#i guess its rant about dog breeds o'clock
rustpuppy · 5 years
I wish common traits of popular dog breeds were more widely known.
Like oh, you want a Lab? Be prepared to exercise with them for HOURS every day. They are not low-energy dogs. They need to exert themselves or they will do things like eat your clothes/get into your pantry/destroy your things/etc. Also, there are a ton of really poorly bred/inbred labs that have a lot of health issues -so be prepared to spend a good amount of money on vet bills. 
Want a Golden Retriever? Basically all the same problems as a Lab, but you also have to be prepared to take care of all that fur.
German Shepherd? It’s a working dog. You will not be able to leave this dog alone all day. They are some of the most anxious fuckers I’ve ever met. You will need to spend a lot of time training them or they will be destructive and/or aggressive. These are the kind of dogs that will eat through your wall when you leave them home alone. On top of that, they’re very poorly bred and WILL have health issues. I’ve honestly never met one over the age of 5 that hasn’t had some sort of health problem.
English Bulldog? Please don’t get one. Please. Do. Not. Get. One. Humans have fucked them up so much with terrible breeding. These are a few of the COMMON health issues that they have: major respiratory problems, overheating, severe skin allergies, eczema, dry skin, acne, arthritis, degenerative spine disease, cherry eye, hip dysplasia, joint & ligament injuries, idiopathic head tremors, heart disease, and cancer. 
Frenchie? All the problems of an English Bulldog in a smaller package. I know everyone thinks they’re so cute, but please... don’t support the horrific damage that people have done to the breed.
Pug? A lot of the same problems as a Frenchie or English Bulldog, but with the addition of issues that come with bulging eyes. Again.... Please don’t. If you want the funny personality of a Pug, try to look for a pug mix - they will likely be healthier. 
Husky? Prepare yourself for a huge trouble-maker. This is a high energy dog that needs something to do. You’re going to need to have a lot of free-time to spend with them and a lot of patience. They don’t like being left alone for too long and they’re amazing escape artists. A husky at my job once climbed the chain link fencing of her kennel and tore through the chicken wire that was zip tied over the top, tearing off multiple nails in the process.  Additionally, they have a LOT of fur. They shed a ton and you will need to brush them constantly. They’re also not a good dog to have in hotter climates. 
Chihuahua? Don’t get one if you just want a cute little thing to dress up and carry around. They have a big attitude, and need to be trained and exercised like any other dog. If you don’t respect their body language/warnings that tell you when they’re uncomfortable, they will end up biting you.
Australian Shepherd/Border Collie? I’m putting these two together because they are very similar. They’re herding dogs. They have a lot of energy and they’re very smart. If you don’t exercise and train them, they will get BORED, and that will lead to nothing but trouble. Also, they tend to live pretty long lives, so be prepared to have this dog for 15 years.
Miniature Dachshund? Oh man. Be prepared for a lot of personality. This is one of the hardest dog breeds to train, and that includes housebreaking!! So don’t get this dog if you can’t handle a few “accidents” in the house. They’re stubborn, they bark a lot, they love to dig, and they want to kill small critters. Be careful with them - they’re prone to back problems and some other health problems. And they’re another breed that lives a long time. My miniature dachshund lived 16 years. 
( I don’t mean to sound condescending or mean at all, so please forgive me if I come across that way. I just work with so many dogs every day and I see a lot of people get dogs that they don’t know how to deal with. It’s very frustrating/upsetting and I wish there was a way to prevent it. )
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