#i hate jayson ferin
spr0ut-b1t5 · 8 months
realized i forgot to post this yesterday but HELLO JAY FERIN NATION I COME WITH A GIFT !! (daddy issues)
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stormsandskies · 1 year
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“Seven” - Taylor Swift
the idea was rolling around in my brain for so long and i worked on it whenever possible. i just ugh she has so many childhood issues
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carrierofpretzel · 5 months
My silly hcs for Jay Ferin. half this shit is non canon compliant but idgaf.
Some minor spoilers
So remember the clip where Grizzly thought Jay was like 6’2? yeah well thats still how it is in my heart.
She had at one point revealed that she thought Edyn was cute but never brings it up again and I’d love to think its because she sees how weird Chip is at times abr Edyn and she doesn’t want to do the same.
She definitely wanted to infiltrate pirate ships ever since she was young cause she thought it would be awesome to be a hero but she just slowly realized the navys vision of pirates isn’t always true which then led to her trying ro side with them in the first Jayson fight.
She occasionally will see her dress from the murder mystery and think of Anastasia and wonder if she meant well or not.
She seems like she’d have a migraine disorder, I can’t explain why but she just does.
I feel like as a kid she may have occasionally had fantasies of slaying beasts and adventuring more akin to how pirates do and she was afraid to confess that scared her family would hate her for it.
for reading all that complimentary Condifiction phot
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bizlybebo · 5 months
jrwi headcannond
this is such an awesome fucking ask to get. ouguohigohoh i’m about to RAMBLE
plspls let me know if the post doesn’t minimize so i can add a “read more” thing i don’t wanna clog peoples dashes
I’ve really only watched PD and Riptide so. take these ^__^ (SPOILERS UP TO RIPTIDE EP109 AND UP TO PD S2 EP19)
- Chip tried to teach Gillion sign language, but he was very confused at first. He didn’t get it because signing “sun” didn’t make a literal sun, etc. He even thought they were magic spells/incantations at one point. Eventually, though, Gill finally understood them— most prominently, the sign for “I love you”. He signed it to Jay during that moment in ep 53, and Chip found the slightest bit of strength during that moment in 109 to curl two fingers in and sign “I love you” to his crew, with what he thought was the last of his strength.
- Mae (May?) Ferin has very curly hair, which was brown but greyed with age. Jay got the vibrant orange hair from her father, but in my brain she has the curls from her mother, and to me that symbolizes how she strikes a balance between being a Ferin and being her own person, following what her mother wants for her (which is just to be happy).
^^^(Ava Ferin had the same hair as her father. She was the spitting image of what a navy captain was meant to be. She was like a mini Jayson growing up.)
- All the Ferins have wings. That’s it. Jayson’s, Jay’s, Ava’s, etc. are white, slightly blue-ish feathers. Drey’s wings are brown and black. His wings are pretty out of shape now, he can’t really fly anymore, but he can still lift them enough to put them over Jay’s, or Ollie’s, or Finn’s shoulders, and it’s like a blanket. He does it to Earl sometimes just because Earl hates it lmao
- Gillion has very long hair and prides himself on all the ways he can braid it into the traditional styles of the Undersea. It’s a slightly different way of braiding than on the oversea, though, so he taught his way of braiding to Jay, who taught her way of braiding to him. They also taught Ollie. who does Drey’s hair for him and occasionally Chip’s if he can be convinced.
- Hair is also a very sacred thing in the Undersea— one only cuts their hair when they have lost a battle, and so long hair is very respectable. When Gill first was exiled to the Oversea, his hip-length hair got cut very short, up to his chin. It grew out gradually over the campaign, but he tried to cut it after the events of 53, only being convinced not to by Jay when she fully understood why he was doing it. Gillion prides himself very much on his hair.
- Jay is dyslexic. In the Feywild, during that one segment, she lost the ability to read because the magic was preying on one of her insecurities, in a sense. Dyslexic Jay the headcanon i truth most.
- Chip has mild apraxia. It’s real to me.
- Also all of albatrio has/had speech impediments cause I said so. Gillion has rhotacism, Jay has a stutter, and Chip had a lisp growing up which still slips out occasionally.
