#i had the mouse one for a long while. insert the 'you're all so stupid' meme. can't believe that was a legit thing for so long when joe is
I did it I'm the best I made the first JoJolands reader insert SUCK IT
Paco is so cool. Araki is a G for having a character that canonically got held back in school and I applaud him for that
Lover Boy
TITLE SUBJECT TO CHANGE I WANNA USE IT FOR SOMETHING ELSE but I couldn't think of anything. Notes: SFW, reader is gn but Paco calls them "Doll", enemies to lovers speedrun, Paco and Reader curse like. A lot. Usagi uses text speech because I KNOW HE DOES
Ever since your first mission with Jodio and his team, Paco despised you. You couldn't tell why, for all you knew, there wasn't anything you'd done to irk the guy. You got along well with Dragona, Usagi was happy to have someone new, hell, it was Jodio who introduced you to the group. So why the hell was Paco so against it?
Paco wasn't up front with his disdain against you, but you could read between the lines. He was meaner when he talked to you, unlike the others, took any chance he could to manhandle you and even went as far as leaving bruises where he grabs. And worst of all Paco treated you like a child. You were never allowed to do anything around the bastard. You hated it. Paco could treat you like shit, but you would bite back, too.
Currently you were stuck in a hotel. It was your job to grab the rooms at a nearby hotel while the others made some last minute plans for the latest mission. Nothing big, but it was pretty important. The clock on your phone read 6:26. You were early, but waiting in the hot sun and carrying heavy bags in such a dodgy part of the city was a big no go.
"Hi~! I'm here to check in under Joestar? I am a bit early, I hope that won't be a problem~!" You tried on your cheeriest facade, despite how the pitch of your voice grinded on your nerves. The man behind the counter seemed to enjoy it, unlike you. The sound of your happy voice made him perk up in the slightest. "Hello! Here, let me see... Ah, yes, we have two rooms under the name! It says you're supposed to check in at 6:30, but being four minutes early shouldn't be a problem!" He entered something into a computer you couldn't see. The loud taps on the keyboard echoed in the empty entrance room. "Rooms are already paid for... I'll just need to see some ID to make sure you're twenty-one or older."
Without missing a beat, you grabbed the fake license in your pants pocket, "'Course, sir!"
You had faith in Dragona's skill in making fake IDs, didn't make it any less nerve wracking to be checked. What a stupid rule. One wrong step and your plans for the next three days would blow up in your face.
The young man behind the counter studied your card closely. This time you heard the keyboard clatter followed by the click of a mouse. Every jab at the plastic keys felt like a nail in your coffin.
He knew it was a fake. He was waiting for you to crack. There was no way a check-in normally took this long.
"And done! Thank you for waiting, the internet has been acting slow lately,"
He gave you your driver's license back along with two plastic cards. "Those are your room keys; don't lose them! They'll give you access to the pool, as well as the laundry room. You'll go to the third floor using the elevator down your left, rooms 308, and 309, on your right!"
"Alrighty! Thank you, sir!" You blew him a teasing kiss before grabbing your bags and scurrying to find the elevator. Once you entered and jabbed your finger into the button marked with a fading 3, you shot Usagi a text.
Rooms are secured
ur rm is 309 relax untl we get there. u deserve it!!!
Translation: Great. Your room is 309, relax until we get there, you deserve it.)
You roll your eyes but smile fondly at Usagi's stupid way of texting. "Green" and "Pinkie" said they'd be here to retrieve you in an hour or two, so that gave you plenty of time to clean yourself up. A whole hour in a nicely air conditioned room and you didn't have to do jack shit. Sweet.
The crisp air conditioning hit you immediately after you opened your door. You were forced to let loose a deep sigh, eyes closing as you took in the sweet, sweet feeling of heaven on earth. This had to be what heaven was like: dark, cold, with a soft freshly made bed calling your name like a hymn.
Only one bed? Usagi did say this was your room... Maybe the boys were going to share a room, and they gave you your own space! Lucky~. But if you had to split with someone else you were definitely picking Dragona. He was warm, and a good cuddler.
The handle to your door jiggled, just as you had slipped off your shoes to relax in bed. Of course the door was locked, and you'd have to open it since you had the key. You sighed, exhausted, but got up anyway. You swore, if it was Jodio to retrieve you for the mission, you were going to give him a piece of your mind. You just got the rooms! You wanted to relax! And maybe check out the pool.
