separated by return spaces are all from different conversations, to clarify.
"That is a lovely Shade of booger" "Try again" beep. beep. *beeps get more impatient* beepbeepbeep “Ok stOP-”
loud bang heard from across the department. “Are You having fun yet?” “Nope”
“I- I can’t” “What is it?” “A sandwich with no bread”
Clinking of change. “It’s crazy that there are 50 year-old quarters... just chillin”
“Think fast.” *Sound of can hitting the ground* *Deep sigh*
“I support equal robot rights”
Brian: *making whistle noises like bombs dropping whilst pelting interns w/root beer barrels*
Not exactly a quote, but I stand up to stretch in the morning and on the board in the cube next to me says “Cheese life! Go Cheese!”
[Testing workflow website for company] Wes: Just make sure when you comment something, you submit an attachment. It can be anything. Brian + me: Anything? *Wes nods* *Entire cube goes onto DevHumor for memes*
Ezra sneezes. Brian sneezes 2 seconds later, but with the Dad Sneeze™. Brian turns to me [2 hrs after learning what “boneless” means]: “See, his sneeze was boneless, mine was not.”
Brian: Do you know what the use of a GoTo() [Statement] is? *leans forward* THERE IS NONE Coworker walking by: GoTo the unemployment line Brian: If I find a GoTo() statement in your code, there is gonna be a coffee mug-shaped dent in your forehead
[Cube next to me after debugging] Other Derek: Thanks for solving the mystery Lucas. do you want to be part of the scooby doo club? Thomas: *offhandedly* The mystery gang? Lucas: What kind of snacks do you got? Other Derek: uh, combos- *Sound of footsteps fading away*
[Other Cube] “Is that jam?” “Yeah it’s Derek’s” “Do you want some? You can have some only if you eat all of it right now” “You’re nuts!” “No I have Jam”
Derek: We got state fair corn dogs and my brother eats like 2 or 3 for breakfast- Brian: He eats 3 corn dogs for breakfast?! Other Brian: My kinda guy
“I don’t eat things I can’t pronounce”
“Password is DonutsRgood”
“I’m trying to separate it into two columns [on ms word] but it keeps wrapping weird” “Then tell it you don’t want to listen to its music” “The exit door is right there Derek”
[Derek making checklist for supervisor on dry erase board] “NOT GARISH” written @ bottom Me: you know what you gotta do is *starts to point* Derek: YES DIFFERENT COLORS *grabs all the markers*
D: ah ye scallywag B: what D: nabbed me pen ye did B: Ah, ye see it looks a bit like mine D: it’s fine I already got another one B: arrr D: thief of the seas
Me: did you play clue or clue junior? Derek: uh... I have *giggles* no clue
Kathy, older woman that could kick anybody’s ass, total savage, etc. goes to open door - all I hear is a thud as she kicks it(?) and an “OW”: *Walking back to cubicle* “well I WAS having a good day”
“your positive attitude just sucks”
B: *Messes something up* Nergh [Unknown from other cube]: argh B: ugh
B: did you just call Dairy Queen unhealthy? D: Blasphemy. They have salads.
[Talking about hot pockets Brian made] me: why’d you put swiss cheese on it? B: swiss cheese has no lactose- D: does it at least have feet? because it lacks toes? Other Derek, from over the cube wall, before I can even sigh: Is that why swiss cheese has holes? B: oh so when HE makes the joke-
Other Derek: I need new friends. A guy I know is listening to a spotify playlist called “White Trash Bash”
[other cube mocking a caller that had a webpage problem] Zach: I REfrEsHEd Other Derek: you refreshed? I want a refresh *sound of repeated banging on keyboard* is it working?
D: it smells like pickles over here *gesturing to fridge* B: *goes over to fridge to inspect* That’s Wes’s Pickle (Referring to Wes’s lunch). *giggles* B: *turns to me and holds up 4 fingers* I’m this many.
Ezra: *Excitedly* I did a thing. There’s code! *waving arms at computer*
Nicole: [to Brian] “I’m supposed to ask if you could be any dog what you would be” Other Derek [from over the wall]: Hot dog. Say Hot Dog.
Ezra, who sits 5 whole feet away from me: *messages me over skype* “How are you holding up? :)”
“Do you know what day it is?” “No I wanna go to lunch, you guys stink” “do you know what day it is?” “... it’s hump day?”
[other cube after returning from lunch] Thomas: Yee, and I cannot stress this enough, HAW
B: don’t buy a house you can afford childless. *Very seriously* because childs happen. Me + Derek: childs happen??
Brian, my 46 y/o boss: *Opens 2 cheese sticks and sticks them in his mouth like a walrus*
[Cube over] “Could you sip your tea any louder man?” *sound of obnoxious tea sipping* *sound of choking on hot water*
“It’s not that you broke it, it’s that I had it not-fixed in the first place”
D:*cups hands over mouth to amplify sound* I WILL CONSUME YOUR DATA
5 minute conversation about pronunciation of “Worcestershire”
Aavery, the other intern besides Derek: “Teaspoons you use to stir tea. Table spoons you use to stir tables”
[talking about Spanish] B: I can order a cold beer, count to 10, and say “socks”. I can older a cold pair of socks!
Kathy: I can’t wait to retire so I can smoke weed.
[about testing] D: Aavery and Autumn did some testing for the help desk and broke a bunch of stuff [sidenote: breaking stuff is a good thing when it comes to testing] Me: I only broke like one thing, Aavery did the rest D: Well, one thing is... *trailing off* better than... none things...