-Joke headcanon that slowly became real to me: Gillion did Chip’s top surgery in ep 15
Prime Defenders:
- MORE SPEECH IMPEDIMENT HEADCANONS CAUSE I LOVE PROJECTING !! Dakota has a lisp/stutter, and Ashe has a general speech disruption. Ashe also has selective mutism ^__^
- To me, Summer and Cantrip had an enemies to lovers sideplot in early to mid season 2. I think Doug probably mentioned how when he was a villain, he worked with this girl Cantrip, who was Ruby’s sister, and Summer got curious and was like “damn. I wonder where she is now” and sought her out to try and talk to her. And literally their early dynamic was Jade going “kys” and Summer being like “i can fix her!!!”
- Xavier and Jade are mlm wlw hostility. Summer and Doug are mlm wlw hostility. Not reaaaally a headcanon but i had to say it.
- William’s family was very religious growing up. He also came from one of those small, Southern hunting towns and so he has the accent and everything (moomin infected my brain with this one <3).
- The PD season 1 finale took place a few days before Halloween, and the four of them had matching costumes planned out together but never did get to wear them.
- Also, to me, the greyscale arc takes place on or very close to Christmas.
- Dakota didn’t really celebrate his birthday nor Christmas for many years because of how lonely those holidays got for him— he didn’t really get a very good birthday/xmas after the events of the Resurgence. However, Tide didn’t know this and got him a birthday gift once, and Dakota ugly cried while hugging him.
- Shockwave was transmasc. He means the world to me. (Also why Tide is such a good hashtag ally)
- Dakota is very scared of spiders for no apparent reason. Whenever they show up he jumps up onto a table or onto Ashe’s back and tries to fight it off with a broom. Ashe is the one who has to take care of it.
- Gender straight up Isn’t Real on Fauna. Vyncent is literally genderless but nobody asked him when he got to Prime so he literally just went along with being he/him’d and didn’t really mind. (this one’s from arachnid lmao)
- Doug and Summer are queerplatonic that’s it that’s the post
- Ashe is a natural blonde, just like Mark, but bleaches their hair. Everyone was fucking shocked to find out about this
- Lightspeed and Wordsmith are also mlm/wlw hostility. real and canon to me
this is literally just the first ones off the top of my head i have so many but i’ve been writing this post for nearly an hour so i think i’ll cut it off here ^__^
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georgelikescarrots · 6 months
(spoilers ahead for jrwi riptide)
One thing I think about a lot with Jrwi Riptide is who told Drey that Ava died? Because Drey was in prison at the time of her death, I feel like the obvious answer is Jayson but I very much doubt that Jayson in his pirate-hating prime (right after Ava’s death) would be able to look his pirate brother in the eyes (or eye singular) and tell him that his Neice was dead, but Drey never mentions it the Jay at all, we just assume he knows but we don't know how he knows? Maybe another solider or another ferin (that wasn't that close with Ava) told him but we can't be 100% sure
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isabelopaque · 4 months
one day i need to drop a serious analysis on jayson ferin because i feel like people misunderstand the ferin family in general sometimes and thats partially grizzlys fault but still. hate that guy but sometimes people will just make things up
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for these characters?
Why should you vote for the Albatrio? (1)
"Jay, Chip, and Gillion are so cool. They’re pirates in a fantasy world, but they kind of suck at being pirates and they keep SAVING ISLANDS.
Chip is an orphan who found family in the famous Black Rose Pirates, before their ship, the Midnight Rose, got caught in a horrible whirlpool. He ended up separated from everything he knew at only 9 years old. He found a gang, of sorts, led by a boy named Reuben Price. After refusing to kill a traitor and running away with a stolen boat, he tried to live up to the legacy of his caretaker on the Midnight Rose, Arlin James, and become a great pirate so that he could find him again and make him proud.
Jay Ferin is the daughter of Jayson Ferin, a well respected general in the NAVY, and Malenia “May” Ferin, the owner of a bar. Her uncle, Drey Ferin, left to go and join the Black Rose Pirates instead of be in the NAVY. Jay also trained to be a high ranking NAVY official, and her sister, Ava Ferin, was also a NAVY official before she was killed.
Chip came to the town where Jay and her mother lived and worked at their tavern, and told people stories. They ended up working together to save someone, and Chip won a bet against Jay. Since Jay lost, she agreed to join Chip’s pirate crew, and be the second member. Later, sailing the sea, they would find a fish man floating about, and he would join them too.
