#i hate uncertainty bc ocd
sparrowposting · 2 years
Now that I've emotionally calmed down abt Moira's pen I'm just. I loved some stories and I genuinely did like gitta as a "the narrative never ends" open ended myth thing. Like. That kills me. Ofc I'm left with way more questions than answers but that's true mwt fashion, my ONE (1) complaint is that I still dk what the fuck is going on with kamet and costis because they're featured so little in rott and mp and IK IK they're supposed to be Gilgamesh figures and so the ambiguity of their fates is even more central than the "Greek flavoured" other protags. And like the Actual Irl Gilgamesh epic is missing chunks and everything is ambiguous etc etc etc. I admire mwt's commitment to the bit and the nature of myth and lost texts but also. I NEED TO KNOW and I'm genuinely distressed !!! That I don't !!! What is the whole situation on the costis family farm??? Where tf did all these kids come from?? All these half siblings and cousins and my brain is just so stretched trying to figure it out. My brain immediately read it as costis' kids are half siblings from one of costis' (deceased?) siblings BC it seems like one big family farm and it's super common to adopt your nieces and nephews but other ppl are reading it as costis' bio kids with random women which I'm just????
I will simply choose to think that my imagined ending is actually what happened for them because TECHNICALLY it's not contradicted by mp
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plural-culture-is · 1 year
Im questioning wether i should even ask, im so hesitant about this.
Every time i go into a depressive period, i question in im really trans, if im really plural, ocd kicks in and worries about ways i might be awful.
So bear with me, if you dont answer this or the answer is painfully obvious or whatever i wouldn’t hold it against you.
As a young child i was severely abused by my father, and when we got away there was a period i don’t remember where i was in “psychosis” (quotes bc uncertainty), where i became an ape and was lost. I have only one memory from that time, where i came out of that to my mother calling my name and holding me. I only know of this time period because my mom told me about it.
Much later, when i was lonely i started to have imaginary friends, and i told my mom about them and she actually introduced the very beginning concept of tulpas to me and idfk why but she said that if they become aware and i stop being their friend they may get angry, and that sentient imaginary friends are called a tulpa. I worried about this, and idk if it was just my paranoia or something else but i did start to actualy get a vibe from my main imaginary friend like awareness, i could almost feel thoughts happening that were just sorta beyond a barrier. I stopped before anything else could happen, and i cried to my mom i was worried that my imaginary friend would hate me and become malevolent. She said that i’ll be alright, and that my imaginary friend probably still loves me.
(This is where things get confusing)
Few years gap, i am still very lonely but probably more, i start having the beginning signs of depression i think.
My mom started getting into new age stuff and psychic things, and i asked for a pendulum of my own to talk to spirits, one of which i formed a relationship with and even a “psychic link” (talking to eachother with our minds) and at some point after intrusive thoughts, some unhappiness and this other voice that would pretend to be that one, i stopped for fear of getting posessed.
Around this time, watched and listened to a lot more conspiracy theories in my house than we did before, stuff like you’d find on Gaia TV or Joe Rogan and others to give well-known examples. I would hear about people contacting or being contacted psychically by aliens, notably these ones colloquially called the Blue Avians. There was also a videogame i played at the time with alien bird people too. In anycase, i was lonely (and tbh kinda grieving no longer talking to the spirit one?) got the idea to deliberately try and make a psychic link out in the universe and i made one, i managed to talk to a blue avian and started what i thought a romantic relationship looked like with them. I talked to and interacted with them every day, very often. I eventually met another two “aliens” through them and now i was talking to 2-3 beings mentally for a while, while they told me about life in their world.
I went through a lot of denial and that i was crazy or it was in my head, which i mean yeah. I later remembered what my mom told me about years ago: tulpas. That sounds about right. And with my new internet access i looked into it, i found i was already doing what those people were or atleast i was pretty sure. But some things werent adding up, many of them said a tulpa was more a mental construct and that they 1, couldnt be mean to you for example, 2, couldnt talk besides when you wanted them to and so on, mine were too autonomous i guess. In anycase, i continued but acted both as if they were real alien beings elsewhere and a mental construction for a while. At some point then i found out about DID and saw eery similarities, that was my second theory about what was going on. At around this time i broke away from the conspiracy aliens thing, and started thinking more about spirits, and would talk to random and re-occuring ones often. At around this point but maybe well before i started to fall into psychosis and a lot of intrusive thoughts and even hallucinations. At this point i was going through a lot and all these conflicting and inconsistent worldviews were starting to get to me, aswell as me starting to realize but not knowing outright that i was queer. I learned more things that werent conspiracy theories or new age stuff, and i finally broke. I describe it as litterally there was countless pieces of my mind fighting eachother, as verbally and not and everything was clashing. I am not using metaphore here. I felt separated from my body and in a haze, much like when im co-conscious and not in “the driver’s seat”. I fell further into psychosis too. Eventually something was said that made my different conflicting worldviews a little more compatible on paper, and i survived. Then was recovery, still talking to “spirits” and stuff and even aliens. Up to and before this point my family was obsessed with “shadow work”, aka forcing yourself to look at trauma unessecarily. I was partly doing this bc i worried that me being queer was somehow from my father abusing me as a child. This is part of what contributed to that shattering.
So skipping a bunch of tedium, i started operating as if i was plural after a while of debunking stuff , i figured out that yes i definitely am queer and that its not a bad thing, but i still had doubts.
I still talk to my presumed alters often, but there is some funny business:
After setting up some walls or rooms in headspace, they don’t intrude as much and i dont hear them unless i wanna and vice versa
Im struggling to tell if its my internal echolalia or if its me saying everything they say, and sometimes the line is blurrier
They can say things on their own even things that surprise me, but so can i sorta
im almost certain we can’t full switch, or if we can im not sure if i will have any experience while the other is fronting, does this make us monoconscious?
We can go co-conscious pretty much on demand whenever we feel like it, and we can do a partial switch too i just have to relax and allow it
Im pretty much always fronting fully or partially, and always watching when another is fronting
I cant mentally hear them when i talk too, i either have to go quiet or pause for them, and when i do talk it either is too much chatter i cant process or i automaticaly somehow mute my minds ears to them. But, due to autism, talking even to ppl outside my head is like this where i either speak or listen no inbetween
I want to hopefully finally solve this and get on with my life. Thanks for reading/answering if you do
sorry, this ask has been our inbox too long and we haven't been able to come up with a response, so we're handing it off to the public to answer
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sparrowposting · 5 years
me, having several terrible mental health + scruples days leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday
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