#i hate drinking fuckass water btw i always have to Make myself do it 😩 i also don’t rly like sweet drinks but bubble tea i will have like
wantbytaemin · 1 month
top 5 drinks or drink traditions (like idk the way they mix soju and beer in korea, local way to prepare tea, no cappuccino past 12 in italy etc.)
oh i LOVE this tysm <33
1. PRIJATNA KAFICA there’s a whole meme about it right now LMAO it’s basically ‘pleasant coffee <3’ and coffee is a diminutive in the phrase and it looks like this:
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to mimic the way your auntie would post abt it on her Facebook & it means the tradition of drinking coffee (usually strong enough to give you a heart attack & made in a cezve or džezva as we call it ofc none of that coffee machine stuff) for an hour or two in the morning and chilling and enjoying life before starting w your day 🙂‍↕️
2. bubble tea [rubs hands deviously while glancing over at lino]
3. CHAI LATTE 🤎🤎🤎 my one issue is i had a café in london that made this incredible authentic chai latte and i can’t find one as good anywhere here 😔
4. LEMONADE being just literal squeezed fresh lemon juice + water here and my london friend (used to carbonated sweet lemonade) ordered it when she was here to visit me and physically gagged after taking her first sip it was THE funniest thing ever to me. dw i bought her her sweetened carbonated drink and i drank her lemonade with gusto 🫶🏻
5. cedevita! it’s a powder you dissolve in water usually orange or lemon flavor and it’s sooo good i could drink it by the litre 🧡💛
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