#i graduated w/ an english degree i can't help it
uncloseted · 2 months
Hiii so I know that you did a master program (if I'm not mistaken on your lore). It's a goal of mine to go into grad school either masters or masters/PhD. But right now I just don't have the money for it currently. I'm almost done w my bachelor's and I want to move out and eventually get a new car and try to settle into a career. Do you think it's possible for me to save up and maybe pursue my masters at a later time in my life? Would it still even be valuable by then?
Yes! Good memory! I did a master's program. For me, I think it was 100% worth it. I really love being in school, and if I could, I would go back and do another graduate degree just because I enjoy that kind of work. So in that sense, I think graduate degree is always valuable if you enjoy the work. As for whether or not it's a good financial investment, it really depends on the degree you're doing and the job you're hoping to get. Some industries require you to have a graduate degree, and so if you're interested in one of those jobs, it's a very good investment. Other industries prefer their workers to have graduate degrees, or have better advancement opportunities for people who have graduate degrees, and so in that case, a graduate degree may be a good financial choice. Other industries don't really care about their workers' levels of education, and some graduate degrees don't really have associated careers unless you're interested in pursuing academia. So I think the value or lack thereof really depends on what you're hoping to get out of a graduate program.
In terms of whether or not you can pursue a master's later on in your life, you absolutely can. I was 22 when I started my master's program, and I was significantly younger than everyone else. Most people who were in graduate school with me were in their 30s and had some professional experience already. There were also a few students who were older than that and going back to school to jumpstart a career change.
The other thing I want to mention is that while graduate degrees can be super expensive, but they don't necessarily have to be. Some master's and PhD programs are fully funded, which means that they pay for your tuition plus a stipend to live on. They're a really good option if you're interested in graduate school but can't afford it. There’s a database of fully funded Masters and PhD programs here that’s a good start. If you’re based in the US, you may also want to consider looking at programs outside of the States. Universities in Iceland are free, including at the Master’s level (although they charge a registration fee of around $743/ €605), and offer programs in English. Some universities in Germany and Finland are also tuition-free, and there are a number of countries that have low-cost tuition fees compared to the US as well. Another option is to look into employer-funded education programs. Some employers will reimburse at least part of your graduate degree tuition if you're in school while working for them, which can help to reduce the cost of school and ensure you have a job once you graduate.
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masongrizchel · 5 months
How It All Started From False Hopes 🌟
This is a personal story of mine. 🌟And ...
It all started with false hopes. 😔
​One of my high school teachers offered help for me to take an entrance exam. During my last days as a senior (4th year), I was wondering how my future would go. Unsure of what the future holds, whether I will go to college or not. The thoughts of not being able to study gushes like waves at high speeds. But the reality that the moment presents is that I CAN'T (financially). I was overwhelmed by finding all the means and resources that I could use to maximize that time. 💭
I was able to take other entrance examinations to other universities both local and private from the earnings that I was able to collect. And fortunately, I passed. But it wasn't good enough. I haven't considered the transportation expenses as well as the extra money needed for food and internet access. This was one of my early financial constraints. No one was there to support me but myself. I CANNOT ENTER COLLEGE. Tuition fees that need to be settled every semester are costly. The chance of making my dream come true is to pass the entrance examination that my teacher asked me to take, which is also based on the student teacher who observed us at that time. 💸
This mind-blowing thought of going to college, to me at least, is too ideal. I have this idea rushing as I walk the approximate 3-4 km distance from my place to school. I also imagine myself wearing school uniforms from different schools which I took entrance tests. 🚶‍♂️📚
Time Skip: Enter graduation 🎓
The school year ended, but still the mindset that I can no longer enter college is realistic enough that made me lose all the possible means and hopes. Two months have passed after the examination. It is around 5 pm when I decided to walk from my place to somewhere and decided to gaze at the list of passers.
In front of the university admissions building approximately 10 meters, I saw the bulletin board with almost 30-40 pages of paper with names from A to Z.
As I walk, my heart rushes.
tug dug
tug dug
tug dug
The board becomes clearer and clear. I stood in front of it. And took a deep breath.