Brian tells Derek to answer the phone if Mr. Duemann (one of the managers in the plant) calls. [Derek & I talking about how to answer the phone] D: *hewwo rp voice* Misteww Doowman, Bwian says to come heyuw :3
B: $1400 worth of cheese Me: jeez B: no, CHEESE
Derek, proudly after testing: There will no be bug. [yes, that’s typed correctly]
Other Derek, from over cube [talking to somebody else]: I knew it! you always smell like Jumbalaya B: WHAT
[backlog refinement, which is basically planning work stuff] B: we’re gonna have to give Autumn the password to the Service Account, and *turns to me* you’re gonna swear to use all your brain cells that day
“INventory stuf on servers” written as the title of a scheduled work task
[heard from across the office] “It’s NOT a dad joke, I thought it was cool!”
“The person that IS an alcoholic isn’t here today”
[free nacho day] Ezra: “if you taste each individual item you’re not using enough cheese”
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shoppingturbo-blog · 6 years
Five Under $50: Five Sites that Sell Cheap 2019 Maternity Swimwear
Amazon.com Maternity Swimwear As far as a maternity bathing suit, I wore my trusty, non-pregnancy, side-tie string bikini for its first few months of my pregnancy, and once I eventually purchased a maternity swimsuit, it was a leopard-print, Liz Lange for Target tankini for well under $50. Here are five sites that you can see to find your own comfortable, cute, and above all, affordable maternity swimsuit for 2019. Maternity4Less has swimsuits in the above $50 and the under $50 range, but their website is definitely worth checking Yes, amazon.com; they are a great source for many brands and stores. Because retailers such as Target and Motherhood Maternity market their maternity swimwear through amazon, you may observe some suits twice if you've already browsed the shop website, but you'll also see exceptional brands that are too adorable, such as Dynabelly. And popular manufacturer Prego, that usually costs well over $50 to get a lawsuit, has a few selections on amazon for under $50. The really fantastic thing about the amazon site is that you can sort the matches by price, using the"Sort By" instrument in the top left corner of the webpage. Use the pulldown menu to select"Price: Low to Top" and you will see all of the under $50 matches first! You can view amazon.com's maternity swimwear 2019 in the apparel section of amazon.com.http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1554023/top_2019_maternity_swimwear_bikinis.html?cat=46 So far as I'm concerned, the entire Liz Lange for Target maternity line is awesome. I pretty much stocked my closet with Liz Lange since it was affordable, available, and also a fantastic bargain. As far as maternity swimwear, there are some great maternity bathing suit selections for 2019. My favorite of the bunch is the Liz Lange for Target Printed Swimsuit- Red Medallion for $34.99. This tankini has a super cute, contemporary white and red medallion print that is quite refreshing and fairly, and the red color tells everyone on the shore that you're one hot mama! Online reviewers in target.com do warn that the top with this suit runs a bit small, but overall, were pleased with the fit and appearance of this Liz Lange for Target maternity swimsuit. Several online reviewers also remarked that they were piling,y and that this maternity swimsuit offered great aid. View the full selection of Liz Lange for Target maternity swimwear for 2019 at the Target.com website. Liz Lange for Target Once I was pregnant, I'd navigate through these super expensive maternity stores, but I always left empty handed. Umm, HELLO, you are only pregnant for a few months, right? So why spend a fortune on maternity clothing, I guessed. I say, save the money to invest on a personal trainer after the baby is born, so that you can start wearing your favourite pre-pregnancy clothing again. Maternity4Less Site Old Navy Maternity Swimwear Motherhood Maternity Swimwear You will love the fab bathing suits in Motherhood Maternity, and all them are under $50. Regardless of your personality or summer programs, you'll find what you're searching for in this website. Planning a Hawaiian babymoon? You'll love the halter maternity tankini in pink with a white Hawaiian flower print ($34.98.) Are you currently a sweet southern girl, a la Daisy Duke? You will pick the blue gingham cosmetic trim pregnancy tankini ($29.98.) Motherhood Maternity online provides one-pieces, separates, skirted suits, and the ever popular tankini. To view their full 2019 collection of maternity swimwear, visit the motherhood.com site. The entire line of Old Navy maternity swimwear is great and affordable, but the best part isthey provide quite a few separates. Gotta love separates so that you may mix and match! One other great thing about maternity swimwear separates is, you are able to spend less your pregnancy progresses by adding one other bit, rather than a completely different suit. The halter tankini ($22.50) comes in sizes XS - XXL, and in a variety of solids and prints. My fave is the"Blue Print", which is wavy vertical lines of aqua, green, white and navy--very cool. The side tie bikini bottoms ($19.50) are offered in four solid colors, also XS - XXL. Old Navy also has maternity tube swim coverups in coordinating colors, for just $16.50! View the whole collection of Old Navy maternity swimwear for 2019 at the Oldnavy.com"Swim Looks' page. Out --there are some fantastic deals! I adore that the V-Back Bikini Swimsuit ($24.99) that looks like a regular bikini from the trunk, but has policy over the belly in the front. Along with also the 3-Piece Halter Bikini set ($39.99) is a great idea--it comes with two shirts, a normal string bikini triangle-style top, and a tankini top with shelf bra. 1 important note on this site: their return and exchange policies are fairly specific, and they change by lawsuit, so read carefully before you purchase! To find the entire collection of maternity swimwear for 2019 see the maternity4less.com site.
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