#i had to rewatch ep2 to make sure prins’ last line was the actual quote from the vid
team-mythic-beasts · 6 months
Meetings in Tumblr, Part 1: Another Me, Another Friend
By Lucas “Luke” Reynard
(feat. @tolyys’ Luke!)
Somehow after Makoto made that first post, we all had tiny paw prints marked on our faces. Most of us got regular ones, but Mikel’s, one of Makoto’s, and mine were bright green. Curious, I took over our blog for the day to see for myself what this was all about.
And then I found… someone.
“You’re finally here! I was wondering when you’d show up.”
That guy looks almost exactly like me, but with cheeks as freckled as Mikel’s and sapphires for eyes. He also wears a lot of fur… I have never been able to put on any kind of fuzzy clothes without melting into a puddle.
How does he do it, though? Maybe it’s got something to do with that minty cyan pendant. Such an intense, cooling aura that bright jewel radiates… one that might turn my fingers to ice if I ever dared touch it.
But my mind quickly turned towards his paw print. Another victim of the A-paw-calypse, perhaps? I quickly asked how he got that mark.
“Some girl stamped it on my face. I think her name was Makoto?”
Ah. So that’s what happened.
After that exchange, he took me on a tour around the platform, and we shared any facts about each other that came to mind. It was then that I became certain— same first name (his is spelled with a K but it works), same birthday, same reason for traveling… this guy is the “other me” Makoto once told me about.
Speaking of Makoto, we had to bring up our designers at some point… I have nothing but the utmost respect for his. Unlike mine, this Ben guy seems to know what he’s doing; nearly seven years have passed since the day this “other me” was placed in his care, and he’s stuck to his original plans to this day! Wow, now I feel lucky to have gotten a green paw print from him.
We soon had to part ways, but he promised to visit me again soon. Before he left, he suggested I call him Prins— Apparently that’s the word for “prince” in his native language. In return, I let him refer to me as Angel.
“Yay! We’re quickly becoming good friends!”
Well, I certainly hope so, Prins.
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(w/o paw prints)
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