#i had a spanish quiz today and why was it so much easier than last time. what the fuck.
todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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daigo looks great in the new gameplay teaser clip rgg posted <3
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ypcdreke-blog · 5 years
N for notes is another word I chose off my list. I chose this word because a note is one of the best things you can receive. It can be mental or physical taken notes. Taking notes is a healthy literature practice.  Just by taking notes, it helps you remember better. Notes can be short and simple, as long as you understand what you are writing down.  The more you take notes helps refresh the brain, so you won’t second guess yourself or even forget something.  Notes are kind of like clue finders or helpers. It can even be like a review tool.
Q for quotes is one of the words I chose off my list. I chose this word because you can find them anywhere. Quotes are meaningful to me when it's a reason behind it. Quotes are healthy literacy because you can see them, and some quotes give motivation. It's crazy when you can see a quote and it relates to your problem or situation. I feel if you see a quote it's meant for you. Some people overlook quotes when it really means something. Just by reading a quote a day helps you because you're reading and using clues in a way. 
L is for lyrics. Reading lyrics is a healthy practice for literature. It actually helps you read better. I chose lyrics because a lot of people don't like to read but can listen and sang music all day. So if you take just a couple minutes out of your day to read a couple lyrics, it can improve the flow of how your read. It helps with not boring you while you read but really understanding what you're listening and singing about. It's a really weird interesting way of healthy literacy but it helps me out because I like music.
K is for knowledge. I chose this word because without knowledge I wouldn’t be where I am today. Knowledge is awareness or understanding something such as facts, information, and skills a person has experienced. Building your knowledge is a healthy practice for literature. Just by experiencing new words and ways of writing can build your knowledge. Knowledge can refer to a practical understanding of a subject. Just like notes the more you take them, the better you know the information. Therefore, knowledge the more you practice the better you build on it.
 O stands for online work! In this case, this could be a good or bad case for some people. Online work is good because you can do it online and don't have to worry about pencils, papers, or pens. Also you don't have to travel that much when you got online classes to do your work. It can be a bad case to, some people don't have access to computers to do work online. Doing work online helps me stay organized and on top of my game. I don't haft to be around everyone to do my work, I can do my work anywhere and anytime.
U stands for underline. I chose this word because underlining is a healthy way of practicing literature. Just by underlining certain words and sentences can help out a lot. Some people underline sentences and words they don't understand. Underlining helps me out by taking the underline sentence or word more serious. I'll rather know what I am reading instead of just reading over it. Even if you forget a word or sentence, if you underline it you can go back and review over it. Underlining key words and important things will help you stay organized by the way. It's basically like highlighted words. 
 T stands for text messages. One of the biggest problems in the world nowadays is a phone . Some people think that a phone gets to much attention and not having enough time for a book. Well I think receiving text messages can be healthy in some ways because you're actually reading and replying. It's something that you want to read so you're more focus than ever. You also have to reply, so that plays a big role in reading and writing. Most of the time you receive text messages thru the day so therefore you constantly reading through the day. 
B stands for brainstorm, this is a tool for healthy literature. Brainstorming is a way you can generate your ideas within your group setting. When brainstorming you should think freely and have many ideas. Brainstorming can be done in a group, this also makes it funnier to have everyone's opinion and ideas. This tool is usually done in the beginning stages of a project when someone don't quite understands what's really going on. I been using this tool since I got introduce to it. Brainstorming helped me out doing my previous years in school, hopefully this tool will be a success in college. 
J stands for Junie B. Jones.  When I first read this book, I was in the third grade. The book captured my interest when I first read it in Mrs. Jones class. The whole class took turns reading out loud which made it fun to read. Junie B. Jones books became my favorite books to read. I think if every child read this book it would make them want to read more because it is for kids and really interesting. 
R is for review. Reviewing is a practice for healthy literacy. The more you review your assignments or whatever you need to know makes you more confident with your answer. I use to review my Spanish words for 20 to 30 minutes a day before the quiz. Just by doing this it showed me how important this strategy was. If you don't quite get the understanding of something reviewing will be the best thing to do. 
P is for phone. Once I got my first phone I would say it effected me in a bad way but also a good way. Well for one it helped me by learning how to spell words that I had problems with. I can pull up anything on safari or download a book app to read books on the phone. It also effected me in a bad way. I got to the point where I ain't want to do anything but be on my phone either texting or watching highlights. It helped me with spelling but also hurt me in a way because I ain't to have to do anything but click on the word I was trying to spell. 
D stands for Dr. Seus. My first time reading the Dr. Seus books played a major role in why I find it interesting to read. I think I was in Kindergarten when I first read it. The book was easy to read so I read more of them. I continued reading those books until my vocabulary grew and I heard about new books. As time pasted on, playing football became apart of my schedule and I became so busy perfecting my craft. I then found reading tiring and boring. Most teachers use to assign books to read that was very boring and not something that I was interested in.
