#i gotta reread aft and draw some andreil too
dropthedemiurge · 2 months
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A pretentious coffin, Jean had called it [the school] a month ago, when Renee asked after it. Fanciful and grim, she’d thought then, but now she understood. [...] Pretentious coffin, she silently agreed, and then, But not yours. [...]The only thing that mattered was the body on Riko’s floor. Not a body, Renee thought fiercely, and willed it to be true, but how could it be true when Jean looked like this? That Riko had just left him here like this was almost as horrifying as the state he was in, and she was trembling as she knelt on the ground by his head. [...] The gate rattled open, and Renee flashed Riko a peace sign out the window as she put the pedal to the floor. Unnecessary, she knew, but she could worry about her attitude later.
– lazarus, Nora Sakavic
Hey look, it's my first ever AFTG/TSC fanart! And of course, I chose to express the angst :D
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