G familiar names appeared
still wondering why some of my friends didn’t passed
*I skipped M
The nervousness increased
I browsed at M. Then, surprise. I saw my name. I qualified, I passed. This boosted my motivation to find means to enter college. But realty is too frank to make me realize that it is impossible. And it is the sad truth. 😳
Time flies, someone offered a help. I accepted it. I was able to push through. I gave up my work as a school canteener in the school where I obtained my high school diploma. 🤝
Finally I was able to enter college. I just wanted to finish my degree and uphold the dreams that I have during that time. I also imagined my self to graduate with Latin Honors. But 1st semester of my first year destroyed that dream. Hahaha! I received a grade of 2.75 in English 1. 📚😅
The sole reason is my tardiness - attendance affected my grade in the subject mentioned. The class starts at 7:30 am, and I arrive at 8:01 am. I struggled in academics, due to lack of interest (especially some of the gen ed subjects). I enjoyed the major subjects (physics, chemistry, and earth science). 🕒
Two years … Three years … Four years have passed. Time flies so fast. I felt that the content that I obtained is insufficient for me to become a fine astrophysicist. Since I also loved different learning opportunities outside the classroom. I met various people. I wanna become part of the community that they are in (and it is the science community). 🌌
I suffered a lot, mental, emotional, and intellectual. My math and physics is insufficient. I jumped from high school physics to graduate physics which demands familiarity with (1) Differential equations, (2) Integral Calculus, (3) Trigonometry, (4) College and advanced Algebra, (5) Linear Algebra. 🔢
So far so good, I was able to cope up, Not fully, but familiarity took time. I learned advanced math when I entered grad school. And I’m very thankful to learn so much things from great professors that shaped my view about the values of learning. The essence of passion, perseverance, and determination to chase your dreams. And dream further once you achieve a dream after dream. 💪
Sometimes, dream starts from false hopes. But when you turned that falseness into truth. We can essentially make things possible as long as you live the dream and take appropriate actions to turn it in to reality. Life itself is bounded by choices. It is our choice to become the person who we really wanted to be. This kind of existential crisis defines our very own existence. There should always be a start, there should always be a turning point. This will help you out reach point A to your desired point B. 🛤️
Oh well gotta do some graduate student stuff. (By the way, I got shortlisted for the Ph.D. Astrophysics and Data Science - Artificial Intelligence program), hopefully, they'll reach out and fund my research proposal. 🎓🔭
Yosh! 💪
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chibicrow · 5 years
for the otp meme, how about recoil/gunfire? 1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 24, 25 and 29
*CRACKS KNUCKLES* LOVE ME SOME GUNFIRE....SHIPPING //punted (thank u for using both names ‘ppreciate it dlkasfjkdsafl)
For the OTP Question Meme 👏👏👏
1. Who is the most affectionate?
tbh I think it’d be Ryoken, but only at the start of the relationship b/c Takeru at the start would probably be self-conscious about affection at first (like “would it be out of line if I did this” kind of thing). As the relationship progresses tho, Takeru’s definitely the more affectionate one. 
3. Most common argument?
So, definitely two common arguments they’d have:
1. I def see Ryoken as someone who just orders take-out instead of cooking for himself, so Takeru’s like “you really need to stop doing that.” And Ryoken eggs him on so Takeru just gets so exasperated and is like “FINE I’LL COOK.” which is actually Stardust Boi’s plan the entire time. And Takeru falls for it. Every time. rip.
2. But also, Takeru might not throw punches at every urge he gets, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get into scuffles every now and then. So he’d come back with cuts, bruises, and all that and Ryoken’s like “can you stop getting into fights?” And Takeru would be like “don’t tell me what to do.” and eventually, Ryoken just drops the subject. It’s an argument he never wins rip Stardust Boi.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
well, unless I missed something in VRAINS, Ryoken doesn’t really work out other than playing intense card games, so DEFINITELY Takeru. Ryoken only acts mildly inconvenienced most of the time (b/c who WOULDN’T want to be held by warm soft boi amirite). 
But when Ryoken’s in the middle of something and Takeru does it as a “go tf to sleep Ryoken” thing, he absolutely hates it lmao. 
