#i had this really strange au idea one time late at night abt perhaps a more separate shirou and the silver wolf where they were more of
nazumichi · 2 years
where’s the bna episode where shirou gets contact lenses
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
wassup :) what abt a situation where john or paul is teaching you guitar or bass and you fall for them- like just the two of you alone in a room at a music store playing guitar- AGH... anyways, your writing is amazing love 🥰
DKDKSKSKSK you have chosen like the MASTERS of who would pull a move like that while giving the reader some "music lessons", honestly lmao.
Like literally both of them would do this irl, so I can't choose 😂 I guess I'll go with John for this one, so I hope that's alright! Also, I did a little interpretation of this ask. Welcome to the Beatles music store au! This can be read as either young or old John tbh, whichever you want, so I tagged for both.
Enjoy :)
The shop bell chimes merrily as you enter the Beatles': Music and More music store. It's a nice little place, owned by four best mates who know their stuff. You've been going for a few months now for guitar lessons, and you must say, it's been worth every cent.
Your tutor is none other then John Lennon himself, one of the four owners. He can be a bit harsh at times, but you've come to learn that teasing is really just his idea of fun. Rarely does he ever mean anything by it.
Besides, all his pushing has improved your skills better then anyone else you've taken lessons from, so you decided to stick around.
And, if all that isn't enough... Well, you must admit, you find him rather handsome. Not to mention he's charming and sweet under his prickly layers, a form of himself that very few get to know.
"Well if it isn't my star pupil!", John stands up straight from where he was leaning on the counter and exchanges some hellos with you. When the pleasentries are over, he nods towards one of the practice rooms and becones you on, "Come 'ed"
He holds the door open and you take a seat before breaking out your trusty old Fender Strat. John chooses the same old Rickenbacker he usually does and has a seat across from you.
"Now where did we leave off...", He tunes up the instrument while you do the same.
"Practicing riffs, right?"
John thinks for a moment, then remembers and agrees. Before getting to the main lesson, you always do a little warm up first. At first it was just chord progressions, but now that you're getting more advanced, you play a whole song or two together.
Sometimes he even breaks out a new one, just to switch it up, "You know, I think today we'll do one of Paulie's songs... It's rubbish of course, but the guitar part is easy enough. This one's called 'I wanna hold your hand', goes like this"
Hm, he seems to have a thing for learning love songs, you think. He's introduced you to quite a few these past weeks after all...
Regardless, you pay close attention as he does a run through of the whole song, then replays the chorus for you.
"There, think you can do just that part?"
"Seems easy", you nod and take to your Fender. With a bit of guidance on the note pattern, you make it through in one go.
"Well done! Ready to try the whole thing?"
You nod confidently, it's one of his favorite traits of yours. You never do anything half assed, and you don't seem to have any fear of failure. He loves that.
John plays through once, slowly, as you follow along to get the chords. There's a few slip ups, but nothing major. You do one more play through and then time for the main lesson.
You've been doing well on your little riffs course so far, so today John throws a tough one at you.
He plays the section again. And again. And again... But you keep messing up on the one particular chord sequence. Once again, you hit a sour note and John heaves a sigh, "No no no, like this. Here let me show you"
John stands up and puts his Rick aside before dragging his stool behind yours. He slips his strong, rough fingers over top of yours, "Now start strumming"
Your heart leaps into your throat at the whole ordeal, but you obey. As the chords come, John guides your fingers by moving his, just as though he were playing himself.
"Here, here, then here... Like that, you see?"
"Uh... Yeah, yeah I think so", you swallow and give it a try on your own. You pass through the first few hurdles fine, but from all the pressure from John's proximity, you slip up once again.
You stop playing and look ever so slightly over your shoulder.
"What's the matter, you nearly had it. Try once more"
"Actually, do you think you guide me through it... Like you just did? I-I want to make sure I have it"
Never in a thousand years would you think to ask something like that. You're normally so used to doing things on your own and John so use to you doing as you're told, especially when he says 'try on your own', that you're afraid of his response.
