#i have a gazillion more im putting into bookmarks
megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Misc Star Wars Fic Recs (part 1)
black runs the space between the stars by essayofthoughts
It welcomes her when she twists her hand at her side as though to caress the great invisible shadow that follows her footsteps. She welcomes it as it nips at her ankles and guides her down this path and that until she finds new people to meet and new places to hide.
It sings in her head, too, strange songs no ear can hear, and the maids of the court think her strange as she tilts her head to follow the strange slow song that rings her round.
Second Hope by bornofstars
In his eagerness, the Padawan almost falls over himself, bursting into their chambers. Anakin and Obi-Wan share a look of confusion at the child’s sudden appearance.
“Apologies, Masters,” He says, panting for breath. “But I thought you should know - There’s a Sith in the Room of A Thousand Fountains.”
“I beg your pardon, Padawan?”
Cold, hard house of gold by lovesfrogs
Ahsoka didn't mean to activate her and Anakin's unfinished project early, but it just kind of happened. It shoots her off to… the Jedi Council? And is that Anakin sitting in one of those chairs?
capacitance by jessepinwheel
"Oh, Cody," General Kenobi says softly, in a tone of voice that makes Cody cold with dread. "Since this war started, I have never not been in pain."
Or: The story where Obi-Wan takes on other people's pain because he's that kind of a person.
How to scrap battledroids by meridianpony
From a prompt: …basically Anakin and The Boys make a skillshare about how to scrap battledroids but about halfway through Tup makes a hair routine class, then other troopers post their hobbies and basically thats how they win the public over to support the clones.
once i called you brother by gracethescribbler
Rex can't leave his brothers alone to serve the Empire after Order 66, so he goes with them and pretends to be under the control of the chip so he can help them escape. Dealing with what's left of his brothers and his General turns out to be the hardest part. -
|to failure, sweet victor| by littlekaracan
The man behind the doorway is holding a vibroblade. He has a scar crawling down his face and a dozen more elsewhere, and he’s regained enough strength to knock the breath out of Obi-Wan’s lungs once he slams him into the wall and brings down the blade.
“Good morning,” Obi-Wan says, ducking out of the way.
The man wearing Cody’s face snarls and aims better.
Time travel in the Star Wars universe by shadecrawler
Finn has fought in three armies and it is his opinion that the Clone army is the strangest of the three.
Or how Finn went back in time and gained a family full of older brothers.
The family amidala by dirgewithoutmusic
Padme lives. She runs.
Leia is growing in fits and spurts, eating greedily and crying loudly. She stays in a sling on Padme’s chest when they move, Luke held snug in a sling around Obi Wan’s. Luke gets a whole head of thick brown hair while Leia’s is still patchy and bald, but he never matches his sister’s powerful lungs.
When Padme had been sitting in her high senatorial apartment on Corsucant, holding Anakin’s sweaty hand, she had never imagined she’d be murmuring desperately soothing noises to her fussy daughter while she shot around a corner at stormtroopers, while R2D2 meddles with a ship’s blast doors behind her.
Luke starts teething on a hot jungle planet where they hunker down for three weeks, sleeping in an abandoned old temple and catching the local wildlife for dinner. Leia takes her first steps in the belly of a Corellian freighter they’ve stowed away on. She wobbles between Padme’s outstretched hands and Obi Wan’s knees and boxes of smuggled luxuries. When she falls down, Obi Wan surges forward, heart in his throat, but Leia laughs. -
scream into the void dear (where everyone can hear) by afearsomecritter (jsaer)
Archival Record 2856. 212. 389jR_0000332.TwS_Tatooine. Vault 501 Box 3489, File 222224. Audio Recording, Early Banite Empire (2nd Age) [Tentative], Early Golden Empire (1st Age) [Tentative]. Condition: Poor-Moderate, see associated notes.
“This is High General-No.”
“Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I-kriff”
“-name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am-was-am a Master of the Jedi Order. I am creating this recording for-”
It’s the quiet that gets to him.
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structureurself · 5 years
Robin Hood
I’m tired of people saying they do not have money to invest. You have money to invest, you just refuse to accept it. Obviously if you have no job, live on the street, you do not.
But, if you work, go to taco bell, buy an eighth a week, stay up all night with your best buds playing video games, and have a bank account balance of 36.33$... 24.10$** (Netflix auto pay) You got enough to invest. Invest 15-30$ a week. It will grow. 
“Alan, what if a company stock looses value, than I’m fucked!” Not necessarily. 
Yes it is true, if you put a ton of money into a company and they disappear, you are up shits creek. But you do not have to do something so illogical and stupid like that. I want you to bookmark 2 pages ... Investopedia and Streetinsider.
