#i grew up with an underdevloped virgo mom so i get u love
saturndivine · 4 years
Okay virgo venus seems like it can be so lovely when healthy but unhealthy it's a fucking nightmare... My virgo venus ex would say shit like "I think the world of you" and "I respect you more than anyone" but then proceed to criticize everything I did, like it wasn't enough for him that I worked out bc I didn't work out the way HE did. Like,,,, excuse me but where's that respect you were talking about??
i can definitely see that ! virgos love to try to help but at the underdevloped phase they can come across as harsh and judgemental even if their intentions are pure. earth signs in general need to understand they cannot control everything and everyone. but for some reason virgo placements learn through experience rather than someone telling them so they can be a little apathetic because they genuinely dont understand the issue but yeah. once virgos grow they are simply the most helpful people in the world.
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