That brings us to Gillion Tidestrider, the third member of the up and coming pirate crew that would one day be known as the Riptide Pirates.
Gillion happened to be born on a specific day at a specific time while specific things were happening, and so was the Chosen One of the prophecy. He was so special that his parents gave him away to the elders! He endured harsh training, as he was destined to defeat evil, and also flood the world, but that’s not important yet. The elders told him that if he managed to do well, he would be accepted and loved. He never managed to do it, and despite being surrounded by people, he felt like he was alone. Except for when his sister, Edyn, visited, he was under a lot of stress. Eventually, Edyn was forced to stop visiting, but she gave him a pet frogtopus named Pretzel to keep him company. One day, the elders had a meeting with a human. Of course, Gillion had been taught that all humans were evil and that he should hate them, so he attacked the human. However, instead of being rewarded for following the teachings, he was banished from the Undersea. He was found by Chip and Jay, who let him in their pirate crew.
They had many adventures! They blew up a building, Gillion made a deal with a sketchy guy to save a town, they started a band and saved another town, they won a competition, they saved their friend and Drey Ferin from jail, they saw old friends again and Chip defeated an evil guy, and much more! And by much more, I mean the Riptide campaign is 97 episodes long not counting the Origins video and all episodes are over one hour and usually two hours. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff."
Why should you vote for the Knight? (1)
"little guy (gender non specific)"
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wrinklemcdinkle · 9 months
yall Im having some certain thoughts about episode 115 we gotta have a discussion
OK so were all pretty split on who the mole is on lizzie’s ship between caspian and marshall john- (rudith is a possibility but he hasnt really been mentioned much and i feel like if he was the mole grizzly would probably include him more) so lets go over them both separately
Lets establish the info: Jay stole info from the stronghold that said “there is a mole on Lizzie’s ship”, we don’t know the mole’s nickname, and even still grizz said its coded so well its impossible to tell who it is. It can’t be Lizzie as its described as being on HER ship, and her entire character would not support being a navy mole, she literally hates the navy.
CASPIAN: He’s Lizzie’s first mate, iirc they were on another crew together before their current crew. We know he’s from an outskirt settlement in the undersea, and that he has a sister (who may be an elder, grizzly described one of the elder’s looking very similar to caspian). Overall we don’t know too much about him, which makes him that more suspicious. Bizly immediately thought Caspian is the spy once that was brought up, and Caspian is just so close to Lizzie he surely has heard every detail about this plan attacking the solstice stronghold.
MARSHALL JOHN: He’s just as likely I think to be a mole. We know he was formerly in the navy, as we saw him in the first episode, but when he supposedly becomes a pirate and meets with the riptide pirates. He talks about how he wants to join Lizzie’s crew specifically, after he turns down chip’s offer to join their crew. But he was captured after the paramount tournament, before he really could become part of their crew. He was frozen inside the Block, so the navy surely wasn’t happy with him, not exactly how you’d really think they’d treat a mole. BUT then again we know they’re undercover and hidden so well that who exactly in the navy would know he’s a spy? Jayson Ferin was in that raid, so wouldnt a vice admiral know who their own spies are and not doom them to the block?
Also an honorable mention, that Edyn could be the mole. But I don’t think she’s a part of their crew, but we did see her talking to a member of the navy, and she surely has motivations for working with them, against the undersea or specifically the elders for her brother. Apart from her mention in the feywild and her answering gillion’s call in episode 86(?), we haven’t seen her since the riptide pirates left allport like episode 62/63- over 50 episodes ago.
Either way, it will be absolutely devastating once they’re revealed. How will Jay tell her crew who the spy was? What if shes captured too but maybe someone like Queen made it back and told the crew in the Black sea. Imagine they’re freaking out, Jay and the rest missing, and tells them who the spy was and how the rest of the crew is captured and probably gonna be executed or smth. Dude.
What if none of them make it back? What if Jay is the only one that makes it back?
