#oh this was rambly. yep 1 30am probably time to go to bed!!
muirneach · 9 months
my semester ends at the end of this month so as soon as i go back tomorrow we start finals season. not ideal. but im actually really really sad that the semester is almost over because for the first time in so many years ive been really excited to be at school because of my woodshop class. like yes ive been more miserable than ever (arguably) yes i have zero friends and yes god i hate my english class so much and i cant wait to leave it behind. but… what am i gonna do without shop? truthfully its my only class where i feel a semblance of belonging and a inkling of friendship with most of the people in it because its a very small class. and i love my teacher. and its like directly related to everything i love because its got agriculture and forestry and aquaculture etc etc. man :( but next semester is my last semester of high school ever!! which is so excitingggg. i keep telling myself next semester will rule specifically because i get to take a sewing and pattern drafting college course which i AM pumped about 🙏
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mugenloopdalove · 9 months
oh nice, you probably have a good idea what it's like then. sometimes i feel bad for the people just getting into overnight work because you really don't know what it's like until you're on shift. anyways, you probably know this stuff already but the best advice i can give is that, like, sometimes you're going to have to force yourself to go outside and touch grass. not in the tumblr way, but in the "i accidentally haven't seen the sun in 3 days and now my brain is melting" kind of way. basically, even if you think you don't need it, you need to see the light of day every few days or your brain turns to soup. and if your brain starts to feel like it's on fire, it's probably time to go sit in the sun for a few hours.
some other things i've noticed/tips: overnight work can get really boring, so i started playing a bunch of games that scratch my brain but are short. i think idol games are probably good for this but i personally took up word games, crosswords, and solitaire. it also helps me to keep a list of things to do when i get bored out of my mind on shift. loneliness is also a really big problem for overnight workers, so i recommend finding something in your off time where you're seeing people face to face. i volunteer, but sometimes i just wander around main st of my town so i can see people in real life, even if i don't talk to them. i've found that a lot of little things like that help, even if i don't think they will.
i also want to say that balancing time can be a nightmare in a way that day shift workers don't understand. having all of your 'personal time' before work can actually really suck, so please make sure to build in at least an hour of downtime before you go to bed after shift. going to bed directly after work sucks in so many ways. people are also gonna be shitty about it, particular people you make appointments with or talk to on the phone. i had to record a very blunt phone message saying not to call me before 1 pm because my family was giving me so much shit about not being up in the mornings. it was a little rudely worded, but it worked. i recommend just being firm with anyone who tries to say anything (ie "I won't be there, it's before my wake up time, that's final")
that's all i got for now (actually about to get off of my shift rn l o l) but i really wish you the best of luck. i think of you as a friend even though we don't talk much and i hope this works for you. i hope you're able to get this job if you want it and i hope working overnights works out for you if that's what you'd like to do. (also i know you have kitties so pls give one a pat from me, your strange rambly anon? ty)
OH YEAH FOR SURE, i had a bit of whiplash when i first started even tho ive always been the kind of person that stays up til the sun is up lol. and my husband was the same (it was even worse for them bc they used to be more of a morning person before starting overnight and literally went from working 6:30am-6:30pm to doing the opposite)
YEP i struggle w this anyway and my husband drags me places so i can get out. my husband themself goes on hikes w our dog sometimes, i dont rlly think i could manage that bc walking hard but maybe if i brought my cane and we found some short trails :) but even just like. going to the store while its still light out would probably work (even though thats near impossible this time of year. love winter but why do they turn off the lights so early)
oh yeah, when i worked overnight i was usually like, playin lil puzzle games and stuff, or reading. i got a LOT of reading done back then. this job is kind of a cleaning job from what i can tell so i might not have time for that kind of stuff, but who knows, ill probably have some downtime. it also sounds like ill have coworkers but i def felt the loneliness when i was at the gas station. luckily my brother was enough and im sure my husband will be, and i know ill at the very least have a supervisor (my husband is lucky they have lots of coworkers, many of wish they consider friends on their shift lol)
yeah, hubby sometimes goes to bed right after if theyre like. on their 3rd shift in a row, but they usually make time to chat. i usually would stay up and scroll tumblr for a bit after work, i can't sleep right after work either unless im just TIRED tired.