You opened the door about to greet whoever it was until the words caught in your mouth. The hat. The frame. The stupid, shitty belts.
"You?! What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Trying to relax, can't say it'll be easy after seeing your ugly mug so soon." You snicker, pretty proud of yourself for coming up with that so quickly. "You come here for your room key? It's right here, so go bother someone else while I destress." You took the plastic card out of your pocket, dangling it in front of his angry face like car keys to a baby.
"Leave? You're in my room, doll."
He pushed past you, ignoring the disgusted grunt when he put his hand on your arm. He crossed his arms over his broad, bare chest, and you knew immediately what he was doing, standing above your bed. You hissed, "Don't you dare."
Paco raised an eyebrow as if to say "Or what?"
You both stared the other down. Until Paco sealed his fate, sitting on the edge of your bed. "Ugh, damnit! Can't I have anything good without you messing it up?! This is my room!"
"You're room? I already told you, it's mine! Usagi himself said so!"
"Usagi told you?" You say, skeptical. "Whatever. Are you sure you didn't get the numbers mixed up? Surely you didn't actually think you'd get your own room?"
"Oh, what. You think I got 308 and 309 mixed up?!"
"I wouldn't doubt it... You don't exactly have the cleanest record, Paco. Remind me, who was the one that got held back in school like, two times?"
That pissed him off. Paco reacted like you'd just slapped him in the face. You took a little victory in getting to wipe off that shitty smirk he had.
"...God, what the hell is your damage? Why do you have to be such an ass?"
"Someone has to knock you down a couple pegs." You shot back heatedly.
Quickly, he was off the bed again. This time he marched right back to you, grabbing your arm in a bear trap and your chin in his other hand. You were used to his manhandling, Paco didn't scare you. But you understood he was bigger than you, and he wouldn't have any trouble taking you down. Paco didn't scare you, but even you could admit he was intimidating from this angle. He had his crooked nose right against yours, beady black eyes staring you down, but you stayed strong.
"It's hard to treat you seriously when you act like such a bitch." He rumbled against your face. "Does nothing good ever come out of your mouth?"
"On occasion. But it's only when I'm not talking to someone I hate." His grip got a little tighter. "Now let go of me."
"I'll let go once you apologize."
"You're gonna be waiting for a while, then." You say rather smug. "I'm not apologizing for shit."
"It's hard not to do anything to you sometimes. You know that? I try not to do anything brash but it's pretty fucking hard when you don't shut your damn mouth."
"Aw, not a fan of my voice, Lovelantes? You'll have to shut me up yourself, then."
"Shut up."
You lean in closer, enough to feel his ragged labored breathing fanning your face. "Make me."
Suddenly, his mouth was on yours. The pressure of his lips pressing against yours shocked you frozen. His kiss was all teeth and drool, angry huffs of breath against the side of your face as he kept pressing deeper. You weren't sure why your body decided to kiss back, one hand tangling in his straw colored hair and the other running against the muscles of his arm. He felt solid and strong, and in a way you thought it was really hot.
He moved forward, and you moved backwards, keeping this up until Paco had the back of your knees against the bed. You fell, lips only disconnecting once, when your head hit the mattress, and his mouth was on yours again immediately. The hands that were once in a vice grip against your wrist and chin now cupped your face with a surprising gentleness you didn't know Paco was capable of. While your hands explored his body wildly, Paco was placid on top of you, lips much more softer than before as they moved against yours.
"You're not nearly as smart as you think you are." Paco spoke against your lips after you broke apart. He watched you catch your breath. You stayed up at him dumbfounded, and he stared back, the faintest smile on his face.
"I don't... I-I don't get it. I thought, you hated me. What changed?"
"Hate you? I never hated you! You're just... Very annoying. Most of the time." He chuckled a little. "It's a little cute. But only sometimes."
You blurt out, "But–! What about all those times we fought, like just now!"
"Yeah... Thinking about it now, it probably wasn't the best way to talk to you. I thought it was all play fighting, like what me and Jodio do! I didn't think you took it to heart... Not until you said you hated me." He pouted. And shit. It was... Kind of cute.
You desperately try to understand how you could have possibly missed something so big. As gargantuan as. A crush? "You were always so rude. And you never let me do anything on missions. Why's that?"