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
hmmmm. So on Takeru’s side, he’d get flustered whenever Ryoken’s brought up in casual conversation (when he didn’t before) + so Yusaku + Aoi are like ???? 
And then with Ryoken.... I dunno. He’s not a very direct person when he talks about how he feels, but then he’s like “oh shit I have feelings for Takeru” + that starts??? slowly going away?? yeah.
12.  Who initiates kisses?
ok this would actually depend on the type of kiss tbh. If we talking light kisses like on the forehead or cheek or something, def Ryoken. But, if we talkin’ lip service (if y’all know what I mean.... >:3c), then it’s Takeru. 
17. Who says I love you first?
Takeru. But like. It wouldn’t be planned or anything. They’d probably be arguing over something stupid, and Ryoken’s like “well why do YOU care.” and Takeru’s all “uh, because I LOVE YOU, dumbass?” they’d be that OTP don’t change my mind. 
and meanwhile Ryoken’s like “.....oh.” 
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Kogami “Stardust Boi” Ryoken like there is no doubt in my mind about this. And he’d do it just to get a rise out of Takeru too and Takeru would be like “Ryoken what the FUCK.” out loud when he probably shouldn’t say that.
Rip Takeru.  
25. Who needs more assurance?
Ryoken. Like, all that shit he had to go through with his dad? There’s no way he wouldn’t. Good thing he has one of the VRAINS top cheerleaders as his boyfriend hee hee >:3c 
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Can I do a hard pass on this one I don’t want to be sad about my Gunfire bois. 
just kidding. I’m a fic writer it’s my duty to deliver the pain no one wants. 😅😭
ok so assuming VRAINS actually does throw Stardust Boi + pals in jail or in confinement, but also assuming that maybe Stardust Boi (+ maybe Spectre) get out (legally lmao - don’t ask me about the other Knights. I don’t think they’d let them out that easy). 
Headcanon that Ryoken’s mental state’s in absolute shambles after getting out ‘cause being confined like that for so long will do that. Also he realized in said confinement that his father really was an ass and it just destroys his entire being.
But wait. It doesn’t stop there. Also headcanon that Takeru somehow realizes this wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t confronted him about the Lost Incident. Not that it makes him go down a spiral (’cause like. He’s gotta put up a front for Ryoken.), but he just. Feels guilty that what happened to Ryoken was his fault and uh. Yeah. 
so there ya go.  
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amerasdreams · 2 years
I wish I were more of a person so I could actually do things to help whati care about. Instead I'm practically helpless. Political science degree but no experience to speak of and no skills. Esp as INFP I really want to use my skills to support my passions. But I'm woefully inadequate to that. What I really like to do is write and I want to write to help people that need it, fight for freedom and justice with truth (fiction and nonfiction). Writing is what I practiced most, starting when I first learned how to write at 5 years old, and I've written hundreds of thousands of words. Not to mention many writing classes I've taken since I was a teenager and a creative writing minor (I went back and forth between English and Pol sci in college... to the point I had to do a writing minor, which someone said was an "awkward" combination. But to me it reflected what I wanted to do even if I wasn't sure how specifically yet and even in the face of adbosors who said I couldn't write about political subjects, at least to earn a living. But I was looking at it more broadly. Not just about elections which is what everyone thinks of but the things I learned in classes like international relations, global affairs, actual governance vs rhetoric, ideas -- how best a government should be to serve the people; history and how its relevant to today's global order, later things like intelligence, psychology and politics which is what I got a book on recently, political language and propaganda, etc. Perhaps I can't earn a living at that but perhaps I could do another thing to support my main interests while not obstructing them. Freedom and flexibility with my own small businesses.... also volunteering directly for what I want to help with, the most vulnerable people such as refugees and human trafficking victims, abuse victims incl animals, etc. Fight against terrorism and tyranny and for democracy and freedom... with words and actions if possible. Use in stories which also promote these values).
But I am still not good at writing after all of that practice. Makes me think im not good at anything, and what's more, I'm not capable of learning anything to a competent level. Not enough for the real world. My college degree likewise resulted in nothing.
