#i guess i only draw spn and gerard now
andyevej · 1 year
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I want to steal their gender.
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hopelesscobwebs · 7 years
-- 11 question tag! --
Okay I was tagged in quite a few of these so i’m just gonna compile all the questions that y’all asked me into one thing <3
The rules: answer the 11 questions, tag 11 people, and give them 11 new questions
@goldenlifevsgutter1996 asked me:
1- fave meme
Probably Pepe, I relate to him too much. Or: You know that like really short clip of that guy next to a forest who says “okey”. It kills me every time
2- how are you
I’m existing so that’s something I guess
3- marry one youtuber, who
Pewds, I’ve loved him for ages
4- rain or sunshine
5- does 11:11 work
It would be great if it did
6- do you believe in soulmates
7- ever gone camping
If school camp counts then yes
8- explain your user
Username? Gerard is sassy and with a play on words with sasquatch, voila, you’ve got it.
9- fedoras ; yes or no
For me, no. On others that can rock it, hell yes.
10 - ever killed someone
Not yet
11- biggest regret??
Not knowing MCR existed when they were still together.
@killjoywithapen13 asked me:
1. What is your favorite food?
Probably ice cream. Or salad. I’m a generic bitch don’t judge me
2. Night or day?
N i g h t
3. Your hobby?
Even tho I don’t do it often, I love drawing Gerard Way. I can play a few instruments I guess (fave is guitar even tho I’m shit lol). Also T U M B L R and reading fanfiction.
4. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
At either a FIATP or P!ATD concert. Basically just a concert. I live for those vibes.
5. Do you have any pets?
I have 7 cats (8 if you count the stray one that comes in and eats our cats food)
6. Favorite tv series?
I kinda stopped watching tv shows don’t hit me. It’s probably SPN even tho I only got to season 10.
7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how clumsy are you?
About a 7. I was about to step over this low hanging chain and in my brain I calculated the whole thing, I would just step over it. Nope, when I got to it I tripped and almost fell over.
8. Favorite color?
One of the blues or deep purples, Idk most colours are pretty. I’m starting to like black I guess and I know it’s a shade not a colour just shush
9. Do you play any instruments?
You bet. Piano, Percussion (xylophone, vibraphone, glockenspiel, timpani, drumkit sometimes), Ukulele, and the new ones: guitar and bass (I’m only just starting but they are so fun)
10. Favorite piece of clothing that you own?
Either the MCR black parade tee, Gerard milk tee or the skeleton Dallon Brobecks tee.
11. And the worst of all: cats or dogs?
Cats. Keep in mind I love doggos tho
@5soskslr​ asked me:
1) What is your favourite subject at school?
At the moment its probably music even tho it’s stressing me out because I can’t compose for shit.
2) What are your hobbies?
^^^ (scroll up my dear)
3)Who is your favourite band?
My Chemical Romance, always will be
4) What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
That I am one emo motherfucker on the inside (all of y’all know that because this is tumblr for crying out loud but irl everyone thinks I am this happy lil reserved person lol). Also some people don’t know that I really like skulls and cemeteries.
5) What are your thoughts on feminism?
I believe in equality of the sexes
6) Favourite quote?
It’s probably an MCR lyric or that one about clouds in asotm (I posted a quote of it a while ago)
7) What qualities would you like someone to have if they were to become your friend?
Idk. That they are kind? Gotta be able to get my sarcasm or else things will go downhill fast. It’s always great when someone has the same music taste as you but it doesn’t matter too much it does it does it does. I can befriend many different types of people idk. I kinda miss being able to like hug my friends and playfully hit them???? you know??? idek. I guess that’s what happens when you move and find a weird new group of friends.
8) What’s your starsign?
9) When did you start your blog?
19 December 2016 (I can’t believe I can remember that lol)
10) If you could send a message to the world, what would it be?
“Everyone calm the fuck down. 1. Killing people is bad so plz stop. 2. I need Hot Topic in my country p l e a s e so make that happen thanks. and 3. MCR come back, just for one concert I swear.”
11) Why is your favourite artist important to you?
They help me escape from the shit of the world and realize there is a way out.
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