#i had one beer on thanksgiving and it instantly made me crash and miss dinner
punisheddonjuan · 3 months
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Seeing a bunch of Americans laugh at the idea of Canadian wine is really funny to me. The Niagara peninsula is one of the biggest wine growing regions in the world, and it's pretty good stuff these days, and not just the icewine. I'd put it ahead of anything I've had from California in most cases. Canadian beer is pretty damn good too, so is our whiskey, and I've had some really nice Canadian gin distilled up in Nunavut using arctic flowers to flavour it.
Of course the only reason this exists is that there are crown corporations with quasi monopolies on alcohol sales in every province and there are prohibitively high taxes on foreign imports. It's the only real reason that domestic alcohol production for domestic consumption is economically feasible. I don't think you can even buy the better Canadian domestic/large microbrew beers in the States, let alone the good microbrew stuff. Like can you guys get the halfway decent domestics like Moosehead, Sleeman's Cream Ale, or Steamwhistle? I know you can get the real shitty domestic stuff like Labatt's and Molson, but I honestly don't know what's available south of the border. The last time I was in the States it was 2008/09 and I can't remember what we were drinking, probably Pabst Blue Ribbon or something.
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