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shady-ratt · 3 months
Season 2, Day 32 of asking my friend JRWI Riptide related questions till he watches it
Question - Most likely to accidentally start a cult
Options - Chip, Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider, Ollie or Queen
Answer - Ollie or Queen
Extra - “ You is gay “
Progress - Finds the JRWI boys funny, knows most of the important characters
I showed him some JRWI tiktoks and he got weirded out when i started ranting about how i hates Jayson Ferin
(if anyone wants to suggest questions go for it :D I’ll give you credit if i use it ofc <3)
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a-ferins-fire · 3 months
I heard of some nasty pirates being on here and decided to join to keep an eye on them. I use he/him. My name is Jayson. If you can report anything about the pirates, especially those called the "Riptide Pirates", it would be much appreciated. That is all.
(ooc note above the cut because it is needed: The person who plays Jayson is sapphic. Jayson in character may be homophobic, but that does not mean I will make him state homophobic things out of nowhere. The faggot thing was out of character, and I would like that to be treated as nothing more then an out of character joke. AGAIN, JAYSON IS HOMOPHOBIC, BUT I WON'T MAKE HIM STATE ANY ACTUAL HOMOPHOBIC THINGS OUT OF NOWHERE.)
hi hi its @s0lar-ch3ri once again, use neos or plural pronouns for me if you come from here, and obligatorys:
-block #just role(play) with it if you dont wanna see the rp blog shit -riptide spoilers referenced -not 100 percent accurate -will have hcs mixed in
tags below:
#flames of a ferin - in character
#asks to the general - asks
#burned to ashes - out of character
#those goddess damned pirates - interacting with the riptide crew
#the family or its traitors. - interacting with a ferin
#communications on the seas - interacting with other rp blogs
#the final flickering spark - end of roleplay things
lil note: i will delete asks i dont feel like answering, please know this could happen to yours.
second note: i have no idea what kind of navy terms there are, im gonna say general but its probs admiral
third note: you know how i said i dunno navy terms? i actually barely know how riptides navy works, period, expect mistakes <3
fourth note: for my own personal saving, the person who plays may ferin has sent jayson a ton of letters and to save them ive put them all under the "#to love is to change; hating the result" tag so yeah
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codecicle · 7 months
OKAY so, first of all, this would be set during empire times. Chip is still a pirate ofc (or a smuggler, more likely i think but idk). Jay would of course be coming from an imperial family (Empire = Navy). Gillion would be a jedi/force sensitive, and his backstory is the one you have to sort of smooth out the most to make it fit.
My idea is that he was a Padawan when order 66 happened (Finn would be his master rather than biological grandfather i think), he escapes and goes back to his home planet to hide, which is where The Elders (tm) would hear that he was one of the last living jedi and basically give him his "chosen one" status because of that. But then, he accidentally does something to reveal his position to the Empire and endanger his homeworld and his people, causing him to be banished. Actually come to think of it, if we really want this to align with Riptide canon we could say that his planet was a neutral one and Jayson had come to try to get them to join the empire, and the Elders were like, actually considering it. He attacks Jayson (just like in canon) and gets exiled. Chip and Jay(I'll get to them in just a second) find him out in space with his distress beacon on, as something had happened to his ship.
Jay's backstory would be pretty much the same. Her family has always been pretty powerful, even before the imperial ties. I'm thinking that her dad's side of the family would maybe be royalty of some sort of some smaller middle-rim planet or system. Maybe not even royalty, just had a history of important government officials in the family, and pretty old money, yknow? And then the empire comes along and they join it and they all become important imperial folks, with Jayson (and Drey) becoming Commanders and shit (I dont remember the terminology super well, just people who ordered imperial troops and stuff), rather than government officials. I'm thinking Grandma Ferin would sort of be both. Drey wouldn't have been a super high ranking officer though before he defected--he was never as ambitious as his brother, not for power. And then Ava, still a higher-up in this au, gets killed by rebels/non-imperials, and Jay does the same thing she does in Riptide and sets out to find out what happened to her.
