#i had like 140gb
lovecidik · 2 years
i moved my game to another drive right... whole mods folder GONE
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wri0thesley · 7 months
havent opened bg3 for like two months and i had to update like 140gb of it.... +f
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i-m-not-o-fucking-kay · 5 months
i've been fighting with bg3 for months now lmao. back when i had two jobs and no time i played for like 40 hours and it was perfect on high. in december (?) i updated both the game and nvidia drivers and its been max 10 fps on low since then. im so fucking lost i did everything i could. i literally i reinstalled that 140gb monster three times now and nada :D no troubleshoot tutorial helped me and im sad as fuck bc i have all next week free to play for as long as i want and i cant
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butch-snorlax · 1 year
You probobly weren't talking about me but - It's not my fault my computer producer screwed me over and didn't ship with parts it said it did :( I got another interal drive to install and the sata cable was weird. I had to use an external drive.
shh *petting u* not u at all. Some people complain about starfield and comparing its size to 10 year old games. and like 140gb is not a lot when external storage is so cheap. People not upgrading there storage alongside the rest of there set up irks me
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synchronmurmurs · 3 years
Hi Sync! Nonnie that asked for help with the play order of the Yakuza series here! You mentioned someday having a name to call the lil’ sunglasses icon, so you can call me Larissa (that’s actually my real life name lol) or Lara, for short ☺️
I still haven’t played Yakuza 0, but I got Kiwami, Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 3 Remastered in a PS Store sale… Now I only need to get the Platinum for DMC5 so I can free some space on my poor PS4 (boyfriend decided to get CoD MW and last time we checked that game had +140GB without downloading all the HD texture packs 😥) and download Yakuza 0.
Speaking of achievements/trophies, I really hate HaH… I somehow manage to do no-damage missions on DMD but apparently the psychological pressure applied by HaH and those 3 little gold orbs on the HUD, constantly reminding me I die on a single hit is… too much. I ended up S ranking Vergil instead because he’s extremely nice to look at and listen to, even though there aren’t any trophies for that. 😅
Ohh, and here goes the main reason I wrote this lengthy message: saw this meme a couple minutes ago and it activated my Synchron-neurons > https://www.reddit. com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/onb0l4/crossover_with_ryakuzagames/
Oooh, it's nice to finally meet you, Lara! Is that appropriate to say in this kinda context? 🤣
And yoooo, yeah, I'm glad you swooped those up, they're defs worth getting ahead of time if they're on sale! More bang for you buck. 😌 Don't worry too much about not having played it yet though, it'll still be there for you whenever you're ready. Though 140GB for MW sounds kinda nuts?? I don't know a thing about that game, but like.. RDR2 was 150GB, but that game was huge, wasn't it? What's CoD going on under the hood jskdfh
And omg I applaud you for having the patience to go for no damage on DMD, I lost patience with that mode so fast, everything is a damage sponge and the fights take so long, just lemme out onegai 😭😭😭🤣 But if you managed to do that, I'm certain you can bulldoze HaH with no problems! Just hang in there a lil' longer 🙏 Those nasty yellow orb icons cannot harm you. 😤
Also that post ljaskdhf two virgin kings swinging they bikes around. 😌 Kiryu's not on Dante's level of strength obviously, but I like to think he'd like the cut of Kiryu's jib. 👉👈 Probably too much of a goody two shoes for Dante's tastes though 🤣
Thanks for showing me that Lara 🙏💖
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techongq1-blog · 7 years
More on Fusion Drive: How it works, and how to roll your own It's not Intel SRT, it's not record based, and it chips away at OS X right now.
Two blog entries by Tumblr client Jollyjinx have revealed some more insight into the internal workings of Apple's Fusion Drive. Declared a week ago at Apple's occasion in San Jose, Fusion Drive weds a strong state plate and a turning hard circle drive together into a solitary volume, depending on the speed of the SSD to quicken all composes and peruses on the regularly utilized records and the extent of the HDD to hold the significantly bigger mass of less frequently referenced documents.
In view of Phil Schiller's comments at the occasion, I guessed that Fusion Drive was a product based, record level computerized tiering arrangement. A Fusion Drive-outfitted Mac will accompany a 128GB SSD and a substantially bigger hard circle, from 1 to 3 terabytes. Floor reports from the occasion uncovered that the two circles are unmistakable as a solitary volume, with the aggregate sum of space in the volume equivalent to the two drives' amassed limits. Schiller's remarks demonstrated that Fusion Drive monitors what records and applications are as a rule oftentimes read, physically moving (or "advancing," as it's usually brought in big business tiering arrangements) those documents and applications from the HDD to the speedier SSD. In the meantime, records and applications on the SSD which haven't been referenced in a while are moved down ("downgraded") to the HDD, to account for more documents to be advanced.