OH DONT GET ME STARTED ON PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTANDING YOURE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THE DAY i think my PARENTS would at least know because theyre used to it from me working overnight a year+ when i lived there, and my brother doing overnight work as well, but like. in general my husband has such a hard time getting people, their parents included, to understand "hey i am not available during the day" (but since when did my in laws understand a fuckin thing in the world)
thank you very much!!! i hope u have a good shift friend ^^
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spn-ficfanatic · 7 years
The One Moment- Ch7: The Anniversary
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Chapter Summary: For your one year anniversary you’re headed to… VanCon! The most romantic location on Earth! Complete with screaming fans and cosplay, it’s your one-stop destination for luuurrve.
Genre: Big fluff. Massive fluff. So much fluff it’ll make your teeth rot.
Words: 2903
Warnings: Mild swearing
A/N: This song is featured in the last half of the fic, I highly recommend you check it out. Not only is it a great song, but anyone who knows OK Go will know they make some pretty insane music videos! 
“I’m just… happy. And I love you,” you replied, placing a kiss on his nose. He brushed his hand lightly across your cheek and his face became serious.
“Y/N, I’ve never before loved anyone like I love you. And for what it’s worth, when I look into my future you’re all I see.”
“Dammit Jensen,” you sighed, pulling back from Jared suddenly feeling very self-conscious.
“Don’t be embarrassed babe, you have nothing to be worried about. It was nice to find out you feel the exact same way as me, if it makes you feel better,” he told you, burrowing his head into your neck and resting there.
And it was there he stayed until he was called back to set, each of you feeling like a weight had been lifted from your collective shoulders.
You could hardly believe your 1 year anniversary was already upon you. The time really had completely flown by in a mix of dinners and pranks and weekends away and midnight romps (the latter much to Jensen’s disgust). You had yet to make plans, unfortunately the date fell on a convention so no doubt you’d be celebrating either before or after the event, and while that was a little disappointing you knew that the job came first.
The week before, you were busy doing paperwork when you heard a knock on your office door. You were thrilled when Jared opened the door, and bounded across the room directly into his arms.
“Wow, hi babe! To what do I owe this greeting?” Jared laughed as he gracefully spun you around on the spot.
“A few dozen cups of coffee, give or take. And, you know, the simple pleasure of your company,” you told him, reaching up for a kiss before sighing contently and moving back to your desk. “Most the coffee though,” you added with a wink.
“Man, I should come say hi more often,” he smiled, sitting down at the chair opposite you. “Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Fire away,” you reply, pushing the papers on your desk aside and sitting your pen down, giving him your undivided attention.
“So, I was just wondering if Eric needed you to come to Vancon this year,” Jared began, and you raised a curious eyebrow.
“I wasn’t planning to no. I expected he’d want me to stay here and proofread the new scripts but I haven’t asked yet.”
“Well don’t. Because I was kind of hoping you’d come along this year. With me. As my date.”
“Hun. This is a Con, not a prom.”
“I know I know it’s just, well, it falls right on our anniversary and with Lacey working all the time I just hate the idea of you being alone,” he replied, looking down at his hands to avoid your gaze.
You frowned, and lifted his chin with your hand to force him to look at you.
“Sweety, I promise I would be ok. But if you’re sure you’re alright with my being there that’s fine too, I don’t want to distract you from your work but I DO want to be with you. Usually I get to see the Con’s from the other side; this could be a lot of fun actually,” you replied, liking the idea more and more as you talked about it. “Maybe Lace could even get the time off, she’d totally love cos playing as Sam Winchester,” you teased, which garnered a smile from Jared.
