#i guess ancients didnt have hot showers
psyrapmafia · 6 years
Quick update
3rd day of "homelessness". Hubbys new job is def better than old one, employees are treated as family and his only complaint is having to work in the hot florida sun. He was allowed to choose his weekly days off, so we went with tuesday and wednesday, our ideal "weekend", so yay!
His new boss has a dilapidated rv on site that he said we can stay at. We had no plans for such accomadations and planned on fully roughing it like urban hermits but he insisted on it and said he would junk the rv if we didnt claim it. So now we are partially living out of an ancient, partially remodelled, non operating rv/tiny home. I gotta say, i am thankful for the private space to wash laundry and cook meals, and massively grateful for easy access to water via the property's many outdoor spigots. I'll take unlimited water over electricity any day.
Showering has been rough....cold water with a hose at night outside. Every other day its a sponge bath. Tried wet wipe "baths" but it takes up far too many wipes to clean a mechanic. Next week we will be getting gym memberships for their showers.
Ajax's health has been up in the air since we adopted him but he is definitely getting worse. Bugs me that his last biannual check up gave him a clean bill of health. Guess we just have to keep taking him back until they find something.
So yea that's it. No regrets or anything about our decision to be "nomads" or whatever. My only current concern besides the dog is proper showers but thatll be taken care of with a gym membership.
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