But, whatever you were expecting, it wasn't this...
John clears his throat and wipes damp palms on the thighs of his slacks, " 'Course", he mutters, leaning back in.
His solid chest barely grazes your upper back, and yet you can still feel his heart hammering beneath all the muscle. John's hand feels warm as it cups over yours once again, his heart continuing to flutter as he leads you through the motions.
"There... Beautif- Uh, I mean, good", John clears his throat and scratches his scalp, but nothing can distract from the blush creeping up his cheeks.
"...Are you alright?", You venture, trying to be polite, but... Well, it's almost too much to hope... It's just, you've been thinking about him an awful lot lately. More then in just your guitar tutor setting, that is.
So to even have a slight chance that he might fancy you back...
"Fine. Just need a drink... Take five, will you", he gets up abruptly and struts out of the room.
And just like that, your heart drops like a stone to the pit of your stomach. You've embarrassed him, surely. Oh why did you have to say anything! Now you've ruined everything, you must have.
True to his word, John leaves you with about a solid five minutes or so to ruminate on the debacle you think you've made. Just as you begin considering where you should go to find a new tutor, John walks back in holding two styrofoam cups of water.
You're both silent as he takes a seat, then, "Here", he hands you a drink.
You accept it, but you simply can't stand the awkward tension, "Mr Lennon, I'm sorry, I-"
John interjects, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have walked out like that. And... also... I'm afraid I haven't been very forthcoming with you, and I can't keep it from you anymore. Er, I shouldn't, that is"
You give him a confused look, but remain silent as he takes a sip and licks his lips.
"I uh, this is very difficult for me to say, but uh... Well, over the past few weeks, I've been having some... Feelings for you... Now i'm sure you don't feel the same way, but I jus-"
Before he can go on, you hastily cut in to set him straight, "What? No no, I do!"
John snaps to attention, looking quite shocked indeed. You continue, a small smile gracing your lips. It feels good to get this off your chest, "I completely understand how you feel... I uh, I didn't want you to think I was strange or unprofessional... I was also scared you might not like me, but I understand, really! And, well, I... Have feelings for you too"
Now it's John's turn to smile, "Not like you? Who'd be daft enough to turn you away? All that talent and charm... Almost as good as me", he laughs, and you join him.
The tension has completely evaporated, and suddenly you feel as though you're hanging out with a friend instead of at music lessons, completely at ease.
John huffs one more chuckle at his joke, then looks shyly down to his hands. "Say... Would you like to, maybe...", He brushes his fingers over yours, touching ever so lightly, as though he might get burned, "Ahem, maybe... Get some real drinks? Down the street, perhaps?"
He looks up at you from under his brow, too nervous to sit up and face you in full, and he bites his lip as he waits.
Your heart absolutely melts. A second or so goes by as you rein in your emotions, and at long last you take a soft grip at his hand, "I'd love to!"
John peeks up immediately and rubs a few quick little circles on the back of your palm, although whether it's to offer thanks or to soothe himself, you don't know.
But when he holds your hand tightly, like a childhood sweetheart, as you both stand and walk out of the building...
When he chatters with you excitedly all the while you're on your little date, showing you a whole new, fun side to him that you're eager to get to know...
When he pays for your drinks, says to hell with it, and takes you to dinner too...
And when the night is upon you and he brings you back round to the store to grab your things, slips you his personal number, amd waits up with you to see you off in a taxi home...
All you can think of is, this wonderful man you feel you've just met for the first time. You can't wait to get to know him.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Cat Boy // Nakamoto Yuta
the prompt: I’d like to request a Yuta NCT scenario where he receives a cat statue in the mail but there’s no return address. He goes to sleep and when he wakes up the next morning, he feels strange and his members scream when they see him because he now has a tail and cat ears. The item was cursed, and Mark tells him to visit the reader because she has knowledge of witchcraft and there’s an instant connection. Fluffy humor, if you can.
words: 1529
category: fluff + comedy
author note: au’s are always a good time and also i haven’t written for yuta since January and i missed him. also i made the reader an actual hogwarts graduate witch whoops
- destinee
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wow he’s so handsome talk abt a bias wrecker
“We got fan mail,” Johnny announced, placing a few boxes and envelopes onto the coffee table of NCT’s dorm.
