#i hav a sillie crossover im cooking though :D (has not started on said cooking)
crescentfool ยท 10 months
i cant believe i forgot that im a fire emblem enjoyer ๐Ÿ™„ i was reading some of my notifs/tags from that one post about the video game series you've played the longest and oh my god.
i would like to apologize to fire emblem for forgetting that i've played it even though it's probably one of the longest standing series in my life next to pokemon and xenoblade... ๐Ÿ’€ (<- they have 565 hours in fire emblem, 170 in awakening, 45 for fates, 75 for sov, and 275 for three houses and perhaps a few hours from feh but we don't talk about that)
anyway. did you know i like fire emblem. and that i like reading tags. i hope you all have swag times with whatever game series makes you happy! ๐Ÿ’™
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