#i have a full four classes next semester LAMEEE. but im probably gonna drop one cause idgaf i like leaving early
muirneach · 5 months
my semester ends at the end of this month so as soon as i go back tomorrow we start finals season. not ideal. but im actually really really sad that the semester is almost over because for the first time in so many years ive been really excited to be at school because of my woodshop class. like yes ive been more miserable than ever (arguably) yes i have zero friends and yes god i hate my english class so much and i cant wait to leave it behind. but… what am i gonna do without shop? truthfully its my only class where i feel a semblance of belonging and a inkling of friendship with most of the people in it because its a very small class. and i love my teacher. and its like directly related to everything i love because its got agriculture and forestry and aquaculture etc etc. man :( but next semester is my last semester of high school ever!! which is so excitingggg. i keep telling myself next semester will rule specifically because i get to take a sewing and pattern drafting college course which i AM pumped about 🙏
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