Yuta paused the anime he had been watching and sat up, having been slouching into the couch cushions. “Any for me?”
Johnny pointed to the biggest box in the table. “That one is addressed to our apartment. It says Yuta on it so I guess it’s yours.”
“No return address?” Yuta grinned and grabbed the box, wondering what could be inside for him. After struggling a bit, he finally managed to open the box and dig through the styrofoam peanuts within.
He extracted a… cat statue?
Yuta stared at the foot-long cat statue that seems to be in mid-hiss, it’s back arched. “What’s this?”
Johnny looked that the cat, taking in it’s eyes that seemed to be made of actual rubies. “Dude, that’s scary.”
“It’s kind of cool,” Yuta said, ignoring his older friend. “The eyes look like they’re glowing.”
Donghyuck walked in then, ready to search for any letters that had been left for him. He stopped when he noticed the statue in Yuta’s hands. “What is that demonic statue doing in our dorm?”
“It’s not demonic,” Yuta corrected him. “It’s retro.”
“Well, when you don’t wake up tomorrow because of your “retro” statue, can I have your clothes.“
Yuta threw a styrofoam peanut at him.
When Yuta awoke the next morning, he was surprised to find that he had pushed all of his blankets off of him during the night. Usually he liked being covered by his blankets.
He yawned and sat up, stretching his arms and legs out as much as he could. He could hear the other members out and about in the kitchen, eating cereal before they spent their weekend however they individually pleased.
Yuta stood up and scratched his bare stomach. He craved milk for some reason, but not the cereal that he usually ate with it. Perhaps his bones were growing.
He walked into the kitchen, mumbling a quick hello to the boys that were around the table. None of them looked up to greet him, but they all acknowledged his presence with short comments of hello.
Yuta opened the fridge and grabbed the milk, pouring some into a glass cup.
“Woah! What is that?” Johnny yelled.
“What?” Yuta replaced the milk and turned around to see everyone at the table staring at him with wide eyes.
When Donghyuck came downstairs, he took one look at Yuta and screamed. One loud, high-pitched scream that frightened Yuta into dropping his glass of milk.
He hissed as the spilled Milk touched his bare feet and jumped back. “Why’d you scream, Donghyuck?”
“You have ears!” Donghyuck answered, still yelling loudly. “And a tail! I told you it was demonic!”
Yuta turned around and looked at his tailbone, where he saw that Donghyuck was right. A long, dark brown tail flicked back and forth as Yuta got more confused.
His eyes widened. “Why do I have a tail?!” He reached up and grabbed his hair. There were two large, triangular ears on top of his head, flattened in fear. “Why do I have cat ears?!”
“Alright, alright, alright,” Taeyong fretted as he paced back and forth in the kitchen. “First thing we have to do is get rid of that cursed object.”
“I’m on it,” Ten said in a low, set tone. He opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink and extracted two rubber gloves, along with a pair of kitchen tongs. “Wish me luck.”
“Not my tongs!” Taeil scolded him, ripping the grilling tool out of Ten’s hand. “The gloves are enough.”
“Okay,” Ten breathed, his eyebrows narrowed. He stood up straight and saluted, “If I don’t come back, tell my family I—”
“Just go!” Yuta yelled hysterically, his tail now swishing angrily behind him.
“Fine!” Ten said back. “I’m going!”
He crept up the stairs, rather cat-like, although no one was willing to use that term in this particular situation.
“What do I do?” Yuta moaned, his eyes wide with fear.
Mark, who had been quiet this whole time, rose his hand timidly. “This might be strange, but I think I know someone who might be able to help.”
“Who?” Yuta asked eagerly.
“You know that place in town? Y/n’s Emporium of Witchcraft and Fortunes?”
