#i hate saying white cuz that’s an american term wtf
levbolton · 1 year
Or you can learn how to draw people of color without whitewashing or making charicatures, but sure, blame the art style and not your racism
Kinda cringe that you’re using anon, you must not be too confident if you can’t show yourself
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It’s not an artstyle, it’s about the skill
“When you draw faces it’s easy to gravitate towards the face you’re most familiar with”
Not being able to draw anime characters how you want them isn’t the same as choosing to draw them that way 💖 hope this helps since you’re incapable of understanding
If you are sooooooo sooooo against that how about you go for professionals that make that mistake and leave fanartists alone dipshit? It’s a hobby for passion, not to be stressed abt cuz a tumblr anon disliked it 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Or is it tht difficult to imagine that, if you live especially in an isolated and small community where everyone looks the same as you, it isn’t as easy to draw stuff that’s unfamiliar to you. Let me make it even more simple for a dumbfuck like you
You don’t choose to draw that character like that, it’s your god damn skill that limits you there at that moment. The people that draw for fun on the internet draw that stuff for them, not to please your eyes, if you are mad go do your own drawing don’t be a bitch about someone else’s creation that took time and effort. Or are people not allowed to draw anything and make mistakes and they have to be an instant master at it out of thin air?
By the way there’s also black artists that make japanese characters black, why? Because they can and bcs that’s what they want to draw. No one owes you anything for drawing a certain way. They are fucking drawings not real people and you should be more concerned about racism when it comes to people in flesh and blood cuz they are the only ones that feel the effets of racism not a few pixels on the internet you weirdo. Protect real people and be mad at people that actually choose to make caricatures or to whitewash and that have an audience bcs those are the only ones that spread hate, not your local small artist with 10 notes, or go hunt real people because on the internet no one gives a shit, voila you hide yourself behind the anon wall, do you think that would change anything in fromt of an actual racist?
Now piss off you stupid anon go cry cuz i cussed you like a give a fuck abt what a scaredy tumblr user somewhere in the world thinks about me
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Update: i remembered the ukiyo-e art, a while ago some japanese person told me that it used to represent even white people with thin eyes, would you call this a caricature? Ffs they drew them like that bcs japanese artists saw mainly japanese every day, only rarely a white person and even then they would go for the same artstyle bcs that’s what they knew how to draw
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