“That would be a lot of fun. See if you can tee it up?” he asked, giving you a kiss before his phone started to ring. “Crap, they need me back.”
“It’s ok hun, I’ll see you at lunch.”
You blew him a kiss as he walked out the door, and spun around in your chair with glee once he was out of sight.
You were thrilled to get to your hotel after what ended up being a fairly stressful week. Jared and Jensen had already headed downstairs to finalise some business with the convention so you took the opportunity to call Lacey. Sprawled out on the bed, you kicked off your shoes and sighed contently.
“Living in the lap of luxury are we?” Lacey greeted you on the other line.
“This bed is made out of clouds or something, I swear,” you replied with a smile.
“Well, you’ll have to give me a demonstration when I get there in the morning. Breakfast in bed!” she whooped with excitement. “I could only get a crappy single on level one… I’m betting my bed is made of razor blades.”
“Nah, they’d spring for hay at least, you’ll be comfy enough. Hell, Mary gave birth in a stable so it can’t be too pricky.”
“If you say so. Worse case scenario I’ll just come up and kick Jared out of the bed. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“Funny thing is, he’d probably happily take the sofa,” you replied with a smile.
“Yer, dude, what’s with you getting all the good ones?” she whined. “ANYway, I’ll be there around 7:30am ok?”
“Sure, and hey come straight up to our room, we can have breakfast with the cast. Buffett and all,” you told her.
“Food, glorious food,” she started singing down the line. “Shit ok, I better go, my supervisor just walked past. Byies!” she rambled quickly before hanging up, leaving you rolling with laughter on the bed at the image of her singing in the hospital hallway with her boss in earshot. You calmed yourself long enough to hear Jared open the door, followed closely behind by Jensen.
“Hey guys, how’s it all going?” you asked, rolling up into a sitting position on the bed.
“Yep, all the arrangements have been made. What were you laughing at?” Jared asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. You shrugged.
“Just listening to Lace embarrass herself in front of her boss. So you know, nothing new.”
“So, what are you crazy kids gonna get up to tomorrow?” Jensen asked, sitting on the couch opposite you with a bottle of water, while Jared sat next to you on the bed.
“I figure after breakfast we’ll see as many panels as we can, check out some of the costumes. You know, the usual thing.”
“There’s a concert on tomorrow night that you should check out,” Jared added, taking a sip from his water.
“Maybe. Will you guys be there?”
“We might make an appearance,” Jensen replied non-committedly, catching Jared’s eye.
“Well, is it worth going if you won’t be?” you asked. “What actually is this concert?”
“Rob will be playing with his band. They’ll belt out some songs, hopefully the crowd will get into it… sounds like it’ll be a great night, you should definitely check it out,” Jared said, pulling you in to kiss your temple before jumping up and heading for the bathroom to brush his teeth.
“Well yer, ok, I guess we will,” you told him. “Promise me we at least get to have an anniversary dinner on Sunday night babe?” you called out, glad to hear a muffled sound in the affirmative coming from the bathroom between brushes.
The day went by in a complete blur. Jared let Lacey in at 7:30am before hopping in the shower, leaving her to bounce on the bed and wake you up in a frazzle. Once you’d managed to slow your heartrate down you both began excitedly preparing your day. She seemed SUPER excited about the concert and left no room for negotiation on your attendance, so you locked that one in. A few panels, silly photos and shopping for merchandise later you found yourself an hour out from the concert and despite yourself feeling a bit down.
“Hey Y/N, what’s wrong?” Lacey asked you concerned, as you both got ready. You shrugged.
“I dunno, it’s dumb. I just, it’s our anniversary tomorrow and I haven’t seen him all day. Like, properly seen him. If we hadn’t gone to the panels I actually wouldn’t have laid eyes on him since breakfast,” you pouted. “I came so we could try and get some time together but it hasn’t happened at all yet.”