I'll write up chip's backstory in a second ask in just a sec I have to read something for school that i forgot about L
Gillion as a padawan when order 66 happened and becoming the chosen one because the elders think it was destiny for him to have survived,,,, dude your fucking VISIONS oh my god. cannot even BEGIN to imagine the guilt he must live with daily that he was the one to survive and yet he still fails over and over again,,,,,, AND JAY WITH THE IMPERIAL TIES GOING UNDERCOVER THROUGH THAT ohhh my god. her family needing to be loyal to the empire because of their old money or government status and her being full of that same resentment and hatred until she meets the rebels and jedi she was taught to hate and ends up adventuring with them.. jelly-jam my DUDEEE im so absolutely insane about this
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moonfruito · 2 years
my running theory is that ava and lizzie were girlfriends and then ava defected from the navy to become a pirate or was a spy in the navy for the pirates' rebellion and in the fight that ensued after her position was revealed she was killed. the navy blame the pirates and the pirates blame the navy and that's why lizzie fucking hates the navy and jayson fucking hates pirates. this is based less on what i think is canon and more on what i think will cause the most problems because i like the drama. however, i am not one to deviate too far from canon, so here is a very not chronological list of the evidence that i have collected that i will edit and update because more is sure to arise and i am for sure forgetting something.
The Tides Between Us #58 [1:11:25] "You just look so much like your sister, so I thought there was like no way... I wasn't actually gonna shoot you or anything." : lizzie knows who ava is, knows what she looks like well enough to recognise her and her family, but nonetheless had no intention to hurt jay despite her deep hatred of the navy. ava and jay seem to have had a good relationship, so lizzie would likely have heard good things about jay, and therefore hesitated to hurt her.
lizzie is the only person we have encountered so far that immediately recognised jay not from her wanted poster but from her looking like a ferin. it seems likely that she has had much more prolonged contact with ava than most others, including the navy soldiers they've met.
GRIZZCORD Questions Channel [22/11/22] "Ava was a brat! She was a troublemaker growing up. She was headstrong, very brave, very confident, and very reliable. And she kicked ass. She had a great smile, she had a great heart. She was very carefree, and a bit mischievous even. She'd be serious when it came to her job. She could be impulsive. She could be wrong a lot, and irresponsible. She stood up to her father often, she did not join RAFT to make him happy, she had her own reasons." : ava was a rebellious character, and one that seems likely to have pushed back against the navy's oppressive structure and defected. it's also possible that she joined raft to learn information about the navy to assist a rebellion, and fed that information to lizzie. in that case, it would make sense that lizzie is so fixated on starting this war against the navy - she wants to finish what ava started and lost her life for.
Breaking The Ice #32 [32:57] "I don't want to be with the navy because I'd rather be free. I don't want to live by their strict and rigid structure... I wanted to sail the sea, see the world." : the first part of the argument that jay uses to convince lizzie she is no longer navy. it's possible that lizzie recognised similarities between jay and ava's carefree attitude and hatred of navy structure in this statement.
Breaking The Ice #32 [33:13] "L: So you expect me to believe that you've run away from your family's line? // C: Is it that hard to believe? // J: Have you seen how the Ferins operate? It sucks. [Grizzly DM-Smiles] G: Roll a persuasion check, Jay, with advantage." : grizzly does a little sneaky smile when jay asks if lizzie has seen what the ferins are like, implying that lizzie is in fact more than familiar with the ferin family. he asks for the roll right after jay says this, implying that she has hit the mark with that line. lizzie tests jay's feelings about her family specifically, wanting to see whether she rejects her family's structure the same way ava did.
Breaking the Ice #32 [35:16] "...the reason why I'm, uh... so defensive over seeing a... a Ferin. Not too long ago... // I saw the fucking navy come on to the outlaws. They raided our soil. They killed... They killed some of their own." : ava died about a year before this moment, so it was recent enough that it's plausible that the battle lizzie speaks of is the one where the navy attacked as a result of ava's rebellion and she was killed. the difficulty with which lizzie speaks with the deaths of the navy soldiers suggests how personal this was to her, especially given her usual distate for the navy. she says the ferin name with a similar difficulty. she implies that jayson or other ferin family members were involved with this battle and she sees them as responsible for those deaths, including ava's, explaining her initial distrust of jay.
GRIZZCORD Questions Channel [17/9/22] grizzly confirms lizzie is "either lesbian or bi".
@/GrizzlyPlays on Twitter [17/9/22] "oh ur gonna love her backstory bro": grizzly responds to someone tweeting about lizzie being canonically sapphic, heavily implying that there is a key female love interest in lizzie's backstory.