He clicked his tongue. "You aren't exactly the most level headed person. If I just let you go around doing whatever, you'd get hurt. I didn't want that."
"Oh, my god." You fall back into the bed, staring past Paco at the ceiling. He finally let go, a little reluctantly, and collapsed beside you to do the same. "I can't believe it. Am I really so dense that I couldn't tell you... Liked me?"
"Yeah. You are." Paco laughed lightly, "..But I guess I wasn't any help either. Sorry. I don't actually think you're a bitch either. You have your moments... But you're mostly pretty cool."
"Yeah. Likewise." You pause. Then add on, "I don't think you're stupid. Or ugly. Actually you're... You're kind of... cute."
Paco turned to shoot you a hot look and a quirked eyebrow. "Really? You think I'm cute?"
"Don't let it get to your head."
"You're a little late, doll." You roll your eyes at the pet name.
He wiggled a little closer, on his side now. He gently grabbed your face again to make you look at him. The playful expression was gone, changed with something a little more serious. "Since we still have time to burn. I want another kiss. A real one this time." You giggled,
"Was the first one not good enough?" But you wiggled a little closer. 
"It was. But I know you can do better." He sealed your lips in another kiss. One softer than the first, no burning emotion or anger. It was quicker, and left your lips tingling in a good way.
And you kissed again. And one more. Until you decide to collapse into a shared mess of tangles, enjoying the bed and the AC together until duty called.
You have (2) new messages!
You, Paco, 🐰Bunny Boy🐰
Hi!! How are u enjoying ur room?
Oops! Didnt mean 2 send that to both of you! Srry!!!
Now calling: 🐰Bunny Boy🐰......
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
also do you have any unpopular opinions about either the gl corps or the old guard (or both if you're feeling it)
oh, i can never pass on the opportunity to be a hater, thank you <33
i hate how the glc are now militarized, with shore leaves and a strict hierarchy and police/army language used by the corps themselves. i understand that they fight so there must be some kind of tactical and fighter aspect, but i hate how they're so much like an army instead of a bunch of people supposed to just help their sector. everytime guy calls himself a cop i die a little inside, full hate intended. you'd think the kid abused by his drunken cop of a father wouldn't idealize the profession so much but i guess the writers don't think that much! that and the critical lack of imagination the creators have for aliens culture. maybe if they stopped licking the us boots for a second we could have more interesting than 'it's just like earth but with funny colors!'. i did consider committing a crime when i saw that isamot's gf had boobs (she's a lizarkon, like him), or when every single planet has the same way of acting than the us (when on earth you only got one us, and many other countries. the way they write their alien planet you'd think they all have one country and one city and nothing more, not even two different cultures on the same planet ffs). i also hate the parallax retcon, but that one isn't unpopular it's a 50/50 situation from what i've seen
it's been a while since i actively interacted with tog so no idea what's unpopular or not these days, but quynh isn't crazy she's hurt beyond comprehension and deserves consideration that the comics haven't given her in full with her u-turn to a bad guy with little explanation. but also, the comics are fine (not great but not bad either), and the people who hate on them haven't read them or are too attached to the movie, you just need two different approaches to enjoy them both. the sequel shouldn't have a jn flashback, and andy's breakdown at the end of vol.2 makes sense, even if the others' reaction doesn't at all (they just fought to get booker back despite the exile, and now they're all abandoning andy out of the blue isn't of sticking with her? i call bullshit). nile's lack of recognition by the fandom while upsetting unfortunately isn't surprising, and i think a good portion of her story should focus on her grieving her life and family, which doesn't really happen in vol.2 and that's a shame, i think it should be addressed more closely in the sequel because she just lost her entire life. but also, i think too many people forget that it's a netflix action movie first and foremost, and while we got some good commentary out of it about humanity and its purpose, the main takeaway should be that people can fuck you up with a sword and a gun and that it's sexy as hell when they do, that and that military propaganda slither its way into anything and you gotta be careful. and also that fandom is stupid as shit because the 'he thinks you're a mouse' isn't a private joke between joe and nicky, it's literally to mock merrick, omg you people lack media comprehension skills to a level that worries me
anyway thanks for enabling me friend <3 i won't publish the first ask but now that it made me snort out loud, and also my deepest condolences for this moment you suffered through, i wouldn't have made it out alive if i were you
sleepover asks
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