The first page is an encyclopedia of anything finance/investing related. Im going to use a lot of words that you might not know, it is not my job to tell you what they mean all the time. Learn to be resourceful. Kids used to have to go to the library, shit, humans used to have to DIE to learn. We live in a cushioned world now. I’m in my Pjs, on my couch with my phone, laptop and a few books on the table. Im comfortably reading articles on the Wall Street Journal website, graphs on different stocks and dividend payment histories, trying to make an educated decision on what stocks I will buy monday morning.
By the way, street insider is a good website to check dividend history.
Whats a dividend? Ill break my “aint my job” rule already, it is a sort of “reward” the company pays the stock holder for holding said stock. How often do they pay? Usually monthly, quarterly or I believe annually. I don't know everything, in fact I don't know much at all. 
So how much do they pay you ask? Depends on the type of company, price of the stock and other factors. Like I said, type in Dividend on investopedia it will give you an entire breakdown and you can go down a rabbit hole of terms you don't know. Trust me.
I will give you an example of a personal stock I own and show you their earnings. 
Ticker symbol MCD: McDonalds
January 2018: stock of McDonalds would have costly you roughly 166.00
In that year, the Face Value (market price of the stock) went to 176ish (Now its like 203). That year they payed each stock holder for each stock 1$ for three quarters and 1.16$ the last quarter of 2018. 
So theoretically, for putting a 166.00 in the beginning of 2018, you made 10 bucks on the face value (but that doesn't matter at the moment because you did not sell it) and they payed you 4.16$ that year for holding it. 
Big deal fuck head, right? Wrong. 
You got 4.16$ for nothing. For “holding” a stock? Risking 166$ for a company that has been paying dividends for a consecutive 45 years straight. If you had McDonalds stocks in the 90s, you would have been set now. Now that 4.16$... should you buy some gum? maybe 2 gallons of gas for your car? 
Naw, let it “Compound”. It is a term basically meaning you let your money work for you, by buying more stocks. Now, imagine if you had 100 stocks of McDonalds... 416.00 annually/104 quarterly reinvested to buy 3 more McDonalds or other stocks. Thats money you did not have before. By the way, McDonalds is a super power, they will continue to make money as you get older, and the stock will appreciate. We can only hope that is.
McDonalds is not the only stock that pays dividends, in fact theoretically, if you bought lets say 166$ of STAG a REIT (Real estate investment trust) it would have given you about 5 shares, making you .50-.55 cents monthly amounting to about 6$ annually. Go read about REITs, they are very fruitful because they pay their shareholders 90% of their earnings. 
You might be saying, well dude I don't have 20,000$ and stuff like well bruh 20,000 investment and Im only getting 6-700$ a year? Sure. You could lets say open a food cart with that money and make more money, but will you? Will you do anything but work the same job, hang out with friends, play video games and smoke weed? I hope you will do something else, but how I see a lot of people ages 18-25 maybe even 30, no they don't do anything else. They spend hundreds of thousands on bullshit they're whole lives and who knows what will happen when no one is there to wipe their ass at 80.
This long rant is not about what stock to buy, it is not stating that you need 20,000$, 166$, and dividends are not the only way to make money in the stock market. This is purely to get you thinking. This rant is about how you should start investing small amounts, and the most friendly brokerage system for broke kids starting out or sitting in college dorms is Robinhood. 
Im going to post my link for my RobinHood referral, giving us both a free stock if you join. I like how Im speaking to a hypothetical audience and I believe no one is even reading this, but in the case that you are:
One of the most successful investors in the world is Warren Buffet. You might have heard of him, maybe not. Old white dude, is worth gazillions. The man prides his education on books and reading. I think it is said he doesn't have a computer or some shit. Listening to him on youtube is all fine and dandy, but I suggest you take his advice and READ. It is so simple! Read, google will give you all the definitions. Just read! Work and READ. I guarantee if you are not happy because you cannot find a job that pays well, and you are just constantly wasting your time doing other things. Just read. Google what books to read for beginning investors, go on investopedia and check out there investing 101 stuff. Just read guys it is honestly that easy. It makes you smart, resourceful and if you are ugly maybe it will help you get laid.
And open the account, I want the free stock.
Dont buy anything dumb yet, maybe read on in my tumbr to get ideas but honestly the amount of free information out there is incredible. Wallstreet journal is great. they cost 1$ for the first 15 weeks if you are a student and there is another deal for non students. But honestly, unless you NEED to know like me, just go download free book PDFs like the Intelligent Investor and other good reads suggested by the internet. Reading is free. It is powerful and you should be grateful you have the ability to do so. Not everyone is so fortunate.
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