#i had to google it to double check i knew what caricature meant
hey uh tomorrows prompt is "something that represents [my] personality" and that's kinda giving me an existential crisis so I'm probably just gonna redraw an old drawing or something
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queerwritingwaves · 7 years
Witchcraft Part 5
Pairing: Dean x Mel (OFC)
Characters: Dean, Sam, Mel (OFC, POV caricature), Shayna (OFC)
Words:  1809
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff. I think that’s all. tell me if I missed something.
A/N: this is something I started writing with my good friend @sofreddie. If you haven’t read her stuff I suggest you go stalk her masterlist. after you read this of course!
A/N 2: we’re getting close to the end kiddos! i think they’ll be three parts after this one.
Please please please reblog if you liked this!!! you’re reblogs and comments are what keep me writing :3
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*gif found via google
Sam returned several minutes later, in sweats and a gray T-shirt, his hair damp. He looked around the room. "Where did everyone go?"
I closed my eyes for a second listening. "Dean just got in the shower and Shayna’s in her room." I looked back at him. "If you want to talk to Shayna now's the best time to do that."
He rubbed a hand through his hair. "She probably doesn't want to see me." He muttered
"And she won’t want to if you keep ignoring her." I set my book down and stretched.
"It's your choice." I called back to him as I walked out heading for the bathroom
He sighed, heading back down the hall. He stopped by Shayna’s closed door and reached up to knock, before stopping. He took a breath and knocked.
"Come in!" She shouted through the door
Sam stepped cautiously through the door. "Shayna?" he asked. "Can we talk?"
Shayna sat up in her bed, having expected me from the soft knock. "Uh," She looked around the messy room and hurried to pick things up. "S-sure, sam. What's up?" She turned to face him, a little red.
Sam walked all the way in, helping her clean. "Look I'm sorry about what I did. If I could go back and change it I would." He said after cleaning in silence for a minute
"Sam, stop cleaning my room!" She took things from his hands and threw them in a chair. She grabbed him by the shoulders and maneuvered him to sit on the bed. "I thought we went over this Sam. We're good. All good." I continued straightening with my back to him. Trying to hide my fear and nervousness, chewing on my lip
He stood turning her to face him. "Shayna I'm not blind. I can you're not ok."
I brushed him off. "I'm fine Sam. You were terrifying and cold and trying to kill us! But I'm fine. I just..." She sighed and started laughing. "Angry Sam is kinda hot. But THAT? I-i just..." She shook her head, trying to calm her nerves.
"Just what?" He asked his hands warm on her shoulders.
"I was scared, ok? Like genuinely scared. And I hate feeling like that. I was scared for me and Mel, and I was scared for you and dean." She tried to fight back tears. We all knew she hated to appear vulnerable.
He cupped her face with his hands. "I'm sorry Shayna." he closed his eyes. "this wasn't supposed to happen." he whispered.
She pulled his hands from her face, refusing to let her guard down. "I know. It's fine, it'll be fine." she forced a tight smile.
"Shayna you have to stop doing that." Sam sighed resting his hands on her shoulders again.
"Stop what, Sam?" She was growing frustrated. "I didn't do anything!"
"Stop pulling away!" Sam said frustrated.
"I'm not pulling away!" Shayna stood in front of him defiantly. "What do you want me to say?!"
"I don't know!" He said. "Maybe you can tell me how you feel sometimes?" He took a deep breath turning away.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I shouldn't have snapped.”
"How I feel?" She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sam, are we still talking about attempted murder here?"
"I don't know anymore Shayna." He said looking at her.
She nodded. "I’m… just gonna go check on Mel.” She practically ran from the room and busted through my door, slamming it behind her in a panic.
"Shayna!" I looked up surprised my hair hanging loose, dripping cold droplets down my back.
"Hheeeeyy!" She smiled wide, swinging her arms. "Just thought I'd, you know, see how you're doing and all."
I gave her an odd look. "Yeah." I grabbed my towel drying my hair and brushing it quickly.
"Soo, uh...did you have a good shower?" I heard a door close in the distance and she sighed.
"Seriously? Shayna what's up?" I looked up at you setting down my brush
She laughed and sat on the edge of my bed. "I maybe, might have, sorta… ran away from sam?"
"Why?" I asked turning in my chair to look at her better
"He asked about feelings and stuff… I don't know! I panicked! He came to talk to me and I thought it was about the whole trying to kill us thing but I don't think it was and all I could think was I had to talk to you!"
I smiled. "Talk. I'm listening." I said grabbing my brush to finish my hair.
She threw herself back on the bed. "He asked me, actually asked me tell him how I felt. And I ran away! You weren't there to tell me what to do and I felt like my heart was in the back of my throat and like I was gonna be sick. He was so sad looking."
"So how do you feel?" I asked glancing at her.