What am I if I am not capable of working and living for what I care about. I want to do so much. I remember just after college graduation the protests in Iran and the people killed incl Neda, whose death I saw, whih these deaths in Ukraine remind me of. I wanted so much to help. But of course most people could do nothing. Still, I am even more powerless than most people. Extremely ridiculous and cut off from most of society bc I'm a very sensitive introvert. Perhaps I should not evn care about people, its hard for me to interact with people irl. I'm an idiot. I have no credibility. I would probably be detrimental to any cause I supported. The things I'm doing now like sending a small amount of money (with my income I can't send muh even compared to most people) and like. Putting a small bumper sticker on my car and wearing the yellow and blue flag earrings are laughably trivial . I could like organize a demonstration or sth but I have like 0 connections in this town after 15 years
Caring so much is probably a symptom of my flaws... diverted sympathy from people around me bc I'm cut off from them. My empathy whih goes on overdrive but makes me collapse and not sleep at night which allows me to do less than normal people. In any case I don't react like people around me in this like in other things so it must be a symptom of how defective I am.
Someone w no future like this should just give up. Not going to accomplish anything much less the great, many things I long to do
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ourtenderlies · 3 years
Long story short (ehhhh shortish):
I struggled during my undergrad. I had zero time management skills, and pretty bad separation anxiety, so I was academicly dismissed after the first semester. I lived with my dad and retook what classes I could at a technical college near by (fun fact: in WI, if you get academicly dismissed from one public state school, you can't attend a different public state school for your 'dismissal'). The next semester I transfered to a new school. I did better than my first semester but I still struggled ALOT. I had to change my major from psychology because you have to apply to be in the program, and I didn't have the cumulative GPA to get into the program due to being academicly dismissed my first semester. I didn't have another passion or a back up, so I chose Women's Studies so I could at least take some classes I would enjoy and I could graduate. I worked really hard to do well, I had some tough times but I pulled through. I was supposed to graduate (I walked and everything) but I wasn't able to get my diploma due to getting a D in statistics. I was devastated all over again. I talked to w academic adviser about what I may want to do in the future. I decided to add another major (English) and retake some classes I had previously did poorly in, which will help boost my Cumulative GPA. Then I could raise my GPA high enough to apply to be in the school of education to become a HS English teacher. I started school again and I had a whole new mindset. I prioritized school, and I did significantly better. Even after retaking the classes I could, and doing well in my new classes, my cumulative GPA wouldn't be high enough. So, I reevaluated things AGAIN and came up with a new plan. I would graduate with the English and Women's Studies degrees, and I volunteered with girl scouts during it. Then I would see about getting licensure in grad school or by another way. I found a program that accepted low GPA and did WI licensure, I applied and get conditionally accepted but I had 3 courses to fulfill. I was able to find 2 of the 3 courses for a pretty affordable price. I finished the first class (it was self passed and a bit of a struggle but I did it). Then life happened and I never really got back in the mode of school. I felt burnt out. So I forgot about it for a while. Then, I remembered and reapplied and haven't heard anything. No call from an adviser, nothing. No email. I just heard nothing from them. I figured that this was a sign. There were SO MANY obstacles, it was clearly a sign that isn't the path for me. I began doing ALOT of research on interests and career aspirations. I can't tell you how many career aspiration quizzes I did. I really wanted to figure out my passion and what I want to do someday. I didn't feel passionate about dietetics or teaching. I kept reflecting back to psychology but always thought it want an option due to my low GPA, but I found some schools that take low GPA and I began researching their programs. I finally found my passion. I found my masters program. I am getting a masters of science in clinical psychology with a specialization in forensic psychology! This feels right. I feel confident and finally ready to do it.
My first class started. I was doing well with my schedule/routine I created. I tried some adjustments but overall not bad. I got over confident when I saw the paper was only 3-5 pages. 3-5 pages for a graduate school paper is very different from a 3-5 page undergraduate paper. I DID NOT MANAGE MY TIME WELL. Now I am in a time crunch to finish this paper and turn it in before I don't get credit for it. It's already late. I realize my mistake and now I know going forward. I am trying to hurry and finish what I need so I can get back on track. It will be tight but I need/want to do it. I want to do well in grad school. I won't let my past hold me back. I know I can do well. It just sucks. I get terrible imposter syndrome.
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