“Awww, come here babe,” Lacey cooed, arms outstretched inviting you in for a hug. You approached and was reaching for the embrace when you instead received a slap on the back of the head.
“HEY! Geez Lace, what was that for?” you cried, rubbing your scalp.
“Dude, I’ve not had sex for like a year so take that whining elsewhere,” she told you in playful annoyance before softening. “You know he’s going to try and meet us at the concert, and you’ve still got your romantic dinner thing tomorrow night. So just come out and have fun and be glad to have him to cuddle up to when you get back, OK?”
You sighed and nodded your head before Lacey pulled you in for a proper hug, pulling away quickly when she remembered her hair straightener was ready for her.
A few hours later you both found yourselves downstairs in the concert hall, hot and sweaty from the continuous dancing. You’d not yet seen Jared and were considering heading up to your room at that point, when Lacey seemed to sense this and grabbed you even harder. She was having the time of her life, and while you were definitely enjoying yourself you knew you’d be just as happy watching a movie with Jared.
“I know what you’re thinking. Just, like, 30 more minutes ok?” Lacey yelled out above the music, giving you her best impression of Sam’s puppy dog eyes knowing you couldn’t resist that.
“You suck, you know that?” you told her dryly before groaning loudly. “OK, I’ll give you 15 more and then I’m out.”
“15 Lace! No negotiating.”
“GAH! OK fine! Here, hold my purse for a sec I better check my phone.”
You continued to watch Rob on stage and move around tiredly to the music while Lacey appeared to be writing a SMS, presumably work.
“Can’t they leave you alone for even one day?” you asked her.
“Work, right?”
“Oh, right. Yes, a doctor’s work is never done babe, you know that,” she replied with a wink before putting her phone away and turning back to the stage. The song was slowing down and you watched as Rob made a concerted effort to listen into his earpiece. Apparently someone was telling him something.
“OK guys, we have a special treat for y’all,” Rob called into the microphone, the last song fading into the background. “Can we all please welcome Jensen Ackles to the stage!!”
You looked around in amusement as the crowd went wild. You had given up expecting them to “make an appearance” as Jensen had suggested the night before, so this was a pleasant surprise. He gave Rob a hug before taking the microphone and moving to the front of the stage.
“HELLO VANCOUVER!” he cried out, like the big dork rock star he thinks he is you thought to yourself with a grin. “So it’s just me for the moment, Paddles should be out soon but there’s something else I wanna do before he does. I understand my best mate Y/N is in the audience with y’all. I mean, she’s also Jared’s girlfriend but you know she likes me better,” he added with a wink.
You brought your hand to your face with a laugh, hiding in embarrassment while a few of the fans turned around and gave you a friendly smile. A few started pointing you out to Jensen and you weakly raised your hand to grab his attention. His face lit up when he saw you and he pointed enthusiastically.
“There she is! Looking all hot and sweaty like the rest of you, good look Y/N/N,” he nodded and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Alright alright, so we’re gonna do something a little different right now. As some of you might know it’s Y/N and Jared’s anniversary tomorrow and he wanted me to organise a little something special.”
The crowd screamed loudly and clapped in celebration, and you were starting to wonder where this was headed. Was Jared really going to make you celebrate this without him? Almost like he read your mind he answered for you.
“He’ll be out any second but maybe we should we just start, whadda you say Rob?”
He nodded and the band started playing. You looked at them in confusion as you realized the song that was playing, that Jensen was preparing to sing. It wasn’t a Louden Swain song you’d ever heard before, nor a rock song which seemed to be the popular choice of the night. It was your favourite, the one you had danced to the night you met Jared at the bar you recalled. You looked at Lacey in confusion, and your heart skipped a beat as she looked at you with a soft smile and glistening eyes.
“Lace, what the-“
“Just shut up and listen Y/N,” she told you, turning you back to the stage and wrapping her arm around your shoulders.