"Ugh...like I wanna climb him like a tree and feel his arms around me and never ever leave." she sat up and looked at me with a glare. "But I'm not gonna!"
"Why not?"
She fidgeted. "Because....BECAUSE!" She got off the bed and went to the door.
"You're not helping!" She pouted
"What do you want me to say?" I asked quickly braiding my hair.
"Nothing...I'm gonna talk to Dean. He gets me." She stormed out and knocked on Dean's door.
Dean looked up at the knock on his door. Standing he opened it to find Shayna standing there with a scowl. Silently he opened the door wider letting her in.
"Your brother and Mel are driving me crazy!" She shouted, flopping to sit in his bed. "He's all, feelings and she's all yeah, talk to him. And you're the only one who gets me!" She huffed in a hurry
He sat on the bed next to her letting her talk.
"And she's all what do you feel and I'm like I dunno. And he's all tell me and I… well I literally ran away." She risked a look at him. "So?"
He opened his arm pulling her to his side.
She welcomed the comfort. "How did you end up telling Mel how you feel?"
He smiled. "I found her making a pie at midnight." He laughed. "She put the pie in the oven and fell asleep on the table."
She smiled sweetly. "And you just told her?"
He laughed. "She woke up when the timer beeped and yelled, 'If you touch my pie I will fucking kill you.'"
Shayna laughed. "That sounds like her. So, did you touch the pie?" She raised a brow
"God no!" He chuckled. "I'm pretty sure she meant it. Have you seen how many knives are in that kitchen?"
"But you don't do feelings and stuff. How'd you get up the nerve to talk to her? I mean, not that I...I'm just asking to like talk my mind off things and stuff."
He smiled. "She gave me half of the best pie in the world."
Shayna sighed. "Yeah, not helping. Cute story though." She smiled and got up to leave. "Could you maybe conjure up a hole or portal to just swallow me whole?"
"I haven't gotten to the good part yet!" he said teasingly.
She smirked at his excitement, sitting down next to him again. "Alright, lay it on me."
"She gave me the pie and I told her, 'god I love you.' and she kinda froze so I tried backtracking." He smiled. "You can imagine how that went. and then she told me, 'I should have decided to make pie sooner.'"
Shayna doubled over laughing. "So… pie? Really?! That's what did you in?"
He grinned. "Have you had Mel's pies?"
"Mmmm." She hummed. "So good." She snapped out of her daydreaming of my pies. "So what, I should bake a pie or something?"
"For Sam you might wanna make a salad." He joked.
She shoved his shoulder. "Well, thanks for that. But I just don't think I can do this. And after running like I did, I don't think I can face him. Maybe after this hunt I'll just go my own way for a while."
"Shayna he loves you. Just tell him." Dean said his eyes soft. "It would break him if you left."
"He’ll get over it! I'm no good for him or for anyone. I'm the forever friend. I'm not some cute, charming little girly girl." She left the room and went back to her own.
Dean immediately came to mine, shutting the door a little harder than he intended.
"Sweetheart, we need to talk." He said, sitting down next to me and telling me about the conversation.
"Oh no. No, no, no. Why does she always do this!" My eyes were slightly wild. "Dean she can't leave. She can't!"
"I know. But I'm not sure we can fix this or stop it honey. And, to be honest, we need to focus on this hunt.”
I closed my eyes willing my racing heart to slow down. When I felt somewhat calmer I nodded. "What do we need to do?"
"We're leaving this afternoon. That gives us a few hours to fix this or convince her to stay." He shrugged, kissing my cheek. "I don't want her to go, she's my best friend. But I don't want to see Sam hurt either. If you want, I can try to talk to Sam?"
I nodded. "Please do that. I'll go start packing." I watched him leave, sitting for a few minutes before pulling my bag from under my bed and tossing stuff in.
Dean went to Sam’s room, knocking before just walking in. "Heya Sammy." He smiled, leaning against the dresser.
"Dean. Did Shayna send you or something?" he asked not looking up from his intense study of the floor.
"Not exactly." He ran his hand through his hair. "Look, I'm not really sure how to say this..."
"Then don't." Sam said flopping back on the bed.
"Fine. Then I guess you don't care that Shayna's decided to leave...after the hunt." He shrugged and turned to leave.
Sam shot up grabbing Dean's arm. "What?!" He asked. "She can't leave!"
Dean smirked to himself before straightening his face and turning. "Well, she seems all awkward and said something about being a forever friend and now she wants to leave. I mean, I don't want to see her go, but we should respect her wishes, right?" He teased.
Sam's eyes were wild. "Dean she can't leave!"
"Well I'm pretty sure she's in her room packing now. Anyway, not like we can do anything about it. We're leaving in an hour for the hunt and she plans to leave when it's all done." He shrugged and left the room, grinning to himself.
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