Donghyuck sneered. “No way, man! There’s a rumor going around that she curses people who enter her store and refuse to buy anything!”
Mark shrugged. “So you’ll buy something. Look, maybe Y/n can tell us how to reverse the curse.”
“Okay,” Yuta nodded. “Well I need to go soon because I can’t come back to work with a tail.”
“Alright, good luck.”
“Wait!” Ten shouted from the top of the stairs. With thundering footsteps, he returned to the kitchen, holding the statue up with his rubber gloves. “Take this with you and she can dissect it or something.”
“Okay,” Yuta agreed, taking the statue hesitantly with his bare hands. “Bye, guys.”
Yuta went upstairs to put on a shirt and find a hat to hide his ears.
You leaned against your service counter, drumming your fingers on the dark purple tablecloth. Any minute now, your friend should be visiting you to complain about the little gift you had sent to him.
Yuto had been annoying you lately, charming your drains so that frogs crept out of them. It was annoying, and they also clogged the drains up.
Surely turning him into a cat boy would teach him a lesson: that you were the better wizard. The two of you had attended the same wizard academy, and had always been in a friendly completion to see who was better.
The bell above your door jingled, signaling the arrival of your friend. “Finally!” You shouted. “Now you’ll think twice about clogging up my drains, won’t you?”
But the boy who rounded the corner what not Yuto. No, this boy was extremely handsome, even though he was wearing only sweats and a t-shirt. A loose green beanie covered his soft-looking brown hair.
You opened your mouth to speak, yet nothing came out as the boy set a gift bag onto the counter. “I have no idea what drains you’re talking about, but are you Y/n? Can you help me with this?”
You nodded slowly and took the bag, unable to stop looking at his handsome face. Finally breaking your gaze from his face, you peered into the bag and gasped. “Oh, dear. Where did you get this from?”
“It was sent to my doorstep. My name was on the box so I opened it… and then this happened.” He then pulled of his beanie, revealing a pair of cat ears.
He looked really cute, with his large, innocent eyes and his downturned cat ears.
You couldn’t help but let out a small, “Aw, you look cute!” You reached over the counter and scratched behind one of his cat ears.
A strange noise erupted in his throat, and it sounded exactly like a purr. The boy looked up at you in alarm, “That was a purr, not a moan!”
“I know,” you giggled at the boy’s awkwardness. Here, let me get the details so we can reverse the curse. First, we’ll need the person who sent you this. Do you know who it was?“
“No,” he answered.
“Okay. Well, what’s your name?”
“Yuta Nakamoto.”
“Yuta?” You did a double take and widened your eyes. “Wait, do you live in the apartment complexes down the road?”
“Yeah,” he answered. “Do you know who sent it?”
“Hold on.” You pulled a pen out of you pocket and grabbed a piece of paper from behind the counter. “Did it look like this?”
Yuta looked down at the paper, where you had written Yuto. Although, your writing was eccentric, so it would’ve been easy for him to mistake the O as an A.
“Yeah! That’s exactly what it looked like! Do you know who sent it?”
You slowly lifted your hand up. “I think I did. Not on purpose, though! It was for my friend, Yuto. You can see where that would’ve gotten mixed up, right?”
The boy grinned and let out a chuckle. “Well, at least I know no one is out to really curse me. How do I get it undone?”
“Oh, give me a moment.” You quickly grabbed the statue and banged it against the counter, causing the rubies to fall out. “Take this home tonight, and the effects will be reversed.”
He accepted the statue. “Thank you so much.”
He began to leave, but you stopped him. “Wait! Didn’t you hear the legend about me?”
Yuta turned around, “You mean you’ll curse whoever doesn’t buy something? I didn’t bring much money.”
“That’s okay,” you smiled. “Why don’t you take me out for coffee some time, your treat, and I’ll make sure you don’t get cursed again.”
His left ear twitched, and his lips lifted into a bashful smile. “Alright. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning at eight, when my tail is gone and I look normal again.”
You smiled back at him, “I’ll be there.”
~the end~
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