You relented, still confused but loving the song and swaying to the music, unable to help yourself singing along to the first verse. As the chorus swelled the fans around you got into it as well, holding their phones in the air and swaying them above their heads.
And this will be The one moment that matters And this will be The one thing we remember And this will be The reason to have been here And this will be The one moment that matters at all
As the second verse began, you gasped as an image of yourself and Jared was suddenly projected onto the wall behind the band and fans started screaming around you. Jensen continued to sing and glanced above to see, grinning as he turned back to you to watch your reaction. It was your favourite picture, one taken at the zoo just a few months prior, and your heart started pumping faster at the sight. You barely heard the people around you as you continued to watch the pictures change with each line of the song, each one a different picture of you and Jared doing something together. Feeding each other lasagna, hiding behind a wall ready with a bucket of water to tip on Jensen’s head, piggybacking around set. You turned to Lacey again and she was watching you, tears now falling freely and hugging your side tightly.
“Is this…“
You didn’t finish, and she didn’t answer. She gave you a kiss on the cheek before taking your hand and leading you to the front of the stage in a skip. You followed behind in a daze, still watching the pictures and trying not to trip over anyone in the process. Thankfully you had parked yourselves not too far from the front, but as the moments went on you realized this wasn’t by accident.
And this will be The one moment that matters And this will be The one thing we remember And this will be The reason to have been here And this will be The one moment that matters at all
So won't you stay here with me And we'll build until we've blistered our hands So won't you stay here with me We'll build us some temples We'll build us some castles We'll build us some monuments And burn them all right down
Just then Jared appeared on the stage, dressed to the nines in a suit and tie holding a bunch of roses. You had to hold onto Lacey for fear of your legs giving out, as he walked towards you with purpose. He looked nervous but elated as he strode toward you, the band still playing to your deaf ears at that point. There was literally only one thing you could focus on right at that one moment and that was the man coming toward you. As he reached the front he held out his hand and Lacey made to lift you up. You took your shaky hand and placed it in his, allowing them to get you onto the stage without any effort on your part. Jared took both your hands in his and looked into your eyes contentedly, and as the last chorus started he knelt down onto one knee.
You were the only people in the room at that point, though Lacey would later tell you the noise was deafening. He didn’t say anything as he looked at you from the ground, pulling a ring box from his pocket and opening it to reveal a beautiful opal ring you’d seen and admired several months prior. Never one for tradition, you had commented in passing that you’d happily wear that ring the rest of your life and Jared wisely took the hint. You both just looked into each other’s eyes and had a silent conversation. After a few seconds he mouthed 2 simple words to you, words he knew you couldn’t misread.
“Will you?” he asked, his eyes started to brim with tears.
You at this point however were a sobbing mess. You couldn’t stop the tears flowing and within less than a second you started laughing and nodding furiously. He smiled madly at you as he slipped the ring onto your finger and leapt up to embrace you. You leaned in to kiss him, trying to keep it PG but realizing you were probably failing miserably as loud whooping came from the crowd.
You looked around to find your friends. Jensen had finished singing, leaving the rest of the song with Rob, and had brought Lacey onto the stage while you’d been distracted, watching from a few metres back to give you your privacy. Well, as much as you could get on a stage in front of a few hundred fans and cameras. At your invitation they raced forward and you all hugged as Rob finished the song, none of you caring that the World was watching right at that moment… that one moment.
This will be The one moment that matters And this will be
The one moment that matters at all
BONUS CHAPTER: In Sickness & In Health HERE
“Everything” Tag List - @angelsandwinchesters , @grace-for-sale, @growningupgeek, @nanie5, @iamnotsaneatall
“The One Moment” Tag List - @pansexualmoose, @winchester-writes, @winchester-lover999, @fandomoniumflurry, @oneshoeshort, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @the–real-wombat, @demonic-meatball, @waywardlodging, @lelifesaver, @imaginationisgrowth
If you asked and I forgot to tag you I’m so immensely sorry, don’t be scared to send me an Ask!
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