Many inquiries waited, however, without any genuine specialized information from Apple (and its Fusion Drive tech archive gives not very many hard subtle elements on the hidden usefulness). Is Fusion Drive truly a tiering innovation, really moving the information, or is it all the more a reserving arrangement? Does it depend on Intel's Smart Response Technology, which is accessible in Ivy Bridge chipsets like those in the new round of Fusion Drive-prepared Macs? Does it utilize the volume administration highlights Apple presented a year ago in Core Storage? Does it move entire documents or just bits of records? How can it monitor what it's moving? Will it deal with more seasoned Macs, or just fresher Ivy Bridge Macs with Apple-gave SSDs?
BYO Fusion
Some of those inquiries are presently replied. In the first of two blog entries, Jollyjinx embarks to fabricate his own particular Fusion Drive utilizing a 120GB OCZ Vertex 2 associated with his Mac's SATA transport and a USB-joined 750GB hard plate drive.
Center Storage, clarified by Ars' John Siracusa in his OS X 10.7 Lion survey, is utilized as the consistent volume chief to tie the two physical gadgets together into a solitary volume gathering. Once the volume gathering is made, Jollyjinx makes a usable HFS+ volume within it. This is altogether expert utilizing diskutil, the summon line variant of Disk Utility, since the graphical form doesn't yet bolster the vital charges.
Shockingly, no extra arrangement was essential for the volume to start displaying Fusion Drive-like propensities. Jollyjinx made 140GB of sham documents and indexes on the volume utilizing the dd order, and the framework consequently put around 120GB of those on the SSD before dropping the rest onto the HDD (effortlessly noticeable by the drop in compose speeds as dd's ouput was diverted from SSD to HDD). After the documents were all set up, Jollyjinx then set off an entire pack of read action on volume, utilizing the dd input record banner to oblige the peruses to the catalogs which had arrived on the HDD.
By observing the throughput of both the HDD and SSD at the gadget level with iostat, it's conceivable to track what occurs next. When Jollyjinx stops the peruses and the record framework goes sit out of gear, the SSD illuminates with compose action, sending around 14GB worth of composes from the HDD to the quicker circle. After one more hour of re-perusing an indistinguishable indexes from some time recently, they start to demonstrate SSD read speeds rather than USB-connected HDD speeds.
Intel SRT does not deal with composes along these lines—regardless of whether it's working as compose back or compose through store, SRT mirrors composes (instantly or inside a short measure of time) down to the hard circle, which is not the watched conduct. Besides, as has been noted, SRT right now doesn't work with SSDs bigger than 64GB. It is totally certain that Fusion Drive does not utilize SRT.
In light of these discoveries, Fusion Drive is in fact a base working framework highlight, either contained inside Core Storage or incorporated with OS X 10.8.x (Jollyjinx notes at the base that he's utilizing 10.8.2). It creates the impression that Fusion Drive recognizes the SSD-ishness of a drive in view of SMART data perused over the SATA transport, however it's conceivable that Apple may utilize Microsoft's SSD recognition strategy and essentially testing joined drives' throughput. On the off chance that a Core Storage volume contains a HDD and a SSD, Fusion Drive seems, by all accounts, to be consequently initiated.
Square or document based?
Another question, however, is regardless of whether Fusion is "piece" or document based—that is, does it advance whole records, or only advance the parts of records that are being referenced? The distinction is vital: on the off chance that you have a 50GB Aperture library loaded with photographs, for instance, or a major multi-gigabyte virtual machine, will Fusion Drive advance the whole thing or simply the parts of it that you're over and again perusing?
Jollyjinx handles this in his second post, again utilizing dd to just read the principal megabyte of a few 100MB records situated on the HDD side of his home-developed Fusion Drive. Subsequent to giving Fusion Drive some sit still time to work, advising dd to peruse the sum of the 100MB records produces critical IO on both the SSD and the HDD—the primary megabyte of each document is falling off the SSD, and the rest is falling off the HDD.
Unmistakably, Fusion Drive is working at the "sub-record" level, which is uplifting news. I had hypothesized that it was absolutely a record based innovation, which has a few points of interest, however sub-document conveniently works around the hindrances that document based tiering carries when working with extensive documents that show high rates of progress.
Additionally settled with this trial is the topic of timing. Combination Drive stays under control, sitting tight for continuous sit out of gear time to do its tiering instead of taking IOs far from the client while the framework is dynamic. It's not a momentary innovation (nor should it be, since the client's peruses and composes ought to dependably be organized over framework housekeeping exercises this way). There are still inquiries concerning the way of the information development—are the sub-record lumps advanced by being moved, or are they replicated?— however the question is to a great extent scholarly now, since regardless of the possibility that the pieces' bits still exist on the HDD in the wake of being elevated to SSD, plainly their sanctioned area changes. This makes Fusion Drive in a general sense a tiering innovation—not a reserve.
We have numerous more inquiries concerning Fusion Drive, and we want to find a few solutions soon. Our Fusion Drive-prepared Mac Mini has sent and ought to touch base inside the following couple of days. We'll jump profound once it's here!
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