The Tides Between Us #58 [1:19:31] lizzie has a tattoo of "an amalgamation of birds and other things that fly up [her] arm.": the tattoo of the birds could be a memorial to ava, as we know that the ferins are associated with birds.
Not Ferin Well #53 [38:36] "I have already lost one daughter. I do not even consider that man my brother. If this is how you really feel, I do not wish to lose another.": jayson speaks of ava, drey and jay with the same grief. the two living characters have simply defected from the navy and the family, but he speaks of them as if they had died just like ava. the loss that jayson feels about ava may heavily be in part that same sense of betrayal and family division over the same issue of leaving the navy to become a pirate. he feels that in combination with the grief over her death, which outweighs the betrayal enough that he doesn't disown the same way that he does with drey. ava's defection also would've happened towards the end of her life not long before her death so that impression of her is not what lingers for jayson in comparison to his relationship with drey.
Not Ferin Well [39:04] "I won't hurt these pirates, but you [addressing Drey] will stay in here. And you Jay, Jay you will come home. I will see to it that you are back with your mother, away from this delinquency, whatever this rebellious phase might be.": jayson may recognise ava's rebelliousness in jay's actions. the reason that he's so overbearing with her is because he's scared that she will go down the same path that her sister and uncle did. he denied her the freedom that piracy would offer because he's always been afraid that she would like that better than life in the navy.
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carrierofpretzel · 5 months
I have severe Ava ferin brainrot and need to express this
they/them for Ava since its canon and she/her for Lizzie so its easier for me to process.
warning: shit grammar
I’ve been thinking about how much of the story might have changed if they had never met Lizzie, or if they had survived that night. If they never met Lizzie she might not have had as much motive to take down the navy. The Grandberry Pirates might not have been as strong. If they weren’t as strong of a crew they may have never met the Riptide pirates and if that happened Jay may have never met her Uncle, Gillion his sister and Chip his “sister”. If they were still powerful and had met what if Ava was there during the fight against Jayson! Or maybe even Jay may have became a strong navy captain and she would have stayed a traitor and turned in Chip and Gill. But if they had survived that night they might have joined Lizzie and became a Grandberry pirate. Based off this art of them which appears to be the same style as the main artist for JRWI (photo attached at end) it appears they have the same flaming hair and possibly immense power that their father had. If this is true they would be very useful for the pirates plus they already know the navy very well. If they had stayed in the navy it would be similar to the main plot most likely. Lizzie may have still been blamed for them getting into that situation and Lizzie may have had enough of a reason to try to overtake the navy. Maybe even during the first Jayson fight Ava might have helped and seen how little their dad seems to care for one of his daughters and foe his own brother Ava may have ended up fulling betraying if they had seen what was happening or maybe they’d stay and try to be like Kira and change it from the inside rather than the out. If she had stayed with the navy would she stay with Lizzie or leave her? I think about her so much and hate that shes so underrated.
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bizlybebo · 8 months
thank you for being so right about jay ferin, youre like a modern day prophet tbh. anyway your post reminded me of how insane I am about Adam Raised a Cain by Bruce Springsteen bc of how jay ferin coded it is like pleaseeeeeeeeee listen to it like im not crazy right?
amen brother i love jay ferin so much
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auguahguh. something something jay and her father hate each other (to a point; its almost impossible to truly hate your own child) but. but theyre the same in a sense. the only thing thats kept jay fighting for so long is that same fire that was in jayson's heart aughuaguagh. god.
and the general vibes of the song are so good too like UKJGREJKSG this is so edison kingdom + jay setting off on her own (ep 115) coded. she's sooo oigdjnetmrg
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looking-at-the-bottom · 2 months
(The envelope seems to be aware of Arlin's situation, as it reads itself in a voice Arlin recognizes to be Drey's, even if it's not as clear as it might have been before reaching down here.)
Dear Arlin, I know I was a stupid and young pirate, I don't think I learned how to grow up. There's a part of me that hopes this gets to you. The part that's finally matured knows it's as likely as a meeting with Jayson ending well.
(Drey seems to sniffle a bit, as though he's tearing up. As he talks, his voice cracks in parts.)
I however got the chance to meet someone who cares about me, who cared for me after saving me from that sea. I've had some memory issues, and as it turned out, we are married. I got separated from him hard, but I refound him, and I don't think I'll let this one go, not like...you.