A stands for alphabet. Well you should know if it wasn't for the alphabet this world would be so backwards. This is the first thing that you actually learn once you get in school. Even before kindergarten kids are learning their ABC's. All the letters make up words with different sounds and pronunciation. I think the alphabet get over looked because it's just a lot of letters. I use to think like this but my professor opened my eyes with this assignments that we're doing now. I don't think the alphabet can harm or effect you in a bad way.   
C stands for Childers. Well Mr. Childers was my 11th grade English teacher. I can actually say that this guy made english kind of fun and funny. I remember when the class would be talking to loud, he would always say “Guys, cut the chatter”. He taught the class in a different way. He made reading and writing so much easier. and built my confidence on reading out loud. What kind of hurt me was when I stopped participating in class and started sleeping everyday. The books that we was reading was kind of boring to me.He wasn’t the teacher to wake you up, he went on with the class. So the more boring books we read, the less reading I did. 
W is for writing. Writing played one of the biggest roles in my life, good and bad. I started taking my writing more serious once I got old enough to understand the correct way to speak. Writing papers, discussions, and other assignments that involved school helped me out because my teachers would correct something that was wrong. It opened my mind up to new ways of how to say new words and how to use them in different ways. I use to write a lot once I got to high school and now that I'm in college writing is more frustrating. I don't like it as much as I use to. 
V stands for verses. I read verses from time to time for faith and words of encouragement. One of my favorites verses is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I actually got that verse tattooed on my forearm. Just by reading those verses, I taught myself how to read with a better flow. I wasn’t never into reading books unless I picked it myself. Reading a quote a day can help by building knowledge and help out with reading period. 
M is for music. Music played a big role for me practicing my literature. It's kind of crazy to say but it helped me out a lot. I remember when I first started doing this. I use to read the lyrics and flow with the music. It made reading way more interesting for me. When it came time to read in class, I had a perfect flow of reading and was never nervous. Most people can try this exercise but I don't know if it would help them like it did me. The reason why I say this because people don't read the lyrics, they just leave the song on repeat and learn it like that. Also just by reading the lyrics you figure out the true meaning of the song. 
H is for homework. When I was young I use to love to do homework but as I got older that feeling left away. Doing homework helped me out because it was basically extra practice. My grades stayed up just by being discipline to my work. I started getting older and sports became involved in my life, that's when my grades start slipping. I stop doing homework at night and started doing it at the last minute. What made me stop liking homework was when I didn't know any of it and the teacher assigned to much of it. I stated all that just to say stay on top of your work.
"F" stands for father. My whole life, my father pushed me to be great at what I do. It wasn't just on the field but that went for the classrooms to. He always told me to get my school work did first before anything. So there was this  boring summer, If my friends wasn't around I would just do old school work or either read books that my grandma had put up around the house. Just hearing my father telling me to be great at everything I do, motivated me to write more and learn how to read better. Once I got a little older and started getting better at ball, he started slacking on seeing was I still grinding the way I did in the classrooms. 
"I" stands for internet. Having internet is one of best thing a person can ask for. Internet been helping me since I learn how to use it, but I had to realize I couldn't rely on the internet for everything. Anything I had a question about or wasn't quite sure what a question was asking, I would just search it. It's so many different answer and opinions on the internet, therefore when looking for some you should know something about what you searching. The internet also can hurt you in a bad way. Searching information and plagiarizing can be one of the worst thing you can do. 
G stands for good grades! I remember when my dad told me, “ You earn good grades it’ll take you a long way.” If you had good grades in my household you would get rewarded for hard work. This made the house grind extra hard in the classrooms. “How they get a new phone and I didn’t”, my baby sister said. She had brought a bad grade home so she didn’t get rewarded. My parents stop doing this method as I grew up. Even though they wasn’t rewarding us like they use to, I continued to bring good grades home just because. 
E stands for email. I always use to make accounts but never use it. To sign up for a social media pages, you had to have a email. I use to make all these accounts and never checked my email. I started checking my email my senior year of high school. Checking my email keeps me updated on a lot of things. It basically like the message app on a phone. Getting a email isn't hard to set up. Letting all the information pile up is kind of bad because you will just have random junk on top of each other.
S is for silent reading. I like reading silent because you don't get judged on how you read. I use to feel that you learn or understand what you reading better when you read it to yourself. As I got older that mindset approached a little differently. Once I got to high school, we didn't have a choice but to read out loud. When I would mess up on a word my classmates or teacher would help me pronounce the word the right way. Usually I would skip over the word when I was silent read
Y is for yellow. Yellow is a color to many people won't miss. I chose this word because this is the most common color you see words highlighted in. The words was black so therefore you still can see whatever was written or typed. Whatever was highlighted in yellow, I knew it had to be important. It may be bad for some people because yellow might be a color they can't see. They got other colors you can highlight information in but yellow was the one stood out for me. This a color I will forever use because this was the first color I ever used to highlight something.
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