(There's a hiccupped sob, and a pause before it continues.)
I'm getting remarried to him, so I can remember that special day this time. I know you couldn't, but it would mean the world to me if somehow, if the goddesses for once could choose to not hate us, you could come. It's on the 31th, so in 4 days, reach out if you can just...I'm sorry.
(He starts to more openly cry.)
I'm sorry that I failed you, failed Chip, failed Rose. It feels like I could have done something different, that I could have fixed it. It...I'm sorry.
(Active sobs start happening. He chokes them back, just to get out a final line.)
If it means anything, thank you for being there, whether or not you can make it. Greatest regards from the failed Sureshot, Drey Ferin-Stain. (The paper stops reading.)
Arlin flinched when he first hears the voice of his old friend come through from the paper. It takes a moment to reel back in from hearing the first sound other than his own voice and the sound of crashing water in over 10 years but after he does he carefully listens to all the words Drey has to say. He can feel the emotions start to rise up inside him and feels what he thinks is tears start to fall down his cheeks.
why did he have to be stuck in this god forbidden place? Why did he have to miss all the important events in his loved ones lives? Gods he wished more than anything to be there at Drey’s wedding. He cursed whatever god decided that this is the way his life should go.
he tries to get the message to replay, to be able to hear Drey’s voice once more but with it being so dark he finds it quite difficult and gives up after a bit
… I am so sorry Drey. I’m the one that failed. I wish I could be there too, buddy.
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for either of these characters?
Why should you vote for Mono? (1)
"He smol, he cute, he protecc (and holds hand!!) and he attacc"
mod note: i added six because it felt wrong to just have mono by themself. they are friends and holding hands
Why should you vote for the Albatrio? (1)
"Jay, Chip, and Gillion are so cool. They’re pirates in a fantasy world, but they kind of suck at being pirates and they keep SAVING ISLANDS.
Chip is an orphan who found family in the famous Black Rose Pirates, before their ship, the Midnight Rose, got caught in a horrible whirlpool. He ended up separated from everything he knew at only 9 years old. He found a gang, of sorts, led by a boy named Reuben Price. After refusing to kill a traitor and running away with a stolen boat, he tried to live up to the legacy of his caretaker on the Midnight Rose, Arlin James, and become a great pirate so that he could find him again and make him proud.
Jay Ferin is the daughter of Jayson Ferin, a well respected general in the NAVY, and Malenia “May” Ferin, the owner of a bar. Her uncle, Drey Ferin, left to go and join the Black Rose Pirates instead of be in the NAVY. Jay also trained to be a high ranking NAVY official, and her sister, Ava Ferin, was also a NAVY official before she was killed.
Chip came to the town where Jay and her mother lived and worked at their tavern, and told people stories. They ended up working together to save someone, and Chip won a bet against Jay. Since Jay lost, she agreed to join Chip’s pirate crew, and be the second member. Later, sailing the sea, they would find a fish man floating about, and he would join them too.
That brings us to Gillion Tidestrider, the third member of the up and coming pirate crew that would one day be known as the Riptide Pirates.
Gillion happened to be born on a specific day at a specific time while specific things were happening, and so was the Chosen One of the prophecy. He was so special that his parents gave him away to the elders! He endured harsh training, as he was destined to defeat evil, and also flood the world, but that’s not important yet. The elders told him that if he managed to do well, he would be accepted and loved. He never managed to do it, and despite being surrounded by people, he felt like he was alone. Except for when his sister, Edyn, visited, he was under a lot of stress. Eventually, Edyn was forced to stop visiting, but she gave him a pet frogtopus named Pretzel to keep him company. One day, the elders had a meeting with a human. Of course, Gillion had been taught that all humans were evil and that he should hate them, so he attacked the human. However, instead of being rewarded for following the teachings, he was banished from the Undersea. He was found by Chip and Jay, who let him in their pirate crew.
They had many adventures! They blew up a building, Gillion made a deal with a sketchy guy to save a town, they started a band and saved another town, they won a competition, they saved their friend and Drey Ferin from jail, they saw old friends again and Chip defeated an evil guy, and much more! And by much more, I mean the Riptide campaign is 97 episodes long not counting the Origins video and all episodes are over one hour and usually two hours. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff."
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